Cover V03, I04


New Products

AGE Announces Three X Products

AGE Logic, Inc. has announced three products, XoftWare/32 for OS/2, XoftWare/32 for Windows with XIE Option, and Serial ConneXion. The first product, XoftWare/32 for OS/2, is 32-bit PC X Window server software for the OS/2 operating system. Compliant with X11R5 server technology, XoftWare/32 for OS/2 lets networked PC and PS/2 users access graphical and character-based UNIX-applications and display them with OS/2 programs on a single PC screen.

Features of XoftWare/32 for OS/2 include: Professional Edition Utilities, a Network File Manager utility with file transfer and local printing capabilities, a Concurrent Window Manager for simultaneous use and display of both local and UNIX window managers, a interactive Telnet client, and a Windows-based Trace utility. AGE's UNIX printer daemon (a network UNIX print utility) lets users re-route multiple UNIX print requests to printers on the PC network. XoftWare/32 for OS/2 also includes support for TCP/IP network software.

AGE also announced XoftWare/32 for Windows with XIE Option, an image-enabled PC X Server which supports the X Image Extension (XIEv5.0). XoftWare/32 for Windows with XIE Option supports standard compression formats such as TIFF, FAX, and JPEG. The compression provides a twenty-fold improvement in performance for transmission of images.

AGE has also announced Serial ConneXion, a serial-X technology which transmits compressed data over Internet Protocol lines. Serial ConneXion transmits UNIX applications over serial lines and supports multiple ftp, telnet, and host login operations, as well as the display of multiple host applications on a single PC screen. Serial ConneXion offers three separate data transmission options. The first product to support Serial ConneXion is XoftWare/32 for Windows, Serial Edition, which is in beta release.

XoftWare/32 for OS/2 costs $395 per single user. XoftWare/32 for Windows with XIE Option costs $595. Multi-Pack and site licenses are available for both products. Current XoftWare/32 for Windows customers can add Serial ConneXion for $95. Serial Host ConneXion is required for each supported host system and costs $125. XoftWare/32 for Windows, Serial Edition costs $245. For more information contact AGE Logic, Inc., 9985 Pacific Heights Blvd., San Diego, CA 92121, (619) 455-8600; FAX: (619) 597-6030.

ANDATACO Announces Smart Storage Systems

ANDATACO has released a family of Smart Storage Systems which includes twelve storage peripheral models. The peripherals are modular, removable, upgradeable, and include a SCSI interface and SBMT, ANDATACO's SCSI Bus Management Tool.

The peripherals are divided into four categories: Desktop Storage, Bulk Storage, Performance Storage, and High-Availability Storage. The desktop storage product line includes ANDATACO's Entree storage systems. Entree is available in both fixed and removable configurations and includes compact desktop packaging. The bulk storage line includes GigaDISC and Ensemble. GigaDISC offers magnetic disk technology and Ensemble offers a family of optical libraries, with capacities from 20Gb to hundreds of Gigabytes. GigaDISC is available in either tower or rackmount models. The performance storage product line includes CacheDISC, an on-line storage system with 8.0 to 128Mb of cache and 7,200 RPM disk drives. CacheDISC ranges in capacity from 2.0 to 82Gb and is available in both fixed and removable configurations. The High Availability Storage products include ShadowDISC and GigaRAID. The Shadow DISC subsystem includes two 3.5 removable, hot plug SCSI disk drives and ANDATACO's mirroring SCSI processor. GigaRAID is a RAID 0, 3, and 5 compatible system in either a tower or rackmount configuration. Features of GigaRAID include redundant host channels, drive I/O channels, power supplies, and fans.

The Smart Storage Systems range in price from $6,500 to $143,000 depending on peripherals and configuration. For more information contact ANDATACO, San Diego, CA, (619) 453-9191; FAX: (619) 453-9294; email: [email protected].

Lone Star Upgrades and Ports Lone-Tar

Lone Star Software has upgraded Lone-Tar, a backup and restore utility for UNIX-DOS internetworks. According to the company, Lone-Tar is 100 percent tar compatible and can salvage data from corrupted tar backups. Lone-Tar doesn't use tar; instead it uses Lone Star's own proprietary programs, which allow for tar compatibility in uncompressed format. Features of Lone-Tar include: Tape-Tell, which monitors backup tapes, lets users know which tapes are being overwritten, and includes backup abort option; and cron administration, which lets users send reports to a terminal, printer, and mail during unattended backups. Other features of Lone-Tar include: hardware independence; maintenance of log files for archives, restores, and verifications; a non-destructive restore option; override of file locking (backup while using your software); and automated logoff of all users. Lone-Tar can span multiple volumes and handle dual devices.

Features of Lone-Tar 2.1 include: a menu interface; cross-platform compatibility; ability to unmount/remount file systems on-the-fly; wildcards support on backups/restores; simultaneous use of wildcards; enhanced error logging; integration with Tape-Tell; bit-level verification; and double buffering. Other features include: restoration enhancements; flags for additional options; variables for configurability; and flat file restore. Lone-Tar also works with Cactus DOS-TAR.

Lone-Star has recently ported Lone-Tar to DEC OSF-1. In addition to DEC OSF-1, Lone-Tar supports SCO UNIX and Xenix platforms and is available for 30 versions and releases of UNIX. The company also plans to release Lone-Tar for Sun, HP, and RS/6000 platforms.

Existing Lone-Tar customers can upgraded to Lone-Tar 2.1 for $85. Licensing for Lone-Tar 2.1 is on a per-CPU basis; however, sites are not charged for using Lone-Tar with additional nodes attached via NFS. Lone-Tar for DEC OSF-1 is priced at $495. For more information contact Lone Star Software, 13987 W. Annapolis Ct., Mt. Airy, MD 21771, (800) 525-8649 or (301) 829-1622; FAX: (301) 829-1623.

OSIware Upgrades X.500 Directory Services Software

OSIware has upgraded its X.500 directory services software, Messenger 500. Messenger 500 provides address lookup and yellow-pages services across dissimilar messaging systems. The Messenger 500 directory search can be installed on a server as a standalone directory to be queried via e-mail, or it can be integrated with a messaging system to automate directory queries and synchronize multiple directories. Messenger 500 can also be integrated with an application such as a scheduling program that uses a message system to set meetings. Messenger 500's open interfaces allow future support for X.400 mail systems, as well as for proprietary LAN-based or host-based mail systems.

Built on an open, extensible database, Messenger 500 can be configured to provide a central repository for corporate information in addition to e-mail addresses. The database can also store network management information. X.500 provides access controls to restrict the database to authorized requests for information.

Messenger 500 conforms to the ITU 1988 specifications for directory services with additional 1993 extensions. It supports the Directory Access Protocol (DAP), which provides access to an X.500 directory, and the Directory System Protocol (DSP), which handles communications among distributed X.500 servers. Messenger 500 also supports the XAPIA's application program interfaces X/Open Directory Services and X/Open Object Management. The upgraded software supports communications over both X.25 and TCP/IP.

Messenger 500 is now in beta testing. Prices for Messenger 500 start at $4,000 depending on platform. For more information contact OSIware, Inc., 4400 Dominion St., Suite 210, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5G 4G3, (604) 436-2922; FAX: (604) 436-3192.

SiO Technology Introduces Portable UNIX Workstations

SiO Technology Inc. has introduced FT-500 and FT-501 portable UNIX workstations. Weighing 6.5 pounds each, FT-500 and FT-501 can have SCO, BSD, Solaris, Interactive UNIX, or UNIXWare installed and configured. Supported environments include Motif, Open Look, X11R5, and SCO Open Desktop. OS/2 and Windows NT are also supported. The FT-500 and FT-501 are documented under each operating system and include user manuals.

Both the FT-500 and FT-501 contain a 3.3-volt Intel 486DX2-66Mhz processor, a 9.5-inch TFT active-matrix color screen (640x480, 256 color), 32-bit VL-Bus, and VGA graphics subsystem with 1Mb of Video RAM. Two Type II PCMCIA card slots and a one-card, portable docking station provide SCSI expandability. Connectivity support includes 14.4 Fax/Modems and Ethernet cards, installed and configured. Also included are one parallel, two serial, external monitor (SVGA), external keyboard, and 110-pin docking station ports; user removable hard drives; dual-boot capabilities; and 2.5 hours of NiMH battery life.

The Software Power-Down (SPD) File corruption protection system in the FT-501 protects file systems from accidental user shutdown. Eight-bit sound is included in the FT-500, giving users multi-media and voice mail capabilities.

Prices for the FT-500 and FT-501 portable UNIX workstations start at $3,850 for a monochrome system, and $6,300 for a TFT active color. For more information contact SiO Technology Inc., 380 Lafayette St., Suite 304, New York, NY 10003, (212) 473-6910; FAX: (212) 473-3717; email: [email protected].

PDC Introduces DiskInfo and FreezeFrame

Peripheral Devices Corporation has introduced DiskInfo and FreezeFrame. DiskInfo 1.1 analyses disk usage across heterogeneous UNIX networks. Operating under Sun, HP, Auspex, and IBM platforms, DiskInfo graphically categorizes files by owner, size, access time, and file type to help determine what data should be archived or migrated to near-line or off-line storage. DiskInfo provides a graphical user interface with graphs and charts to illustrate disk usage. A system administrator can allocate or shift storage resources based on the usage patterns.

The second product, FreezeFrame 2.0, is a non-proprietary software product the permits live backup across heterogeneous UNIX networks, even while users continue to modify files. By capturing a view of the disk at a particular time, FreezeFrame lets backup utilities write the original version of an active file to a tape through a caching mechanism. Writes to a disk that occur during backup are updated on the file. In addition to working with standard UNIX backup utilities, FreezeFrame integrates with BudTool. Another feature of FreezeFrame is its loadable device driver. FreezeFrame supports Sun and Auspex platforms. Also FreezeFrame is designed for installation of each of the system administrator's servers.

DiskInfo costs $795 per network. FreezeFrame 2.0 costs $295 for the first node, or $1,995 for a 10-node pack. For more information contact Peripheral Devices Corporation, Continental Plaza, 1002 W. 9th Ave., King of Prussia, PA 19406, (800) 654-4732 or (215) 265-3300; FAX: (215) 265-2165.

HP Announces Windowing Terminal

Hewlett-Packard and Structured Software Solutions, Inc., have announced the HP 700/70 Windowing Terminal, a UNIX based terminal that offers windowing capabilities. The Windowing Terminal is bundled with SSSI's FacetTerm windowing software. FacetTerm lets users run six applications or connections to networked UNIX-based hosts simultaneously.

The HP 700/70's built-in windows features are similar to those of other windowing systems and include pull-down menus, scroll bars, icons, and the ability to copy and paste data between individual windows. The HP 700/70 is compatible with both ANSI text terminals and the alpha window terminal. The HP 700/70 Windowing Terminal includes a license for SSSI's FacetTerm, a 14-inch monochrome display, keyboard, user's manual, and power cord; a mouse is optional.

The HP 700/70 Windowing Terminal supports HP-UX 9.x, AIX 3.2, Sun Solaris 4.12, DEC Ultrix 4.2, SCO UNIX 3.2v4.0, and other SRV4-compatible systems. The terminal also runs character-based UNIX applications using the DEC VT320, VT220, or VT100 protocols without modification.

The HP 700/70 Windowing Terminal base configuration costs $499, which includes a keyboard and license to use SSSI's FacetTerm. The media kit to install FacetTerm is $99. One media kit is required per customer site. For more information contact Hewlett-Packard, 3000 Hanover St., Palo Alto, CA 94304, (800) 637-7740.

AlmondSeed Announces the Almond Utilities for UNIX

AlmondSeed Software, Inc. has announced The Almond Utilities for UNIX, a suite of disk and file management tools. The product was previously marketed as The Norton Utilities for UNIX under license from Symantec Corporation. With the release of The Almond Utilities for UNIX, UNIX system users can recover accidentally deleted files with the file recovery tool Almond UnRemove. In additional to its rescue features, The Almond Utilities for UNIX diagnoses hard disk problems and manages files.

The Almond Utilities for UNIX includes the following tools: Almond ScrubDisk, which protects confidential data by wiping a logical disk to U.S. Dept. of Defense standards; Almond Disk Explorer, which lets a user explore a disk and make repairs to damaged file systems; and Almond Change Directory, which displays a full-screen graphical image of the directory tree and lets users interactively change directories. Other tools include the Almond Text Search and Almond File Find, which searches for user-specified text patterns in one or more files, locates files whose names match a specified pattern, or lists files in a specified directory.

The Almond Utilities for UNIX costs $495 and supports SCO UNIX. For more information contact AlmondSeed Software Inc., 444 Castro St., Suite 400, Mountain View, CA 94041, (415) 968-5100; FAX: (415) 969-8660.

Software Concepts Design Upgrades RamNet/uucp

Software Concepts Design have upgraded their background communications software, RamNet/uucp. RamNet/uucp is a TSR which runs concurrently in the background while the foreground user runs other applications. RamNet/uucp can communicate with other RamNet/uucp-equipped sites running a DOS-based platform or with UNIX systems running the uucp protocol.

Features of the upgraded version of RamNet/uucp include: ability to run jobs remotely, a Netnews package, Internet RFC822 compliant e-mail capabilities, and full windowing uucp g-protocol. RamNet/uucp's remote access security, based on the HoneyDanBer file structure, lets users access only disk areas they have permission to access. Other features of the upgraded RamNet/uucp include the ability to use a system's mouse and a context-sensitive hyper-linked help system.

RamNet/uucp requires 64Kb of memory for full-background operation, a RS232C or modem port, and comes on a single diskette. RamNet/uucp costs $198 in single unit quantities. For more information contact Software Concepts Design, P.O. Box 355, New Kingston, NY 12459, (914) 586-2023; FAX: (914) 586-2025; email: [email protected].

James River Group Upgrades ICE.TCP

James River Group, Inc. has upgraded its ICE.TCP software, which connects DOS and Windows PCs to UNIX system over a network. ICE.TCP Version 3.0 provides its own TCP/IP kernel (TSR or DLL) and DOS and Windows utilities including terminal emulation, file transfer, and bidirectional printing. In Version 3.0, the Windows utilities are WinSock compatible.

Other features of ICE.TCP Version 3.0 include: FTPWIN, a Windows point-and-shoot ftp interface for file transfer; Wyse 160 graphic emulation, for use with UNIX applications like WordPerfect's View feature; and ICELP, ICE.TCP's Windows printing engine, which allows a Windows PC to act as a bidirectional print server/gateway for the LAN.

ICE.TCP Version 3.0 supports DOS, Windows, and NT PCs and can be used to connect to most UNIX systems including System V, AIX, HP-UX, and Sun. ICE.TCP Version 3.0 costs $695 for a 10-PC license or $2,795 for a 100-PC license. For more information contact James River Group Incorporated, 125 N. First St., Minneapolis, MN 55401, (612) 339-2521; FAX: (612) 339-4445; email: [email protected].

Z-Code Software Ports Z-Mail to Windows and Macintosh

Z-Code Software Corporation has ported its Z-Mail email system and Z-script messaging engine to Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh systems, and character display terminals. Z-Mail supports the MIME message protocol, and allows an unlimited number of files to be attached to a message. Z-Mail can be configured to provide access to directory services, including X.500, Network Information Services (NIS), and an organization's own databases and flat files. Remote access and management is supported through remote access protocols including: POP (Post Office Protocol), SMTP over PPP, SLIP, or UUCP (UNIX-to-UNIX Copy).

Z-Mail for Windows requires a 25-MHz Intel 386 PC running Windows 3.1 in enhanced mode or Windows NT; 6 Mb of RAM; 3 Mb of available hard-disk space; and a TCP/IP stack. Z-Mail for Macintosh requires a 680x0 16-MHz system with 4 Mb of RAM and 3 Mb of available hard disk space. For network connectivity, MacTCP 2.0.4 is bundled with Z-Mail. Z-Mail Lite, for users of character terminals, is a full-screen character display version of Z-Mail. Z-Mail for Windows, Z-Mail for Macintosh, and Z-Mail Lite each costs $295 for a single user. For 100 users, the license fee is $150 per user. For more information contact Z-Code Software Corporation, 101 Rowland Way, Ste. 300, Novato, CA 94945, (415) 898-8649; FAX: (415) 898-8299; email: [email protected].

NetManage Upgrades X Server Products

NetManage has upgraded its X-window server products for Windows. NetManage's suite of X products is based on the Chameleon 4.0 product family and includes Chameleon/X and ChameleonNFS/X. Chameleon/X and ChameleonNFS/X let Windows PC users integrate X Windows and Microsoft Windows in the same environment. ChameleonX and ChameleonNFS also provide an X server and the NetManage TCP/IP protocol stack in the same package.

Applications added to Chameleon/X and ChameleonNFS/X include: ODI support, including automatic detection and installation over both ODI and NDIS Ethernet drivers; support for MIME multimedia attachments in mail that can traverse both LANs and the Internet; a Windows interface to PROFS/Office vision mail; TN5250 terminal emulation with custom keyboard remapping; and Visual Script Player and Editor.

Chameleon/X costs $695 and ChameleonNFS/X costs $790. For more information contact NetManage Inc., 10725 N. De Anza Blvd., Cupertino, CA 95014, (408) 973-7171; FAX: (408) 257-6405.

Haystack Labs Announces Stalker for RISC 6000

Haystack Labs, Inc., has announced an agreement with IBM that makes Stalker, its system security management tool, available for AIX-based RISC System/6000 workstations and servers. Stalker security software is a system accountability tool that manages system audit files, generates standard reports on user activities and resource access, and detects misuses and intrusions. Stalker also has a query function to filter through audit trail data for specified activities. Stalker's graphical user interface is designed to follow the natural workflow of a typical audit configuration and analysis session.

For more information contact Haystack Labs, Inc., 8920 Business Park Dr., Austin, TX 78759, (512) 343-2552; FAX: (512) 794-9997.

Metron Releases Athene/Unix

Metron Systems Incorporated has released Athene/Unix for Open Systems Management. Athene/Unix is a PC-based toolset for controlling performance monitoring. Athene/Unix supports performance alerting and analysis of current system activities. In addition, Athene/Unix tools can review past system performance using a variety of mathematical disciplines and predict future performance using analytical modeling techniques.

Performance data for each host system is collected by an Agent which updates the Performance DataBase on the Athene workstation. The different Athene modules, all on the PC, then access the DataBase for the appropriate analysis.

Athene is Windows-based, and presents results in a variety of formats. For more information contact Metron Systems Incorporated, 1559 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852; (301) 230-1810; FAX: (301) 774-4097.

New Era Announces HARBOR/DM

New Era Systems Services Ltd. has announced HARBOR/Distributed Manager (DM). HARBOR/DM provides electronic distribution of software and files to client systems on a network-wide basis. HARBOR/DM is an addition to the HARBOR backup, archive, and virus detection facilities.

HARBOR/DM supports centralized and decentralized distribution models and the Pull, Push, and Queued models. In the Pull model, users can browse catalogs of preloaded software or files and select items to download via a client interface. In the Push model, HARBOR/DM provides the administrator with a set of automated tools for coordinating delivery to clients. In the Queued model, a central administrator can notify a list of users that a new copy of an application is available.

APPC, TCP/IP, and 3270 protocols are supported by HARBOR'S enterprise server, and Netbios, Named Pipes, IPS/SPX, and Async are provided transparently by the HARBOR ETS Gateway. Source and target clients for HARBOR/DM will include Windows and OS/2, with DOS, UNIX, and NetWare clients to follow.

For more information contact New Era Systems Services Ltd., Suite 710, Esso Plaza East Tower, 425 First Street SW, Calgary, AB, Canada T2P 3L8, (403) 231-9800; FAX: (403) 266-6767.

ColorSoft Releases OPENprint For UnixWare And SCO

ColorSoft, Inc. has released its OPENprint Software package for Novell's UnixWare and the SCO operating system. With OPENprint, users can apply standard lp or lpr print commands to generically print raster images (TIFF, GIF, SRF, PPM, XWD), HPGL, text, and PostScript documents to supported output devices regardless of the printer's inherent capability. In addition, OPENprint provides an X-windows compatible on-screen image editor, previewer, and screen capture utility. Users on the network can load, import, review, and manipulate various image formats and toggle the printer's built-in option through either OpenWindows or X.11/Motif interface.

Other features of OPENprint include: on-screen WYSIWYG editor; utilities for color correction, control of brightness, sharpness, dithering, scaling, image, rotation, placement, and text insertion; and quick screen capture printing. OPENprint supports the following output devices including printers from: HP, CalComp, Kodak, Shindo, Tektronix, Mitsubishi, Sony, Epson, Cannon, Seiko, and most PostScript compatible machines.

OPENprint for color printers is priced at $595. OPENprint for Laser Printers is priced at $395. Each includes the on-screen utilities for every user on the network. For more information contact ColorSoft, Inc., 7733 Herschel Ave., Suite E, La Jolla, CA 92037, (619) 459-8500; FAX: (619) 459-8274; Email: [email protected].

Applied Concepts Upgrades LAZER LINK III

Applied Concepts, Inc. has upgraded its LAZER LINK III Fiber Optic Bus Extender, Model ACI-2003AD. LAZER Link III surpasses the 19.7 feet distance limitation of a single-ended SCSI bus and extends the possible distance for RAID arrays, SCSI laser printers, optical "Jukebox", and tape backup systems up to 6000 feet from the host computer.

LAZER LINK III supports "Fast SCSI" data rates of 10 MBytes per second. Other features of LAZER LINK III include: support for combinations of asynchronous and synchronous SCSI devices; SCSI 1, SCSI 2, and SCSI 3 compatible; and transparency to devices on the SCSI bus. A single-ended SCSI connector on the rear panel connects to the host computer or peripheral. No additional software is needed for installation and operation.

The LAZER LINK III, Model ACI-2003AD external unit is priced at $1,895 including 110/220 VAC input and is UL, CSA, and TUV certified. The LAZER LINK III is available off the shelf. For more information contact Applied Concepts, Inc., 9130 SW Pioneer Ct., Wilsonville, OR 97070, (503) 685-9300; FAX: (503) 685-9099.

Puzzle Systems Ports SoftNet Utilities

Puzzle Systems Corporation has ported its SoftNet Utilities Novell server emulation software to the DEC Alpha AXP platform running OSF-1. SoftNet Utilities is designed to integrate UNIX-based platforms into existing Novell environments. Without inhibiting OSF-1 operations, SoftNet Utilities lets DEC Alpha AXP systems emulate Novell NetWare 2.2, 3.11, and 3.12 servers to Novell PC workstations. With SoftNet Utilities, PC NetWare clients can access the DEC Alpha's file system without disk partitioning, reconfiguring the OSF-1 kernel, or adding drivers to the PC NetWare clients, In addition to full file access, bi-directional OSF-1/UNIX/Novell printer sharing is also included.

Licenses for SoftNet Utilities for DEC Alpha range from $1,299 to $5,499 depending on number of concurrent users. For more information contact Puzzle Systems Corporation, 16360 Monterey Rd., Suite 250, Morgan Hill, CA 95037, (408) 779-9909; FAX: (408) 779-5058.


PERFORMIX, Inc., has upgraded EMPOWER, its benchmarking software which tests a system by emulating the activity of multiple users and gathering response time data. EMPOWER V3.1 can capture emulation scripts, control multi-user benchmarks, and monitor test progress. Other features of EMPOWER V3.1 include: intuitive screen comparisons, separate files for baseline screen images (which make it possible to run a script with a different number and order of comparisons than is contained in the baseline); and full-screen interfaces for moving, changing, and masking areas of a screen. EMPOWER V3.1 can be used to complete TCP-A and TPC-C benchmarks. EMPOWER V3.1 is compatible with all files built with EMPOWER V3.0.

For more information contact PERFORMIX, Inc., 8200 Greensboro Dr., Suite 1475, McLean, VA 22102, (703) 448-6606; FAX: (703) 893-1939.

UniWorx Announces Enhancements To UNIX Software Education Products

UniWorx has announced enhancements to The UNIX Voyager and The Learning Kit For UNIX. The UNIX Voyager, the company's introductory UNIX training software, is available in foreign language versions. The languages available are Spanish and Portuguese. The company plans similar versions of The UNIX Voyager in French and German. Also announced was that The Learning Kit For UNIX, a UNIX training program which contains five training modules, supports DOS and HP platforms.

The UNIX Voyager is priced at $99. Prices for the HP version of The Learning Kit For UNIX start at $1,150. For more information contact UniWorx, P.O. Box 910154, San Diego, CA 92191, (800) 628-8649 or (619) 563-1004; FAX: (619) 584-4325; Internet: [email protected].

UniPress Releases Pronto Mail

UniPress Software, Inc. and CommTouch Software have released Pronto Mail, a Windows e-mail program that supports communication between PC and UNIX networks. Pronto Mail lets PC users remotely access their host UNIX networks and the Internet. Users can upload or download mail, then read or respond to messages off-line without leaving the Windows GUI. Features of Pronto Mail include: synchronizing UNIX and PC mailboxes, Import/Export facility for files and folders, a search capability, VT100 terminal emulation, ZMODEM file transfer, and a scripting language. In addition aliases stored on the host can be downloaded to the PC.

Pronto Mail supports PCs running Windows 3.1, and IBM, HP, DEC, SGI, and System V UNIX hosts. Prices for Pronto Mail start at $149. For more information contact UniPress Software, Inc., 2025 Lincoln Highway, Edison, NJ 08817, (908) 287-2100; FAX: (908) 287-4929.

Elan Announces ELM License Sharing And Windows-32S Support

Elan Computer Group, Inc. has announced that the Elan License Manager (ELM) supports license sharing and interoperability between license servers and clients running on UNIX, Windows 3.1, and Windows NT. ELM is a software licensing toolkit that controls multi-user access to software applications in a network or multi-user environment. This release of ELM provides a floating license manager which monitors and distributes software application licenses from one server on a heterogeneous network.

In a related announcement, Elan has announced that ELM supports the Microsoft Windows-32S environment. The Windows-32S, Windows-16, and Windows NT version of ELM all support Microsoft's Licensing Services API (LSAPI). Elan Licensing Manager is available in both source and binary forms and is shipped with a software developers application for a one time fee starting at $7,500. For more information contact Elan Computer Group, Inc., 888 View St., Third Floor, Mountain View, CA 94041, (415) 964-2200; FAX: (415) 964-8588.