Cover V01, I01
Listing 1
Sidebar 1


Orchestrating a Kinder, Gentler Disaster

Dorian Deane

When a system crashes, the system administrator's goal is to return the system, as closely as possible, to its original state. Presumably, any system administrator worthy of the title will have the backups required to accomplish this, but how quickly? Magnetic tape, the media of necessity for most system administrators, is notoriously slow, and that means that a single misstep, such as having to read a tape twice because of poor planning, can cost hours of downtime. Making the situation even worse is the time dilation factor: that well-known phenomenon in which time slows in direct proportion to the number of people waiting for you to finish your task.

The corruption of a single file system is generally not a disaster -- merely a time-consuming annoyance. My definition of a disaster involves the loss of an entire shared disk or even loss of the server itself. Under these circumstances, the system administrator had better be ready to approach the problem creatively. After months without a major crash, getting the right answer to questions you had thought were easy all at once becomes critical. How many file systems from the newly deceased disk were absolutely necessary to get users working again? Did that disk provide any swap area? Which clients imported files from it? Can the most important partitions be restored to another disk so that you can worry about the repair process later? Each one of these questions can be answered in some way, but few of them can be answered quickly -- unless you have prepared in advance.

The information most difficult to recapture from tape is the underlying disk structure. If a disk loses its label, the system administrator may be left floundering as he or she tries to make reasonable guesses about what the users need. Recreating the original disk label is sometimes vital, but not always easy (and almost never quick) given the information stored by a typical backup system -- such as one based on the standard dump and restore programs. Getting the swap partition right is particularly important, and no longer simply a matter of using the swap area that came on your preconfigured system. Swap requirements get bigger every year: where it used to be just Lisp developers who sat outside your door whining for a bigger swap partition, lately even applications written entirely in C are requiring hundred-megabyte swap areas.

Leaving disk problems alone for a moment, consider what happens if your main disk server starts spitting smoke and fire (most likely, just as you were getting ready to go home for the evening). If you have a spare machine ready and waiting, you are in an unusual and privileged position. The rest of us end up making an eleventh-hour decision to designate a client as the new server, and suddenly it becomes important to know which clients imported which file systems. Intelligent approximations will get you much of the way home, particularly in a homogeneous environment, but the occasional odd situation can cause real trouble. Again, it's trivial to mount tape after tape and read in every fstab and exports file, but this can take massive amounts of time.

The Bourne Shell script in Listing 1, which I call dkmap, answers these problems quite simply. For a network of one or two systems, the script is a mere convenience, giving the system administrator a means to easily automate an already fairly trivial task. The larger the network, the more useful dkmap becomes. dkmap queries each machine in its host list for various information, the most important being the labels of all attached disks. The other information it gathers can be used as a map of shared file systems in the network. Answering questions such as "Was /usr/local on partition d or e?" becomes easy. This information is on your backup tapes, but if you ever have to stream through a 2-Gigabyte tape for nothing more than a file system table, you'll know the meaning of frustration. Some administrators wing it -- they know the systems and can make reasonable guesses -- but many users, particularly application developers, are picky enough that a reasonable guess won't do.

Parts I and II of dkmap could be simplified, but I find it convenient to have it formatted this way. If your system configuration changes often, you may want to run it from crontab, once a week, sending the output to a printer. You will probably want to run dkmap after hours; it does not run quickly because it is thorough -- rather than assuming that you have all disk types listed in your fstab, it patiently tries each disk in DISK_LIST for device identifiers from 0 to 9. One of the more interesting techniques in the script is the method of copying a script to a remote machine and then executing it; though this trick strays from the goal of simplicity, it saves a lot of extra rshs and satisfies a preference of my own by not requiring installation of a separate script on each remote machine.

The dkmap script was written to run in a Sun environment. It is a given that changes need to be made for it to run on other systems. I have tried to place comments at all points in the script where I suspect there will be portability issues, and in one instance, I've added a case statement to resolve one of the most obvious problems in a heterogeneous network. Error-checking is minimal; I did not feel justified in doubling the length of the script to make it only a little more robust. Use it and enjoy -- I find myself running to look at its printout at least once every couple of months.

About the Author

Dorian Deane has been a UNIX systems programmer/administrator for the last five years. He currently works with the Advanced Decisions Systems division of Booz, Allen and Hamilton. You may contact Dorian at [email protected].