Cover V01, I01
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Sidebar 1
Table 1
Table 2


Listing 1

?RCS: $Header$
?RCS: $Log
?MAKE:d_strcspn d_strspn: contains libc
?MAKE:  -       pick add $@ %*
?S:     This variable conditionally defines the STRSPN symbol,
?S:     which indicates         that the strspn() routine exists.
?S:     The strspn() routine is normally part   of the USG
?S:      strings package, but some BSD systems have it.
?S:     This variable conditionally defines the STRCSPN symbol,
?S:     which indicates that the strcspn() routine exists.
?S:     The strcspn() routine is normally part of the USG
?S:     strings package, but some BSD systems have it.
?C:     This symbol, if defined,
?C:     indicates that the strcspn() routine exists.
?H:?%1:#$d_strspn       STRSPN  /**/
?H:?%1:#$d_strcspn      STRCSPN /**/
: see if strspn exists
set strspn d_strspn
eval $inlibc

: see if strcspn exists
set strcspn d_strcspn
eval $inlib