Cover V03, I06
Figure 1
Figure 2
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4


Logging rm and kill Requests

Steven G. Isaacson

Sometimes users take it upon themselves to play system administrator. Usually the assistance is welcome. When it's not, you have to play detective.

This article describes two logging programs that make playing detective easy. One program logs rm requests (see Figure 1 for sample entry), the other logs kill requests (see Figure 2).

Logging kill Requests

Why log kill requests?

We needed to log kill requests because of a problem with Informix's Standard Engine database. When a user runs a program that accesses the database, two processes are created: (1) the original program, and (2) a daemon that handles the database access. (This is not true of Informix's OnLine engine.)

We had difficulty with a particular program "locking up" and so users took it upon themselves to kill their process when the program appeared to be stuck. Killing your own process generally isn't a problem, but in the case of the Informix daemon it is. If you kill the Informix daemon when it's in the middle of a transaction, it's possible to corrupt the database.

The proper procedure is to kill only the process created from the original program. The accompanying daemon process eventually receives the signal, at which time it shuts down, does whatever cleanup work it needs to do, and then stops.

So our problem was one of education.

It's okay to kill your program, we said, but don't kill the daemon along with it -- even though you can. The daemon will die on its own when it's ready. Most of our users got the message but a few didn't. We had to find out who kept killing the engine.

We wanted to know: user id, date and time, and information about the process being killed.

User and group id are obtained from /usr/bin/id, date and time from /bin/date, and information about the process about to be killed is provided by /bin/ps (you have to get information about the process before it's killed, of course). The results are written to a log file and finally the real kill program is called to do the work (i.e., kill the process). Simple. The kill script is in Listing 1.

To install the kill logging script you first rename the real /bin/kill program to /bin/rkill. Then move the kill script to /bin/kill, making sure that everyone has execute permission for kill and write permission for the log file. The "real" kill program (/bin/rkill) is called from the new kill shell script.

Periodic checks of the log file told us who needed to be reminded about what not to kill.

The same logging technique was developed for rm.

Logging rm Requests

In addition to the information captured in the kill script (user id, date and time, etc.), the rm script records the current working directory. It does this so that files referenced relative to the current working directory can be uniquely identified.

For example, if someone types "rm myfile," you must know the current working directory before you can determine if /bin/myfile was removed or /usr/sneed/myfile was removed. Of course, the current working directory is irrelevant if the file is referred to by an absolute pathname.

The rm logging script (see Listing 2) is installed in the same way the kill logging script is installed. First the real rm program is moved to a new name (/bin/rrm) and the rm shell script is copied to /bin/rm. Now whenever a user types "rm filename," the request is recorded in the rm log file.

But there are several problems to be aware of.


The first problem with any logging program is the log file. It keeps growing. Each request writes multiple lines to the log file, and with a frequently used command like rm, this can be a serious problem; if left unattended, the log file will eventually fill up your file system.

A serious problem, but easy to solve.

What you need is a maxtab entry (See "maxtab: Automatic File Pruning," Sys Admin March/April 1993, vol. 2, no. 2). Supply the file name and maximum number of lines and a cronjob does the rest. We have the kill log file set to 2,000 lines and the rm log file set to 4,000 lines. This gives us a rolling history of approximately the last 285 kill requests and last 1,000 rm requests.

The second problem is that there is no secret about what's going on. The rm and kill logging scripts are world readable and anyone can look at them to see how they work.

Soon after one user was "caught" and subsequently publicly flogged (in a nice way) in email, another user began using her own rm script out of her $HOME/bin directory. Her rm script was the same as the newly installed rm logging script (that is, it calls the real /bin/rrm program), but hers was different in that it didn't bother doing any of the logging.

This problem was quietly addressed by writing a C version of the scripts. The C versions work the same, but the logging feature is hidden because the contents of the resulting binary file are not as obvious as those of a shell script.

The rewrite of the rm-logging program was straightforward (see Listing 4 for rm.c). The user id, current working directory, etc., are easily obtainable in a C program, and once that information is obtained, it's simply a matter of passing the command-line arguments on to the real rm program.

The C version of the kill program (see Listing 3 for kill.c). was also straightforward, since the difficult part -- logging information about the process about to be killed -- was already available (see "sukill: Stopping Unruly Processes," Sys Admin November/December 1992, vol. 1, no. 4).

There are other problems, too -- for example, the Network File System (NFS). If you have access to a file system from any one of several machines, then you also have access to several rm and kill programs. This means that in order to log all requests, you must install the logging programs on all machines.

Also there may be other kill or rm programs on your system. We have a program called top that dynamically displays the current processes. You can kill processes from within the top program -- and bypass /bin/kill logging.

Also, a C program that calls unlink() or kill() directly is trivial to produce.

In spite of the security shortcomings, the logging programs are valuable. They are valuable because they provide information not previously available, information that can make your job easier, information that makes playing detective as easy as checking a log file.

About the Author

Steven G. Isaacson has been programming professionally since 1985. He works for FourGen Software, the leading developers of accounting software and CASE Tools for the UNIX market. He may be reached at uunet!4gen!stevei or [email protected].