Books: A User's Report
Elizabeth Zinkann
This month, I reviewed a variety of material that I
hope will be helpful
to everyone, but particularly to systems administrators
who suddenly
find themselves part-time webmasters. The reviews include:
the HTML
Reference Card by James C. Armstrong (Specialized Systems
Inc.); The Internet Instant Reference Third Edition
by Paul E. Hoffman
(Sybex); and The All-In-One Web Surfing & Publishing
Kit by The Coriolis
Group. The Coriolis kit includes three books available
separately: Web
Explorer Pocket Companion by Jeff Duntemann, Ron Pronk,
and Patrick
Vincent (Coriolis Group Books); Free $tuff From the
World Wide Web by
Patrick Vincent (Coriolis Group Books); and Netscape
and HTML Explorer
by Urban A. LeJeune with Jeff Duntemann (Coriolis Group
Books). The
latter is now available in the second edition, The New
Netscape & HTML
Explorer by Urban A. LeJeune (Coriolis Group Books).
I also reviewed
Configuring CDE: The Common Desktop Environment by Charles
(Hewlett-Packard Professional Books, Prentice Hall)
and Instant Java by
John A. Pew (The SunSoft Press Java Series, Prentice
Correction: In the July issue, I inadvertently omitted
the price from
The Simple Book: An Introduction to Networking Management,
Second Edition by Marshall T. Rose (Prentice Hall; ISBN
CD-ROM included). The correct price is $54.00. I apologize
to Marshall
Rose and to Prentice Hall.
HTML Reference Card
by James C. Armstrong
Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.
ISBN 0-916151-79-4
The HyperText Markup Language (HTML), like every programming
possesses its own syntax and grammar. Although the design
appears rather straightforward, some interfacing features
are more
complex. These considerations include the Common Gateway
(CGI), Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), images, anchors,
specific attributes, and Netscape 3.0 extensions. Often,
a World Wide
Web (WWW or the Web) programmer or designer knows what
results he or she
wants, but cannot recall the syntax. The HTML Reference
Card eliminates
searching through a book to find the format. The 14-sided
card (which
folds to pocket size for those with pockets) contains
all the commands
and options necessary to construct an HTML document.
The sections of the HTML Reference Card encompass the
following topics:
definitions, universal attributes, document structure,
emphasis and
fonts, text offsets, headers, images, anchors, lists,
comments, forms, a sample HTML document (both the source
and the
resultant output), CGI, tables and figures, URLs, and
characters. The document structure segment provides
the syntax, its use,
whether most browsers ignore the specific command, and
whether the
command's use is optional or mandatory. Although the
final appearance of
an HTML-designed document ultimately depends upon the
individual browser, the author can specify relative
emphasis, offsets,
and headers. The reference card briefly explains what
each command
option achieves, and any conflicts with other commands
or browsers.
The HTML Reference Card is an ideal resource. It describes
syntax information in an easily transportable (and lightweight)
Every Web designer and HTML programmer, whether professional
or casual,
should possess this excellent and convenient guide.
The Internet Instant Reference
Third Edition
by Paul E. Hoffman
ISBN 0-7821-1891-7
The Internet's rapidly changing environment presents
difficulties both
for the authors trying to document it and for the novice
endeavoring to
learn about it. Fortunately, the authors of quality
Internet books
realize this fact and revise their books to reflect
these changes. The
third edition of Hoffman's Internet Instant Reference
is one example of
these valuable little (approximately 8" x 4.75")
books. The author
divides the text into two sections: an Internet Overview
and Using the
Internet. The Internet Overview contains the History
of the Internet,
the Structure of the Internet, Who Runs the Internet?,
Major Ways to Get
Information, Your Connection to the Internet, and Learning
second segment, Using the Internet, provides an alphabetical
listing of
terms, concepts, features, and procedures related to
Internet use. New
or revised entries to this section include the World
Wide Web (terms
such as Web Site, Webcrawler, and Webmaster each now
merit individual
entries), Java, various browsers, Windows 95 contributions
(such as
Explorer), mail, downloading procedures, electronic
mailing lists, VRML
(Virtual Reality Modeling Language), and Firewalls.
Hoffman has written an informative and compact guide
for Internet users.
Many of the entries contain an explanation of the feature,
along with
the necessary step-by-step procedures to utilize it.
The author writes
in a logical and readable style, with tables, screen
layout, figures,
and itemized lists where applicable. The third edition
of The Internet
Instant Reference provides an excellent resource for
every Internet
user, whether beginning, experienced, or advanced.
The All-In-One Web Surfing & Publishing Kit
The Coriolis Group
ISBN 1-883577-41-1
CD-ROM included
The package includes the following books, also available
Web Explorer Pocket Companion
by Jeff Duntemann, Ron Pronk,
and Patrick Vincent
Coriolis Group Books
ISBN 1-883577-54-3
Free $tuff From the World Wide Web
by Patrick Vincent
Coriolis Group Books
ISBN 1-883577-27-6
Netscape and HTML Explorer
by Urban A. LeJeune with Jeff Duntemann
Coriolis Group Books
ISBN 1-883577-57-8
CD-ROM included
The average-sized business card may soon be replaced.
In addition to
name, company name, address, email address, phone, fax,
cellular, and
pager numbers, it is also becoming standard practice
to include your
private home page URL (Uniform Resource Locator). Most
Internet service
providers now allot a certain amount of space (which
varies among
providers) for each user's private home page. The volume
of books on Web
design and implementation can bewilder even the computer-confident
reader. The All-In-One Web Surfing & Publishing
Kit enables any user to
complete a Web page in a short time. Also, if the author
desires to know
how Web pages really work, the Coriolis Group has included
material for
that. The Guide to Getting Started describes the software
on the
accompanying CD-ROM and how to use it. The guide frequently
directs the
reader to a section in one of the texts or one or more
Web sites. The
CD-ROM contains HTML editors, artwork, graphics utilities,
and a guide
to Internet Service providers. Coriolis also furnishes
their own
contributions: NetSeeker, which obtains the latest publishing
updates for the user, and Home Page Creator, which can
create a page
almost instantly.
The Web Explorer Pocket Companion discusses several
different topics:
Netscape Centerfold: A Visual Guide to the User Interface;
Questions You Can Ask Us Without Getting Flamed; A Five
Star Tour of the
World Wide Web; A Dozen Whacky, Fun, and Useless Things
You Can Do On
the Web; All the HTML You Really Need; and Webs of the
World. The
Netscape Centerfold examines the important features
of the Netscape
browser. Using illustrations, the authors describe how
to navigate the
Web with the Netscape browser. The following section
answers questions
that are often asked on the Internet. However, if the
user doesn't know
the answer, it remains a valid question. Therefore,
the authors provide
the answers (plus answers to some related unasked questions).
section is well worth reading, even if the reader does
know the
solutions, simply for the humor. The Five Star Tour
of the Web presents
the best of the Web in 22 categories, including business,
health, Internet help, music, shopping, television,
and travel. A Dozen
Whacky, Fun, and Useless Things describes some of the
more whimsical Web
sites, e.g., The Internet Pizza Server (a virtual pizza
will be
delivered in five minutes or less to your email address
from; Chat with a
(; and Web roulette
(a random URL
generator for those Web travelers who don't like to
know where they are
going at All The
HTML You Really
Need provides HyperText Markup Language Basics for creating
your own
home page. The final section, Webs of the World, lists
Web site
locations by country. The Web Explorer Pocket Companion
is a remarkable,
extremely complete, and well-written book. The authors
address the
fundamental material in a unique and humorous style,
introduce Web sites
that are serious and entertaining, and demonstrate how
simple HTML can
Free $tuff From the World Wide Web reveals how and where
to access
information, lists (whether David Letterman's or recipes),
and shareware
programs. Browsing this book compares with strolling
through a virtual
village. The reader may stop for a closer look wherever
he or she
wishes. Vincent features 25 interests, including games,
food and
cooking, humor, language and literary pursuits, law,
and sports,
recreation, and hobbies. He shows which sites to visit
without connect
charges and what can be obtained free of charge. This
is an entertaining
and useful book. Vincent not only provides site highlights,
but also
notes the sites' major links to other pages.
The Netscape & HTML Explorer offers a more technical
approach to the Web
and, in particular, to Web publishing. It is divided
into four sections:
Getting Started With the Web and Netscape, Publishing
On the Web, Doing
More on the Web, and The Internet Connection Kit. The
first segment
describes the different aspects of the Web using Netscape
and shows how
to customize the browser to your personal preferences.
Publishing on the
Web examines current Web pages, the concept of a home
page, and tells
how to create one. The authors discuss HTML, and how
to use it, general
Web page design concepts and techniques, CGI (Common
Gateway Interface)
programs, and forms. LeJeune and Duntemann also demonstrate
utilities: Archie, Gopher, Veronica, Finger, Web search
tools, and the
more advanced Netscape features. The concluding section
surveys the
Internet connection choices available to the user. The
address Writing Great HTML, A Survivor's Guide to UNIX,
UNIX Aliases and
Scripts, Web Publishing Resources, and Using the Web
Surfing and
Publishing CD-ROM.
The New Netscape & HTML Explorer is the current
release (by Urban A.
LeJeune, ISBN 1-883577-91-8, $39.99, CD-ROM included.)
The author
re-arranged the existing topics in this edition and
added chapters on
Java applets, frames, and JavaScript. LeJeune also details
new dimensions including Cool Talk, plug-ins, and the
HTML extensions.
Both editions display a clear, logical writing style
that is enjoyable
to read. This is a superb book that guides the reader
through Netscape,
HTML, and Java utilizing a step-by-step design. The
variety of topics
included and the thorough examination of each topic
make this an
outstanding text.
The three books with the All-In-One Web Surfing &
Publishing Kit are
excellent choices. The user may browse through Vincent's
Free $tuff From
the World Wide Web, learn a little more from the Web
Explorer Pocket
Companion, or examine the Web and Web page construction
from a more
technical viewpoint with the Netscape & HTML Explorer.
Separately, the
books are all excellent texts. Together, they give the
reader a solid
foundation in the concepts of the Web, Netscape, and
HTML. I highly
recommend them.
Configuring CDE: The Common Desktop Environment
by Charles Fernandez
Hewlett-Packard Professional Books
Prentice Hall
ISBN 0-13-102724-7
The Common Open System Environment (COSE) attempts to
present standard
interfaces for UNIX users, regardless of their individual
UNIX vendor.
The Common Desktop Environment (CDE) has become the
environment users recognize. In Configuring CDE: The
Common Desktop
Environment, Fernandez examines what this development
means for system
administrators. The author demonstrates how to successfully
CDE for different environments, needs, and resources.
concentrates on two major aspects of CDE configuration:
the basic
organization for your system's configuration and how
to customize the
user's environment for his or her optimum comfort. The
author addresses
the following topics: How To Organize CDE Configuration
Environmental Variables, Working with Look-and-Feel
Resources, Using
Create Action to Make Actions and Data Types, Making
Handmade Action,
Making Handmade Data Types, Configuring the Workspace
Configuring the CDE Front Panel, and How Login and Session
Work. The Appendix contains the CDE Configuration File
In the first chapter, Fernandez analyzes ways to organize
configuration. He emphasizes that CDE is not simply
a GUI (graphical
user interface). CDE encompasses the user's entire working
and contains more than 80 configuration files. The author
also presents
four principles of organization relative to the CDE
files: content,
scope, order of precedence, and location. In Environmental
Fernandez explains what a variable is, possible CDE
variables, and where
they are set. The third chapter, Working with Look-and-Feel
first defines both resources and "look-and-feel"
terms. The author
describes how and where resources are configured, some
common mistakes
("Gotchas"), and how to avoid them. The book
follows this pattern for
actions and data types, handmade actions, handmade data
types, the
workspace manager, the CDE front panel, and login and
Configuring CDE: The Common Desktop Environment provides
an outstanding
addition to the system administration library. Fernandez
defines each
term as he introduces it, then explains each concept
in greater detail.
He illustrates what files exist on the system and explains
when each of
those files needs to be edited. He establishes easy-to-follow
for configuring CDE in different situations. The text
is well-written,
extremely clear, and often humorous. Many visual representations,
in the
form of tables, lists, and figures augment the written
Fernandez has created an excellent companion to the
CDE Advanced User's
and System Administrator's Guide. It is a superb book
that every system
administrator supporting CDE should read and use often.
Instant Java
by John A. Pew
The SunSoft Press Java Series
Prentice Hall
ISBN 0-13-565821-7
CD-ROM included
The Java programming language has added a new dimension
to the World
Wide Web page appearance (as well as new vocabulary
to current
technobabble): animation and movement. Many Web designers
have no desire
to learn how to program Java, but would like to incorporate
effects. Instant Java demonstrates how to use existing
applets. Author
John Pew addresses Introducing Java Applets, Fundamental
Applets, Text
Applets, Image Applets, Animation Applets, and Assorted
Applets. The
Appendices present Selected Source Code Listing, Supported
Colors, and The SunSoft Press Java Series CD-ROM. In
the first chapter,
Pew explains how an applet works:
"When you load a Web page that contains a Java
reference, you are
downloading a small program, called a Java applet, that
is then executed
within your browser." [Chapter 1, p. 1]
He also describes the various types of applets available
and how the
nonprogrammer and HTML author may access them and design
with them. Pew
furnishes the reader with the elements to create programs
such as a
calculator or a crossword puzzle, however, the applets
provided are not
restricted to creating just one thing. Each applet entry
features: one
or more pictures of the applet, its description, sample
HTML (HyperText
Markup Language) code, and the applet's parameters.
The author also
details how to implement the provided applets, in a
Throughout the book, Pew provides directions for creating
types of applets, such as animation programs. He notes
that ten separate
images of a single logo, character, or object shown
in rapid succession
produces the illusion of animation. (I remember doing
this with little
"flip books" of a cartoon.) He also provides
Tips for Programmers in
chapters three and four. For those who wish to program
Java, the author
recommends the CD-ROM's Java source code as beginning
examples. The
CD-ROM includes all of the source and the compiled code
for the applets
in the book. In addition, it contains the Java Developer's
Kit (JDK) and
Symantec's Cafe' Lite for Windows 95.
Instant Java offers an excellent way for the casual
or beginning Web
designer to start learning Java. Pew provides applets
that allow and
encourage creativity. Instant Java has been appropriately
dubbed a
cookbook - the reader may select the ingredients to
invent his or her
own recipe or follow a tested and printed one. Pew's
text is concise and
helpful. This is a unique and refreshing approach to
Java's applets and
a superb way to begin using Java.
About the Author
Elizabeth Zinkann has been involved in the UNIX and
C environment for
the past 11 years. She is currently a UNIX and C consultant,
and one of
her specialties is UNIX education. In addition to her
computer science
background, she also has a degree in English. Elizabeth
can be reached
via America Online ([email protected]).