Questions and Answers
Bjorn Satdeva
The first book dedicated to firewall configuration is
now available.
It is Firewalls and Internet Security by William R.
and Steven M. Bellowin, and is published by Addison-Wesley
in the
Professional Computing Series. The book is generally
well written
and gives many good tips on setting up and maintaining
a firewall,
though practical examples are relatively sparse. If
you are responsible
for a firewall, this book will be a good investment.
USENIX is sponsoring a symposium on high-speed networking,
1-3, 1994, at Berkeley. Judging from the preliminary
program, the
symposium appears to be aimed at the people developing
the next generation
of networks, but if your site is moving in that direction,
it might
be worth checking out. What looks most interesting to
me are the two
keynote talks, to be given by Craig Partridge and Van
I have received many requests for more information about
SAGE. Unfortunately,
there is not much good news to report, as many of the
SAGE working
groups have become inactive. While this may be in part
because many
system administrators are very busy, it has in my opinion
been brought on by the SAGE board itself. There appears
to have been
very little real support from the board, and of the
two working groups
who did complete the tasks set forth in their charters,
the SAGE-Locals
working groups proposal has been completely ignored,
while the result
produced by the SAGE Job Description working group was
barely passed
by the board on a four-to-three vote. The unfortunate
fact is that
most of the successful activities SAGE is associated
with have been
undertaken by individual members, often in spite of
the action of
the board. If you think I am wrong, please get in touch
with me, as
I would be glad to learn that my interpretation is all
wrong. Enough
said -- let's get on to more useful matters.
I have received several requests for information about
where to get
the proceedings from the LISA and SANS conferences.
All LISA proceedings,
as well as the SANS III proceedings, are available from
conference office:
USENIX Conference Office
22672 Lambert Street, Suite 613
El Toro, CA 92630 USA
(714) 588-8649; FAX: (714) 588-9706
E-mail: [email protected]
LISA is the USENIX System Administration Conference
(formerly known
as the Large Installation System Administration Conference),
and SANS
is the System Administration, Networking and Security
If you have not checked out these proceedings, I suggest
you do so
at your first opportunity. They contain much information
that can
be applied to your daily work.
And now to the questions for this issue:
Excuse me if this is a stupid question: What is the
between downsizing and rightsizing?
There are no stupid questions. If one person is asking
about a topic, there will be plenty of others who have
wondered about
the same thing, but who have not dared to ask, because
it could be
a "stupid question." In this case, there is
no difference
at all. The "rightsizing" phrase was thought
up by some UNIX
vendor's marketing people, because they thought that
the "down"
in "downsizing" had a negative influence on
their product.
Go figure.
I have followed your advice from the January issue
have installed the Firewall Toolkit from on
our gateway.
However, many of our users wants to be able to use xmosaic,
and there
is no proxy server included for this. What can be done?
The Firewall Toolkit does not support any proxies for
xmosaic and lynx, or any of the similar clients, because
the people
at TIS do not think it can be done in a secure manner.
However, in
the real world, we are faced with users who demand tools
such as Mosaic,
and we will therefore often be forced to support them,
even though
it is not advisable from a security standpoint. One
possible solution
is to use the WWW server httpd from configured
as a proxy server.
I need to make changes to our e-mail configuration,
wondered if I should try to learn sendmail, or if it
be better to switch to smail3.
As your question did not include any site-specific
it's difficult to give a specific answer. However, if
you are mainly
a UUCP site, smail3 might work very well for you, as
integrates better with UUCP than does sendmail. At a
site, or a site which has a direct Internet connection,
you are probably
much better off learning to work with sendmail. I recommend
that you get Bryan Costales' book, sendmail, from O'Reilly
and Associates, if you have not already done so. The
book gives a
very thorough introduction to sendmail, and if you are
the latest version (currently sendmail 8.6.9, available
from in the ucb/sendmail directory),
you can take advantage of the m4 configuration Eric
Allman has put
together for people who do not want to delve too deeply
into the
I need to establish some kind of inexpensive call-back
facility for our modem lines. DO you know of any software
which does
No freely distributable software exists, to my knowledge.
If you are setting up a new facility, you can purchase
modems with
the call-back feature built in. Another alternative,
if your version
of UNIX supports a working ct command (several examples
vendors ship the ct command without testing it). The
command is kind of a marriage between cu/tip and getty,
allowing you to dial out to a remote modem, and then
spawn a getty
when you get the connection. If neither dial-back modems
nor the ct
command are available, then a last resort could be to
get the sources
for tip and getty from the BSD Net2 or 4.4-lite distributions,
and use them to hack your own ct-like command.
I understand that it is important to monitor my system,
but what should I be looking for?
Some of the most important things to look for include
how busy the disks are (shown by the iostat command),
or not the system is swapping (shown by the vmstat command),
and, overall, what kind of processes are running on
the machine (shown
by the ps command, or top if you have it). In addition,
if the System V accounting package is available, I encourage
you to
use it to get overall statistics on system usage. The
goal here is
to develop an understanding of how the system works
and where the
possible bottlenecks are. If you know how your system
behaves normally,
it is much easier to locate the source of trouble when
the system
does not perform as expected. Other things to look out
for include,
of course, disks filling up (use df) and network congestion
(use netstat). In addition, you should read the various
files generated by the system every day. While it can
be very boring
to sift through thousands of lines of logging information,
of which
much is useful only as input for statistical programs,
you must do
this to look for critical messages, such as a disk drive
to fail, or a program running out of critical resources.
Way too often,
I come out to a new client, where a system has "suddenly"
started to fail, only to find a long trail of warning
messages from
the system which have been ignored because nobody has
read the logs.
Doing all of this is part of pro-active system administration,
will help you avoid getting into situations where you
have to fight
I suppose (by your definition in Nov/Dec 1993 issue
Sys Admin), I'm a Novice System Administrator. Well,
I won't
bore you with the details, except to tell you that I
use an RS6000
running AIX 3.2.3 which has a 150Mb tape drive (IBM
model 7207). My
question is this: I want to make backup copies of tapes
(I suppose
it's the equivalent of DOS's diskcopy command) -- will
the command
cpio -i < /dev/rst0 | cpio -o > /dev/rst0
work ?
Also, in your column in the same issue, you use the
acronym SAGE.
What does this stand for? (I can figure out the "Systems
Your cpio pipe will not work for you, as the
first part will restore the content of the tape to disk,
and the second
part will attempt to write an End-Of-Tape, effectively
erasing the
tape. You can do one of two things: if you have plenty
of disk space,
you can restore the tape in an otherwise empty partition,
and then
back it up again. This is the safest way of doing it,
but also the
most cumbersome. An alternative, which will require
two tape drives,
is to use dd something like this (you will need to specify
the correct blocking factor):
dd if=/dev/rst0 of=/dev/rst1 bs=$BLOCKFACTOR
however, this method will only work if both tapes are
perfect (and you will not necessarily learn about problems
until you
want to restore the tape). To be able to do something
like the MS-DOS
diskcopy command, you would have to switch the tapes
each read and write operation, which will not work well
with a streaming
tape device, and for 150 Mb, could take hours.
As for your question about the SAGE acronym, we did
it backwards in
the working group that developed the original proposal
for the SAGE
organization. Several members really liked the name
SAGE, and we spent
a lot of time trying to find something the acronym would
fit. We finally
came up with System Administrators Guild, but that left
the "E"
unaccounted for. My proposal was that the "E"
in SAGE is the
"E" that Denis Ritchie left off in the creat
call so many years ago. In an interview some years back,
he was asked
if there were anything he would do differently if he
were to implement
UNIX all over again, and he replied that he would not
leave the "e"
off in the create system call. Well, we have not been
to fix the creat, but we have at least balanced it,
by adding
an "E" to SAGE (and who would like the organization
to be
called SAG?).
I want to keep better track of how I use my time in
our systems. Is there any software which can do this?
If you're looking for something more or less automatic,
I think the answer is no. However, you might check out
from It is a perl script which
allows you to keep track of the time used on various
About the Author
Bjorn Satdeva is the president of /sys/admin, inc.,
a consulting
firm which specializes in large installation system
Bjorn is also co-founder and former president of Bay-LISA,
a San Francisco
Bay Area user's group for system administrators of large
sites. Bjorn
can be contacted at /sys/admin, inc., 2787 Moorpark
Ave., San Jose,
CA 95128; electronically at [email protected]; or by
at (408) 241-3111.