Questions and Answers
Bjorn Satdeva
I have received several questions about how to get access
to the System
Administration Archive at As with any
other ftp archive,
you will first need Internet access. Without it, there
is not much that
can be done (I have gotten several requests for access
by email and will
probably make that available later in 1996, but for
now there is plenty
of work just building the archive).
To download a file, ftp to and login
as "ftp." You will
be prompted for a password; just use your email address.
You will then
be given access to the archive.
By the way, if you are making a lot of anonymous ftp
requests, you might
like the ncftp program. This program will automatically
login for you,
so it will appear that you get in without having to
go through the
authentication process. If you are interested in checking
out this
program, you can get it from:
Hot off various security mailing lists is information
about a big
security problem in Microsoft Windows 95. Although this
is not strictly
a UNIX issue, it is something that many UNIX system
administrators may
need to deal with. This security issue concerns the
.pwl files that are
protected by RC4 with 32-bit keys. Not only are the
keys short, and
therefore breakable by brute force, but the implementation
is also
lacking in quality. These files, therefore, can be decrypted
in a
trivial amount of time, using a program that is being
circulated on the
The following example illustrates a problem I encountered
variables into quotations:
#! /bin/sh
for file in 'ls *'
wwwstat -d 'Nov' -n '/~$file' > $file.html
Outside the quotations, the substitution works correctly.
Inside the
quotations, however, the shell script views $file as
"$file" instead of
the variable it represents. Any suggestions as to how
to make this
By definition, shell variables will not be expanded
inside single
quotes. If you use double quotes instead, the script
should work just
#! /bin/sh
for file in 'ls *'
wwwstat -d 'Nov' -n "/~$file" > $file.html
We need to allow some of our users to execute some
specific programs as
root. Is there a way I can do this without having to
give them the root
Tom Christensen wrote a nice utility, called op, however,
at the time,
his company would not allow him to distribute the program.
for the rest of us, Dave Koblas did a reimplementation
of the program.
For some reason, the program has never gotten the widespread
use that it
deserves, possibly because of limited awareness of it.
You can get the
program from the System Administration Archive on
URL is:
With op you can delegate root authority to some of your
users, while
ensuring that they can only execute the commands with
the arguments that
are required. op uses regular expressions to determine
which commands
should be allowed. You could, for example, delegate
authority to users
to perform shutdowns, while enforcing a 10-minute warning.
We want to set up an anonymous ftp server at our site.
How would you
recommend we do this?
Setting up an anonymous ftp server is fairly straightforward,
you need to be careful not to breach the security of
the machine when
you start it up. All of the software you will need is
available from the
Internet, and one of the pieces you will need is the
ftp server itself.
In my opinion, the best server around these days is
one from Washington
University, known as wu-ftpd. You will need version
2.4, and you can get
it from:
To protect the server as much as possible, you will
need the chrootuid
If your OS uses dynamically loaded libraries, it would
be a good idea to
statically link the above programs. You should also
get the sources for
the ls program and statically link that, too.
Now, you are about ready to set up your ftp server.
Create a home
directory where the ftp server should live (e.g., /var/ftp).
If you are
planning to allow people to upload files to your system,
you should make
this directory a separate filesystem (otherwise Internet
users could
fill up your filesystem and disrupt more important services).
directory will be the chroot point for chrootuid later.
Next, you need to create subdirectories for the ftp
server. As the
server will be running chrooted, you might need more
files than
mentioned here depending on your specific operating
system. The
subdirectories you will need are:
bin for executables
etc for configuration files
data for your ftp archive
The bin directory needs to contain the executable of
the ftp server
itself (ftpd). It should be owned by root, and be executable
by user and
group, but neither readable nor writable. A long list
of that directory
should look somewhat like this:
---x--x--- 1 root wheel 200704 Oct 17 1995 ftpd
(Note: the ls program does not go in this bin directory).
The etc directory must contain a version of the password
file (but
absolutely not the real one). You will need entries
for ftp, root, and
nobody, each of which should have an asterisk (*) in
the password field.
You can add users who have privileges beyond the anonymous
ftp account,
but remember that you run the same risks here for password
sniffing as
with any other reusable password authentication. The
password file then
will look somewhat like this:
root:*:0:0:System Administrator:/:
ftp:*:4:7:Anonymous FTP:/data:
nobody:*:65534:32766:Unknown User:/nowhere:/dev/null
It is important which directory you specify as home
directory for the
user ftp, because the server will do a chroot to that
directory before
allowing access. It might seem to be overkill that I
do a chroot with
chrootuid before starting the server, when the server
also does a
chroot. Remember, however, that the server does a lot
of work (like
reading configuration files) before it does its chroot,
and it is
possible to break out of the server and get root access
on the machine
before that chroot takes place. Using the chrootuid
is just another
example of the "belt and suspender" approach
I like to use when building
You will also need to create a group file of similar
content and a
resolver configuration file for the nameserver, because
ftpd cannot get
to the real one.
The ftpd configuration files also go into the etc directory.
I will
discuss these files below. You may need a number of
other files to
satisfy the requirement from ftpd. To find out what
files a program
expects to be able to access, you can look directly
into the executable
strings ftpd | grep '^/' | sort -u
This will give you the complete list of required files.
Now, you need to add the configuration files for the
ftp server. The
most important is ftpaccess, which is used to configure
much of the
server's behavior. A sample file is in Figure 1.
Next, you must put files into the data directory. It
is common practice
to have a pub directory in which all files that can
be downloaded must
reside. All these files must be owned by root and wheel
(or the
equivalent thereof), but should not be writable by user
ftp or nobody. I
like to execute the following from cron on a regular
basis to ensure
that this is really enforced:
find /var/ftp -perm -002 -print | xargs ls -ld | grep -v '^lrwxrwxrwx'
The grep in the end is to ignore symbolic links.
The last thing you need to do is add the executables
and configuration
files used by the server after it has done a chroot.
The bin directory
(/var/ftp/data/bin in this case) must contain the ls
program and any
other executable you would need, such as gzip or tar.
The etc directory
(/var/ftp/data/etc in this case) should contain the
welcome message and
any other necessary generic messages.
To start the server, you edit the inetd.conf file by
adding an ftp
entry like this:
ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/lib/ftpd ftpd
If you like to run the daemon under Wietse Venema's
TCP/IP daemon
wrapper, use the following entry:
ftp stream tcp nowait root /some/where/tcpd/usr/local/lib/ftpd
On some systems, you may need to omit the root field,
because all
daemons are executed as root by default.
The file /usr/local/lib/ftpd should be a shell script
that is maintained
by the superuser, because inetd runs the script with
root privilege.
This script runs the real ftp daemon as an unprivileged
process in a
restricted environment.
exec /usr/local/bin/chrootuid /var/ftp nobody /bin/ftpd
I am a new system administrator, and am trying to learn
what I need as
fast as possible. What books would you recommend to
help me?
Your starting point should be Unix System Administration
Handbook, 2nd
Ed. by Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Scott Seebass, and
Trent R. Hein
(Prentice Hall). This book covers most areas of system
and will give you much of the general background. For
more in-depth
information, you could choose a more specific book from
O'Reilly &
Associates. DNS and Bind by Paul Albitz and Crickett
Liu; Sendmail by
Bryan Costales, with Eric Allman and Neil Rickert; TCP/IP
Administration by Craig Hunt; and Managing NFS and NIS
by Hal Stern
would give you a good beginning technical understanding
of the job.
I have been looking at your ftp site, and there is
a lot of material
there. Is there any way you can give us pointers to
which software is of
the greatest value?
Yes, there is a lot of material; it is approaching
1 Mb of sources and
information and is still growing. To give the pointers
you ask for would
require a book, however, I do teach a one day course
during which I go
over some of the most useful programs. The next time
I will be teaching
that course is at the SANS Conference in the spring.
In this column, I
can choose one program each month and go into some details.
I will start
this right away, and call it the tool of the month;
this month I have
chosen nslint.
nslint performs consistency checks on domain nameserver
It reads the server configuration files, and reports
on any nameserver
record that is malformed, such as PTR records in which
names are missing
a trailing dot, and A records with matching PTR records
(and vice
versa). I routinely run this program after updating
a domain nameserver,
as it often will highlight problems, allowing them to
be fixed
If you are maintaining one or more domain nameservers,
you probably find
this tool very useful. It can be obtained from the System
Archive, at the following URL:
The program was written and is currently maintained
by Craig Leres
([email protected]). The current release is 1.5a3.
About the Author
Bjorn Satdeva is the president of /sys/admin, inc.,
a consulting firm
which specializes in large installation system administration.
Bjorn is
also co-founder and former president of Bay-LISA, a
San Francisco Bay
Area userOs group for system administrators of large
sites. Bjorn can be
contacted at /sys/admin, inc., 2787 Moorpark Ave., San
Jose, CA 95128;
electronically at [email protected]; or by phone at
(408) 241-3111.