Books: A User's Report
Elizabeth Zinkann
This month I reviewed Designing For The Web: Getting
Started In A New
Medium by Jennifer Niederst with Edie Freedman (O'Reilly
& Associates,
Inc.); How to Get Your Dream Job Using the Internet
by Shannon Bound and
Arthur Karl (Coriolis Group Books); Microsoft Bookshelf
Directory (Microsoft Press); UNIX In Plain English by
Kevin Reichard and
Eric F. Johnson (MIS Press); and The Design and Implementation
of the
4.4 BSD Operating System by Marshall Kirk McKusick,
Keith Bostic,
Michael J. Korels, and John S. Quarterman (Addison-Wesley).
I hope that
you will benefit from them as much as I did.
Designing For The Web:
Getting Started In A New Medium
by Jennifer Niederst with Edie Freedman
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
ISBN 1-56592-165-8
Many Internet users first became aware of the World
Wide Web (WWW or the
Web) by visiting the Global Network Navigator (GNN)
site. Sponsored by
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., GNN was the first commercial
Web site. The
designers for GNN, Jennifer Niederst and Edie Freedman
learned how to
design a Web page the difficult way: by trial and error.
The "how-to
implement a web page in three easy steps books"
had not yet been
written. Therefore, Niederst and Freedman discovered
the principles of
Web designing, unwritten tips, and shortcuts as they
progressed. They
also developed their own designer guidelines and preferences.
Niederst is a designer, she addresses some aesthetic
considerations that
a technically oriented person might overlook. The results
of Niederst's
and Freedman's efforts appear in three sections: Part
I: The New
Environment, Part II: All About Graphics For The Web,
and Part III:
About The Rest Of The Page.
The introductory section, The New Environment, does
not discuss the
history of the Web or explain how to use it. The author
assumes that the
reader already knows how to explore various Web sites.
This introduction
describes what comprises a Web page and what the designer
can and cannot
control. The source that generates the page's appearance
is written in
HTML (HyperText Markup Language). The source directs
the general
appearance, where any graphics should appear, and where
any links to
other locations should be. However, the individual browser
determines how your page will look to the user. Whether
a user accepts
the browser's defaults or customizes them will produce
two very
different pages. Niederst illustrates how various browsers
view the
identical HTML source and notes that the browser controls
the page's
appearance. The designer still controls the graphics
and the content of
the text. To demonstrate the principles involved, the
authors construct
a sample page, detailing each step of the process.
In the second section, the authors concentrate on graphics,
what designers should know about graphics on the Web.
Niederst and
Freedman explain the different types of graphics on
Web pages, the
importance of file size, transparency, interlacing,
colors, and
imagemaps. As they discuss each concept, they examine
how to implement
it. The authors also recommend programs to aid the designer
accomplishing the tasks. The final section discusses
"The Rest of the
Page" and presents the essential elements of HTML.
Niederst and Freedman
also provide some Web tricks and briefly mention some
new technologies
and Web sites (as opposed to designing a page).
This is an excellent guide to Web page design. Although
the authors
prefer Macintoshes, and most illustrations show a Macintosh
screen, the
text is not platform dependent. The screen displays
are more generic,
and the emphasis is on Web design concepts. Each idea
Niederst and
Freedman present is complemented by a demonstration.
They illustrate
each technique, usually through an explanation, figures,
and a
step-by-step process. This style is very effective and
not only provides
designers with a guide to Web procedures, but gives
the rest of us a
glimpse of design considerations. This book should help
anyone designing
a Web page, either casually or professionally. I highly
recommend it.
How To Get Your Dream Job Using The Internet
by Shannon Bounds and Arthur Karl
Coriolis Group Brooks
ISBN 1-883577-68-3
CD-ROM included
Effective job search methods change constantly. A good
resume, ideally
one page in length, highlighting a prospective employee's
experience and
education on crisp white bond paper is now the exception,
rather than
the rule. In today's market, guidelines for preparing
resumes permit
longer resumes and stress keywords, and resumes are
often submitted
electronically. Bounds and Karl guide job seekers through
this confusing
new world, demonstrating how to use the technology to
their best
advantage. The introductory chapter, Why Using The Internet
Can Get You
the Job You Want, briefly discusses some of the benefits
of using the
Internet. The subsequent chapters, An Internet Crash
Course and Get
Connected, describe how to use different areas of the
Internet (email,
Mailing Lists, Newsgroups, File Transfers, The World
Wide Web, and
Gopher) and what is needed to access the Internet.
The authors list major companies that advertise on the
Web, descriptions
of the positions offered in the companies, and their
Web locations. Not
all of the job listings are technical, and many of the
postings are
linked to other sites. Bounds and Karl show How to Create
a Killer
Electronic Resume. Your resume may become electronic
even if you send it
in the conventional manner; companies often scan resumes
and use search
methods to find the perfect match. This often allows
you to write a
longer resume, but increases the importance of using
the keywords that
Human Resource personnel would seek. The authors include
several samples
of good electronic resumes and feature some categories
that can be
added. Bounds and Karl also suggest creating your own
home page, and
then show how and what to include. The authors also
furnish a chapter on
bulletin board opportunities and the best World Wide
Web resources. The
accompanying CD-ROM also provides software and clip
art to help create a
home page.
Bounds and Karl furnish an abundant amount of information
for job
seekers. This includes a listing of companies (showing
which data is
important to note when the user researches other companies),
some of the
best bulletin boards available, and the most reliable
Web sites to
visit. Submitting a resume has become more complicated
in the current
market, if possible. The applicant must often choose
between the
traditional resume style and the electronic style, not
knowing how it
will be used. The authors explain the principles governing
electronic resume and how to transform a current resume
to electronic
format. Another important chapter interviews corporate
recruiters (Been
There, Done That: Straight Talk from Job-Hunting Experts).
Bounds and
Karl examine some of the most common questions and problems
of both job
seekers and recruiters. The authors present the material
in a
straightforward manner, detailing what the applicant
needs to know to be
effective in today's market. How To Get Your Dream Job
Using the
Internet provides an excellent reference for every job
Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory
1996-97 Edition
Microsoft Press
ISBN 1-55615-947-1
CD-ROM included
This directory, although comparable in size to other
directories, itemizes select sites. It does not attempt
to list every
site (a rather impossible task since the Internet changes
daily) but
concentrates only on the best sites. Therefore, the
entries provide a
more complete description of the sites with cross-reference
to other
listings when applicable. This directory contains approximately
topics (including subtopics when the original topic
is either too large
or too diverse). The directory lists thousands of sites
from Activism
and Social Issues to Zoology, with sites on Computers,
Cooking and
Recipes, Engines Human, Index Services, Movies, Radio,
Shopping, Sports,
Travel, Trivia, and more. The accompanying CD-ROM contains
the same
material as the book, with the ability to connect to
each site
immediately. Updates to the CD-ROM can be downloaded
monthly from
Microsoft. The directory also provides 25 frequently
asked questions
(with answers) and a glossary with approximately 200
The Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory is a superb
guide to a vast
and complex resource. It allows the casual user to locate
sites without
frustrating detours. Anyone and everyone will appreciate
this directory
and its in-depth descriptions.
UNIX In Plain English
by Kevin Reichard and Eric F. Johnson
MIS Press
ISBN 1-55828-345-5
Although this book is not really new, more users are
finding themselves
strangers in a UNIX world, switching between UNIX and
DOS, or trying to
learn UNIX essentials for browsing the Internet. For
their purposes,
this book is ideal. Reichard and Johnson present a simple
UNIX overview,
match the UNIX commands with a brief description of
what each individual
command does, and compare UNIX and DOS commands in a
The main section of the book contains UNIX commands
alphabetized within
five categories: general purpose, file manipulation,
text processing,
printing and communication. The authors did not intend
to list every
UNIX command, but included the most useful ones for
the user. The format
features the command name, purpose (and any warnings),
options, and any related commands. A smaller section
of helpful system
administration commands follows. Reichard and Johnson
conclude the book
with a brief explanation of the shell, its environment
variables, and
ftp (file transfer protocol) commands.
This book features the simpler side of UNIX for those
who need to learn
it for casual purposes. Many users not only appreciate
this style, but
often prefer it to a detailed explanation. Reichard
and Johnson present
the commands in three easily referenced formats. The
user will find this
book informative and easy to use.
The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System
by Marshall Kirk McKusick, Keith Bostic,
Michael J. Karels, and John S. Quarterman
ISBN 0-201-54979-4
Discussions centering around the different UNIX systems
and which
variants are preferable eventually split into two categories:
and BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution). Many of the
associated with a UNIX system were initially developed
in some release
of BSD and implemented in other UNIX systems as well.
Although users may
not specifically recognize BSD as they log in, elements
of its design
are present. This book discusses the internals of 4.4
BSD and uses
pseudocode similar to the C programming language. The
authors divided
the concepts into five sections: Overview, Processes,
the I/O system,
Interprocess Communication, and System Operation. The
Overview describes
the history of the UNIX system, and BSD in particular.
This section also
presents the design overview of 4.4 BSD and its kernel
services. The
Processes section details Process Management. The I/O
System provides an
overview of Local File Systems, Local Filestores (the
Berkeley Fast File
System, the Log-structured File System, and the Memory-Based
System), the Network File System, and Terminal Handling.
Interprocess Communication section includes Interprocess
Network Communication, and Network Protocols. The concluding
System Operation, examines System Startup.
The authors have maintained an organized format consistent
with the
previous 4.3 BSD design book. Following the history
(which I always find
extremely interesting, because it recounts who did what
and when), the
authors furnish an overview of the 4.4 BSD system. They
describe key
design decisions and illustrate the concepts of the
design and resulting
implementation. Some of the major revisions affect process
and memory
management, networking, interprocess communication (IPC),
and the
network filesystem.
The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating
System can easily
be used as a textbook. Each chapter concludes with a
set of exercises
(with asterisks denoting difficulty) and references
for that chapter.
Complete, freely distributable 4.4 BSD system source
is available
( McKusick, Bostic, Karels,
and Quarterman
explain the dimensions of the 4.4 BSD operating system
demonstrating their skills as both system architects
and authors. This
is an outstanding book and a superb reference.
About the Author
Elizabeth Zinkann has been involved in the UNIX and
C environment for
the past 11 years. She is currently a UNIX and C consultant,
and one of
her specialties is UNIX education. In addition to her
computer science
background, she also has a degree in English. Elizabeth
can be reached
via America Online ([email protected]).