Books: A User's Report
Elizabeth Zinkann
This month I chose an exceptional style book, Bugs in
Writing: A Guide
to Debugging Your Prose, by Lyn Dupré; two second
editions, Essential
System Administration, by Æleen Frisch, and Inside
TCP/IP, by New
Riders; The Internet Voyeur: A Guide to Viewing Images
on the Internet,
by Jim Howard; Instant C Programming, by Ivor Horton;
Communications: From Basics to Broadband, 2 ed., by
William J. Beyda;
and C and UNIX: Tools for Software Design, by Martin
L. Barrett and
Clifford H. Wagner.
Bugs in Writing: A Guide to Debugging Your Prose
by Lyn Dupré
ISBN 0-201-60019-6
Every job occasionally requires some type of writing.
positions present no exception to that rule, but they
do demand a
different, more detailed type of writing. Regular readers
of this column
may have noticed that I rarely include an acronym without
explanation, or at least its expanded name (exceptions
to this may
include very familiar acronyms, e.g., TCP/IP or AIX).
However, no matter
what style the writer employs, certain principles apply.
Most of us
learned these basic rules in grades six through nine.
Since then, we
have remembered select sections, but have forgotten
most of the
Lyn Dupré addresses specific writing topics in
a friendly, readable
format, reminiscent of newspaper columns. The issues
presented range
from general usage, including Adjectives and Adverbs,
Redundant Terms,
and Placement of Prepositions, to specific practices,
such as Better,
Best, Worst; Affect Versus Effect; Shall Versus Will;
and Its Versus
It's. Dupré also examines newer developments
in writing, exploring Terms
for Human-Computer Interaction, Visual Aids for Presentations,
Sheets and Spell Checkers, and Gender-Specific Words.
Some of the more
advanced sections deal with Abstracts, Dissertations,
and Authorship on
Research Articles.
The author illustrates each of the 150 segments with
good, bad,
splendid, and ugly examples. The topics are treated
briefly and
precisely and not only reward leisurely perusal, but
also comprise an
excellent reference tool. Each segment concludes with
"The principle for
lucid writing here is...," followed by the essential
ideas presented in
that section. In the preface, entitled "Read Me:
Ear," Dupré states her
goal: to develop her readers' ability to hear language.
She wants us to
be able to discern whether a phrase, sentence, or term
is properly used
by hearing or seeing it.
Bugs in Writing is a well-organized and useful guide,
and Dupré's
writing style is fresh and entertaining. Whether the
reader writes daily
or infrequently, the sections illustrating some of the
most frequently
misused aspects of the English language will be instructive.
This is an
ideal reference for the technical professional accustomed
to researching
minute details; it is an extraordinary reference for
the general writing
Essential System Administration
Second Edition
by Æleen Frisch
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
ISBN 1-56592-127-5
The first edition of Essential System Administration
became a landmark
reference for system administrators. It not only addressed
UNIX System V
and BSD (Berkeley Standard Distribution) variants, but
also included
XENIX, SunOS, and the first substantive information
on IBM's AIX
operating system. Since October 1991, revisions, upgrades,
significant development have occurred. Consequently,
in order to
maintain its value to the administrator, Essential System
was completely rewritten, not simply modified. The new
edition has the
same basic organizational plan, so the reader can easily
find needed
solutions quickly. (This is unlike the minor reorganization
in your
local supermarket, when finding the milk requires two
maps and the aid
of Sherlock Holmes.)
Since the book is often a training tool for novice administrators,
Frisch addresses the fundamental concepts of UNIX system
She introduces both simple daily tasks and complex procedures.
She has
expanded the sections detailing networking, electronic
mail, kernel
configuration, and security. Frisch examines the new
world of the
multi-vendor administrator and discusses the most recent
major UNIX
platforms: SunOS 4.1.4, Solaris 2.4, AIX 4, Digital
HP-UX 9 and 10, IRIX 6, and Linux 1.3.
Essential System Administration remains a practical
guide, and this is
its most valuable attribute. It is designed for daily
administrative use
and for finding a procedure quickly. Frisch's considerable
coupled with her lucid writing style, has produced a
superb reference
for any and every UNIX administrator, novice or advanced.
It is also an
excellent resource for UNIX users.
Inside TCP/IP
Second Edition
New Riders Publishing
ISBN 1-56205-450-3
The second edition of Inside TCP/IP provides the reader
with the
necessary information to design, maintain, and troubleshoot
networks. The efforts of seventeen authors appear in
three sections: The
Overview, Enumeration, and the Appendices and Glossary.
The Overview
addresses TCP/IP Routing, Frame Relay and ATM (Asynchronous
Mode as opposed to Adobe Type Manager or Automatic Teller
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), the Domain
Name System,
sendmail and SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), Network
Security and
IPng - The Next Generation. Part Two: Enumeration includes
to NetWare, DOS and Windows, Windows NT, OS/2, UNIX,
and Windows 95.
Appendices and the Glossary also present information
on Vendors, RFCs
(Requests for Comments), Site Registration, Utilities,
and Further
The primary additions to the second edition are the
chapter on IPng and
Windows 95 Connectivity. IPng- The Next Generation examines
the current
definition of IP version 6. An explanation of the existing
implementation, version 4, introduces the chapter. Connecting
to Windows
95 discusses Window 95 networking benefits, configuring
TCP/IP both with
a LAN (Local Area Network) and a dial-up connection,
and the TCP/ IP
applications that accompany Windows 95.
The writing style is clear and consistent. (I am amazed
that so many
individual authors could produce a logical, coherent
text). The authors'
extensive knowledge and the many figures, tables, and
examples make this
book worth the attention of every system and network
The Internet Voyeur
A Guide to Viewing Images on the Internet
by Jim Howard
ISBN 0-7821-1655-8
Disk Included
One of the most enticing aspects of the Internet is
its vast resource of
pictures, animation, and sound. These files feature
maps, artwork,
pin-ups, cartoons, movie clips, and quotations and are
easily accessed.
Although the images and sounds may seem easy to obtain,
casual users
often experience difficulty in accomplishing this. The
Internet Voyeur
tries to solve those problems and simplify the downloading,
and decompressing processes.
Howard provides detailed information for the different
file formats. A
table displaying the various file extensions and what
they mean appears
on the inside front cover of the book. The author reviews
some of the
Internet tools for the reader and briefly demonstrates
how to use them.
He explains the vocabulary that accompanies the different
image and
sound procedures. He demonstrates downloading and decoding
tells how to process archived and compressed files,
and reveals where
the free utilities can be found. He also identifies
some of the more
interesting resources on the Net, and reviews proper
netiquette for the
reader. Specifically, Howard examines MPEG (Moving Pictures
Group sound or animation), Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions (MIME),
and step-by-step methods for downloading and transmitting
binary files.
In addition to identifying various freeware and shareware
utilities for
the Macintosh, Windows, and UNIX, and noting their locations,
illustrates how to use them. The accompanying disk contains
utilities for decoding, decompressing, and viewing downloaded
files. The index is detailed and complete. Sidebars
highlight warnings
or tips, and the examples use the America Online interface,
although any
of the services can be substituted. The Internet Voyeur
will repay any
user's examination by simplifying the downloading and
Instant C Programming
by Ivor Horton
Wrox Press
ISBN 1-874416-24-9
Instant C Programming, targeted to programmers familiar
with other
languages and endeavoring to learn C, fulfills more
than one purpose. It
provides an excellent review guide for C programmers
who either have not
used C for some time or are moving from one type of
C compiler to
another. Each chapter addresses a separate topic, so
that the
inexperienced C programmer builds on the fundamentals
in a logical
fashion. Experienced programmers will find a well-organized
text that
makes it easy to isolate a single topic and even easier
to find a single
detail within the chapters. Some of the chapters address
the following
topics: Logic and Loops, Arrays and Pointers, Using
Functions, Data
Structures, Using Libraries, and File Operations. Necessary
include the ASCII table and Keywords in C. Each chapter
contains the
following structure: an outline of the chapter contents,
an introduction
to the topic, the body of the chapter, summary, and
exercises. The thumbprints at the top of every other
page indicates the
topic of that part of the chapter, rather like the words
at the top of a
dictionary page.
The substantive material of the book illustrates the
power of C in
several ways. The many different examples display its
versatility; the
options illustrate its potential power. Horton explains
the varied
concepts clearly, logically, and step-by-step, using
tables, screen
outputs, figures, diagrams, and code examples to help
the reader
understand the procedures presented. Instant C Programming
provides an
excellent introduction or review for any programmer
interested in C.
Data Communications
From Basics to Broadband
Second Edition
by William J. Beyda
Prentice Hall
ISBN 0-13-366923-8
$ 40.00
The world of data communications is constantly changing.
Protocols and
standards are updated, new hardware is developed, and
different trends
become popular. Books on data communications increasingly
focus on very
specific topics. A novice to the field needs a book
that explains the
fundamental concepts clearly. Beyda's second edition
presents the basics
of data communications for the beginner and also explores
designed for the experienced technical professional.
Most books merge
both levels in the same type of print on the same page.
It is the
reader's task to separate the two. By contrast, the
author has isolated
the more advanced material in shaded boxes, enabling
the reader to
either ignore or read the information.
Beyda introduces the subject with a chapter on Understanding
Telecommunications and Basic Data Communications Concepts.
He continues
with Data Interfaces and Transmission, Improving Data
Efficiently, Data Integrity and Security, and Architectures
Protocols. He concludes with Data Transport Networks,
Management, and Digital Telecommunications. The important
elements are
all here: modulation, multiplexors, error control, packet
switching and
local area networks, ISDN (Integrated Services Digital
Network), and ATM
(Asynchronous Transfer Mode).
Since the data communications field generates an overabundance
acronyms, Beyda takes care to provide an unusually complete
Each chapter ends with a summary, a section entitled
"Terms for Review,"
and exercises. This excellent book could easily serve
as a course book,
a general introduction to data communications, or an
advanced text. It
would be a welcome addition to any network or system
C and UNIX
Tools for Software Design
by Martin L. Barrett and Clifford H. Wagner
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 0-471-30927-3
This book represents an unusual blending of subjects
in that it looks at
C and the UNIX operating system together. Many books
address these
topics separately, but few merge them. Add the subject
of software
design to the other two, and the text becomes a valuable
resource (and
also eliminates two other books that the student would
normally carry).
Each chapter includes separate sections on C and UNIX.
Thus, if the
curriculum does not include UNIX, the instructor can
eliminate that part
of the text from the syllabus.
A particular benefit of this book is its discussion
of software design.
Although students often wonder why software design is
important, they
usually come to appreciate it for themselves when they're
out in the
real coding world. (As a student, I took a course entitled
Tools I, which divided its time among C, UNIX, and the
principles of
software design. There were texts for C and UNIX, and
the instructor
wrote the software tools part. I still use ideas from
that course and
for problems totally unrelated to the programming world.)
Barrett and
Wagner demonstrate that C and UNIX complement each other
well, but
remain independent of one another.
Each chapter ends with references, a summary, review
problems, and
programming problems. The authors include many types
of examples, from
mathematics, science, accounting, statistics, and image
processing. The
text is intended for experienced programmers, and gives
the reader
groundwork for more advanced classes and concepts. The
style is clear
and logical, and the authors often include bonus principles,
such as
system design, in the descriptions. I enjoyed this book
Even though I read it outside of a classroom environment,
I appreciated
the cross-disciplinary ideas presented. This excellent
book will not
only provide the reader with C and UNIX knowledge but
also with useful
tips on various phases of the design process.
About the Author
Elizabeth Zinkann has been involved in the UNIX and
C environment for
the past 11 years. She is currently a UNIX and C consultant,
and one of
her specialties is UNIX education. In addition to her
cmoputer science
background, she also has a degree in English. Elizabeth
can be reached
via CompuServe at 71603,2201 (Internet format:
[email protected]), or at America Online ([email protected]).