Cover V01, I02
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3


Listing 3

LOCAL           25      - On the same LAN
DEDICATED       100     - Hard wired serial connection
DIRECT          200     - Local phone call (toll free)
DEMAND          300     - On Demand, but a toll call
HOURLY          500     - Hourly call
EVENING         2000    - Call only during the Evening/Night hours
DAILY           5000    - Only call once per day
POLLED          5000    - Called by that sight, at least once/day
WEEKLY          30000   - Only call once per week

Modifiers to Weightings
LOW             +5      - baud rate, quality penalty
HIGH            -5      - baud rate, quality bonus
FAST            -80     - high speed (>= 9.6 kbps) modem