New Messages
To: [email protected]
Subject: Customizing Calendar (Sys Admin 4.2)
This was a good article but it missed one important
thing you can
We modified our calendar program so it recognizes all
files that
begin with .calendar. This allows us to create numerous
files, each of which is linked to the home directory
of the affected
parties. When calendar runs, it looks at all these files
and sends
the appropriate messages to the appropriate people.
There are pros and cons to this approach versus Isaacson's.
With his
approach the SA or some other responsible person must
make the changes
to any system-wide or departmental calendar file. With
ours, anybody
who has the file linked to their home directory can
change it. There
is another level which we do not use; the file could
be linked but
only writable by the owner. This would be very close
to Isaacson.
We also use a modified PD calprog picked up from the
net a number
of years ago which provides some of his other options
as built-ins.
When I remember all the problem I had getting that to
work correctly,
I wish I had thought of his idea first.
The include and multi-line features are nice.
Bob Peirce
[email protected]
Dear Sys Admin,
Thanks for mentioning the Sun User Group's "UNIX
& The Law"
symposium in your November issue. This year's symposium
was the glowing
first of what we hope will be many annual events. The
symposium was
four days long. It featured two days of intensive tutorials
and Thursday, the first and last days) and two days
of talks, panels,
and keynotes (Tuesday and Wednesday).
Some of the highlights of the symposium included Steve
keynote speech on Tuesday, and the panel "The Future
of Computer
Crime," moderated by futurist Bruce Sterling.
Mr. Jackson, who is the founder and editor-in-chief
of Steve Jackson
Games, led a lively and interactive keynote titled "Privacy,
and Computers." He and the audience discussed the
current state
of laws on "search and seizure" of computers,
as well as various
related privacy and legal issues such as corporate access
to employee
e-mail and copyright in the digital era.
Later on Tuesday the attendees were treated to one of
the most entertaining
sessions of the symposium. Moderated by Bruce Sterling,
noted author,
futurist, and computer maven, the "Future of Computer
panel featured three law enforcement professionals speculating
directions high-tech crime may go in over the next one,
five, and
fifteen years.
Of course, not all of the issues discussed were so speculative.
Cavasos, a Houston-based attorney and author of Cyberspace
The Law, spoke to a standing-room-only crowd of system
about e-mail privacy and their legal responsibilities
and liabilities.
The talk was so popular that the Sun User Group has
decided to take
it on the road, with the first stop scheduled for April
in Boston,
MA. This workshop is presented as part of the Sun User
Group's ongoing
tutorial program on a variety of technical issues, many
of them of
interest to system administrators.
If readers are interested in upcoming SUG tutorials,
they can contact
the Sun User Group at (617) 232-0514 or [email protected].
Alexander Newman
Executive Director,
Sun User Group
Hi Folks:
Upon responding to a message from a reader concerning
my article,
"File Version Numbering" (Sys Admin 3.5),
I found
a typo which I didn't see when I reviewed the article
prior to publishing.
The vedit source code has an error in it that will prevent
operation. Looking at the source code on page 51 of
the issue, line
99 of the vedit program is the problem.
As published it reads
if [ EDIT -eq 1 ]
but it should read
if [ "$EDIT" -eq 1 ]
I apologize for any confusion which this may have caused!
Chris Hare
Dear Editor:
While Emmett Dulaney's article on filesystems ("Understanding
Filesystems," Sys Admin 4.2) presented a useful
to an area of UNIX systems most people take for granted
(and therefore
fail to use to its greatest advantage), the omission
of one widespread
filesystem was evident.
The VERITAS File System (VxFS) is available from dozens
of system
vendors with their operating systems; these include
the full range
of open systems, from Novell's UnixWare to open servers
such as AT&T
GIS and Sequent to fault tolerant systems like Tandem
and Stratus
to mainframes like Hitachi. It is available from VERITAS
for Sun's
Solaris operating system, and is offered (as JFS and
OnlineJFS) in
Hewlett-Packard's HP-UX release 10.
VxFS offers the reliability and quick recovery benefits
of journaling
discussed in the article sidebar. In addition, its contiguous-extent
allocation policies and direct-to-disk I/O capabilities
provide commercial
database applications with performance levels traditionally
only through raw disk interfaces, without sacrificing
the administrative
ease of a filesystem. It offers a "snapshot"
interface to
guarantee stable and consistent backups, as well as
resizing and defragmentation
utilities which can operate safely while the filesystem
is mounted
and in use, reducing administrative down-time.
Users have been reaping the benefits of VxFS reliability,
and on-line administration for up to five years. A review
recently referred to VxFS as "The Great Little
File System";
I guess one of the things that's "littlest"
about it is awareness
of its existence . . .
Roger B.A. Klorese
Technical Marketing Manager
VERITAS Software
[email protected]
Dear Editor,
I enjoyed Larry Reznick's article on how to customize
remote login
menus (Jan/Feb 95), however allowing the user to maintain
a local
.openwin-menu for customization purposes may not be
the best solution
in all environments. In our case we need to provide
a centralized
system menu, as the applications being offered or their
revision levels etc. change frequently. If users maintain
a local
.openwin-menu, then they will never see the new items
offered at the system level, but if they wish to customize,
they need
that local control. We solved the problem of allowing
user customization
as well as maintaining a system level openwin-menu in
following manner.
We created a .openwin-extras file in the users' accounts.
The user creates new additions to the openwindows menu
a la
Larry's instructions in this file. We then modified
the .login
to check for the existence of this file before starting
If it exists it is added to the system openwin-menu
and the
resulting file is written to the user's account as a
local .openwin-menu.
(You could also force the system openwin-menu by copying
to the user account as a local .openwin-menu every time
log in.)
Addition to .login BEFORE the call for openwindows:
# if user has customized openwin menu add it to system menu
if ( -r ~/.openwin-extras ) then
cat /usr/openwin/lib/openwin-menu ~/.openwin-extras \
> ~/.openwin-menu
We also added a refresh menu choice under utilities
at the system
level, so that a user could see any changes made to
the menu through
the .openwin-extras file without logging out and in.
Addition to .openwin-menu file:
"Utilities" MENU
"Refresh Menu" /usr/local/reread_menufile
"Utilities" END
# This rereads the system openwin-menu file and adds any local user
# menus to it - use with an entry on the system openwin-menu , under
# utilities , Reread Menu File
/bin/cat /usr/openwin/lib/openwin-menu ~/.openwin-extras > ~/.openwin-menu
This scheme works best in an environment where your
users are
not logging into other machines with the same account
but with a different
system level openwin-menu, since your local .openwin-menu
will reflect the system menu of the last machine visited.
(You can
always refresh your menu but this is an extra step your
users may
not appreciate.)
Kathryn Krenn
[email protected]
To the editor:
The following information about upcoming USENIX conferences
may be
of interest to Sys Admin readers.
For detailed program and registration information about
USENIX conferences,
please contact the USENIX Conference Office, 22672 Lambert
Suite 613, Lake Forest, CA USA 92630, +1 714 588 8649,
Fax +1 714
588 9706, email: [email protected]; access the USENIX
Center on the World Wide Web (the URL is;
send mail to our mailserver at [email protected] (in your
message include
the line: send conferences catalog).
USENIX Association 1995 Calendar of Symposia and Conferences
June 5-7, 1995
Sponsored by the USENIX Association, in cooperation
with The Computer
Emergency Response Team (CERT), IFIP WG 11.4 , and Uniforum
Marriott Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utah
The goal of this symposium is to bring together security
researchers, system administrators, systems programmers,
and others
with an interest in computer security as it relates
to networks and
the UNIX operating system. This will be a three-day,
symposium, consisting of tutorials, refereed and invited
presentations, and panel sessions. The keynote address,
by Stephen
T. Walker, Founder and President of Trusted Information
Systems, Inc.,
will open the two days of technical sessions. The technical
program, in addition to presentations of refereed papers,
will include
invited talks, and possibly panel sessions. There will
also be two
evenings available for Birds-of-a-Feather sessions and
July 6-8, 1995
Sponsored by Unisys Inc. and the USENIX Association
Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The third annual Tcl/Tk workshop will act as a focus
for Tcl/Tk research,
provide a mechanism for communication of research, provide
a forum
for discussing open issues and possible solutions, and
promote collaboration
within the Tcl/Tk community. The workshop will feature
invited addresses
by distinguished Tcl/Tk researchers, refereed paper
and demonstration of original non-commercial research,
and informal
demonstrations of commercial applications. Attendance
will be limited
to 150 active Tcl/Tk users. To register, please submit
no more than
1/2 page describing your reason for attending the workshop.
requests may be submitted via email to: [email protected],
mail to: Tcl/Tk Workshop 95, c/o Unisys Canada Inc,
61 Middlefield
Rd, Scarborough, Ontario, M1S 5A9, Canada, or via fax
to (416) 297-2520.
Upon acceptance, attendees will receive instructions
for payment for
the workshop of US$250, which includes a copy of the
lunches, coffee, snacks and a reception/dinner.
September 18-22, 1995
Co-sponsored by USENIX and SAGE,
the System Administrators Guild
Monterey Conference Center, Monterey, California
Program Chairs: Tina Darmohray, Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory, and Paul Evans, Synopses, Inc.
The USENIX Systems Administration (LISA) Conference
is widely
recognized as the leading technical conference for system
from sites of all sizes and kinds. The theme for this
year's conference
is "New Challenges," which includes such emerging
issues as
integration of non-UNIX and proprietary systems and
networking technologies,
distributed information services, network voice and
video teleconferencing,
and managing very complex networks. We are particularly
in technical papers that reflect hands-on experience,
describe fully
implemented and freely distributable solutions, and
advance the state
of the art of system administration as an engineering
The conference's two-day-long tutorial program will
feature full-
and half-day tutorials, offering expert instruction
to system administrators
at all levels from novice through senior. The three
days of technical
sessions will consist of two parallel tracks: the first
track dedicated
to presentations of refereed technical papers and the
second intended
to accommodate invited talks, panels and Works-in-Progress
Vendor representatives will demonstrate products and
services at the
informal table-top display.
Submissions to the Refereed Paper Track: extended abstracts
due May
1, notification to authors June 5, final papers due
August 1, 1995.
An extended abstract is required for the referee process.
If you send
a full paper, you must also include an extended abstract
of 2-5 pages.
Please submit extended abstracts by two of the following
e-mail to [email protected]; Fax to +1 51 548 5738;
mail to LISA
9 Conference, USENIX Association, 2560 Ninth St, Suite
215, Berkeley,
CA USA 94710. To discuss potential submissions, and
for inquiries
regarding the content of the conference program, contact
the program
co-chair at [email protected] or at: Tina M. Darmohray,
510 443 4425, Fax 415 962 0842, e-mail: [email protected].
Submissions to the Invited Talk Track: If you have a
topic that is
of general interest to system administrators, but is
not suited to
a traditional paper submission, please submit a proposal
to the invited
talk coordinator at <[email protected]> or to
Laura de Leon, Hewlett-Packard,
+1 415 857 5605, Fax +1 415 857 5686, e-mail [email protected].
A one-day, pre-LISA conference workshop "Advanced
Topics in
System Administration" will be held Tuesday, September
19. The
workshop will focus on a discussion of the latest-breaking
issues in the systems administration arena as introduced
by participants.
Attendance is limited and based on acceptance of a position
Potential attendees are invited to submit a proposal
of at most 3
pages (ASCII). Email proposals to the workshop organizer,
John Schimmel
of Silicon Graphics,.to [email protected] by August 1; selected
will be notified by August 14, 1995.