Publisher's Forum
In the spirit of the season, we're asking our readers
to give a
little gift to one of our writers--in the form of a
free trip to the
SANS IV conference in Washington, DC, this April! Alan
Paller, the
guiding spirit of the SANS (System Administration, Networking,
Security) conferences, had the bright idea that we at
Sys Admin choose
the best article published in the magazine in 1994;
the SANS sponsors
would then bring the author to the conference to present
that article at
a conference session. We felt that the people best
suited to the task
of selecting the article of the year would be you, our
Accordingly, you'll find a ballot on page 106 of this
issue, consisting
of a listing of the contents of the six 1994 issues.
Please join
in--copy the ballot, vote, and fax or mail the ballot
to us. If you
prefer, vote via email: address your message to [email protected],
enter "Best Article" in the Subject field,
then give us the author and
article title in the body of the message.
When we say best article, we're not talking flowing
elegant transitions, world-class metaphors: we mean
the article that
helped you the most when you needed help. Or the article
that reshaped
your understanding of some aspect of the work you do.
Or maybe the
article that you found yourself passing along to your
co-workers. In
short, from our perspective "best" is "most
useful," and useful is what
Sys Admin is all about. So give it a little thought
and then give us
your vote.
And that's not all we want from you. As you'll see
in the New
Messages section, Dale Panattoni has been inundated
with responses to
his UNIX/Windows for Workgroups article in the November/December
We've also received mail about the article here at Sys
Admin. That this
article attracted so much attention strongly suggests
that UNIX/Windows
connectivity is an issue that's moved to the front-burner
for a lot of
us (as constant readers may know, we're wrestling with
ourselves--see the March/April Publisher's Forum).
If you have had
experience in this area (you're probably a pioneer if
you have), please
consider writing about how you did what you did.
Finally, as we begin our fourth year of publication,
we thank
all of our authors and all of our readers (the former
being chiefly a
subset of the latter) for their contribution to Sys
Admin's success.
And we wish you all a happy and productive 1995.
Sincerely yours,
Robert Ward
[email protected] (" . . . !uunet!rdpub!saletter")