Books: A User's Report
Elizabeth Zinkann
This month I read and reviewed Building Internet Firewalls,
by D. Brent
Chapman and Elizabeth D. Zwicky; AIX 6000 System Guide,
by Frank
Cervone; The Essential Web Surfer Survival Guide, by
Jenny Fristrup; The
World Wide Web Complete Reference, by Rick Stout; and
C Programming
FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions, by Steve Summit.
Building Internet Firewalls
by D. Brent Chapman and Elizabeth D. Zwicky
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
ISBN 1-56592-124-0
The proliferation of the Internet unleashes immediate
(we hope) and
convenient communication, easily accessed information,
and also the
possibility of unwelcome intrusion. Every technological
possesses new and unique risks; the Internet is no exception.
an unprotected connection provides users with access
to sites all over
the world, it also allows the knowledgeable, the malicious,
or the
merely curious entrance to your system. The most effective
measure is a firewall. Simply defined, a firewall permits
between the Internet and your network. It both stops
intruders from
entering and prevents users from unwittingly sending
private information
to the world. However, the firewall should not be the
only safeguard for
your system, but an integral part of your security plan.
Chapman and Zwicky discuss security problems, present
a practical guide
to building firewalls, and demonstrate how to implement
a security
policy. A successful plan is the result of careful examination,
investigation, and analysis. The administrator must
recognize what
he/she wants to protect and from whom, which Internet
services the users
need, and the benefits and disadvantages of available
security tools.
The authors address these concerns in four parts: Network
Building Firewalls, Keeping Your Site Secure, and Appendices.
The introductory section, Network Security, begins with
Why Internet
Firewalls, a glimpse at the different types of invasion
and attackers
and at the advantages and disadvantages of firewalls.
It also includes
Internet Services, a consideration of the benefits and
associated risks
of an Internet connection, as well as a chapter on the
basic security
strategies currently available. The second section,
Building Firewalls,
demonstrates how to build firewalls and implement the
services. The individual topics include Firewall Design,
Bastion Hosts,
Packet Filtering, Proxy Systems, Configuring Internet
Services, Two
Sample Firewalls, and Authentication and Inbound Services.
Keeping Your
Site Secure describes how to develop a security policy,
maintain the
firewall, and handle any security problems as they occur.
This section
includes chapters discussing security policies, firewall
and responses to security incidents. The Appendices
feature Resources,
Tools, and TCP/IP Fundamentals.
Chapman and Zwicky write very well, presenting the facts,
them when necessary, and using examples for clarification.
frequently employ figures, tables, and lists to aid
the reader. Several
books discuss the theory of firewalls, but few describe
their practical
implementation. Building Internet Firewalls addresses
the fundamentals
of firewalls, as well as the design of a general security
policy. This
is an excellent addition to the library of both Internet
and security
books. Every system, Internet, and network administrator
should read it.
AIX 6000 System Guide
by Frank Cervone
J. Ranade Workstation Series
ISBN 0-07-024129-5
When the AIX system debuted, no third-party books existed
to help
administrators or users with the IBM documentation.
As AIX became a more
permanent fixture in the UNIX world, it received a little
more coverage,
in the form of individual chapters in select books.
Finally, a few books
were devoted primarily either to its use or to its administration.
6000 System Guide, the latest addition to this select
group, addresses
both administrators and users.
Cervone divides the book into three parts: An AIX Overview,
Operating System Usage, and User Interface Topics. Part
One includes
Introduction to the RS/6000, Introduction to AIX/6000,
and the AIX/6000
Architecture. Part Two, which is addressed to the system
contains Starting and Stopping the System; Files and
Directories; File
Systems, Logical Volumes, and Physical Volumes; Processes
Subsystems; Printing; Users, Groups, and Security Considerations;
Hardware Management; and Networking and Communications.
In Part Three,
Cervone covers topics for the AIX/6000 user: vi, the
Korn Shell, and
Miscellaneous Commands. The Appendices provide Basic
Problem Solving
Tools, Error Log Identifiers, and LED Indicators.
Throughout the book, the text is supported and enhanced
by tables,
figures, diagrams, and screen outputs. Cervone's approach
to complex
concepts is logical and straightforward; he provides
a step-by-step
progression in a clear writing style. This is a superb
book for anyone
using an AIX/6000 machine, whether as an administrator
or a user.
The Essential Web Surfer Survival Guide
by Jenny Fristrup
Hewlett-Packard Company
Prentice Hall
ISBN 0-13-442971-0
$29.95 Disk Included
Specifically written for the nontechnical PC user, The
Essential Web
Surfer Survival Guide provides "a friendly introduction"
to the World
Wide Web. Experienced users often explain internet concepts
quickly and
in acronyms, giving the impression that the Internet
works by magic.
Fristrup dispels the smoke and mirrors and explains
these concepts
simply. She identifies the different sections of the
Internet, defines
the terms and presents examples. The book is organized
into three
sections Part One: The Overview; Part Two: How To Do
It; and the
The Overview includes Meet the Web; The Web's Commodity;
HTML, and Why It Is Called the Web; and People Who Have
Information. The
introductory chapter, Meet the Web, answers some basic
questions and
discusses what the Web is, its information, its diverse
elements and how
it works. (This chapter contains a one-line definition
of cyberspace
that is understandable, accurate, and not overly simplistic.)
The Web's
Commodity examines the various formats in which information
may be
stored, Hypertext, HTML and Why It Is Called the Web
details HTML
(Hypertext Markup Language), the design principles of
the Web, and what
an HTML document looks like. The final chapter in the
overview selects
some actual Web pages to view.
The accompanying disk provides a copy of NetCruiser
software. The first
chapter in the second section discusses how to install
and use
NetCruiser. The rest of the section includes Internet
Tools, URLs
(Uniform Resource Locaters) and How to Navigate, a Directory
of URLs,
Key Things to Know How to Do, How to Create Your Own
Home Page, Putting
Information on the Web, Advice From Austin Technology,
and Using the Web
to Learn More about the Web. The Essential Web Surfer
Survival Guide is
approximately 600 pages long; the first two sections
occupy 226 pages ,
and the rest of the book provides several useful Appendices.
include Entering the World Wide Web: A Guide to Cyberspace;
World Wide
Web Frequently Asked Questions (Parts I and II); HTML
Source Files;
Useful E-Mail Addresses; How to Use Netscape Navigator;
How to Get and
Use Adobe Acrobat Reader; Recommended Reading; and a
Fristrup has written an informative, readable introduction
to the Web,
examining its fundamental design and implementation.
This book offers a
valuable foundation for any Web user; the appendices
extend its appeal
to intermediate and advanced surfers. The Essential
Web Surfer Survival
Guide will be an asset to any user's library.
The World Wide Web Complete Reference
by Rick Stout
Osborne McGraw-Hill
ISBN 0-07-882142-8
The World Wide Web provides many different services:
it furnishes
instant communication via electronic mail, features
access to research
tools among databases all over the world, and it also
can be a marketing
tool for businesses. The Web has become so popular that
it deserves a
reference book of its own, independent of Internet references.
general Internet texts, the information about the Web
consists of a
description of the Web and an explanation of how to
use it. Stout has
written a resource that not only tells you how to use
the Web, but also
demonstrates how to create a Web page. The World Wide
Web Complete
Reference is divided into three sections: Getting Started
with the Web,
Creating Web Pages, Advanced Web Topics, and Appendices.
Getting Started describes the Web and the essential
equipment any user
needs to access the Web. The author also tackles Getting
Turnkey Solutions for Connecting to the Internet, Web
Access through
Online Services, and using Web Browsers. The second
section discusses
Weaving a Better Web; The Language of the Web HTML;
Defining an HTML
Page; Formatting Text and Displaying Special Characters;
What's New with
HTML 3; Anchors: The Hypertext Cross-Reference; Working
with Multimedia
Objects; and Gateway Interfaces and Forms. Advanced
Web Topics include
Tools for Authoring HTML Pages, Finding a Home for Your
Networking with the Internet, High-Speed Connections
to the Internet,
Web Servers, Doing Business on the Web, and a catalog
A Guide to
Business on the Web. The Appendices contain HTML codes
and free
software. Essentially, the three parts address what
kind of Internet
connection the user needs and how to choose one, assigning
and creating
a Web page, and miscellaneous topics from applications
to security.
The writing style here is logical and clear, and a number
of figures and
diagrams supplement the text. The catalog illustrates
the variety of
different businesses currently on the Web. This is an
excellent book for
users of all levels: I highly recommend it.
C Programming FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions
by Steve Summit
ISBN 0-201-84519-9
The C programming language is a powerful and permissive
language; it
allows the programmer to do many things at various levels.
whether a statement works the way the programmer intended
is an entirely
different matter. Generally, if a problem arises, a
programmer new to C
will complain that the language permitted the originator
to cause it.
The language allowed it, and the program performed in
exactly the way
the programmer commanded. This behavior usually leads
to a question or
series of questions about the way C behaves. If one
person has a
question, others usually have the same question. Steve
Summit has
collected a group of the most frequently asked questions
thankfully, the answers) and put them in print.
These questions are clearly answered and often illustrated
through code
examples. They are organized in 20 chapters, each covering
a different
topic. The topics attempt to follow a procedural order,
in the same way
that a program would be written. After the first table
of contents, a
second table of contents appears consisting of the individual
making them easy to locate. The answers are easily found,
organized, and clearly written. This is an excellent
book, and one that
any programmer will value.
About the Author
Elizabeth Zinkann has been involved in the UNIX and
C environment for the past 11 years. She is currently
a UNIX and C consultant, and one of her specialties
is UNIX education. In addition to her cmoputer science
background, she also has a degree in English. Elizabeth
can be reached via CompuServe at 71603,2201 (Internet
format: [email protected]), or at America Online
([email protected]).