Porting Serial I/O Applications to Distributed Environments
Michael Harold
Many existing vertical market applications were originally
developed for
a centralized computing environment which supported
text-based terminal
and printer devices via multi-port boards or terminal
servers. The
device drivers for most multiport boards were -- and
still are -- supplied
by the manufacturer of the boards and require "hard"
connections for
each serial device defined by the UNIX OS. Porting such
applications to
network environments can be a headache for application
developers and
systems administrators since, although the data may
continue to reside
on a central server, terminal devices may be distributed
across a wide
geographic area. This article describes a method for
multiport-based serial applications to a distributed
environment using
TCP/IP programs and services.
It is possible to convert a centralized, multi-user
application to a distributed network application by
TCP/IP-based links between one or more "communications"
servers and a
single "application" server which contains
the application software.
This is a less expensive solution than one requiring
hubs and a network
card for each terminal and printer in the LAN or WAN
environment. The
chief advantage of this approach is the ability to migrate
to a network
environment without having to modify the original application.
It is important to establish transparent connections
between the
application and communications servers in order to provide
a single
"point-of-entry" to the system. This means
that a user is only required
to login once to gain access to the application. Access
to remote print
services should also be transparent to the user. Methods
to accomplish
this are discussed in detail.
TCP/IP Services
TCP/IP is a set of protocols which provide network and
services for heterogeneous computing environments. The
communications model for TCP/IP consists of three layers:
The Network
Access layer, the Host-to-Host Transport layer, and
the Application
The Network Access layer supports those protocols necessary
to provide
data communications at the hardware level among devices
attached to the network.
The Host-to-Host or Transport layer consists of two
procotols whose
purpose it is to deliver IP (Internet Protocol) datagrams
from one node
to another on the network. The Transmission Control
Procotol (TCP)
provides end-to-end error detection and correction.
It is the underlying
Transport layer for services such as ftp, telnet, and
smtp. The User
Datagram Protocol (UDP) has less overhead than TCP and
is therefore
faster. UDP is the Transport layer for services such
as snmp and nfs.
The Application layer lies on top of the Transport layer
and provides
application-specific communications services. The application
services I
will be using are rlogin and lpr. These services will
be set up on the
application server and on each of the communications
servers. The setup
procedures for the application server and the communications
are basically the same.
Setting Up a Communications Server
I won't describe in detail here the installation procedure
for a serial
multiport product or the TCP/IP software. For the purposes
of this
article, Iassume some experience with terminal communications
serial multi-port cards and/or TCP/IP services. Moreover,
communications are discussed in most UNIX system administration
An excellent guide to UNIX network communications is
TCP/IP Network
Administration by O'Reilly and Associates.
Once the TCP/IP software is installed on both the communications
application servers, the servers can be directly attached
to the network
via hubs or transceivers. It is also possible to connect
communications server to the application server using
telecommunications services such as ISDN.
This discussion assumes that the multiport board and
the TCP/IP product
have been successfully installed on the communications
server. Each
communications server should have a multiport card and
a network card.
The terminals and printers should be installed as serial
controlled by the multiport device driver(s). After
the network card and
TCP/IP are installed, certain files should be examined
to ensure that
they contain the appropriate entries.
The /etc/services File
The services file assigns "port numbers" to
specific application
processes supported by TCP/IP. An example of a typical
services file is
shown in Listing 1. The first column identifies the
application service.
The second column identifies the port number and the
transport protocol
for that service. A port number is a 16-bit value that
identifies the
application service which is sending the data and the
service which is to receive the data. Most TCP/IP services
are assigned
the same port numbers, regardless of the OS vendor.
In the example /etc/services file, telnet is assigned
port number 23 and
printer is assigned port number 515. It is important
that the
application server and each of the communications servers
have the same
port number assigned for the rlogin (telnet) and lpr
(printer) services.
The /etc/hosts File
The /etc/hosts file associates a logical device name
(the IP address)
with a physical device name (e.g., the ethernet address).
This provides
a means whereby each of the hosts or nodes on a network
can identify
those hosts with which they are to communicate. An example
hosts file is
shown in Listing 2. In this example the communications
server is
identified with the IP address and the application
server is
identified with the address The entry for
localhost should
be identical for each /etc/hosts file on the network.
Terminal Communications
The next requirement is a remote login service between
the remote
terminal device and the application server. The first
step is to modify
the user's .profile on the communications server to
automatically login
to the application server. An example .profile for the
server is shown in Listing 3.
Once the user is logged into the communications server
and the local
environment variables and terminal attributes are established,
a remote
login procedure is executed. In this case the login
is accomplished via
the rlogin command. The rlogin command connects the
terminal on the
communications server to the application server using
the telnet
service. When you login as the same user on the application
server you
do not have to provide a password if there is a file
called .rhosts in
the user's home directory on the application server.
The rlogin command
sets the terminal type on the application server to
match the terminal
type given in the communications server's local TERM
variable. This
means that the termcap and/or terminfo entries for the
terminal must be
identical on the communications and application servers.
The rlogin
command is transparent to the communications server,
so all character
"echoes" occur only once.
Each user identified on a communications server must
also be identified
on the application server. The .profile is the same
profile that would
be used if the user were connected by a serial port
to the application
When remote terminal connections are made using network
services, a
"pseudo-terminal" device name is assigned
to each network connection
established on the application server. Pseudo-terminals
are virtual
terminal devices which are allocated on a first-come,
first-served basis
-- much like a LIFO stack. This means that there is
no guarantee that a
user will be assigned the same pseudo-terminal device
name each time he
or she logs in. Many applications developed in multiport
use the hardwired terminal port number to identify users
and to assign
printers. The application must be able to access the
user's logname to
identify the user and to assign printers. One way to
accomplish this is
to place the following command in the user's profile
on the application
USER=`logname`; export USER
The USER environment variable can then be read by the
application. If
this is not possible, the logname can be echoed into
a file and the file
can be read by the application. A simple command to
accomplish this is:
echo `logname` > user.asc
To avoid redundancy in the messages displayed by the
application server,
create a .hushlogin file containing the following commands
in the user's
home directory on the application server:
$ echo "" > .hushlogin
$ chmod 600 .hushlogin
Security is an important consideration for any network.
Some texts
discuss the use of the /etc/hosts.equiv file as a way
of allowing
transparent access between host machines, but this is
not the best
method. To prevent unauthorized access to the application
server, you
should create a file called .rhosts in the user's directory
on the
application server. This file identifies the trusted
hosts and users for
the account. An example entry in the .rhost file for
user larry would
commserver larry
Only the root or end user should be able to read the
.rhosts file.
A one-to-one correspondence must be established between
the users on the
communications server and the users on the application
server. If
multiple communications servers are used, each user
name should be
unique among all of the communication servers.
Printer Communications
The TCP/IP remote printer service is used to provide
links between
network printer devices on the application server and
serial printer
devices on the communications servers. A printer definition
must exist
on the communications and application servers for each
printer defined
on the communications server.
On the communications server, printers are identified
as serial devices
in the /etc/printcap file (the organization of the printcap
file is
discussed in Sys Admin, July/August 1995). An example
printcap file for
a communications server is shown in Listing 4.
On the application server, printers are identified in
/etc/printcap as
remote printers. An example printcap file for the application
server is
shown in Listing 5. Note the rm and rp entries: the
rm identifies the
remote host name to which the print job is to be sent,
while the rp
entry identifies the printer on the remote host on which
the print job
is to be printed. Setting up the printcap files in this
way makes it
possible to route a print job from the application through
the network
to a serial device connected to the communications server.
To avoid multiple banner pages and multiple form feeds,
you may have to
modify printer interfaces on the application server.
A special printer
interface called dumb.rmt is shown in Listing 6. This
interface was
created by copying an existing SCO UNIX interface for
a "dumb" printer
and removing all references to form feeds and banner
Once print jobs are routed from the application to the
server, it is possible to create filters for the printer
on the
communications server.
This method allows you to expand network topologies
to include
standalone terminals and PCs using local dial-up or
leased lines to
connect with communications servers, which in turn access
a central
application server using ISDN or T1 links. Further,
there is nothing to
prevent you from attaching multiport devices to the
application server
in order to provide local serial line access.
About the Author
Michael Harold is a systems analyst/programmer currently
employed by
Willis-Knighton Medical Center in Shreveport, Louisiana.
He has worked
with UNIXsystems for thirteen years as an educator,
administrator, database administrator, and application
developer. He can
be reached at [email protected].