Questions and Answers
Bjorn Satdeva
In the June column, there was a question about how to
yesterday's date in a shell script. I answered that
I did not know of a
good way and recommended switching to Perl, if at all
practical. I think
that one answer generated more responses than any other
comments and
suggestions I have made in this column over the years.
Most people
pointed out that the date command from the GNU sh-utils
is capable of
doing this by just providing the appropriate arguments,
such as:
% date
Sun Jun 2 14:28:27 EDT 1996
% date _date yesterday
Sat Jun 1 14:28:32 EDT 1996
Besides the suggestion to use the GNU sh-util date command,
I received
two other suggestions I would like to share, the first
one because of
its ingenuity and simplicity. Tom Henderson wrote:
Regarding the question about getting the previous day's
date in a shell:
I picked up a tip for running a script on the last day
of the month by
"changing" the time zone for a command run
via cron. The command makes
the date report as the first of the month 24 hours early.
0 6 28-31 * * [ `TZ=PST-16PDT date +\%d` -eq 1 ] && echo "Last day of Month"
The user could do the same, in reverse, to get the date
24 hours earlier
by setting TZ with an "hour adjustment" going
in the opposite direction.
TZ=PST+32PDT date
would display the date for the previous day.
Note: Henderson modified the +8 time adjustment by 24
hours because he's
in the Pacific Standard Time Zone. Adjust as appropriate
for the zone
you're in.
I like Henderson's solution for its simplicity. Unfortunately,
it does
not work across all platforms. On my workstation, it
only works within
plus or minus a 24-hour period. The TZ=PST+32PDT date
gives me current
day and time GMT, so be a bit careful with this one.
The second suggestion, includes a complete set of Bourne
shell functions
that allow some manipulations of date and time from
the shell. Judging
from the large number of responses, dealing with date
and time in a
shell script is something many system administrators
have been
struggling with. Bill Gray wrote:
In June's column, you had a question about producing
yesterday's date in
the Bourne shell. I believe you are right; there is
no easy way, but the
following will do it with difficulty (the functions
are written for
transparency, not efficiency or compactness). They have
been tested, but
not very extensively because the project they were written
for was
recoded in Perl(!). Perl's better, but perhaps the person
who sent in
the query is far along with sh scripts, or doesn't Perl.
The full Bourne functions are shown in Listing 1. To
use these
functions, do this from a Bourne shell:
$ .
$ today
$ echo Today: $Ydd $Ymm $Yyy
Today: 02 06 96
$ echo Yesterday: "$Ydd $Ymm $Yyy"
Yesterday: 01 06 96
Thanks to everybody who sent me email about this.
Before I get to this month's questions, here's a small
note on something
completely different. For those of you interested in
standards, I
understand from the IEEE that the POSIX Software Administration
is now in the hands of the printers, with an official
publication date
of June 14, 1996.
The tool of the month is arpwatch. On many sites, system
can have problems with systems that appear out of nowhere,
for example
when a user plugs a new PC into the network. This may
happen without any
notification to the system administrator, and the user
may even choose
an address that has been allocated for something else,
making havoc out
of the network. Arpwatch keeps track of Ethernet/IP
address pairs and
reports changes, such as a new host appearing on the
network, via email.
When somebody adds a new host, root will get email with
the following
To: root
Subject: new station (
ip address:
ethernet address: 0:a0:24:33:27:ff
ethernet vendor: <unknown>
timestamp: Sunday, June 16, 1996 20:43:43 +0100 (PDT)
And when that dreaded thing happens, and somebody configures
a machine
to use an address that has already been allocated elsewhere,
following email will be sent:
To: root
Subject: changed ethernet address (
ip address:
ethernet address: 0:20:af:8d:a5:28
ethernet vendor: <unknown>
old ethernet address: 0:0:0:33:27:ff
old ethernet vendor: <unknown>
timestamp: Sunday, June 16, 1996 21:25:36 +0100 (PDT)
previous timestamp: Sunday, June 16, 1996 21:25:34 +0100 (PDT)
delta: 2 seconds
Of course, then you have to find the guilty party, which
in itself can
be a nontrivial undertaking, but at least you will know
what has
I now work as a VMS analyst but hope to be a UNIX/NT
administrator very soon. I have a good working knowledge
of UNIX, but
there is still a lot I need to learn. Do you have any
suggestions as to
books, software tools to master, etc?
Thank you for your time and insightful articles in Sys
The number of UNIX system administration books seems
to increase every
month. However, the number of really good ones is still
limited. The
ones I really like and think would be useful for you
are, first of all,
Evi Nemeth's UNIX System Administration Handbook from
Prentice Hall.
This book covers many issues and will give you a starting
However, even with its almost 800 pages, it is too broad
to go into much
detail of the topics it covers. There are other books
that do provide
detail, but which ones you should read depends on your
situation. I've
listed a few here, which, incidentally, are all from
O'Reilly and
Associates. DNS and BIND by Paul Albitz and Cricket
Liu explains much of
the working and configuration of the name server. Managing
explains many of the issues facing a system administrator
who has to
administrate a site using NFS and NIS. The book is now
a bit dated, as
it does not explain NIS+, but is still very valuable.
The Sendmail Book,
by Bryan Costales with Eric Allman and Niel Rickert,
gives a very good
overview of sendmail, how it works, and how it can be
configured. Don't
worry too much about the sendmail configuration rules
in the beginning;
the M4 configuration macros described in Appendix E
will suffice in
nearly all cases. Focus on getting a general understanding
of how
sendmail works and where the security potholes are located
(in addition
to the programming flaws of sendmail itself, of course).
Finally, TCP/IP
Network Administration by Craig Hunt gives a very good
introduction to
how to administrate TCP/IP networks. Unlike most other
networking books,
its focus is on the administration part of networking,
and it more or
less ignores the programming issues exactly what is
needed for an
emerging TCP/IP administrator.
I am using OpenWindows on a Solaris system, and I would
like to be able
to change the title line of each window on the fly.
Do you know of a
utility which can do this?
There is no official tool I know of that can do this;
however, a long
time ago, in some Usenet newsgroup, somebody posted
reporting an
observation that printing a string to stout, starting
with \033]0; and
ending with \007 would put the content in between in
the window header.
Based on this information, I wrote the small program
xhdr, which takes
the local hostname followed by its list of arguments,
and places it all
in the header. In other words, when I execute
% xhdr this is a test
on my workstation, the header of my xterm window will
change to: this is a test
You can use this tool to play all kinds of games, for
example, if you
place an alias like this in your .cshrc file:
alias vi xhdr !\* ; vi \!*; xhdr
then, when you are editing a file, you can see from
the header which one
it is. Before you start to add hundreds of aliases for
all the commands
you are using, remember that scanning the rc file takes
time. So, use
this with care.
I need to transport large files/dirs from office to
home and back. The
solution I am currently attempting is to tar the information
to a SCSI
QIC-150 on my server at work and read it on my SCSI
QIC-150 at home.
Unfortunately, although writing the tape has proved
easy enough, I have
not been able to find any utilities that will enable
me to read the tape
from my PC.
The closest that I have come is a utility called WinTAR
that can
read/write tar onto a remote tape drive or read/write
files/floppies. The author says that reading/writing
of local SCSI tape
drives will not be available until Q4. Do you know of
free/share/inexpensive-ware that will run on a PC and
will read/write
tar (or cpio for that matter) tapes in a local SCSI
GNU tar version 1.11.8 has support for MS-DOS systems.
You might want
to try that one out. You can ftp the GNU tar from:
As an alternative, the MKS toolkit has all the well-known
utilities, but runs on MS-DOS. You can find more information
Are you aware of a program to run on Linux that will
do billing and
accounting for Shell and PPP accounts?
There are a number of commercial products available.
The two I have
heard of are AstroArch Consulting (
RTD Systems & Networking, Inc. (
Both of these are
aimed at ISP. I have never used either of these packages,
so I cannot
speak to the quality of them.
If you are looking for a freeware package, your best
bet is probably the
System Resource Accounting package for BSD-flavored
systems. It was
developed at University of Rochester and presented at
sources are available from:
I doubt that this system will fit your needs as is,
but may very well be
a worthwhile starting place for building the software
you need.
I think I remember a tool that generated graphs from
data produced by
sar. Does this ring any bells with you? I've done some
searches using
web tools and archie and posted to Usenet, but have
come up blank.
I suppose I could roll my own, but I'd hate to reinvent
the wheel. Any
help or thoughts would be appreciated.
When I got this question, I remembered a utility like
that in an older
version of UNIX. I looked in an old UNIX System III
manual and found a
man page for a utility called sag or System Activity
Graph. According to
the man page, this utility would display, in a graphical
form, the
system activity of the UNIX operating system during
specified time
intervals. Unfortunately, I don't remember any UNIX
system where this
command actually was working.
Nevertheless, such a utility would be really useful.
If any of our
readers knows of a freeware implementation of this or
a similar utility,
please let me know. In the meantime, stay tuned for
About the Author
Bjorn Satdeva is the president of /sys/admin, inc.,
a consulting firm
which specializes in large installation system administration.
Bjorn is
also co-founder and former president of Bay-LISA, a
San Francisco Bay
Area user's group for system administrators of large
sites. Bjorn can be
contacted at /sys/admin, inc., 2787 Moorpark Ave., San
Jose, CA 95128;
electronically at [email protected]; or by phone at
(408) 241-3111.