Publisher's Forum
Welcome to the first issues of SysAdmin. We sincerely
hope you find the
contents readable, useful, informative, and intellectually
stimulating. That
is our mission: to provide you with useful information
and tools -- and
to create an off-line forum where system administrators
can archive and
share their expertise and concerns.
We also hope you find SysAdmin substantially different
from other UNIX magazines.
We strive to be more technical, more practical, and
more focused.
Instead of exhorting you to periodically remove unneeded
core files,
we've included a tool that helps you determine whether
a core file is
important or not. Instead of telling you that overnight
can improve system response, we've given you the tool
you need to
implement overnight scheduling -- the full source code
for an overnight
job spooler.
You'll find tools throughout this issue; tools that
help you prepare for
disaster, tools that help you avoid security breaches,
and even little
one-line power-tools that you'll use every day.
You'll also find authors who know their stuff and who
know what it's
like to be a working system administrator. For example,
Sydney Weinstein
is the Usenet ELM Coordinator. David Fiedler and Bruce
co-authored UNIX System Administration.
But you don't have to have several books under your
belt to write for us.
Our best stories often come from a working system administrator,
like you, who
has found a better way to solve some common problem.
If you've developed
a useful cript, or solved some nasty configuration problem,
improved the performance of some subsystem, write it
But don't limit your writing to technical narratives.
The ultimate test of a
magazine is whether it meets the needs of its readers.
Do you find our
magazine useful? I'd sincerely like to know. Write me,
email me, tell me
what you like, what you'd like to see more of, and what
you've seen too
much of.
Thank you for reading SysAdmin. I look forward to hearing
your comments.
Sincerely yours,
Robert Ward
[email protected] (...!uunet!bdsoft!rdpub!saletter")