Publisher's Forum
If you've been a subscriber for a while, you'll notice
a few
changes in this issue. All of them are intended to
give you more and
better information.
First, we've kept the contents listing on the cover,
but also
replicated it inside. Since we began mailing the magazine
without an
envelope, we've realized that if your issue arrives
with a tattered
cover (as some unfortunately do), you'll have no way
of knowing the
contents. So we're including a table of contents inside
the magazine as
well, which will also give us room for change #2.
This second change is to place online source code availability
information right on the new contents page. We've done
an amazing job
of keeping that information hidden up to now--we've
had an entry
entitled "Online Source Code" in the Departments
section on the cover.
On the page referenced there we print a discreet little
box, very easy
to overlook, containing the code availability information.
From now on,
the information itself will be right there on the contents
page--highlighted. We apologize to all of you who've
had to call or
email or fax to extract this information from us--we
hope the new
placement will be more in keeping with everyone's expectations.
Change #3 is an expanded advertiser index (you may
have noticed
the prototype in our Sept/Oct issue). Many of our advertisers
are now
participating in an automatic information service, called
Instant Info,
that lets you call in and have information about a product
faxed to you
on the spot. The advertiser index will now include
the Instant Info ID
number for participating products, as well as information
on how to
access the service. Also new is an alternative to the
reader's service card: a reader's service email address.
Yes, even as
we press on to the 21st century, we're panting to keep
up with this one!
You can still use the traditional means, sending in
a reader's service
card, if you prefer, but we invite you to join us in
this cyberservice
Along with the new items, you'll find some interesting
approaches to security from Chris Cox and Neal Jamison,
enlightenment from Betty Zinkann on how to acquire the
4.4BSD collection. Bill Genosa tells you more about
administration; Packey Velleca contributes a handy
scheduling tool;
John Woodgate explores syslog; Robert Berry tells how
to monitor and
optimize NFS performance; Larry Reznick helps you set
priorities; and
Fred Brunet gives you a new cd tool (fcd--we think it
stands for Fred's
change directory). Meanwhile, Bjorn Satdeva weighs
in with conference
updates and his Q&A; Steve Isaacson shows how to
log rm and kill
requests; and Dale Panatonni emerges bloody but unbowed
from a project
that required setting up printer sharing between UNIX
and Windows for
Sincerely yours,
Robert Ward
[email protected] (". . . !uunet!rdpub!saletter")