A termcap/terminfo Description for xterm
Hendrik-Jan Thomassen
Not all xterm implementations are the same. Especially
if your
implementation of xterm was vendor-delivered, it may
have features not
present in the X Consortium distribution. For example,
to give
applications a more PC-console-like appearance, manufacturers
have been
adding color support to their versions for some time
When the xterm implementation changes, the xterm termcap
and terminfo
definitions should also change. Even when vendors distribute
standard X Consortium version of xterm, they occasionally
feel compelled
to change the termcap/terminfo definition. Unfortunately,
vendor-delivered xterm-definitions may differ quite
a lot from the one
delivered by the X Consortium, in both compatibility
and quality.
While the definition from the X Consortium is correct,
it is also quite
terse. Moreover, because related capabilities are not
grouped logically,
the standard definition is more difficult to understand
than it needs to
be. This makes it difficult to successfully "borrow"
features from the
standard definition for your vendor-supplied definition.
This article
explains how to re-create a full-fledged xterm termcap/terminfo
definition that is complete, correct, and well-organized.
This article focuses on xterm and its capabilities,
but in doing so, it
explains many of the termcap/terminfo capabilities.
Thus it could also
serve as a useful tutorial for writing all kinds of
Although I explain the individual capabilities in detail,
I assume that
you are familiar with the terminfo/termcap notation,
and that you know
how to handle commands like tic, infocmp (or untic),
and tput. Consult
the manual pages terminfo(4) and termcap(5) for additional
The tables present both the termcap and terminfo entries;
in the running
text, however, I use only the terminfo capability names.
Cursor Positioning
The first few lines of my xterm definitions describe
xterm's cursor
positioning capabilities (see Table 1). Notice that
the xterm "hardware"
doesn't need any delays whatsoever in its capability
The Boolean capabilities xm and xenl belong together.
They specify that
this terminal has automatic margins, i.e., that the
"hardware" will
handle a string which would extend over the rightmost
margin. A terminal
with automatic margins will cut that string into two
pieces and display
the second piece at the beginning of the next screen
line. Automatic
margins are the opposite of the behavior where all characters
of a long
line get printed at the rightmost position of the line,
on top of each
other, such that the last printed character stays visible
The xenl capability says that lines of exactly 80 printable
will cause only one line feed -- that is, the automatic
line feed will
not be generated after the 80th printable character,
but before the
81st, if there is one. Thus when the line consists of
exactly 80
printable characters plus a line feed, the terminal
does not insert an
automatic line feed.
The counts for the lines and columns are obvious --
until you have to
allow for dynamically resized windows. See the sidebar
"Static vs.
Dynamic Windows" for more on this subject.
Lines 2 and 3 of Table 1 describe the one-step cursor
movements (CUrsor
Backward, CUrsor Down, CUrsor Up, CUrsor Forward). The
most cryptic name
is probably the termcap nd, which stands for "non-destructive
i.e., a space-step which retains the character already
present at the
new location where the cursor moves to. Cursor home
(upper left corner)
is also obvious. The clear screen operation of a VT100
does not affect
the position of the cursor. But the curses library wants
the cursor to
be at the home position after a clear screen. Therefore
the clear screen
capability contains the home-string as a substring.
The ind capability
indicates what to send to the terminal when the cursor
is at the bottom
line of the screen, and the user wants to invoke a one-line
step upward. If this capability is not present, curses
software will
refuse to go into full-screen mode.
The curses software does all its calculations on the
assumption that the
upper left corner of the screen is (0,0). But the ANSIX3.64-1979
standard (on which the control strings for the VT100
and higher numbered
members of that family as well as the PCconsole and
ANSImode are
based), decided to call this position (1,1). The %i
indicator makes the
curses software aware of this discrepancy, so it will
apply a last
moment adaptation to every calculated result just before
the command
string is sent out to the hardware. Note that this adaptation
place only on calculated results for the capability
Tab-Related Capabilities
To get the tab capabilities right (Table 2), you must
realize that the
curses package disables the stty/ioctl tab handling.
Thus, the device
driver will not expand tabs to spaces, but will pass
those tabs
unmodified. If your terminal is unable to handle tabs
properly, the it
capability should be absent, so that curses will expand
tabs to the
appropriate number of space characters. The xterm handles
tabs properly,
so the it capability is present.
The ht capability tells which character this terminal
uses for tabs. The
default, written here explicitly, is of course the standard
character Ctrl-I.
Both termcap and terminfo can handle programmable tab
settings. Termcap
generates these by just pumping out the contents of
the file named with
the rf capability. That file, whose name may differ
for your system,
simply contains an "all tabs clear" command,
followed by groups of eight
spaces, interleaved with "set a tab-stop here"
Terminfo is more intelligent: it wants to know what
the current tab
settings are. The it#8 means: tab stops are set at every
eighth column.
Next, terminfo will use the hts capability (horizontal
tab set) to
program a tab-stop at the current cursor position, preceded
by a tbc
(clear all tab-stops) first.
Video Effects and Graphic Characters
Table 3 shows video effect and graphic character capabilities.
Line 10
gives the commands to "start mode underlining"
and to stop (reset) it
again. Line 11 is about "standout mode." An
application programmer who
is using curses but is unsure about (or interested in)
in the exact
possibilities of the terminal may request this standout
mode. curses
defines standout mode as some decent way of distinguishing
text if the
terminal is able to do at least something of this kind.
The example uses
a combination of bold and inverse video, which is somewhat
noisy and
Line 12 gives explicit capabilities for bold and inverse
video. Unlike a
real VT100, an xterm is not able to show blinking text.
xterm will map
requests for blinking mode to bold display behavior.
However, because
this xterm definition doesn't specify an explicit blinking
curses will do the same mapping before sending the output
to xterm. The
sgr0 capability serves to turn all these extra modes
off in one step.
The curses package knows that VT100 terminals just have
a single,
non-discriminatory command for this.
If the terminal description defines an "alternate
character set," then
applications can use special characters to draw horizontal
and vertical
box lines, and the corners and intersections needed
with them. Support
for alternate character sets was added to terminfo-curses
about ten
years ago; a termcap-curses implementation may not support
it at all.
The string to switch to the alternate character set
is in capability
smacs, and switching back is done with rmacs. Note that
the rmacs string
is also part of the general cleanup capability sgr0.
The enacs
capability, necessary to initialize the alternate character
must be given once in the lifetime of an xterm. The
enacs example given
here specifies that the standard seven-bit ASCII character
set will
become the "normal" character set ( \E(B in
VT100 language), and the
Special Graphics character set the "alternate"
one (\E)0 for the VT100).
The acsc capability indicates which character codes
must be sent to the
terminal to draw lines, under the assumption that the
character set is currently selected. The string in this
should be read as pairs of two characters each. The
first character of
every pair defines the function (e.g., k is an upper
right corner, m is
a lower left corner, x is a vertical line). The function
definition has
been taken from the standard VT100 definition, and you
need a VTxxx
manual to find out which is which. The second character
of every pair
tells which character to send to this specific terminal
in order to get
the functionality of the corresponding VT100 character
just in front of
it. Because the xterm is VT100 compatible, the string
in this capability
consists of matching pairs of characters.
The msgr capability tells curses that cursor movements
over a piece of
text displayed in some special mode are without complications.
terminals keep so much information in their video memories
step-counting for the cursor is almost impossible. Other
terminals show
visible effects if the cursor jumps from a position
inside some special
display area to another position outside it. The xterm
does not have any
of these quirks. Terminals that did have them are probably
extinct by
Terminfo supports another possibility to control various
combinations of
video effects in one single command. The main purpose
of this feature is
to cut down transmission volume. In the sgr capability
in Table 4 (no
termcap equivalent), you find parameters %p1 ... %p9,
which should each
be either 0 or 1, to turn on/off the following attributes
(in this
sequence): standout, underline, inverse video, blink,
half intensity,
double intensity, invisible characters, protected characters
(cannot be
overwritten), and the alternate character set.
The strings in the example sgr definition use an
if-then-else-if-then-else-if-then...else notation. For
example, whether
the ninth parameter (alternate character set) is on
or off depends on
the string %?%p9%t^N%e^O%; which must be read as: if
p9 is not equal to
zero (%?%p9 with the "not equal to zero" implicitly
assumed just as in
C), then (%t) send ^N, else (%e) send ^O, fi (%;). The
first part of the
sgr definition just composes a command of the form \E[0;x;x;x;x;m
digits 1 (bold, for p1 or p6), 4 (underline, for p2),
7 (inverse, for p1
or p3), and 5 (blinking, for p4) filled in at positions
of the x
characters if requested. The terminfo(4) manual page
gives more details
about this notation.
Special Keys
Tables 5, 6a, 6b, and 7 handle the recognition of special
keys: the
erase key, the four arrow keys, the numeric keypad,
the function keys,
and the extra keypad with, among others, the keys for
next and previous
Except for the erase key, all keys produce a sequence
of bytes, and the
curses software does string matching on the incoming
bytes to recognize
which key got hit. Line 19 (Table 5) starts with the
Boolean km. It
indicates that this keyboard has a meta-key, which is
a term dating from
the days when keyboards were not available in proper
8-bit versions for
the support of various national character sets. A meta-key,
if present,
acted as a kind of shift which in combination with another
key generated
the other key's code, with the eighth bit added to it.
The default
behavior of older curses implementations was to consider
every eighth
bit as a parity bit, and to strip it off. Modern curses
accept what modern keyboards give to them, which makes
the km capability
a dummy. If proper 8-bit operation is desired, you just
make sure that
the underlying terminal driver passes all 8-bit patterns
on: stty cs8
-istrip -parenb -parodd.
Line 19 also shows that the erase key generates a backspace
(^H -- other
terminals may produce a delete 0x7F with this key).
Lines 20 and 21 show
the patterns generated by the arrow keys: "key
cursor backward one
step," "key cursor down one step," etc.
A VT100 can switch the arrow
keys between two different modes: the cursor mode and
the application
mode. The same holds for the numeric keypad: it has
a normal (numeric)
mode and an application mode. Depending on their current
mode, these
special keys will produce different strings. Arrow keys
in cursor mode
generate an escape, followed by a [, followed by A,
B, C, or D. In
application mode these keys generate an escape, followed
by an O
(capital Ooh) followed by A, B, C, or D. Table 5 assumes
cursor mode to
be the default, but some xterm implementations may have
application mode
as their default. The default for the numeric keypad
is always numeric
mode: the keys generate digits, a dot, a carriage return,
Application mode results in a more function-key-like
The smkx capability is the (combined) switching command
for these modes.
The rmkx capability switches back again. (Note that
which mode smkx
switches to depends on how the default is defined.)
I prefer to keep all
keys permanently in the same setting. Therefore, I defined
both smkx and
rmkx to set cursor mode for the arrow keys (\E[?1l)
and normal mode for
the keypad (\E>). If you have non-cursor based applications
which assume
a different setting, you may need to do some experimentation
to find out
when to have what installed.
The arrow keys can be set to application mode with \E[?1h,
and \E= sets
the numeric keypad to application mode. By the way:
many terminfo
descriptions don't define smkx and rmkx. When these
two capabilities are
omitted, the keys are set via the initialization string
(covered near the end of this article, in Table 12)
or the keys are kept
in their default modes permanently. Just be sure to
have your definition
of smkx compatible with the strings in every individual
key definition.
A little tip: use the od -c command on standard input
to find out which
key generates what, but keep the translations at the
ioctl level in
Function keys are not switchable like the arrow keys
or the numeric
keypad. Depending on your xterm implementation, you
get function keys
with VT100 behavior or with VT200 behavior. These two
behaviors are
quite different: your keystrings should match your actual
Table 6a shows the VT200 style strings. Note the irregularities
in the
number pattern. Table 6b gives the corresponding VT100
The special PF function keys found on VT-style keyboards
are handled in
exactly the same way, and their appropriate capability
names can be
found in the manual. Note in Table 6b that the code
for key F12 equals
the code for one of the arrow keys in application mode.
This may cause
conflicts during use.
If your X terminal has a keyboard with a PC layout,
it will have keys
for Insert, Delete, Home, End, PageUp (previous page),
and PageDown
(next page). VT-style keyboards have Find, Select, Insert
PrevScrn, Remove, and NextScrn, which I will not cover
here. However,
they must be handled in exactly the same way. The Delete
key (capability
name dch1) may cause several complications. Not all
versions of tic
translate ^? (the usual notation for the ASCII delete
code) to 0x7F. You
may get 0x3F (which is consistent with the translation
of all other
^-notations, but should be treated as an exceptional
case). This
inconsistency may even lead to asymmetric behavior between
the tic and
infocmp commands. Furthermore, the functionality of
the Delete key
interferes with the stty/ioctl-setting of the erase
Therefore, it is usually best to not specify this key
at the
termcap/terminfo level, but to leave its operation to
the ioctl level.
The Home and End keys will not always produce a unique
string, or even
any character at all. Table 7 defines these keys only
for the VT100 mode
(line 31b), and leaves them undefined for VT200 mode.
Some curses applications use the 3x3 group of digit-keys
in the numeric
keypad (in application mode) as arrow keys, with the
arrows on the
middle keys of each side. vi doesn't use this key overloading,
but the
curses library supports it. The corner keys and the
center key are left:
curses terminology names them the ka1 (upper left),
ka3 (upper right),
kb2 (center), kc1 (lower left), and kc3 (lower right).
The numeric
keypad also has an enter key which does not just produce
a carriage
return when in application mode. The kent capability
specifies what it
does produce. On a VT-style keyboard it may be necessary
to mirror the
top and bottom row definitions (ka1=\EOq, ka3=\EOs,
kc1=\EOw, kc3=\EOy).
You may define other keys on this keypad in a similar
way. The terminfo
manual lists capability names for an almost infinite
number of different
If you have an application that wants to program the
function keys
itself, you need more information than I give in this
article, since
xterm does not support such behavior. It may be necessary
to call upon
xmodmap for help in this case. You also need xmodmap
if a special key
does not produce any string at all, or in case two keys
produce the same
output string.
Cursor Movement Optimization
Table 8 provides the basic information for the optimization
of cursor
movements. All these capabilities are optional, but
their effect on
speed and transmission volume is great. Leaving out
the el capability
may provoke buggy behavior from vi.
An xterm is able to remember its current cursor position,
and restore it
later upon request. This feature is not a stack-based
mechanism, but
just a one-deep memory. sc (save cursor) and rc (restore
cursor) do the
The cub/cud/cuu/cuf are the multi-step equivalents of
the cub1/cud1 etc.
capabilities from lines 2 and 3 in Table 1. These capabilities
make the
cursor jump in the direction indicated over a specified
number of
positions. Their effect on efficiency is moderate because
the command
takes almost the same amount of transmission time as
a complete cursor
movement (the cup of line 7). I also define several
erase capabilities
in Table 7. An xterm terminal can clear part of its
screen, from the
cursor position to the end of its line (el), from the
cursor to the
start of the line (el1), or from the cursor to the end
of the screen
The "change scrolling region" capability on
line 42 plays a very
important role in optimization. A good example is a
dd command in vi.
The optimization routines in curses are even clever
enough to reverse
the scrolling direction, if the terminal supports it.
Line 43 (ri)
reverts the scrolling direction. It is very instructive
to set a
terminal at a slow speed (e.g., 1200 bps) and look at
the effects if you
take out one or a few of the lines 40-44.
Line 44 (mir) indicates that the terminal calculates
properly when tabs
on a line interfere with cursor steps. Like msgr of
line 14, it is a
throwback to the times when terminals had too much hardware
and not
enough software aboard.
Insert and Delete
The definitions in Table 9 also exist mainly for efficiency
These entries define separate capabilities for efficient
delete and
insert operations. Separate cases are made for one line,
a number of
lines, one character, or a number of characters. Theoretically,
could be eight cases, but because of a bug in many xterms
it is not
usual to define the character insert capabilities ich
and ich1. These
two capabilities may produce one superfluous space for
every actual
character. Line 48 switches to insert mode (smir), and
back (rmir) again
to replace mode. Replace means that a newly written
character erases the
character already present at that position.
The Mouse
Not all xterm implementations support a mouse in a way
that curses can
use. This paragraph is only relevant for xterms that
have the proper
support. An example is the xterm as delivered with Novell's
from which the command strings of Table 10 were taken.
This table
specifies that the mouse has three buttons. The reqmp
requests the current mouse position, and the answer
is expected to begin
with the kmous string. The getm capability is used by
curses to inquire
about mouse button events.
Color support in xterm is a very recent development.
manufacturers have added color support already to their
versions of
xterm, to make curses applications resemble PC-monitor-based
The general form of the color commands (ISO6429) is:
\E[3xm to set the
foreground to color number x, and \E[4xm to set the
background to color
number x. Color numbers are defined as follows: 0, black;
1, red; 2,
green; 3, yellow; 4, dark blue; 5, magenta (purple);
6, cyan (light
blue); 7, white. (It is easy to remember these as all
combinations of Blue+Green+Red, in that sequence, expressed
as a
three-bit number.) Colors are controlled with the capabilities
of Table 11.
Do not include these definitions if your xterm does
not have color
Table 11 shows that eight colors are supported, and
that curses will
maintain bookkeeping space for up to 64 color pairs
(fg+bg). curses
applications can compose these pairs themselves. The
setaf and setab
modify foreground and background color in an ANSI-defined
way. The eight
color numbers mentioned above are the defaults for applications
that do
not want to define additional colors themselves. If
programmers want more colors than the basic eight, they
must define them
explicitly, they must use hardware that supports this
(an X terminal
does, of course), and the colors capability must be
defined at a higher
level (64 max). Usually, the background color of an
xterm is set to some
other color than the standard white, so color 7 is not
the same as "the
default background."
If an application wants to change foreground or background
curses prefers to use the setf and setb capabilities.
These definitions
look horrifying, because of the if-then-else construct
used. Basically,
system administrators would define their own translation
tables for the
choices made by the application programmer. The example
reads (from left
to right): if the programmer has chosen color 1, then
I want a 4; if a 3
is chosen, then I want a 6; instead of a 4, I want a
1; instead of a 6,
I want a 3, and in all other cases give me what the
programmer did
The final color capability is op: go back to the original
fg/bg color
pair. This capability prevents colors chosen by a certain
from persisting after the application has terminated.
I must admit that
I do not know whether op capability is standard in color-supporting
environments; this example comes from a UnixWare environment.
Initialization and Reset
Table 12 handles a variety of initializations and resets.
Line 57 contains codes specific for xterm, which are
documented in the
xterm Control Sequences Document. These are the first
definitions I've
used which are not VT-compatible. The smcup capability
specifies a
string which will be sent to the terminal at the start
of an application
which intends to use cursor position commands. rmcup
is the
corresponding closing string. xterm has not been designed
for such a
requirement, but "misuses" these capabilities
in a very creative way.
The VT-compatible part of xterm has two different display
(glass screens). (The Tektronix screen is in addition
to these two VT
component screens.) The smcup/rmcup sequences switch
between the two
When a curses application (like vi) is started, it will
first switch
screens (with smcup and then perform a "clear screen").
By switching
screens first, the pre-session display is saved and
will reappear when
vi exits. The rmcup capability encodes this behavior
by clearing the
second screen again (\E[2J) and the current line on
the first screen
(\r\E[M). You may encounter versions of smcup/rmcup
that switch the
modes of your cursor keys and numeric keypad keys, as
covered earlier in
this article (line 23). If you follow my advice to stick
to one key mode
permanently, you should remove those mode-switching
The is2 capability is also an initialization string.
This string is sent
to the terminal if a user asks for it with the tic command.
This request
may be useful in a .profile if you want to be sure that
your session
starts with the terminal in a well-defined mode. The
example definition
(line 58) defines the entire screen to be the scrolling
region (\E[r),
turns off all video effects (\E[m), and does some mode-sets
and resets
(to be explained shortly).
The terminfo man page has a long section about initialization
capabilities (is1, is2, is3). You can find related information
in the
description of the init parameter of the tput(1) command.
speaking, is2 is the key initialization string, and
the others only
serve special, nonessential purposes. It is important
to keep is2
compatible with the arrow key and numeric keypad modes
selected by smkx.
Finally, there are the reset capabilities, available
as a numbered
collection just like the initialization capabilities.
From the manual
you can learn that rs2 is the workhorse. Again, the
description of the
reset parameter of the tput(1) command includes more
information. The
example reset capabilities have been kept very similar
to the
initialization capabilities. Make sure that rs2 leaves
the key modes as
you want to have them for non-curses based operation.
The terminal mode sets and resets distinguish between
based properties and vendor-specific properties. The
latter category is
a mixture of DEC VT-definitions, and specific xterm
extensions. This
gives (among others) the following combinations:
\E[ ... l reset ansi modes
\E[ ... h set ansi modes
\E[? ... l reset DEC and xterm modes
\E[? ... h set DEC and xterm modes
At the ellipsis you fill in numbers that indicate the
properties. Multiple numbers are separated with semicolons.
Not all
possibilities are of equal importance. The following
list is more than
sufficient for almost any situation. In general, the
reset situation is
the default one.
ANSI modes: withE[ ...
4 reset is replace mode: new characters write over old
ones, which is
the usual situation. Set is insert mode: characters
behind an insertion
point shift to the right as new characters are being
20 reset is non auto linefeed behavior. Set adds a linefeed
to every
carriage return (which you never want because curses
does this job
DEC and xterm modes: withE[? ...
1 reset is ANSI (cursor) mode for the arrow keys. We
have covered this
with the smkx and is2 capabilities. Set is application
3 reset is 80 columns screen; set is 132 columns.
4 reset is jump scroll; set is smooth scroll.
5 reset is normal video; set is inversed video.
6 reset means that the screen origin is at the home
position; set means
that it is at the upper left of the currently defined
scroll region.
7 reset is: auto line wrap off. Set is on. In our examples
I specified
the am capability, which means that I expect a set status
for this
property. Since set is the UNIX default not only for
a curses
environment but for line-oriented commands as well,
I set it explicitly
in the initialization and reset capabilities.
8 reset means auto-repeat key behavior off; set means
on. Since auto
repeat on is not the default but is generally preferred,
we set this
explicitly in the initialization and reset.
38 reset means: VT100 mode. set means: Tektronix 4014
44 reset means: margin bell off. Set is margin bell
46 reset means: xterm logging enabled. Set is logging
47 reset is: use the first VT screen buffer (as discussed
with the
smcup/rmcup capabilities in line 57). Set enables the
second screen
In real life, the is and rs capability strings are usually
a mess. Every
copy you encounter will have other choices for what
to set, reset, or
ignore. Often you see several separate commands inside
a single
capability which could have been bundled into one. In
any case the
initialization and reset strings give you a chance to
fix problems with
applications that don't clean up properly when they
Obviously, the cautious reader should not switch to
my description on
blind faith. However, if you compare this xterm description
to your
vendor-supplied version, you may be able to augment
the latter by adding
selected bits and pieces from this story.
Because this definition groups related capabilities
in a way that makes
clear which parts belong together and which parts are
independent of
each other, it should be relatively easy to add specific
portions to
your existing xterm definition.
For Further Reading
B. Goodheart. UNIX Curses Explained. Prentice Hall,
ISBN 0-13-931957-3.
E. Moy, S. Gildea. Xterm Control Sequences. MIT X Consortium.
About the Author
Hendrik-Jan Thomassen has been a full-time UNIX system
administrator and
programmer for the last 21 years. Back in the days of
UNIX 5th Edition
he was one of the first handful of UNIX users in Europe.
He co-founded
AT Computing in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. This company
now performs
training throughout The Netherlands in UNIX, C, the
X Window System, and
a variety of other topics all related to the UNIX system.
He can be
contacted via email at [email protected].