New Messages
Please send letters via email to [email protected].
Writing to say how much I enjoy your articles and also
ask a few
questions and maybe offer a few suggestions. I'd like
to see some
articles on DCE and maybe some book reviews on it. Also
would be great
to see and article on UNIX System Administration Certification
What do you think?
Otis Murrell, System Administrator
Ashley National Forest
Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area
I'll probably leave the certification programs to Unix
Review. I prefer
to keep this magazine more concrete and task-oriented.
I'll keep the DCE
stuff in mind, though. --rlw
From:Scott Merrilees
Adam Moskowitz <[email protected]> wrote: A better
way (the best way?) to
do this is as follows:
# Save $1 from the command line
# Break the data into pieces
set 'date '+%Y %m %d %H %M %S''
Better would be:
eval 'date '+YY=%Y MM=%m DD=%d HH=%H MN=%M SS=%S''
This is a general principle that can be used in many
contexts, and can
be used in sh, Perl, TCL to name a few languages. I
often interactively
write loops that generate commands, then, when I get
them correct, pipe
them into sh.
Scott Merrilees, Newcastle, Australia
Internet: [email protected]
Disclaimer: In no way speaking for BHP Information Technology
I love these exchanges. I think watching competent advocates
explain and
defend their design/implementation decisions puts "design"
into context.
What a teacher's dream come true! I would publish "bad"
code every issue
if I could be assured it would generate this kind of
discussion of alternatives. In all honesty, though,
I'd like more
explanation about why you like your method better. Write
again. --rlw
Dear Robert Ward,
I had to write this letter of appreciation for your
excellent response
to a reader's question in Sys Admin, 5.4. After reading
letter I wasn't sure how you would or could respond
to such a diatribe
e.g., "This is just another example of the low
standards your
publication sets for itself."
I was really struck by your response. It speaks of a
man who functions
with a very high degree of honesty and integrity not
to mention
humility, virtues that are very hard to find in the
professional world.
I am a scientist who "has to do the dirty job"
of sys admin and I
thoroughly enjoy the articles in Sys Admin.
Keep up the good work,
Martin J. Stumpf
Division of Nuclear Medicine
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
In truth, I find this letter harder to respond to than
Moskowitz's. A
letter (especially such an affirming letter) from someone
who has no axe
to grind, is always special.
I'm a very quantitative person, and I know the renewal
statistics on
this magazine are very good. I interpret that to mean
that our core
readers are, like you, pleased with what they are getting.
Thus, there
is no reason for me to get defensive about the magazine's
quality, direction, or goals.
I also recognize, however, that it takes a special effort
for someone to
send us a letter -- an effort they wouldn't take if
they didn't feel
pretty strongly about something. If one person was affected
enough to
write an angry letter, there were probably 100s of others
who were
bothered to some lesser extent. Thus, I try to read
all of our letters
with the expectation that I'll find some useful feedback.
That's not always true. Sometimes the writer just wants
to let us know
that we're not the magazine they wanted. (I remember
someone who wrote
to the C Users Journal complaining that we should explain
what "this DOS
thing was" if we wanted him to subscribe. Well,
in truth, I guess I
didn't want him to subscribe.) I think one of my key
roles as editor is
to recognize when feedback is germane to the magazine's
mission and core
reader and when it isn't.
Mr. Moskowitz's comments about the code certainly were
germane. So is
your judgment that we're doing good work. Thanks. --rlw
To: [email protected]
Subject: fvwm article
Keep up the good work, every issue has something useful
or interesting.
I was very interested in the fvwm article; it really
solved a problem area for me. I downloaded and installed
the package shortly after reading Mr. Brownrigg's article.
With all of the software available, it's impossible
to investigate every piece of software that might solve
a problem. Articles like this one serve a very useful
purpose in highlighting important software.
Thanks again.
Paul Amaranth
Rochester, Michigan
Thank you, I appreciate your comments. --aa