Books: A User's Report
Elizabeth Zinkann
Choosing the reviews for this column was not easy. However,
I did find
some new editions of old favorites and some new additions
to include:
Standard C: A Reference, by P. J. Plauger and Jim Brodie;
Programmer's Job Handbook, by Gene Wang; Portable Shell
Programming by
Bruce Blinn; UNIX System Administrator's Companion,
by Michael R. Ault;
The New Internet Navigator, by Paul Gilster; The Internet
Tool Kit, by
Nancy Cedeño; and Internet for Cats, by Judy Heim. I
reviewed books
covering a range of topics that I hope will assist you
and one that will
make you smile.
Standard C: A Reference
by P. J. Plauger and Jim Brodie
Prentice Hall Series on Programming Tools
and Methodologies
ISBN 0-13-436411-2
HTML Diskette Included
Every computer programmer possesses at least one (and
usually more than
one) reference that he or she uses frequently. For C
and C++
programmers, the Standard C books by Plauger and Brodie
are likely to be
among the core source books. Standard C : A Reference
is actually the
third edition of this book, although the names vary
slightly (Standard
C: A Programmer's Reference and ANSI and ISO Standard
C: Programmer's
Reference were the earlier editions). Plauger and Brodie
retain the
style of the earlier books, modifying and adding text
to reflect
Amendment 1 to the C Standard. These revisions appear
in both the
language and library sections of the book and are easily
identifiable as
Amendment 1 modifications.
However, a new dimension awaits the user of this book.
The diskette
provided with the book furnishes the material in Hypertext
Language (HTML), which is the current lingua franca
of the World Wide
Web (WWW). With the aid of a WWW browser (available
either from public
domain or commercial sources), Plauger's and Brodie's
reference can be
easily accessed via computer. I installed it on my computer,
and it
worked very well. The large number of links provided
enable the browser
to search and find a topic quickly, particularly from
either the Table
of Contents or the Index.
This is a straightforward and readable book and an invaluable
for C and C++ programmers. The inclusion of the HTML
diskette enables
the user to access the information without referring
to the printed
version of the text. Similarly, the printed version
allows the reader
access without a computer. The online version allows
the reader the
flexibility to discover why a program does not execute
in the expected
way and how to fix it immediately. I highly recommend
this book as a
source for every C programmer.
The Programmer's Job Handbook
by Gene Wang
Osborne / McGraw-Hill
ISBN 0-07-882137-1
Since the technical business world discovered downsizing
rightsizing, the job search for programming positions
has become more
difficult. Gene Wang attempts to restore some stability
and logic to
this procedure. He first identifies some traits of a
good programmer,
then examines today's job market. The overview of the
job market
includes descriptions of the different types of programming
(corporate programming, software development, research
and development,
contracting, embedded systems, client-server, and database
as well as job titles, categories, and the results of
a 1995
Computerworld salary survey. Wang also discusses how
to find the ideal
job, covering the resume, interview, followup, and the
most recent
search tool, the Internet.
Computer programmers tend to be logical and detail oriented.
these traits alone are not enough to ensure success.
Wang suggests seven
skills that leading programmers rate as highly desirable,
if not
absolutely necessary, for success. He also discusses
the right tools,
including languages, editors, browsers, visual tools,
libraries, and
testing tools. One of the most valuable chapters features
the "hot
technologies" for the programmer today. Wang defines
programming, the software cycle, and how to select the
right company.
The appendices feature Internet Job Search Fundamentals
and More Great
Sources of Information for Your Programming Career.
The Programmer's Job Handbook provides a nontechnical
guide to a
technical world. Wang has produced an extremely readable
text, with the
emphasis on what every programmer can and should do
to succeed. He
provides insight from many leading software experts,
which is not only
informative and helpful, but also enjoyable to read.
This book should be
read by every programmer, whether entry-level or experienced.
Portable Shell Programming
by Bruce Blinn
Hewlett-Packard Company
ISBN 0-13-451494-7
Diskette included
Shell programming occupies a unique position in a UNIX
repertoire. It can be used to prototype a program or
to automate
repetitive tasks without the complexity of a language.
Every beginning
UNIX book contains one or two chapters devoted to shell
programming, and
some books focus on a specific shell: Bourne, Korn,
or the C shell.
Blinn addresses the topic with examples, in the same
way that language
programming books demonstrate how to use a specific
language, such as C
or Pascal. Since the Bourne shell is the most generic
of the shells, the
author presents the examples in the Bourne shell syntax.
The introductory chapters detail the Bourne shell syntax:
Shell Syntax,
Shell Variables, Shell Functions and Built-In Commands,
and Using Files.
Blinn also explains the environment, its variables,
signals, and remote
command execution. Parsing Command Line Parameters,
Using Filters, and
Shell Utilities, including arithmetic operations, string
user interaction, and files and directories augment
the syntax
foundation. Additional chapters look at debugging, portability,
common questions and problems. The Appendices consist
of a Comparison of
UNIX Shells and a Syntax Summary. Blinn provides example
shell scripts
throughout the book, but two chapters in particular
demonstrate various
uses for shell programming: Examples of Shell Functions
and Examples of
Shell Scripts. These examples enable beginners to learn
programming more easily and quickly than syntax descriptions,
experienced readers can readily identify the shell's
The accompanying diskette contains all of the scripts
presented in the
book. As a UNIX user and programmer, I found Portable
Shell Programming
an excellent reference and tool. If you work with more
than one type of
UNIX system and you discover that a variant does not
support a favorite
command, it's an easy matter to use shell programming
and existing
commands to reproduce it. The chapter I found most interesting,
Questions and Problems, highlights the most frequently
difficulties (and solutions), including variables, newlines,
and interfacing with sed and awk. Portable Shell Programming
is an
excellent resource, whether used as a troubleshooting
reference or as a
programming guide.
UNIX System Administrator's
by Michael R. Ault
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 0-471-11144-9
One of the vaguest aspects of UNIX administration relates
to the system
administrator's job description, since every company
defines the
position differently. Some companies require minimum
tasks, while others expect a combination systems analyst,
manager, and miracle worker. Ault begins his book with
an explanation of
what a system administrator is and what tasks are generally
with that position. Describing his book as the middle
ground, he
explains concepts that elsewhere are either treated
as assumed knowledge
or presented in a more complex manner. Consequently,
this book will
often complement other books or manuals.
Ault addresses the tasks that most system administrators
must perform
for different types of UNIX systems and gives a brief,
description of administrative duties. He discusses UNIX
configuration, specifically for System V Release 4 (SVR4),
Software Distribution (BSD), and the Hewlett-Packard
systems. He continues with startup and shutdown procedures,
Systems, System Backup and Restore, UNIX User Administration,
Communication, Terminal and Peripheral Administration,
System Auditing,
and System Tuning. Ault outlines the general steps needed
to accomplish
a designated task, then describes the exercise in detail.
variant, such as SVR4, BSD, HP-UX, or AIX, differs significantly
the general guidelines, he addresses those instructions
separately. UNIX
File Systems explains disk systems, file systems, files,
monitoring file systems, fixing broken file systems
with fsck, and file
system defragmentation. System Backup and Restore details
backup media,
types of backup, and numerous backup techniques.
The system administrator is usually responsible for
the addition and
removal of users, although many systems provide an automated
utility to
perform this task. Ault demonstrates how to manually
assign users and
also how to automate the procedure if your system doesn't
include one of
the management tools. The concluding chapters feature
specifically sendmail and uucp; peripheral administration,
terminals, X-windows terminals and printers; system
auditing; and system
UNIX System Adminstrator's Companion provides an extremely
straightforward and readable guide for UNIX administrators.
explains the occasionally cryptic UNIX manuals and provides
for the administrator who may not be an experienced
UNIX user. He also
furnishes tips on both basic and advanced UNIX topics,
such as
troubleshooting and security management, for all major
versions of UNIX.
This book provides an excellent complement to your system's
documentation -- you will appreciate it more each time
you use it.
The New Internet Navigator
by Paul Gilster
Foreword by Vinton G. Cerf,
President, The Internet Society
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 0471-12694-2
The Internet Navigator, by Paul Gilster, provided an
introduction to the Internet. The first and second editions
explored the
Internet from different perspectives. Whether the reader
needed an
explanation of TCP/IP or packet switching, or simply
needed to know how
to use gopher or telnet, Gilster addressed it. He did
not limit his
focus to either users or administrators. In this equivalent
to the third
edition, he has completely revised and expanded the
previous editions.
Therefore, even the title has evolved to The New Internet
Fortunately for previous users of The Internet Navigator,
Gilster has
retained the book's prior organization. The inside covers
(both front
and back) list several World Wide Web, gopher, and ftp
sites worth the
user's perusal, and the author also includes brief instructions
accessing these sites.
One of the most significant additions to the text discusses
electronic mail program Eudora. Originally designed
for Macintosh users,
Eudora is now available to IBM-compatible PC owners.
Most of the
guidelines for using the email program are straightforward,
but the
initial configuration could generate some confusion
for the casual user.
Gilster explains how to correctly customize Eudora so
that your email
will arrive accurately at your computer. Other new capabilities
use the
graphical interfaces now available, such as Wsarchie
Windows), Anarchie (Macintosh), WSGopher (Microsoft
Windows), and Turbo
Gopher (Macintosh). The section discussing the World
Wide Web (WWW) has
also expanded considerably.
This book provides a reference for every type of user:
experienced, advanced, or administrator. The New Internet
Navigator is a
superb addition to any library: private, corporate,
or public.
The Internet Tool Kit
by Nancy Cedeño
ISBN 0-7821-1688-4
The Internet holds a vast store of resource and reference
Using the basic tools the Internet offers, the traveler
can access
almost every conceivable topic via telnet, gopher, or
ftp. However, many
users limit themselves to the few tools and the World
Wide Web (WWW)
furnished by their providers. The best Internet tools
reside on the Net
itself. Cedeño describes these tools, tells where they
are, and explains
how to get them. The cost is minimal (browsing time
not included) and
the versions are current.
The front and back inside covers provide some useful
information in
table format: Which Tool Is Right For the Job? lists
popular tasks, the
appropriate tools, and descriptions. What Kind of File
is That? displays
filename extensions and their corresponding file type,
and What Does It
Mean? defines several popular acronyms. The amount of
material, both
serious and frivolous, that the Internet offers can
overwhelm both
experienced and new users. New users either learn how
to navigate,
become frustrated, and abandon the superhighway, or
discover how to
accomplish a few tasks, but don't attempt anything more
complex. Cedeño
addresses several topics to aid both novice and veteran
users. The basic
tools are familiar, although the variations on the tools
may be new. The
author discusses various file transfer (ftp), telnet,
mail, gopher, WWW,
and news utilities. Files often perplex the user, depending
on the file
format employed (this is also known as the "I've
got it. Now how do I
read (view) it?" syndrome). Therefore, Cedeño also
compression, uuencoding and decoding, and image formats.
She looks at
some advanced WinSock and HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
tools as
well. The appendices include The UNIX Shell Game and
Connecting Windows
to the Internet.
Cedeño presents a description of each utility mentioned,
along with
where and how to obtain it (and related files), installation
and brief instructions. She writes in a clear, lucid
style that is
easily readable and understandable. The information
and tools she
endorses include productive if not essential tools for
the Internet
user. This is a helpful guide for users, with easy to
step-by-step instructions.
Internet for Cats
by Judy Heim
Illustrated by Alan Okamoto
No Starch Press
Distributed by Publishers
Group West
ISBN 1-886411-07-7
Although I do not own a cat (or is it vice versa?),
many of my friends
do, and when conversing online, there is often an interruption
by a burst of unexpected characters, usually undecipherable.
When the
text once again is readable, the first line is usually
"Sorry, but my
cat . . .". Now, in this expose by Judy Heim, we
learn that it is not
merely an accident, but a plan by the cat population.
The plan is
detailed in a section entitled "How to Step on
the Keyboard Properly."
The book is divided into two sections: Internet for
Cool Cats and
Internet Help for Humans. The first part contains How
To Be A Net Surfer
If You're a Cat, Cats Who Send E-Mail, Cats with Web
Pages, Internet
Catteries After Dark and Other Virtual Diversions for
Cats, and Cat
Boutiques on the Infobahn. The second part includes
Internet Haunts for
Cats and Humans; Finding Smart Vets and Practical Medical
Advice in
Cyberspace; and Internet Cat FAQ Goddesses Offer Advice
on Love, Life,
Cat Toys, and How to Live with a Human Without Going
Insane. The
Appendix, entitled More from Cat Cyberspace, provides
Heim and illustrator Okamoto also devote some space
to cat emoticons and
graffiti, and the author uses puns liberally (Cat-A-Log,
for example).
There are Cat Net Surfer Tips sprinkled throughout the
book. ("If you're
sitting on the keyboard and the computer starts beeping
don't move. Curl your tail and look around innocently.
It's not your
fault.") This book is humorous and does explain
the strange typing that
the cat owner's conversation occasionally displays.
As for the rest of
us, we will just have to admit that we can't type.
About the Author
Elizabeth Zinkann has been involved in the UNIX and
C environment for the past 11 years. She is currently
a UNIX and C consultant, and one of her specialties
is UNIX education. In addition to her cmoputer science
background, she also has a degree in English. Elizabeth
can be reached via CompuServe at 71603,2201 (Internet
format: [email protected]), or at America Online
([email protected]).