Cover V04, I02
Figure 1
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4


Listing 2: man page for revised Indir

lndir - Make links for a Tree

lndir [-v] [-u] [-s] [-f regexp] [-i dirs] source  [ destination ]

lndir is modelled after the X11 tool of the same name, with more flexi-
bility and speed.  It is designed to use the gnu fileutils, where cp has
an option to make multiple links of a file.  It has a number of useful
enhancements over lndir.

With no options or incorrect options, lndir present its usage:
Usage: /u/marty/bin/lndir [-v] [-u] [-s] [-f files] [-i dirs] fromdir [todir]
-v will be verbose when running
-s will give statistics at the end
-u will only do updates (new files, without pruning
-f will filter files (will be regexp)

-i will specify a list of directories to filter
Default is CVS RCS SCCS

source  The source directory must be specified and must exist.  It can be
either relative or absolute from the destination.

The destination defaults to the current directory (.).  If one is
supplied, it must already exist.

-i Specify a list of directories to exclude.       An environment vari-
able LNDIR_FILTERLIST can be used to override the default list of
directories not to copy.  The default list of directories is a
configuration item (MIT X11R5 lndir values are "CVS RCS SCCS").

-e excludes a list of regular expressions of file names to filter
(as opposed to directories).  If you want to exclude the and the
files, enter -f '*.o *.d'

-v Show verbose output (all mkdir and cp's will be echoed.

-s Give statistics at end of run

-u Only do updates.

Marty Leisner, [email protected]

supplementary          December 11, 1994                          2