A Windows NT Fileserver with UNIX Clients
Al Koscielny
The UNIX operating system is known for its robustness
as a database
server and typically serves UNIX or Windows clients.
Windows NT is
designed for client/server and is very compatible with
Windows clients.
This article focuses on another permutation, using a
Windows NT server
as a file server for UNIX clients.
Our current software development project is a cross-platform
that runs both on Windows and X Window. The development
environment has
a local area network with Pentiums running Windows NT
or Windows 95 and
Sun workstations with Solaris 2.4. The cost of PCs with
software is significantly lower than for workstations
running UNIX, so
the Windows platforms predominate. Windows NT Server
3.51 running on a
Pentium 90 is set up as the primary domain controller
and is a
fileserver for some large test datasets. The fileserver
has the
SourceSafe revision control product on a shared directory.
convenience during coding and testing, these shared
directories are
remotely mounted on the Sun workstations. Although the
test dataset
could be recreated fairly easily, the source code files
under revision
control must be protected from inadvertent modification
or deletion.
Windows NT departed radically from the primitive file
mechanisms in DOS and Windows for Workgoups. It supports
permissions for user accounts and user groups along
with a variety of
shared directory permissions. Although NetBIOS and the
NetBUI protocol
have been the basis of Microsoft's networking, Windows
NT and 95 offer
much more support for TCP/IP. However, Windows NT does
not share
filesystems using NFS as do the UNIX platforms. We installed
an NFS
server for Windows NT (Beame and Whiteside's BW Connect)
on the
fileserver to export (or share in Windows terminology)
Solaris clients can mount these filesystems at boot
time using an entry
in the /etc/vfstab file. Or, the clients can mount them
at a later time
using mount -t nfs server:/filesystem /mount-point.
Restrictions to a
filesystem's access, such as read only, can be added
when it is mounted.
However, for software revision control, we need full
access. See Networking Personal Computers with TCP/IP
by Hunt for
detailed information on networking with Windows 95 and
File Security
File access under the UNIX operating system depends
on the user and
group concepts. A user has a unique login name and a
user ID number
(UID). A user can be a member of one or more groups
defined using a
group ID number (GID) in the /etc/group file, and the
primary group is
set in /etc/passwd. When a file is created, its group
is the owner's
current group, which could be different from the primary
depending on the flavor of UNIX. User and group ownership
can be changed
after file creation with the chown and chgrp commands.
Access to a file
is determined by user and group ownership and a set
of nine file
permissions bits, which are shown by using an ls -l
command. The basic
group of three bits, denoted rwx (read, write, execute)
is repeated for
the user, group, and other. Directories use the same
permission bits,
but since a directory is a list of files, the interpretation
different. Read permission allows the listing of file
names, and write
permission allows creation and deletion of files. Execute
specifies search permission on the directory and its
(Chapter 23 of UNIX Power Tools has an excellent description
file permissions.)
File access control under Windows NT varies with the
type of filesystem.
The File Allocation Table (FAT) filesystem is compatible
with DOS
filesystems, offers very minimal access control, and
is not adequate for
our application. The Windows NT File System (NTFS) offers
much more
detailed control over file access. The five predefined
file access
permissions are No Access, Read, Change, Full Control,
and Special
Access. Each permission specifies the operations that
the user can
perform on the file, as shown in Table 1. For example,
Read permission
permits both reading and executing; Full Control permits
writing, executing, changing the file permissions, and
taking ownership.
Under Windows NT, a security descriptor (SD) structure
contains the
security information for a file. The SD contains an
owner, a group, a
discretionary access control list (ACL), and a system
ACL. An ACL is a
list of users and groups along with their access permissions.
The owner
for a file can be a user or an NT group. Windows NT
Server has three
types of groups for managing users, local, global, and
special. A local
group includes only users on the local computer; whereas,
a global group
is used across an entire domain (including trusted domains).
A Windows
NT domain is a collection of computers with a common
domain database and
security policy, conceptually similar to a Network Information
(NIS) domain. The special group is used internally for
system access to
permissions. Special groups are built-in and the administrator
Windows NT counterpart of UNIX root) cannot add users
to special groups.
The group entry in the SD is different from the NT group
and is included
for POSIX support. Matching groups across Windows NT
and UNIX must be
given special attention. The discretionary ACL can be
controlled by the
owner of the file; so for example, the owner of a file
can give full
control to other users. The system ACL is under the
control of the
administrator and is used for audit messages. Additional
information on
Windows NT security structures can be found in Supporting
Windows NT Server and Support Fundamentals for Microsoft
Windows NT
The Windows NT File Manager can be used to view and
change file
permissions and ownership. From the File Manager, highlight
a file or
directory and then select Security on the File Manager
menubar. This
will bring up a menu with the items Permissions, Auditing,
and Owner.
(These are grayed out for FAT filesystems that don't
support security.)
One shortcut is to use the security icon (a door key)
from the File
Manager toolbar. Selecting Permissions will bring up
a dialog box that
shows the permissions for the current file or directory
Default file permissions for Windows NT are very generous,
because of
the DOS heritage of Windows. The user and Everyone (an
NT built-in group
that is the counterpart of world or other) have full
control over the
file. Typically, UNIX directory permissions are drwxr-xr-x,
which gives
only the owner full control, while group and other have
read and search
access. File permissions are inherited by subdirectories,
so this can be
changed easily. Under version 4.0 of Windows NT, which
has the new
Windows 95 type of window manager interface, click the
right mouse
button on the filename in Explorer and select properties.
From a DOS
prompt (the Windows counterpart of an xterm), the command
CACLS can be
used to view permissions and ownership. CACLS with no
arguments will
provide a list of arguments for the command.
Case Sensitivity and Name Mangling
With NTFS, a filename can be up to 255 characters long
and include
spaces and periods. The case of a filename is preserved,
but the
filename is not case sensitive (Minsai et al., 1996,
p. 224). So, for
example, the filenames TheVeryLongFileName and Theverylongfilename
collide under NTFS. On a UNIX filesystem, filenames
can be up to 255
characters and are truly case sensitive. Filenames that
differ only by
case are sometimes used under UNIX, so some caution
is needed when using
an exported NTFS. During earlier phases of this project,
transferred using ftp from Windows for Workgroups had
filenames and were often converted to lower case using
mv. On NTFS, such
filenames collide. For example, mv KMAPSUB.CXX kmapsub.cxx
will collide.
BW Connect handles the collision by creating a mangled
filename and adds
an index file to the subdirectory. The files are safe,
but figuring out
which is which can be difficult, because applying the
above mv to an
entire subdirectory will give lowercase names on UNIX
and only mangled
names on NT. The name collision problem can be avoided
by using a
temporary filename when changing case (i.e., mv the
file to a temporary
name and then mv temporary name to the target name).
On the client side,
BW Connect offers some user preference options to deal
with the lack of
true case sensitivity under NTFS, which can be accessed
Main/Control Panel/Networks/BW Client/Configure.
Changing Permissions and Ownership
Under UNIX, chmod is used to change file permissions,
and only the
file's owner or root is allowed to change permissions.
With NTFS, the
ability to change permissions on a file can be given
to other users.
With NT, either the File Manager or CACLS is used to
change permissions.
Using File Manager, the menu sequence Security/Permissions
is used to
view the permissions in a dialog window. The dialog
can be used to add
or remove permissions for users or groups. This is a
two-step process of
selecting the user or group, pressing the Add button,
which adds the
name to a box at the bottom of the dialog, and then
selecting the
permissions to be given. The permissions are changed
when the dialog box
is dismissed (an Apply button would be handy). This
can be confusing
when the permissions are changed in the dialog and an
ls is done on the
file on the UNIX client before dismissing the dialog.
The file's owner can change the file's group and, under
some UNIX
systems without accounting, the owner can change the
file's owner. Root
can always change anything on local filesystems. Under
NTFS, the owner
can only permit someone else to take ownership of a
file, so taking
ownership will be an unfamiliar concept for UNIX users.
To change file
ownership under NTFS, use the Add button from the File
Manager/Security/Permissions menu sequence to add the
new owner, give
either Full Control or Special Access/Change Ownership.
This can also be
done from a command line with a CACLS filename /G new_owner:F.
The new
owner must then log in and take ownership of the file
from the File
Manager/Security/Owner/Take Ownership menu item sequence.
administrator can always take ownership of any file
or directory. There
does not appear to be a way to transfer ownership without
logging in,
and the login/logout/login as another user operation
can be quite slow.
The notion of group under Windows NT is different from
UNIX. There is no
visibility into a GID from File Manager, so files created
from NT should
have the group changed on the UNIX client with chgrp.
Frequently, errors that occur when using chmod, chown,
and chgrp from
the UNIX client do not generate any messages, and the
command is simply
ignored. Use an ls -l to determine whether the command
was ignored. If
so, check the file permissions on the NT side and verify
that the owner
has the appropriate permissions. Usually, the owner
should be given full
control, but if the file was created on the UNIX side,
the owner will
have only RWXDP. Problems in deleting files and directories
from File
Manager can often be remedied by giving the owner Full
Control. chown is
always ignored because changing ownership under NT must
be done by the
new owner.
Installation Checklist
I found the following checklist useful for setting up
the shared
As the Windows NT administrator:
1. Install NFS server under Windows NT
2. Export file systems from NT [probably under Main/Control
particular NFS server)]
3. Set up the mapping from UID to user name, GID to
local group
As a user under Windows NT:
1. Create a subdirectory
2. Restrict permissions, if the defaults are not acceptable
As UNIX root:
1. Modify /etc/fstab or /etc/vfstab for boot time mounting
2. Mount filesystems on the UNIX client
As a UNIX user:
1. Change the group for the subdirectory
You should test file access control before turning it
over to the
developers. For example, use touch to create a file
in the subdirectory
from the UNIX client, then check that the permissions
are set correctly
and that group permissions are as expected. For example,
with the
directory permissions of drwxr-xr-x, other members of
a group should not
be able to delete files in the user's subdirectory.
The current NFS
software for Windows does not appear mature enough to
take this on
Permissions Mapping
Creating a file file1 on the NT Server gives the file
owner and everyone
Full Control but file1 doesn't belong to a group. So,
on the UNIX side,
an ls -l gives -rwx---rwx, with an unknown GID. First,
change the GID,
which can be done with chgrp on the UNIX client. Next,
to illustrate
changing permissions, consider a chmod 000 file1. This
will set all the
UNIX permission bits to 0. NT's File Manager will then
show the
following permissions:
Administrators Full Control
Domain Admins Full Control
NETWORK Full Control
Server Operators Change (RWXD)
"owner" Special Access (P)
SYSTEM Special Access(RWXDPO)
Adding permissions on the UNIX side is reflected in
a straightforward
way on the NT side, as shown in Table 2. For example,
chmod 400 file1
adds read permission for the owner. A chmod 644 file1
adds RWD for the
user, R for the group, R for Everyone on the NT side,
and produces
-rw-r--r-- on a UNIX ls. Adding write permission on
the UNIX side
corresponds with adding both write and delete on the
NT side. To give
Full Control to the owner, telnet to the NT server and
use the CACLS
command. This can be handy when the NT server won't
let the owner remove
a directory. P (change permissions) is inferred from
UNIX file ownership
by the NFS product, so the details will probably depend
on the
particular NFS product used. Root has no special powers
over imported
filesystems, and a naive but instinctive su followed
by rm -rf
subdirectory will only generate a Permission denied.
Table 3 summarizes how various filesystem operations
are performed in
UNIX and Windows NT. In using an NFS product to serve
Windows NT
filesystems to UNIX clients, two minor difficulties
are case sensitivity
and the lack of group ownership. File permissions are
more extensive for
NTFS than for UNIX filesystems, so normal use of UNIX
file permissions
(e.g., in a group software development environment)
is easily
accommodated. However, because there are more NT permissions
than UNIX
permission bits, the UNIX permission bits are not a
reliable indicator
of what can really happen. Sometimes the NTpermissions
also must be
checked to explain unexpected behavior.
Further Reading
Hunt, C. 1995. Networking personal computers with TCP/IP.
CA: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. ISBN: 1-56592-123-2.
Microsoft Press. 1996. Support fundamentals for Microsoft
Windows NT.
Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press. Part Number 097-0001372.
Microsoft Press. 1996. Supporting Microsoft Windows
NT Server. Redmond,
WA: Microsoft Press. Part Number 097-0001373.
Minsai, M., C. Anderson, and E. Creegan. 1996. Mastering
Windows NT
Server 3.51. San Francisco, CA: Sybex. ISBN: 0-7821-1874-7.
Nemeth, E., G. Snyder, S. Seebass, and T. R. Hein. 1995.
UNIX system
administration handbook. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice
Hall. ISBN
Peek, J., T. O'Reilly, and M. Loukides. 1993. UNIX power
Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. ISBN:
About the Author
Al Koscielny is a software engineer at Kaman Sciences
Corporation; his
educational background is in meteorology and software
engineering. His
interests include object-oriented design, C++ applications,
UNIX system
administration and Windows-UNIX networking. He can be
reached at
[email protected].