Cover V04, I03
Figure 1
Listing 1
Listing 2
Sidebar 1
Sidebar 2


Listing 2:

# by [email protected] created 1-23-95
# parts of this program were originally written for a text
# based support system by Sam Lamtinga <[email protected]>

$phonebook="/support/phone.txt";  # this is our user information database.
$supportaddr='johnk';           # admin's email address
$mailer='/usr/bin/mailx'        # set to the mailer of your system
$ORG='DOP';                     # organization name

############################################### Begin main code.
$length=$ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH};   # Length of passed data
$ident=$ENV{REMOTE_IDENT};      # Try to get the users' uname.
if (@pwent=getpwnam($ident))
{                               # We have the uname.
$have_uname=1;                # Set this so we won't look for info later.
($rname)=split(/\,/, $pwent[6]);
$INPUT=<STDIN>;                 # Get the input sent by httpd.
chop $INPUT;                    # Remove the <cr>.
&convert_escapes;               # Convert escape codes to characters.
&parse_info;                    # Parse up the information from the form.
&send_request;                  # Send in the request.
&print_done;                    # Let user know everything's ok.

################################################ End main code.
# subroutines in alpha order.

sub convert_escapes  # converts escape codes to characters.
$pos=(-1);                      # set position to beginning of line
while(($x=index($INPUT, "%", $pos+1))>=0)
# first convert the 2 digit value from hex to character.
$char=sprintf("%c", hex(substr($INPUT, $x+1, $x+2)));
#remove from the % to the end of the line.
$temp=substr($INPUT, 0, $x);
$temp.=$char;       # add the character to the end of the new string
$temp.=substr($INPUT, $x+3); # then add on the rest of the string
$INPUT=$temp;            # copy the temp string back to $longdesc

sub cut                 # Snatches the entry for the first field in $INPUT.
$end=index($INPUT, '&');
if ( $end == -1 )     # check if this is the last field.
$end=$length;       # if so, set the end to the length of the string.
$temp=substr($INPUT, 0, $end);
$INPUT=substr($INPUT, $end+1, $length);
$length-= $end;
$begin=index($temp, '=');
$temp=substr($temp, $begin+1, $end);
$temp=~ tr/+/ /;
$temp                 # return temp

sub error               # print out error message in HTML and quit
print "<H1>Request:  ERROR\!</H1>\n";
print "<H2>@_[0]\n</H2>\n";           # print the error passed to &error.
print "<br><br><br><H2>Please report this error to a Systems
print "<HR>\n";

# lookup is a heavy reworking on a subroutine written
# by Sam Lantinga <[email protected]>
sub lookup
$whoiam=$_[0];          # The user to be looked up is the argument.
if (! open(WP, "$phonebook"))
&error "Can't open $phonebook: $!\n";
($firstname, $lastname)=split(/ /, $rname);

while (<WP>)
s///;                       # Remove leading carriage return
# Split on 2 or more occurences of whitespace
if ( $lname eq $lastname && $fname eq $firstname )
if(! $matched)

# Extract the phone number and then the extension.
($numone, $acode, $ournum)=split(/ /, $phonef);
($pref, $extension)=split(/-/, $ournum);

sub parse_info          # parse up what httpd fed us.
if (! $have_uname)    # If we couldn't get the users' name...
$uname=&cut;        # Pick up each field.
$rname=&cut;        # (Each call to cut returns one field)
if (! $shortdesc)     # We want a one line description.
&error("A one line description must be entered.");
$shortdesc=~ s/\"/\\\"/g;             # Remove quotes
$shortdesc=~ s/\$/\\\$/g;             # variables
$shortdesc=~ s/\'/\\\'/g;             # and commands.

sub print_done        # called if request was successfully sent to admin
print "Content-type:  text/html\n\n\n";
print "<TITLE>Result of Request Submission</TITLE>\n";
print "<Body>\n";
print "<H3>Your request has been submitted.<br>";
print "The request database will be updated within 5 minutes.</H3>\n";
print "<HR>\n";
print "</Body>\n";

sub send_request                        # Mail off the request
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
$time=sprintf("%d:%2d", $hour, $min);
$time=~ s/ /0/;
$now=sprintf("%d/%d/%d %s", $mon+1, $mday, $year, $time);

if (!open (MAIL, "|$mailer -s \"$shortdesc\" '$supportaddr"))
&error ("Unable to mail Request form.");
print MAIL

=========================  REQUESTOR INFORMATION  =======================

NAME:       $rname
DATE:       $now
EXTENSION:  $extension
LOCATION:   $room
E-MAIL:     $uname

Priority:   $level

=======================  WORK REQUEST INFORMATION  ======================

Work Request: $shortdesc

Description of Request:

close (MAIL);