Questions and Answers
Bjorn Satdeva
First, some old business: I received several replies
to the question
about sag, the System Activity Graph tool. Most replies
stated that the
man page for sag was on such-and-such system, but nobody
confessed to
having used it. A few people suggested using xload,
which, in some
cases, is a nice tool for online monitoring, but it
really does not
provide the kind of reporting that sag supposedly did.
Stephen Schaefer sent me some Perl scripts that process
the output from
sa1 (a system V utility). I do not have this utility
on any of my
systems, so I could not test them; however, I have put
the scripts on
the system administration ftp archive, so anyone who
wants to check them
out can find them at:
The README file for these scripts is shown in Figure
In the July issue, I answered a question from someone
looking for an
Ethernet packet monitoring tool. I mentioned some commercial
but should probably also mention that SNMP package from
University. This package will allow you to monitor an
entire network,
using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
Using SNMP, you can
get information from various SNMP-aware stations on
the network. The
freeware SNMP package is available from:
Remember that the USENIX LISA '96 conference for system
is coming up soon in Chicago - between September 29
and October 4. This
conference is always informative. Scheduled this year
are tutorials,
invited talks, refereed papers, and Birds-of-a-Feather
sessions. The
keynote, given by John Lampman of Hewlett-Packard, is
"Information Technology - The Next Ten Years. Also,
the vendor
exhibition will feature system administration tools
from 75
manufacturers. For complete program and registration
material, contact
the USENIX Conference at: telephone: (714) 588-8649;
[email protected] (your message should contain the line
"send LISA10
conference"); or WWW:
I've been trying to find a tool/utility/package that
will allow an
administrator to remotely monitor, unattended, a Sun-based
network connected to the Internet. I need something
that can be
configured to send alerts, alarms, etc. to the monitoring
system as well
as page the admin - maybe something that can monitor
HTTP processes and
alert/restart when they go down. Do you know of anything
like this?
It looks as if the tool you want is swatch. This tool
looks for
messages appearing in the syslog output and is able
to take various
actions, determined by a configuration file. swatch
is described in the
LISA VII proceedings. The paper is also included in
the source.
You might also want to look at a paper by Carl Shipley
and Chingyow Wang
from the LISA V conference proceedings, "Monitoring
Activity on a Large
Unix Network with Perl and Sysogd."
Both of these are passive tools, so they cannot take
any action, such as
restarting a daemon. However, it is fairly trivial to
write a small Perl
program to do what you want. The simplest thing to implement
is a
program that does an exec of the daemon, and then waits
for the child to
exit. In Perl, the rudimentary version of what you want
would look
something like this (you will need to add checks for
various failure
modes, such as to frequent forks):
while ( 1 ) {
unless (fork) {
# This is the child process
# Make the parent wait
sleep 5;
Or, you could write a Perl script that sends signal
0 (zero) to the
process. If the process has gone away, this will cause
a failure, and
you can then restart the daemon. The advantage of the
first solution is
that you get an instant restart of the daemon, but at
the cost of a
second process.
Tarvainen's article in the August issue refers to
a Tcl/Tk interpreter
called wish, however it makes no mention of where to
find it. I visited
the sites mentioned for getting copies of Tcl/Tk but
could not find
wish. I even downloaded Tcl/Tk from several sites hoping
to get wish,
but couldn't find it.
wish or "Simple Windowing Shell" is part
of the Tk distribution. Try to
download the Tk/Tcl sources again, follow the instructions
installing it, and you should be in good shape.
I need a graphical disk utility monitor that will
let me watch reads
and writes by user/node and volumes in somewhat real-time
polling would suffice). I often see my filesystems filling
up, but can't
tell who or where its coming from. Also, I would like
to easily
determine disk usage by user without using quotas or
some script
invoking find.
One predecessor of the swatch program mentioned above
can be used to
monitor changes in free disk space. It is less capable
than swatch but
does disk monitoring very well. I have not used this
program for some
time, and I don't think it is maintained any longer,
so it might take a
little effort to make it work on your system. You can
find it in the
system administration archive at:
I have a question for you or your readers. I need
a way to
automatically set the DISPLAY variable when logging
into a machine.
There are a couple of problems/situations that greatly
complicate a
login script.
I would like to be able to do multiple rlogins/telnets
host1 -> host2 -> host3
I cannot find any method to propagate the DISPLAY variable
set to host1
up the chain.
Also, su has a similar problem. Any attempt to create
a file in the
user's auto-mounted home directory relies on only one
login (i.e., the
user cannot simultaneously log onto another machine).
Any suggestions or
You apparently have an old version of telnet and/or
telnetd, as the
newer ones will propagate the user's environment. If
you upgrade, be
aware of a security problem in some versions of telnetd,
which allows
intruders to do bad things to your system. Most commercial
versions are
not vulnerable, but at least some versions of Linux
and NetBSD are
vulnerable to this problem. See CERT advisory,
for more details.
su is a different animal. Depending on which version
you have, you might
be able to tell it to keep its current environment (option
-m on my
system). However, I suggest that you get the op program
from the system
administration archive, as it has several advantages
over su. The most
noticeable difference is the ability to control which
commands the user
can execute with root privileges. It is available from
the system
administration archives at:
I am fairly new to system administration tasks, and
will soon need to
transmit files every day to a state computer via ftp.
We have been using
uucp, which works fine set up in crontabs. I have been
told that ftp
cannot be set up to run with cron. Yet I have done some
looking at the
RFCs in InterNIC about ftp and have read a little about
bftp, a
background type of ftp. The article was not clear on
whether this could
be cron'd. If you could you give me some places to start
looking into
this, I would greatly appreciate it. I read Sys Admin
every month, and
your column has helped me learn much.
First and most important, bftp is a security disaster
waiting to
happen. The reason you have been told bftp is easier
than ftp to use
from a cron script is that bftp does not use any user
authentication. In
other words, if you set up the server to provide a service
for bftp,
anybody who can reach the server will be able to get
in. It is then
possible to do bad stuff, like copying the password
file or even
modifying configuration files and executables.
You can use ftp from a script, and run it from cron.
You will need to
set up an ftp communication file (.netrc), run it as
an expect script,
or use redirected input. Be aware that in any of these
three cases, you
need to commit the ftp password to hard disk. This in
itself is a
security risk, but certainly a much lesser risk than
using bftp.
I recall reading an article that described how to
make a user log in
as himself, and then su to root (i.e., direct login
to root could only
be done at the console device). Can you direct me to
something like
this? I have sysadmins, netadmins, DBAs, analysts, and
operators who all
"require" root access to my machines, and
I need to get control of this
On most modern UNIX systems, you can prevent root login
from any
terminal that is not deemed secure. This is commonly
done through the
/etc/ttys by adding the word secure. The specifics differ
a bit
depending on your version of UNIX, but the principle
is the same. As you
say, root should only be allowed direct login at the
console, and only
be used when it is not possible or practical to log
in as a normal user.
You mentioned the many different kind of users who need
some kind of
root access on your machines. The op program does a
very good job of
delegating limited root privileges to certain users.
You can use regular
expressions to define which commands (including arguments)
a user is
allowed to execute. As long as you don't allow programs
with shell
escapes (such as editors or mail readers), you should
be able to set up
an environment in which everybody can do what is needed,
and still limit
general root access to the people who have the education
and experience
to handle it.
I've been banging my head trying to solve a problem
with a Perl
script. I have a file that sets up a number of Bourne
shell variables
that I would like to use in my Perl script. I don't
want to hard code
these variables into my script because they are used
in other places and
sometimes change. I've had a look at Perl exec and system
functions, but
they don't seem to do what I want. I could write a Bourne
shell script
to source the environment file, then run the Perl shell
script, but this
is wimping out:
. environment_file
Any ideas would be gratefully received.
You can access environment variables from a Perl script
through the
associate array called %ENV. You can access the values
of the
environment variables inherited at execution time and
alter them as
needed, but only changes to the PATH variable ($ENV{'PATH'})
will affect
the current process. All other changes will affect only
the eventual
children of that process. So, if you have an environment
variable that
is called, for example, PRINTER, you can get that value
in your program
by saying:
$Printer = $ENV{ 'PRINTER" };
Where can I find generic public domain Web server
software? I am
running DG/UX 5.4 R3.10 MU02 on a Data General AViiON.
There are a number of Web servers available. You will
find a selection
in the system administration archive at:
I am not familiar with DG/UX, so I have no idea how
much work it will
take for you to get this to work on your platform. We
did a port of INN
a few years back to a DG/UX machine, and it took a good
deal longer than
a usual news installation because of system differences.
In the most recent issue that we've received, it indicates
that is the correct place to get code listings.
I've tried
several times to ftp there and the machine (
has timed out
or refused connection. Ideas? is indeed the primary ftp server for Sys
Admin magazine, as
well as for a long list of other Miller Freeman publications.
The system
administration archives on mirror the
Sys Admin
archives, so you can always get material there if the is
down for a bit.
I just read your tool of the month paragraph regarding
Argus. Could
you tell me where to find it?
About the Author
Bjorn Satdeva is the president of /sys/admin, inc.,
a consulting firm
which specializes in large installation system administration.
Bjorn is
also co-founder and former president of Bay-LISA, a
San Francisco Bay
Area user's group for system administrators of large
sites. Bjorn can be
contacted at /sys/admin, inc., 2787 Moorpark Ave., San
Jose, CA 95128;
electronically at [email protected]; or by phone at
(408) 241-3111.