Cover V05, I05
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4
Listing 5
Listing 6
Listing 7
Listing 8


Listing 4: Example of batchparms file

# 100KB, after compress, is 10 minutes at 1200 baud
# 20 batches is somewhat arbitrary, about 1MB per site
# defaults:  2.11-compatible compression, transfer by uux
# site		class	size	queue	command
# ----		----	-----	-------	-------
/default/	u	100000	20	batcher	| compcun | viauux
# My primary feed
sun4nl		u	100000	20	batcher	| compcun | viauux
# My secondary feed
#utopia		u	100000	20	batcher	| compcun | viauux
# My remote site
#scarab		u	1000000 50	batcher | compcun | viauux
# I feed these

# End of File