Cover V03, I02
Figure 1
Listing 1


Questions and Answers

Bjorn Satdeva

UniForum in March

UniForum, the oldest, and probably the largest exhibition dedicated to UNIX software and hardware will take place in Moscone Center in San Francisco, March 21-25. As part of the proceedings, USENIX and SAGE are sponsoring a miniconference on UNIX system administration.

SANS III Conference

The SANS III conference will take place April 4-8, 1994 at the Stouffers Concourse Hotel in Arlington, Virginia, just across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C.

SANS is the acronym for World Conference on System Administration, Networking, and Security. It differs from the LISA conferences in that it focuses specifically on UNIX system administration in the business world.

This year, SANS will offer a forum on useful tools and management practices, in addition to providing an opportunity for administrators to share ideas and experiences with peers in other parts of the industry.

A New Local System Administration Group

Yet another local system administration user group has been formed, this one in New Jersey. The new group, called $GROUPNAME, is intended to facilitate the exchange of information pertaining to the field of UNIX system administration. $GROUPNAME is not affiliated with a particular hardware or software vendor or company. Membership is free, and meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of the month, every other month at different sites around the state. For more information, send "get groupname calendar" as the first line of an email message (the Subject: will be ignored) to [email protected]. So far, speakers have discussed Majordomo, perl, and system security. Everyone is invited! By the way, the $GROUPNAME people claim that rumor has it that UNIX was invented in New Jersey.

And now to this month's questions:

 Q I have been trying to convince other admins here, but without much success, that for security reasons, the current directory should not be first in the search path. What is your opinion?

 A The current directory should not be anywhere in the search path of a user who has root privileges (or could obtain them). The reason is that it is very easy to create a trojan horse and thereby trick the user to unknowingly breaching the system's security. To convince yourself and your peer admins, create an executable file named ls in your home directory with the following content:

#! /bin/sh
echo intruder alert

Now, when a user who has the current directory first in the search path executes an ls in that directory, the message "intruder alert" will diplay. While the above is rather harmless, a trojan horse like the following is definitively not:

#! /bin/sh
if [ `whoami` = 'root' ] ; then
rm $0
(cp /bin/sh /tmp/sh; chmod 4555 /tmp/sh; chown root /tmp/sh)&
/bin/ls $*

This code not only creates a super-user backdoor, but also cleans up after itself, leaving most users unaware that they have been caught in a place where they should not be (the only indication is that it takes a bit longer than the real ls command to execute). While most commercial versions of /bin/sh have been protected against this particular tactic, the exercise should show the problem clearly. In addition, at least some versions of the freely distributable version of sh/csh/ksh are not protected against the above.

I began by stating that any user who has or can obtain super-user privileges should not have the current directory in his/her search path at all. If you wonder why, consider how many time you have made a typo, such as "sl" when you wanted to type "ls". The trojan horse above can also be effective, if its name is a common mistyping of a command name, such as sl (ls), tra (tar), mkae (make), etc.

The rule of not having current directory first in the search path should be applied to any user who has an account on your system (a non-privileged user can get away with having current directory last, at least most of the time). On a secure system, the current directory should not be in any user's search path at any time. If you customarily prepend a program in the current directory with "./" (dot-slash), you gain the advantage of explicitly controlling whether a file is executed in the local directory or via the $PATH environment variable.

In addition to the above, many a novice user has innocently created a small test program in the home directory, and named it "test" -- only to find that many shell scripts no longer worked.

 Q How do I set up the name server on my firewall to give only minimal information about hosts on my site to the Internet, while still being able to connect to all my internal hosts. I know this can be done, but I have not been able to figure out how.

 A This is really very, very simple! You do not need any special version of the name server -- you just need to take advantage of the existing functionality to create a split name server. But before I show you how to do this, let me first explain why a split name server can be desirable.

The foremost reason is security, on the grounds that information about the internal networks should not be made public unless absolutely necessary. The second reason is that if your firewall is designed so that the inside hosts are not accessible at all from the outside, then there is no reason to advertise their names to the rest of the world. In practice, if your firewall is based on filtering routers, then the split firewall probably will not buy you anything. However, if you have a bastion host, configured with either David Kobla's Socks or Marcus Ranum's Firewall Tool Kit, the split name server makes good sense.

The split name server consist of (at least) two name servers. The external name server lives on the firewall bastion host, which has the "public" information (typically only information about your firewall machine and a few MX records). The internal name server, on the other hand, has information about all the internal hosts, including MX records for e-mail delivery and perhaps HINFO and TXT records with other relevant information.

In order to make the two name servers play together, you will need to configure the resolver on the firewall machine (typically in either /etc/resolv.conf or /usr/lib/resolv.conf) to point to the internal name server and have the internal name server forward all inquiries it cannot resolve itself to the name server on the firewall machine. You do this through a "forwarders" statement in the name server boot file (typically /etc/named.boot). Figure 1 presents a sample boot file for internal name servers.

With this setup, your internal name servers will probably not be able to reach any machine outside your local network (this depends on the design of your firewall). Instead, they will forward any inquiry they receive to the name server on the firewall machine, which in turn will obtain the information from the Internet and return it to the internal name server. All inquiries from the outside will be received by the external name server, which itself contains the limited information you decided to make public and therefore cannot be used to discover the configuration of your inside network. On the firewall itself, any inquiry originating on this machine will be resolved using the information in the resolv.conf file, not the local name server. Processes running on the firewall machine, such as sendmail, will therefore be able to learn how to contact machines on your inside network.

Several RFCs can provide more information on how to configure a name server:

RFC 1032 -- Domain Administration Guide
RFC 1033 -- Domain Administrators Operation Guide
RFC 1034 -- Domain Names -- Concept and Facilities
RFC 974 -- Mail Routing and the Domain Name System

There is also an excellent book on the name server, Cricket Liu and Paul Albitz's DNA and BIND from O'Reilly and Associates (1992). The book describes in detail many of the methods and techniques used under DNS and BIND (although the split name server described here is not included).

 Q We use rdist to distribute files between our systems. However, as the number of files and systems has grown, it has become increasingly difficult to keep the rdist.cmd file up-to-date in an orderly manner. Do you have any suggestions for organizing this?

 A I sympathize with you. rdist is a very handy tool, but it is not really scalable to a large site. Because of the format of the rdist command file, its complexity can be measured as the number of files distributed multiplied by the number of hosts receiving files (files * hosts). When you have a low number of hosts and files, the complexity is low, and the command file can be maintained easily. As the number of files and hosts increases, you will see an exponential growth in the complexity of the rdist file. Another standard UNIX tool, m4, can help for a while, but even with that the system can be difficult to maintain if you have a large number of different hardware platforms or operating system versions.

I have resolved this problem at several client sites by writing a tool named fdist, a frontend to rdist, which addresses the main problem. fdist splits the file distribution from the receiving hosts by using domains similar to e-mail addresses on the Internet. The domains used by fdist of course have nothing to do with the Internet domains. Instead, they are used to determine the various administrative domains within a site. Because fdist uses a relatively simple command-line interface, and because it separates concerns about files from concerns about hosts, it allows distribution information to be handled by less experienced staff members. A nice side effect is that configuring new hosts becomes almost a non-issue.

fdist is described in the LISA V proceeding ("Fdist: A Domain-Based File Distribution System for a Heterogeneous Environment") and SANS II proceedings (A Tour of Fdist: A Domain-Based File Distribution System for a Heterogeneous Environment"). Both of these papers are also available by anonymous ftp from, together with the perl sources for fdist.

 Q Is it possible to use rdump for a remote backup without enabling root access between the local and the remote system?

 A On most current versions of UNIX, the devices files for disks and tape drives are owned by a user other than root (typically a user named "operator," with UID 5). If you set this user up on the tape host so that it will accept connections from the hosts you want to back-up, you can achieve what you want by performing all backups as user operator. It is important that you make sure that the environment is correct, especially that the search path is correct. A simple way to check the access permission is to type the command

rsh <<remotehost>> echo hallo

If you get the response "hallo," you can connect over the network. To verify that the environment is correct, type

rsh <<remotehost>> env

which should return the environment. If you get an error message from rdump, along the lines of "Protocol to remote tape server botched (code rmt: Command not found. ?), "your remote search path is not correct.

 Q We have a number of unlabeled tar tapes. Is there any way we can determine when the tapes were written?

 A Not directly. However, if you make a verbose listing of the content, you can determine the date of the newest file on the tape. I hacked up a small shell script (shown in Listing 1), which sorts the table of contents in the order of last modification time of each file. If you do something like

tar -tvf /dev/tape | ./script | tail

you will have a good approximation of when the tape was made. This script is a good example of how simple tools can easily be hacked together using either the shell or a programming language such as perl.

 Q I attended LISA VII, and was disturbed by one of the papers, which described a site where the users have root and the admins do not. What is your opinion of this approach?

 A The paper in question is Laura deLeon's "Our Users Have Root," and it is noteworthy, because it describes an alternative system administration environment, where users have the root password for their workstations, but the system administrators do not. The setting for this is a research environment, where it seems to work very well.

I agree with you that it is a bit worrisome to think of such an environment, and this was definitely one of the more controversial papers from the conference. On the other hand, because it works in that particular environment, I think it is worthwhile to look into how Laura organized this site. There is a lot to be said for giving users the freedom to configure their own environment, and while this paper may have gone a bit too far for most sites, it nonetheless presented some basic approaches which I think can be adapted to other sites. This is a definitive must-read for the service-minded system administrator.

 Q My system connects to several other systems using UUCP. What should my USERFILE look like?

 A The syntax of the USEFILE is clear, but the semantics are not. The only content of the USERFILE I can recommend is

, /usr/spool/uucppublic
, /usr/spool/uucppublic

This will permit both incoming and outgoing traffic to access /.usr/spool/uucppublic, independent of where the traffic originates. This configuration of USERFILE means your local users will need to copy files to that directory before they can UUCP them to a remote site, but it also ensures that nobody from a remote site can access files not already in uucppublic.

I know your manual shows how you can get a more fine-grained control, but because the semantics are so unclear and vary from one implementation to another, this approach is the only way to make sure you have a secure environment. Luckily, the more modern HoneyDanBer UUCP has a completely different, and much clearer, UUCP implementation. Unfortunately, at least one of the new re-implememtations of UUCP mimicks the old version 7 UUCP with the USERFILE.

About the Author

Bjorn Satdeva is the president of /sys/admin, inc., a consulting firm which specializes in large installation system administration. Bjorn is also president and co-founder of Bay-LISA, a San Francisco Bay Area user's group for system administrators of large sites. Bjorn can be contacted at /sys/admin, inc., 2787 Moorpark Ave., San Jose, CA 95128; electronically at [email protected]; or by phone at (408) 241-3111.