Accessing Oracle from CGI Scripts Using Perl
Danny Lawrence and Scott Beimer
How do you communicate with an Oracle database through
the World Wide
Web? You can use Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripts
to communicate
with the Web, but there's no direct way for a CGI script
to access an
Oracle database. Oracle provides a library of C functions
known as the
Oracle Call Interface (OCI), which allows C programs
to communicate with
the database, but these calls are cumbersome and require
too much setup
time for simple applications. We needed something easier
to use than OCI
calls - something that could be used for CGI code as
well as for reports
and scripts.
So, we decided to write an extension to Perl. Perl is
already widely
used for reports and CGI scripts, so it makes a natural
link between CGI
and Oracle. Although we have since discovered others
doing similar work,
we still like our extension. It is simple and does what
we want. We can
run it against V6 and V7 Oracle databases, and we can
execute any
select, DML, or PL/SQL block. We run it with Perl 5.001
on ISC 486 and
Sun Solaris, and our scripts can run unmodified on either
Perl is popular for its flexibility and for the ease
with which the
language can be extended with C subroutines. You can
link in your own
external libraries, and then call these libraries from
within a Perl
script. Often, just a few wrapper functions are needed
to call the
library and to convert datatypes back and forth between
C and Perl.
These wrapper functions are written in the XS language,
which is mostly
C interspersed with directives to the preprocessor xsubpp.
Through the
use of XS directives, datatype conversions and stack
manipulations are
mostly hidden. The Perl source distribution includes
very good
The Oracle Call Interface
C programs can directly save and retrieve data in Oracle
via a set of
functions known as OCI functions. These are very powerful.
You only need
a few to accomplish everything related to connecting
to a database,
converting datatypes, buffering, and error checking.
these functions are too complex to be used directly
in simple,
slap-together programs. By the time you've declared
and initialized
various private Oracle structs, parsed the SQL statement,
set up input
and output buffers, and checked for errors, you may
wonder if you will
ever get out alive. And, you still haven't retrieved
one row of data.
These OCI calls are fully explained in the Oracle documentation,
examples of usage are in the XS code included in this
article. But, you
don't need to know anything about OCI to use this Perl
Oracle7 introduced several new functions for OCI programs.
The V6
interfaces are still available, but run considerably
slower on the V7
platform. Our OCI package was originally written for
V6, so it doesn't
take advantage of any of the new functions yet.
The OCI Perl Extension
Our Oci package is a set of routines that glue the Oracle
OCI calls to
Perl, but we didn't just make the function usage a carryover
from the
low-level oracle OCI syntax. We tried to hide as many
details as
possible. Our Oci routines handle cursor allocation
and freeing,
variable binding, and input buffering almost invisibly.
In fact, the
Perl usage was designed to be very similar to PL/SQL,
while still being
Perlish. Table 1 shows a summary of the Perl functions
in the Oci
package. (See Listing 1 for the entire program.)
Perl wrapper subroutines that check the return status
and print error
messages are included in These subroutines
reduce the
clutter in the main script and explain errors as much
as possible. For
example, the ckcursor() subroutine displays the actual
text of the SQL
statement when there is an error, which is a big help.
The function usage is fairly straightforward, but a
couple of hints and
examples might be useful. The descriptions below are
given in the order
in which you would use the functions in your scripts.
oraconnect() must be called before any other Oci functions.
The connect
string is formatted the same as in all other Oracle
products. If the
connect string is coded directly into the script, use
single quotes to
protect login names such as ops$scott from being altered
by Perl. If
SQL*Net is up and running, connect strings like scott/tiger@T:host:DB
work fine. Remember to call oradisconnect() before your
script exits.
You need a cursor for every SQL statement. Every time
you use
oracursor() to parse a statement, a cursor is returned.
Oracle uses this
cursor to remember things about the statement, such
as the text of the
statement, the current status, and buffer locations.
In this Perl
package, cursors can be viewed as similar to C FILE
handles. The value
returned by fopen() is used in other C file I/O operations.
the value returned by oracursor() is used in other Oracle
The perl here-document syntax provides an elegant mechanism
declaring multiline SQL code:
($retval, $c) = oracursor(<<EOS);
select 'X'
from dual
($retval, $c) = oracursor(<<EOS);
:X := :Y;
Cursor variables (the $c above) can be local to subroutines.
When the
variable goes out of scope, Oracle and Perl resources
allocated to that
cursor are automatically released. You can use the same
cursor variable
for different statements at different times. Perl knows
when to free
resources. Note also that PL/SQL blocks require the
trailing semicolon,
but straight SQL blocks do not.
There are two ways to bind Perl data to SQL substitution
variables - by
value and by reference. If a variable is bound by value,
it cannot be
changed by a PL/SQL block. If a variable is bound by
reference, then
variable assignments within the PL/SQL block will be
visible outside the
block. Furthermore, the contents of a variable bound
by value are set at
the time of the orabind() call, while referenced binds
are bound at
either oraopen() or oraexec() time. Referenced binding
is more flexible,
but sometimes binding by value is more useful.
For instance, if you want to ensure the Perl variable
is read-only, bind
by value. Even assignments to the corresponding substitution
within the PL/SQL block will not be seen by Perl. Binding
by value is
also useful within Perl subroutines. If the subroutine
is called with
parameters that are to be bound to substitution variables,
then binding
by reference won't work. The variable's locations are
different for
every call. In this case, it is better to re-bind by
value on every call
to the subroutine.
A bind by value can be as simple as using a string:
$retval = orabind($c, ":X", "value");
In this case, the SQL can use the value of :X, but cannot
assign values
to it. In the bind below, however, values can be assigned
to :Y because
a reference to $y is passed. If the PL/SQL block corresponding
to $c
assigns a value to :Y, the value of $y will be set accordingly.
$y = "";
$retval = orabind($c, ":Y",$y, 25);
Note the use of a backslash before the $y. This is Perl's
syntax for a
reference to $y. When references are used, the referenced
variable must
already have been defined. Assigning a null string,
as with $y above, is
The fourth parameter, length, is used to ensure $y has
enough space even
though, as in the example above, it might still be too
short for what
you expect to retrieve. One neat thing about referenced
binds is that
the value of the referenced variable can change between
orabind() and
oraopen() or oraexec(). The last value assigned is the
one that will be
bound, unlike binds by value.
Opening, Closing, and Execing
Depending on the type of statement used in the oracursor()
call, you
will want to use either the pair oraopen()/oraclose(),
or the single
function oraexec(), but not both. oraopen() and oraclose()
equivalent to PL/SQL's open and close for select cursors.
All other
types of cursors should use oraexec().
orafetch() tries to be Perlish by returning the selected
rows as an
array of scalars. In this way, it is a mirror image
of PL/SQL's fetch.
When PL/SQL says:
fetch foo_cur into var1, var2;
the equivalent Perl is:
($retval, $var1, $var2) = orafetch($foo_cur);
The variables are retrieved in the same order as the
items in the SQL
select list. You must make sure you use the right number
of Perl
variables in the right order. When there are no more
rows to fetch,
$oerr is set to $ORA_NO_DATA_FOUND.
Examples of how to use these functions can be in tabhtml.cgi
comment.cgi. tabhtml.cgi prompts for an Oracle connect
string and then
displays a description of all tables owned by the login
user. The html
code returned is generated dynamically based on data
in the system
comment.cgi is a script that simplifies documenting
your tables and
fields in the database. You enter the table or field
name and a comment,
and the form inserts it. The next time tabhtml.cgi is
executed, the
comments will be displayed.
Installation specifics for Oci vary by platform because
of the different
locations of Oracle headers and libraries. First, download
the sources
and put them in their own directory. You'll see a file
Makefile.PL. This file must be edited, and the LIBS,
parameters must be set for your system. On our Sparc
20 running Solaris
2.4 and Oracle 7.2, we use the following Makefile.PL:
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to
# influence the contents of the Makefile that is written.
'NAME' => 'Oci',
'VERSION' => '0.1',
'LIBS' => ['-L/disk00/app/oracle/product/7.2.2/ \
lib -locic -L. -lsqlnet -lora -lsqlnet -lora \
-lnlsrtl3 -lc3v6 -lcore3 -lnlsrtl3 -lcore3 \
-losntab -lsqlnet -lora -lc3v6'],
'INC' => '-I${ORACLE_HOME}/sqllib/public
The -losntab is our own invention. Oracle provides osntab.o,
but because
of this MakeMaker syntax, only .a archives are allowed.
So, we built an
archive libosntab.a containing only osntab.o. Also note
that we spelled
out the library path in the LIBS section instead of
using a variable
such as ${ORACLE_HOME}. There is probably an easier
way to do this, but,
alas, we're not Perl-building experts.
Once you've edited Makefile.PL, type:
perl Makefile.PL
make perl
If you got the parameters right, a new Perl executable
will be sitting
in the directory ready to be used. If you are a mere
mortal, though, you
will discover that the LIBS parameter takes a lot of
twiddling. The
Oracle demo makefiles for your system should provide
enough information
for you to get started.
There are other parameters in Makefile.PL that you might
want to set.
LINKTYPE lets you specify static or dynamic linking
on platforms that
support it. The Perl XS Tutorial document in the Perl
5.002 release
explains all about Makefile.PL and building Perl.
Last Bit
Since we built this extension, we've had all sorts of
fun with it. CGI
scripts are almost too easy now, and we've discovered
that even Oracle
reporting is easier. We don't even need the Oracle reports
module. We
use SQL*Forms to collect report parameters, then have
SQL*Forms spawn a
Perl script in the background. The report runs, and
the user gets to use
his/her terminal right away, instead of waiting for
the report to
Our OCI extension is very simple, so if you need a more
industrial-strength extension, check out the DBI/DBD
extensions on the
Hermetica web site:
About the Authors
Danny's business card says he is Computer Systems Manager
at the Grants
Pass Daily Courier in Oregon. Scott's says he is Computer
Services (we
don't know exactly what that means). They have a combined
872 years
experience in writing in the third person. They can
be reached at
[email protected] or [email protected].