Asynchronous Networking: PPP and SLIP
Chris Hare
The Point-to-Point Protocol, or PPP, was described in
RFC1331. It
is a further development of the Serial Line Internet
Protocol, or
SLIP. PPP has some distinct advantages over SLIP: in
this article
I discuss both PPP and SLIP and describe the advantages
of PPP over
SLIP, covering the following topics:
What Is PPP?
How Does PPP Work?
Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP)
Link Control Protocol (LCP)
Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)
The Asynchronous Control Character Map
What Is SLIP?
The SLIP Protocol
Configuring PPP on SCO UNIX using SCO TCP/IP 1.2.1
Configuring SLIP on SCO UNIX using SCO TCP/IP 1.2.1
Configuring PPP on SCO UNIX using Morningstar Technologies PPP
Configuring SLIP on SCO UNIX using Morningstar Technologies PPP
Configuring FTP Software's DOS PPP to Establish a Connection to a SCO UNIX system
Configuring FTP Software's DOS SLIP to Establish a Connection to a SCO UNIX system
What Is PPP?
The Point-to-Point Protocol, or PPP, is a transport
method of transmitting
datagrams over serial point-to-point links. There are
three main components
to PPP:
a mechanism for encapsulating datagrams over serial links
a Link Control Protocol (LCP) for establishing, configuring,
and testing the connection
a family of Network Control Protocols for establishing and
configuring the various network layer protocols.
The problem with point-to-point links is that there
has traditionally
been no standard encapsulation protocol. Despite this,
links such as RS-232 interfaces have been in extensive
use. Now, with
the explosion of networking in the global computing
community and
the relatively low cost associated with a serial line,
links are growing in popularity.
PPP solves the encapsulation problem by providing a
protocol over
bit-oriented synchronous and asynchronous links. PPP
has been carefully
engineered to retain compatibility with existing hardware.
it is a requirement that the mechanism allow for the
of control characters such as XON/XOFF without affecting
the operation
of the link.
PPP's method of encapsulation allows multiple network
layer protocols
to be multiplexed simultaneously onto the same link,
and thus can
easily be integrated with a variety of bridges, hosts,
and routers.
For example, my employer, Choreo Systems Inc, uses PPP
links for two
of its offices in Ottawa and Toronto
to provide for Internet
access and for access to the systems on each other's
How Does PPP Work?
To establish a link, both ends of the connection must
first send a
series of Link Control Protocol (LCP) packets to configure
and test
the data link. Once the link has been established and
tested, authentication
can take place. When authentication is completed, packets
for each
of the Network Control Protocols (NCP) are transmitted
across the
link in order to configure the ability of the link to
transmit these
Once the link is established, as depicted in Figure
1, it will remain
configured and functional either until explicit NCP
or LCP commands
close it and mark it as non-operational, or until some
event such as an inactivity timer, or a hardware
or software
failure intervenes.
The link progresses through several phases. As illustrated
in Figure 1,
these are:
Link Dead (the physical layer is not ready)
Link Establishment
Network Layer Protocol
Link Termination
The Link Dead phase is the state
where the physical layer is
not ready. The link begins and ends with this phase.
In order for
the link to proceed to the establishment phase, some
external event
must take place, e.g., carrier detection, or the network
being marked as ready to use.
Link Establishment uses the Link
Control Protocol (LCP) to
establish the connection through a series of Configure
packets. The
actual options which can be negotiated will be discussed
later in
this article.
During the Authentication phase,
the peers authenticate themselves
before network layer protocol packets are transmitted.
Although Authentication
is not required, it is highly recommended, and should
take place as
soon as possible after the link has been established.
Once the previous phases are completed, each
Network Layer
Protocol, such as IP, must be configured separately
through the
Network Control Protocol. When the Network Control Protocol
has been
opened, PPP will carry all of the corresponding network
layer packets.
The Link Termination Phase results
when PPP closes the link,
which can take place at any time. This typically occurs
in response
to a request by a human user, but may also be the result
of a physical
problem, such as loss of carrier, or an authentication
problem. The
LCP is used to transmit a sequence of terminate
packets. When
the link is about to close, PPP notifies each of the
Network layers
so they may take whatever action is required when the
link is terminated.
Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP)
The purpose of the Internet Protocol Control Protocol,
or IPCP, is
to provide a standard method of encapsulating the varied
Network Layer
Protocol information over Point-to-Point links. IPCP
is the Network
Control Protocol for establishing and configuring the
Internet Protocol
over PPP.
IPCP permits configuration of:
an IP Compression Protocol
an IP Address
The Compression Protocol option in IPCP allows for the
of a specific compression protocol to be used. By default,
is not enabled. Currently, the most commonly implemented
protocol is the Van Jacobson Compressed TCP/IP.
The IP Address option allows the two points to negotiate
their "local" IP addresses. One
point either sends the IP
address it wants to use, or requests the other point
to send the address.
By default, no IP address is assumed, so an address
must be provided
by the user or negotiated. This option is often problematic
and is
a common reason why PPP connections fail. I cover this
in more detail
later in the article.
The IPCP negotiation is illustrated in Figure 2.
Link Control Protocol (LCP)
The Link Control Protocol includes a series of options
to allow for
extensive configuration of the link. These options are:
Maximum Receive Unit
Asynchronous Control Character Map
Link Authentication Method
Quality Protocol
Magic Number
Protocol Field Compression
Address and Control Field Compression
Each of these options can have a significant impact
on the performance
and quality of the link. However, not all implementations
of PPP will
react to all of these options (for example, FTP Software's
PPP does
not provide Link Quality Monitoring reports). This section
an overview of the options, most of which I discuss
in greater detail
later in the article.
The Maximum Receive Unit can be likened to the Maximum
Unit found in TCP. The MRU option specifies that one
end of the link
wants to use larger or smaller packets.
The Asynchronous Control Character Map, or ACCM, is
used to remap
contol character sequences which may have a detrimental
effect on
the modems, on related hardware, or on the drivers that
run the serial
port to which the actual device is connected.
On some links it may be desirable to perform Authentication
allowing network layer protocol packets to be exchanged.
This option
allows for the negotiation of authentication and the
of which authentication protocol will be used. By default,
no authentication
is performed. There are currently two protocols in place
for performing
authentication: the Password Authentication Protocol,
or PAP, and
the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol. PAP
will be discussed
in this article, the Challenge method will not.
Link Quality Monitoring (LQM) may be desirable on some
links to determine
when and how often the link is dropping data. This option
allows for
the negotiation of LQM, and specification of what protocol
will be
used to perform the monitoring. By default, monitoring
is disabled.
Link Quality Monitoring is not discussed in detail here,
but those
who are interested can review it in RFC 1333.
The Magic Number option is used to provide a mechanism
to detect looped-back
links and other Data Link Layer anomalies.
Protocol Field Compression allows for compression of
the Data Link
Layer (DLL) protocol field. Compression reduces the
amount of data
sent and thus increases the efficiency of the link,
particularly at
slow speeds, where the less data sent, the better. By
default, this
form of compression is disabled.
Address and Control Field Compression is used to allow
for negotiation
of the Data Link Layer address and control fields. Since
these fields
typically have the same data in them all the time, they
are easily
compressed. Sending this option to the remote link signals
that the
sender can receive the compressed data. By default,
compression is
Figure 3 illustrates the LCP negotiation.
Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)
The PAP provides a simple way for peers to identify
themselves. It
is facilitiated through a two-way handshake mechanism
and takes place
only on the initial link establishment. Once the link
phase has been completed, one end will send the other
an ID/password
pair repeatedly until authentication is acknowledged
or the connection
is refused. Only one end should be configured to use
if both ends are configured for PAP, then the connection
will never
be authenticated. It is important to note that PAP is
not a strong
authentication method. Passwords are sent in the clear,
and there
is no protection from repeated trial and error attacks.
The Asynchronous Control Character Map
The ACCM is used to identify which control characters
are sent in
the clear (in this case, in the clear means that the
actual control
character is sent). The map itself is four octets, or
32 bits, in
length. Each bit corresponds to the control character
of the same
number. If the bit is set to one, then when the control
is sent, it will be remapped.
For example, bit 19 corresponds to ASCII 19, which is
Control-S, or
DC3, and bit 17 corresponds to ASCII 17, which is Control-Q,
or DC1.
So, if bit 19 is set to one and bit 17 is set to one,
then when either
of these characters is transmitted, it will be remapped.
In this case,
the ACCM is represented as 0x000A000.
I focused on DC1 and DC3 because for some links they
are a problem.
Many serial drivers respond to these particular control
which suspend and restart the data flow. FTP Software's
PPP has the
default character map set to remap Control-S and Control-Q.
SCO assumes that the hardware present to run the link
will be responsible
for performing the character remapping (which in fact
it may perform),
and so the ACCM on SCO is set to 0x00000000.
The problem is
that if the hardware doesn't perform the character remapping,
the link will have problems if it responds to the XON/XOFF
What Is SLIP?
Unlke PPP, SLIP is not an Internet standard. Rather,
SLIP provides
a de facto standard for the transmission of datagrams
over serial
lines. Although there are implementations of SLIP which
support dialup
access, it was originally meant to provide a transmission
method for
machines that directly connected through a leased line
or RS232 Interface.
Compared to PPP, SLIP doesn't provide much: it simply
defines a series
of characters which frame an IP packet over a serial
line. While PPP
provides for a wide variety of network layer protocols
to be encapsulated
using differing network control protocols, SLIP only
addresses IP
datagrams. There is no negotiation of IP addresses,
compression, or
the like. The SLIP connection is established, and that
is all.
The SLIP Protocol
Given its limited functionality, the protocol for SLIP
is far
simpler than that for PPP. It simply consists of two special
characters ESC and END. The END character is used
to mark the beginning and the end of the SLIP packet.
The ESC character is used to mark bytes that match the ESC
or END characters. Figure 4 shows an example of a SLIP
SLIP makes no provision for the following:
Addressing both machines
must know the IP address of
the remote system so that packets can be appropriately
routed. Currently,
SLIP has no mechanism for allowing IP addresses to be
Type Identification because
the packets do not include
a type field, only one protocol can run over the LSIP
Error Detection/Correction no detection or correction
is provided because any IP application should detect
the damaged packets.
The high cost of retransmitting packets over a link
typically at 2400
baud helps to explain the lack of error-handling capabilities.
Configuring PPP on SCO UNIX using SCO TCP/IP 1.2.1
Before SCO released TCP/IP 1.2.1, it was virtually impossible
to connect
to an SCO system running PPP, unless the caller was
also an SCO system.
(My company purchases its Internet connections from
UUNET Canada,
and it was this information which precipitated our move
to use Morningstar
Technologies' PPP). Fortunately, this problem has been
corrected in
Release 1.2.1 of SCO TCP/IP.
For the purposes of this discussion, I will assume that
you are using
SCO UNIX, and release 1.2.1 of SCO TCP/IP. If you are
not, then I
strongly advise you to consider upgrading to this release.
Three primary configuration files are used in the SCO
of PPP:
/etc/ppphosts: This
file lists of all of the
known hosts which the system calls, and which call the
/etc/pppauth: This
file provides for the password
information needed for PAP negotiation.
/usr/lib/uucp/Systems: This file contains the
calling information for the remote script.
Figure 5 shows the /etc/ppphosts file from the machine I am
using to demonstrate this technology. The format for
is a list of the systems to be called, with the options
for the connection
for each. Table 1 shows the available options and explanations.
You can use the SCO utility netconfig to configure any of
the SCO networking interfaces. netconfig allows you to have
up to four configured PPP interfaces. When starting
for the first time, you must choose what you wish to
do. Listing 1
is a sample run of netconfig showing how to add a PPP interface.
The netconfig command
allows for the addition, removal, and
modification of network interfaces, including PPP, SLIP,
NetBEUI, LAN Manager, NFS, and a host of ethernet interfaces.
In the example netconfig session in Listing 1, a number of
interfaces are configured, including
LAN Manager client
Ethernet over 10baseT
SLIP Interface 0
PPP Interface 0
Listing 1 also demonstrates how to add a second PPP
interface. When
you run netconfig for
the first time, your only option is
to add PPP interface 0. Once you've added PPP interface
0, the next
new interface becomes PPP interface 1.
The information required in the configuration is
The address of the local PPP connection,
the address of the remote PPP connection,
The netmask for the connection, e.g.,
The name of the remote connection, i.e. gw-ppp6
Whether or not you want to enable Password
Authentication PRotocol
Whether or not this a network gateway
The box diagram in Figure 6 shows the configuration
of the machine
I am using to demonstrate this setup. It has a 10baseT
network interface,
a SLIP interface, and a PPP interface, all of which
are active at
the same time.
Upon completing netconfig,
you must relink the kernel to add
the new network interface. If you choose not to relink,
the new interface
will not be available for use until you do relink the
Once the kernel is rebuilt, you need only reboot the
system to enable
the PPP services. netconfig
takes care of all of the nitty-gritty
modification of the required files, the most important
being /etc/tcp.
/etc/tcp, which is executed
at system startup, configures
all of the network interfaces and starts all of the
TCP/IP services.
This includes the pppd
executable, which is the PPP Daemon.
This daemon makes the phone calls for dialup PPP links
and initiates
all of the protocol work described earlier.
The calling mechanism is implemented through the services
SCO provides
for use with its UUCP system. The information required
to call the
remote system is registered in the file /usr/lib/uucp/Systems.
The Systems file defines the names of the PPP and UUCP
systems known
to this system. Each entry is in the format
System_Name Time_to_Call Type Speed Phone_Number Login_script
For example, consider this entry
gateway Any INTACU 1200 9999999 ""d\r\d\r ogin: nppp22 word: testing
The System_Name
(gateway) is the name of the
remote machine to be contacted.
Time_to_Call is the calling
schedule for this machine. This
entry allows you to restrict the times when this machine
may be called,
which can be handy if the link between the machines
is an expensive
Type correlates the name
of the device with the devices defined
in the UUCP Devices file. Any name defined in the Devices
file is
valid. For a TCP connection, the device named here would
be TCP, along
with the protocol to be used.
The Speed field sets the
speed for the connection to this
system. This is defined in baud. No keywords are permitted.
Phone is the actual number
to dial when the connection is
via modem. Direct connections mark this field with a
hyphen (-).
Finally comes what may be the most difficult part of
the entry: the
chat script. The chat script is a combination of expect-send
which implement the login sequence used to
gain access to the
remote computer. Each pair is separated by a space,
with optional
subexpect-subsend pairs separated by hyphens. (For more
on the format of the Systems file, please see the article
BNU," in Sys Admin, March/April
The /etc/ppphosts file
stores the configuration information
of the PPP link. This information is used to negotiate
the various
options which you may wish to configure and adjust.
For a further
explanation of the options available to the PPP user,
see Table 1.
With all of these components in place, the configuration
of the link
is complete.
Configuring SLIP for SCO UNIX with SCO TCP/IP 1.2.1
On SCO systems configuring SLIP is essentially the same
process as
configuring PPP, except that the connection is usually
direct rather
than dialup. Adding SLIP services involves running netconfig,
as with PPP, and installing the services in the kernel.
Once you've run the setup session, netconfig adds the
required lines
to the /etc/tcp file.
The program which actually runs the
SLIP link is slattach,
and there is one running for each SLIP
link. For example, the gateway system at my company
has a PPP connection
to UUNET Canada, a SLIP connection to a machine in the
Tech Services
Group, a 10baseT connection, and a number of modems
capable of supporting
either SLIP or PPP connections.
The following sample entry from /etc/tcp
establishes a SLIP
/etc/slattach tty2c 9600 &
The arguments to slattach are
port local_IP remote_IP baud
So this line would attempt to establish
a SLIP link on
port /dev/tty2c at 9600
baud using an IP address of
for the local end of the link and an IP address of
for the remote end of the link.
Listing 2 contains some sample code which could be added
to /etc/tcp
to test the SLIP link and mark it as down if the remote
host is not
A major difference between PPP and SLIP lies in how
each reacts to
a lost link. When the PPP link goes down, the connection
will be re-established
as soon as it is needed again. With SLIP, slattach
must be
restarted on both ends of the link.
Configuring PPP with Morningstar Technologies (MST) PPP
Morningstar's PPP is somewhat easier to configure than
SCO's, in that
it does not require kernel modifications or a relink.
The release
runs on multiple UNIX platforms, including, among others,
For the purposes of this discussion, I assume that you
are setting
up Morningstar PPP to work over a Telebit T3000 modem,
which will
be used to establish a connection to a remote machine.
The organization of the files for this implementation
is much the
same as for the SCO version, as illustrated in Listing
3. The Systems
file used by Morningstar is equivalent to that used
by SCO. Unlike
the SCO version, however, this one allows IP addresses
to be used
in place of hostnames, which eliminates the need for
name resolution.
For example, the following is the entry which my company
uses to contact
our Internet provider, UUNET Canada: Any ACU 19200 5551212 ogin: \
my_login word: password_here
In this example, the connection to
is made
through a device identified as ACU, and at a speed of
19.2Kb baud.
The device information is extracted from the Devices
file in the /usr/lib/ppp
The Devices file in Listing 4 provides examples of several
devices which could be used to run a PPP link. Finally,
the Dialers
file contains the information the PPP daemon must use
to communicate
with the device in order to establish the connection.
The next stage is to establish a connection, and this
is achieved
by running an instance of the PPP daemon, pppd.
On SCO systems,
this pppd replaces the
one provided by SCO.
The pppd command requires
at least one argument, the minimum
being the hostname or IP address of the local IP interface,
as in
pppd hostname
More typically, however, other options
are used on the
command line, as for example:
pppd local_IP:remote_IP passive up auto debug 3 mru 756
The PPP daemon must have at least the IP
address for
the local interface. The remote IP address could be
negotiated between
the two machines. The passive
keyword indicates that the LPC
and IPCP negotiations are opened with a passive event,
and not an
active one (for more information, see RFC 1331 and RFC
The up keyword indicates
that the link should be maintained,
and that if the link goes down for any reason, it should
be restarted
without waiting for an outbound packet. This is often
used in conjunction
with auto, which puts
the daemon into autocall mode, detaches
the daemon from the controlling terminal, and initiates
the call.
This keyword cannot be used unless the remote address
is known.
debug 3 indicates that
debug statements to a level of three
should be saved in the default log file, /usr/adm/ppp.log.
These debug statements include information regarding
calls being made
and connections dropped. The higher levels include line
quality monitoring
and other information and should also be included in
the log.
mru 756 indicates that
this PPP would like to handle packets
of size 756. Remember that this is the requested size:
the remote
end doen't have to abide by this request.
Listing 5 shows a sample shell script that our SCO system
at boot time to start the PPP link.
Configuring SLIP with Morningstar Technologies PPP
The only significant difference between running SLIP
and running PPP
has to do with the keywords used when the PPP daemon
is started. Since
SLIP has no negotiating capabilities, all relevant options
must be
passed on the command line.
pppd local_IP:remote_IP slip
Both SLIP and PPP can be easily managed
and maintained
with the MST PPP daemon.
Additional SCO Issues
At one point I found that though I had everything configured
I couldn't successfully negotiate the PPP link once
logged in to the
gateway. I contacted Morningstar Technologies and this
is what they
told me:
That probably means you've run out of STREAMS
slots into which the STREAMS-based IP tunnel driver
can attach itself.
Edit /etc/conf/pack.d/ip/space.c and increase the values
and IPPROVCNT from 8 and 16 to something like 32 and
64, respectively.
Then cd /etc/conf/cf.d; ./link_unix and reboot.
I did what they suggested, and it worked
first time around.
The exact implication of these two kernel parameters
will have to
be further investigated.
Configuring FTP Software's PC/TCP for DOS for
The FTP technology is DOS based, and allows a DOS system
to connect
to a PPP server and become part of the network. Worth
noting is that
FTP Software' s current version of their OS/2 product
does not support
PPP, but only SLIP.
The FTP implementation of TCP/IP on DOS is a TSR-based
called the kernel. There can only be one active kernel
at any given
time under DOS, and so, therefore, only one active interface.
There are a number of different kernels, both card-specific
wd8003, for the Western Digital series) and generic
(like ethdrv and
tokdrv). Generic kernels typically require an additional
driver to
enable communication with the card.
PPP uses the ppdrv kernel with the ppp16550 packet driver;
SLIP uses
slipdrv with the slp16550 packet driver. This is the
only distinguishing
characteristic between the two protocols.
pctcp.ini contains most
of the configuration information for
the PC/TCP system,. The other files affected are
autoexec.bat thesystem startup
config.sys the system configuration
dialup.scr the host dialup
hangup.scr the host hangup
To establish a connection using FTP's implementation,
you must make
changes to the dialup.scr
and hangup.scr files
your remote host and revise your pctcp.ini
The first entry in pctcp.ini
identifies the serial port to
be used. The section is call [pctcp
serial N], where N
is the number of the serial port section. For example,
[pctcp serial 0]
identifies the port being used as COM2,
and provides
the port's io-addr and interrupt information. This information
optional, but may be included if the port is at an IRQ
and I/O address
other than the usual. The baud rate dictates the speed
at which to
communicate with the remote device. Because this system
is configured
for RS-232C modem control signals, hardware-flow-control
is set to
"on." Otherwise, it would be set
it to "off."
The second affected section in the pctcp.ini
is [pctcp
comscrpt HOSTNAME], where HOSTNAME
is the name of the remote
machine which you want to access.
Listing 6 provides a sample of the comscrpt
section of the
pctcp.ini file, showing
its layout. Comments have been included
for clarity.
The dialup and hangup
entries in the comscrpt
section tell where to find the dialup and hangup scripts.
These generally
need to be specific for the remote connection you want
to establish.
dialup.scr contains the
phone number, login name, and password
that your machine must use in order to establish a connection
to the
remote network. hangup.scr
contains the modem commands to
hang up the line and reset the modem. (Listing 7 presents
a sample
dialup.scr file showing
a connection over a Hayes modem.)
The serial entry in the pctcp.ini file specifies
serial port entry to use (entry 0 in the example in Listing 6).
If you have multiple serial ports, you can change
this value to
indicate which section will provide the information
on how the connection
should be established. For example, if you have a high-speed
but one of your host machines can only handle a lower
baud rate, you
could indicate this in the pctcp.ini
file under a different
serial section, so that the file won't need to be edited
in the future.
The next entries are the IP parameters for Maximum Receive
Unit (which
is equivalent to Maximum Transmission Unit) and for
control field
and protocol field compressions. The maximum receive
unit essentially
sets the maximum size of a packet to be received from
the remote host.
This means, according to the protocol definition, that
you can request
to receive only 296-byte packets, but still must transmit
in 1500-byte
The control field and protocol field compression options
are used
to increase the throughput on the link by compressing
these fields.
The ACCM (Asynchronous Control Character Mapping) field
allows character
sequences like Control-S and Control-Q to be remapped
so the serial
line isn't affected by them.
The most important items are the local and remote IP
addresses. The
local IP address is for the PPP interface on the PC
you are currently
configuring. The remote IP address is for the PPP interface
on the
UNIX or network host. It may also be necessary to change
the subnet
mask in the [pctcp ifcust 0]
The actual connection is made via the FTP command comscrpt,
which connects to the packet driver and starts the modem
call. Once
the two modems are connected, the comscrpt
pogram uses the
information in the dialup.scr
file to login. A sample dialup.scr
is presented in Listing 7.
dialup.scr requires the
remote host to provide a user account
which will allow for a login negotiation. The login
shell on the remote
host must be either a PPP daemon or something that will
start up a
PPP process.
The autoexec.bat File
The autoexec.bat file
is executed whenever a DOS system is
booted. The sample autoexec.bat
in Listing 8 configures the
PC, but calls one of several different batch files to
start the different
network interfaces.
The config.sys file contains
nothing related to PC/TCP, unless
I want to use the netstart.bat
file, which creates a local
ethernet interface. For that I need the related drives
loaded when
config.sys is processed.
The netppp.bat file called
in Listing 8 is shown in Listing 9.
This file loads the ppp16550 driver (the -p2 forces
the driver
to use the COM2 port). The pppdrv kernel is then loaded,
and finally,
the comscrpt command is
executed with the name of the host
(which must have been defined in a [pctcp
comscript HOSTNAME]
When comscrpt starts up,
it dials the configured phone number
in dialup.scr, then enters
a login name and password. This
file assumes that the login on the machine being called
will have
a PPP program as the login shell.
Each machine that will be logging on to the system that
provides your
PPP gateway services must have a unique IP address for
the PC and
one for the UNIX end of the PPP link. You can do this
most easily
by creating distinct login accounts for each machine.
For example, on the SCO UNIX machine which provides
my company's PPP
services, I created a login account for the PC called
and I set up a password for that account. I then defined
a Bourne
shell as the login shell.
The Login Shell
To get PPP running so that you can talk to the PC, you'll
need to
write a shell script which configures the environment
and then starts
the PPP process. Following is a sample password entry
for the "ptopgun"
ptopgun:x:50002:102:PPP Login from
And this is the Login shell, /usr/lib/ppp/ppp-users/ptopgun/Login,
used to start the PPP process:
mesg n
stty -tostop
export PATH
exec /etc/pppd log $HOME/log
nolqm rfc1172-addresses
The Login shell is an executable Bourne
shell script
that gets executed at login time. The script configures
the serial
line, and then runs the PPP process which will communicate
with the
remote system.
Note that the pppd command
in the script is for Morningstar
Technologies PPP services; it may not reflect the options
used for
your PPP daemon. The options used here have the following
log $HOME/log log file for transactions
nolqm no Line Quality Monitoring
rfc1172-addresses use rfc1172-style addressing.
Only one address is specified on the command
the IP address for the local interface. This indicates
that the IP
address negotiation should be attempted, so that the
remote host can
supply its own IP address.
Starting SLIP for this same PC, I would suggest an alternate
name so that it will be clear whether the user wants
connection. The Login shell would be configured in the
same fashion,
but the arguments would be slightly different:
exec /etc/pppd log
$HOME/log slip
Since SLIP does no negotiation at all,
the IP addresses
for both ends of the link must be supplied to the PPP
daemon when
it is started. In this case, the only other argument
is the keyword
SLIP, which denotes that the connection desired is a
SLIP-based link,
not PPP.
While you can do many things on your ethernet or twisted-pair
over PPP/SLIP, there are some things that just aren't
For example, if you establish a modem link for PPP at
a slow speed,
say, for example, 2400 baud
I would strongly discourage
the use of NFS over this link. The time it takes to
provide for a
directory listing would allow you to go out for pizza
and come back.
With PPP and SLIP, a whole new world of internetworking
opens up.
For small companies and organizations who want Internet
access but
don't need the bandwidth or can't afford the cost of
higher speed
services, a 19.2Kb PPP/SLIP link works well.
Also, for those people who take their computers with
them or who have
computing equipment at home which supports these transports,
becomes much more feasible: PPP and SLIP allow you to
work at home
and be as productive as if you were at the office.
While writing this article, I moved from a desktop PC
which I took
home every weekend to a notebook. My modem travels with
me wherever
I go, so I can always participate with my company, read
my e-mail,
and not miss a day's worth of traffic on the Internet.
For More Information
The Point-to-Point Protocol is discussed
in detail in the Network
Working Group Paper RFC 1331, written by William Simpson.
The PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol
(IPCP) is discussed
in detail in the Network Working Group Paper RFC 1332,
written by
Glenn McGregor.
The PPP Link Quality Monitoring mechanism
is discussed in detail
in the Network Working Group Paper, RFC 1333, written
by William Simpson.
The PPP Authentication Protocol (PAP)
is discussed in detail
in the Network Working Group Paper RFC 1334, written
by Brian Lloyd
and William Simpson.
A Nonstandard for Transmission of IP Datagrams
over Serial Lines:
SLIP is discussed in detail in the Network
Working Group Paper
RFC 1055, written by John Romkey.
If you can't get them anywhere else, you can retrieve
these working
group papers through anonymous FTP from
from the directory ~/rfc. If you experience any trouble
in retrieving
the files, please send e-mail to [email protected].
I thank the following people for their direct or indirect
in the preparation of this article: Blair Baxter, Andrew
and Patricia Carulli, for ensuring that questions got
answered and
configurations retested; and Cris Schuldiner and Rich
Macchi, from
FTP Software, for their help in clearing up some details.
Besides the RFC documents identified above, the following
texts also
provided information used in this article.
SCO Open Desktop 2.0 System
Administrator's Guide.
SCO: 1992
SCO Open Desktop/Open Server
3.0 System Administrator's
Guide. SCO: 1993
PC/TCP Version 2.2 for DOS
Users Guide, FTP Software
Inc. FTP: 1993
PC/TCP Version 2.2 for DOS
Command Reference,
FTP Software Inc. FTP: 1993
TCP/IP Network Administration.
Hunt, Craig.
Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates, 1992.
About the Author
Chris Hare is Ottawa Technical Services Manager for
Choreo Systems, Inc.
He has worked in the UNIX environment since 1986 and
in 1988 became one of
the first SCO authorized instructors in Canada. He teaches
UNIX introductory,
system administration, and programming classes. His
current focus is on
networking, Perl, and X. Chris can be reached at [email protected],
[email protected], which is his home.