Multiport Serial Installation
Larry Reznick
When you have no more than five or ten users making
only occasional
demands on your UNIX system, a LAN is overkill. Recently
I setup a
UNIX system for a small classroom. The maximum system
load of eight
students typing at once but for short periods was extremely
It was more cost-effective for me to install a multiport
serial board
and eight inexpensive terminals than to string a local
area network.
A good multiport serial board with terminals set within
100 feet of
the system and running at 9600 or 19200 BPS was sufficient.
I selected
the DigiBoard DigiCHANNEL PC/8, which has eight ports.
(There are
also 4-port and 16-port versions.) The board plugs into
an ISA slot.
A 78-pin plug connects into the back of the board. The
board allows
either an octopus cable or an 8-connector box. In my
case the octopus
cable was too short to string directly to the terminals,
so since
I had to provide cables to the terminals anyway, I ordered
the box.
Serial cables extended from the box to the eight terminals.
The terminals
could just as easily be modems if you need to hook up
a multiline
modem control. Check with the DigiBoard company for
the appropriate
board type if you're controlling modems. The higher
speed modems may
require a different board than the one I used for terminals.)
I needed null-modem cables to connect to the terminals.
I had a bunch
of well-shielded cable, so I built my own using only
five wires: 2
and 3 crossed, 8 and 20 crossed, 7 straight to 7. See
Figure 1 for
a diagram of this cable. Pins 2 and 3 are the standard
TRANSMIT crossed
to RECEIVE. Pin 7 is the standard GROUND. Pin 8, CARRIER
crossed to 20, DATA TERMINAL READY (DTR), to indicate
that a carrier
is present. (Note that modems would require a different
cable configuration.)
On the PC/8 board are eight I/O port DIP switches, one
status register
DIP switch, six interrupt request (IRQ) address selection
eight odd/even IRQ jumpers, and two board ID jumpers.
I/O port and
status register DIP switches let you select the hexadecimal
port addresses
used to talk with the devices. However, these addresses
are standardized
and documented within the manuals supplied with the
board. The trick
is to find addresses that aren't already being used
by other devices
in the system. You must also pick an IRQ that avoids
conflicts with
other devices. The odd/even IRQ jumpers tell whether
the IRQ address
used should be the odd or the even address in the group.
Because you
can install multiple boards, each board has ID jumpers
to mark which
board is which. (This is similar to each SCSI device
having its own
How to Find Ports and IRQs
Device driver configurations rest in the /etc/conf tree.
/etc/conf/bin you'll find several programs for working
installable devices, hence the program names all begin
with "id."
A sidebar, "Installable Device Programs,"
briefly explains
these. The remaining entries in /etc/conf are directories.
Another sidebar briefly explains these directories.
In my experience with UNIX systems I have never found
a portable program
that queries device address settings. So, the only way
I know to find
out where the conflicts are between an existing driver
and any new
driver is by examining the mdevice and sdevice files.
The sdevice file contains the device name in field 1,
to put the driver in the kernel in field 2, the interrupt
vector number
(IRQ) in field 6, and the starting and ending I/O addresses
in fields
7 and 8. Many devices have no address settings (0 in
fields 6, 7,
and 8) or aren't used (N in field 2). You can use a
simple one-liner
to reduce the list to just those with address settings:
cut -f1-2,6-8 /etc/conf/cf.d/sdevice | egrep -v '0 0 0'
Between each zero in the egrep argument is a single
tab. This
isolates the five fields needed to choose IRQ and I/O
addresses. Any
unused device with an address will have an N in field
2. Table 1 shows
a sample output from my Esix system.
You can set the DigiBoard to use any IRQ from 2 to 7.
Table 1 showed
me that IRQ 2 and IRQ 5 were available. IRQ 2 was set
to off, but
was set aside for the third asy port (address 0x3e8).
I didn't have
a third communications device in the system but I thought
it might
be better to reserve IRQ 2. IRQ 5 was reserved for a
device named
rmc. I couldn't find any documentation for what an rmc
device is -- comments in the /etc/conf/pack.d/rmc/stubs.c
file weren't revealing -- so I used IRQ 5 for the DigiBoard.
The DigiBoard's available I/O addresses depend on whether
you're using
a 4-port, 8-port, or 16-port board. The 8-port board
offered six hex
address ranges: 100-140, 148-188, 1C0-200, 210-250,
258-298, and 2C0-300.
I referred again to the list in Table 1 and excluded
the 100 and 148
ranges because of f2ha's use of 140 to 14f. The 1c0
was out because the dk device used 1f0 to 1ff. The 210
range was available
because rmc was disabled. I could use the 258 range
the third lp (address 0x278) was disabled but, if I
ever wanted to
add a third printer, this would haunt me. The 2c0 range
was used by
the second asy (address 2f8) and I definitely wanted
to save that,
so only one range was available: 210-250, the same range
freed up
by the rmc device.
Armed with the IRQ and I/O addresses, I changed the
jumper shunts
and DIP switches on the DigiBoard to correspond. I then
plugged the
board into the slot, closed the box, and booted the
Making the Device Nodes
Once I had logged in as root, it was time to create
the new serial
device nodes. On other systems, I've gone into the device's
within /etc/conf/pack.d and used
idinstall -g -s devicename >System
This extracts the current entries from the sdevice
file for the named device. Then, I can edit my copy
of the file and
reinstall it with
idinstall -u -s devicename
using a -k flag if I want to keep my copy of
the file around until I'm done testing.
I may also need to change the eighth field in mdevice,
holds the maximum number of ports allowed for this device.
you can't get the mdevice entry with idinstall, and
changing mdevice can sometimes require a complicated
of steps.
Fortunately, Esix has a special script named initasy
that will create
the new serial device nodes.
The initasy script already has a provision for the DigiBoard
Unfortunately, Esix developed that part of the script
expecting the
DigiBoard to be the only provider of serial ports. I
already had two
serial ports and really wanted to keep them. (One port
had a modem
and the other was reserved for the future.)
Esix's initasy script offers an "Others" selection.
This selection
allows up to 16 serial ports. When initasy prompted
me for the number
of ports, I told it 10. It prompted for the base I/O
address, the
IRQ, the modem control register, and the status port
address of each
port. For the first two, I gave the numbers for my two
existing serial
ports. (Those values came straight out of the sdevice
except that as per initasy documentation I input OUT2
for all register
prompts. For the remaining eight ports, the DigiBoard's
ports, I gave
the IRQ and I/O addresses I'd already selected. The
status port address
is identical for all I/O addresses, 0x250.
initasy rewrites the space.c file and other device
driver files in the other /etc/conf directories. When
script is almost done, it rebuilds the kernel. Part
of rebuilding
the kernel is setting up the /etc/inittab file. You'll
to check that file. It should have entries for the DigiBoard's
In my system, tty02 through tty09 were setup along with
the tty00
and tty01 for my existing serial ports. I have seen
some versions
of UNIX duplicate the entries in inittab. If there are
you should delete all but one set then change to cause
a respawn,
save the inittab file, and reboot the system.
Because nobody else was on the system, I found it far
simpler to reboot
to start the new serial devices than to use init -q.
The init
-q command forces init(1M) to reread the inittab.
Unfortunately, that adds new entries but doesn't kill
or change existing
entries already loaded in the process list. If you run
you may find entries for previously activated ttys.
fixing the inittab for those entries, you would then
to kill the active tty gettys. init knows to respawn
them with their newest settings because of the init
Once the system was rebooted, I checked the terminals
for their gettys.
All eight of them were working. With this configuration,
the system
could support eight students typing away, someone working
logins on the console using virtual terminals, and UUCP
waking up
from time to time to use the modem. This was a great
solution for
my classes and would work for other low-demand terminal
About the Author
Larry Reznick has been programming professionally since
1978. He is currently
working on systems programming in UNIX, MS-DOS, and
He teaches C language courses
at American River College in Sacramento. He can be reached
via email at:
[email protected].