Configuring a Minimal Web Server
Cornelius Cook
With the rising demand for web servers, system administrators
are hard
pressed to make room for them on their computers. Because
organizations have the resources they would like, administrators
forced with trying to install robust, yet inexpensive
and small servers.
At Urbana Design Center of Motorola, we currently use
four different Web
servers, each for a different purpose. This article
outlines how to
install and run a minimalist Web server - whether the
limitation is
funds, hard drive space, or RAM - while keeping security
in mind.
Choosing the Server that Matches Your Needs
Although several commercial Web server products are
now available, two
of the best free Web servers currently are the National
Center for
Supercomputing Applications' NCSA HTTPd and the Apache
Group's HTTPd.
NCSA's HTTPd was developed first and became the starting
point for the
Apache Group's server development. Currently, to improve
the speed of
the NCSA server, NCSA is using pieces of the new Apache
code. Although
both are excellent Web servers, there are differences.
The first consideration is licensing. If you are running
a Web server
for purely internal, educational, or personal uses,
NCSA is free. If, on
the other hand, you are running a server for external
commercial uses,
note that the Apache is free no matter what you use
it for. In any case,
you should read the LICENSE file that comes with each.
Because Apache's configuration used to be downwardly
compatible with the
NCSA server, most configuration issues are identical.
Apache is smaller
by a hair, and is almost as fast as the NCSA server.
Apache also offers
highly configurable logs and many plug-in expansion
modules. For setting
up a minimal server, these issues are unimportant, but
if you ever
decide to expand your server, you should keep them in
Downloading the Server
The easiest place to find either the NCSA or Apache
server is at The NCSA server can be found
in the
/Web/httpd/Unix/ncsa_httpd/current directory, and Apache
can be found in
the /Web/httpd/Unix/apache_httpd/ directory. For the
latest server from
the Apache Group, use It is located
in the
/apache/dist/ directory.
When you download Apache, grab apache_1.0.0.tar.Z for
the source code
and apache_1.0_psdocs.tar.Z for the PostScript configuration
documentation. I strongly recommend printing out the
because it can answer specific questions beyond the
scope of this
The NCSA server is available in precompiled form for
several UNIX
platforms, but I would discourage downloading these.
Instead, download
httpd_1.5.1-export_source.tar.Z, so you can configure
and compile the
server yourself. The PostScript documentation can be
found in
/Web/httpd/Unix/ncsa_httpd/documents/. is
the configuration
documentation, and contains a collection
of reference
materials for the NCSA server, including the FAQ and
revision histories.
The standard location for the http server is /usr/local/etc/httpd.
you wish to put it somewhere else, you will need to
modify the default
configuration files. Uncompress and untar the file in
and it will make a directory for itself. After you rename
this directory
to httpd, you will be ready to start compiling your
Web server.
Compiling the NCSA Server
Before starting compilation, you need to know which
Unix platform you
are running. Run uname -a to find out. Then go into
the src/ directory.
If you plan to change the location of your Web server,
you should edit
config.h and change the following line to indicate where
you will keep
your server:
#define HTTPD_ROOT "/usr/local/etc/httpd"
Once you have made these changes, just run make [your
os here]. For
example, if you are compiling under SunOS, run make
sunos in the src/
directory. If that fails, just run make alone in /usr/local/etc/httpd/
and find your OS in the list. Then, try the make again
with the correct
OS in src/. Either of these methods should result in
the httpd
executable. Move httpd from the src/ directory into
/usr/local/etc/httpd/, and run make clean to clear out
unneeded object
Compiling the Apache Server
As above, make sure you know what OS you are running;
then, go into the
src/ directory, and edit the Configuration file. Find
the line that
# AUX_CFLAGS are system-specific control flags
and look for your OS type. Uncomment each line under
your system type,
and save the file. For example, if you run System V
R4, the relevant
part of the file should look like this:
# For SVR4
AUX_LIBS= -lsocket -lnsl -lc
# For Amdahl UTS 2.1
Be sure to uncomment all the lines related to your operating
system -
some have only have one configuration line, others have
two. You must
also comment out the default operating system if you
are not running
SunOS. There will be a line referring to SunOS that
needs to be changed
Also, near the bottom of the Configuration file, you
will find some
module options. If you want Apache to write the same
log files that NCSA
does, comment in the following lines:
Module agent_log_module mod_log_agent.o
Module referer_log_module mod_log_referer.o
Apache will then write the agent_log and referer_log
files just as the
NCSA server would.
With the above changes completed, run ./Configure and
then make. As with
the NCSA compilation, run a make clean after you move
httpd out of the
src/ directory.
Changing the Default Configuration
First, in /usr/local/etc/httpd, make sure the directories
logs/ and
htdocs/ exist. You may have to create them.
You will see several files in the conf/ directory, and
you should copy
each to a new file without the -dist ending. The file
mime.types will
not need to be changed. With the NCSA server, you may
also ignore
Each section in access.conf contains a set of Directory
tags. For
security purposes, comment out the line referring to
#<Directory /usr/local/etc/httpd/cgi-bin>
#Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
If you have changed your server base, be sure that change
is reflected
in this line:
<Directory /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs>
If you want other directories to be visible from the
outside world, be
sure to add a complete "Directory" section
for each in access.conf. For
example, if you want all the directories under /home
to be visible
(e.g., for your users' web pages), add the following
at the end of the
<Directory /home>
Options Indexes
Be sure to keep "FollowSymLinks" and "ExecCGI"
out of every "Options"
line for better security. If you must turn them on,
be sure you know
which symlinks or CGIs are going to be used.
To make directories available to the outside world,
you'll need to alias
them in srm.conf. User home directories already have
an alias, which is
the ~username convention.
If you're not root, you'll need to change the "Port"
line in httpd.conf,
to something above 1024. If you don't use 80, 8000 is
Port 80
Reflect who is responsible for the server, for example:
ServerAdmin [email protected]
If you've changed your server root, be sure to reflect
that here also:
ServerRoot /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs
The default "Timeout" value is generally too
small. Some large files
being sent over a 28.8 modem will take a long time to
download, so raise
the default to something reasonable. As an example,
the following will
make the server wait for an hour for a download to complete:
Timeout 3600
One of the last items of note is how many servers are
allowed to be
running at the same time. NCSA calls this "MaxServers"
and Apache calls
it "MaxClients." If you want to limit the
strain on your computer, turn
this down. NCSA and Apache come with different defaults,
so it's really
your best estimate. Twenty seems reasonable.
MaxServers 20
# Apache
MaxClients 150
NCSA's httpd.conf also has a default "VirtualHost"
entry that is not
needed for a minimal server. It is easiest to completely
comment out
these lines:
#<VirtualHost Optional>
#DocumentRoot /local
#ResourceConfig conf/localhost_srm.conf
be sure to update your server root in the srm.conf file
if you changed
DocumentRoot /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs
Any aliases you might want for directories, outside
the document root
and the user home directories, would go in an "Alias"
line. The alias
has two parts: the name that would be in the URL, and
the directory to
which it corresponds on the computer. For example:
Alias /icons/ \
Alias /FAQ/ /usr/doc/faq/
For security purposes, turn off the CGI alias for cgi-bin:
#ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ \
If you want to use imagemaps or CGIs, comment in the
respective lines:
#AddType text/x-imagemap .map
#AddType application/x-httpd-cgi .cgi
Starting the HTTPd
Now that the server is ready to run, you probably want
to actually start
using it. Listing 1 shows a handy script for running
a Web server. http
start will initially run the HTTPd process; http restart
will cause the
HTTPd to re-read its configuration files if you make
changes while it's
running. http stop will stop the server.
To get your Web server to start up every time you boot
your system,
you'll need to add this script to your system initialization
These scripts change from OS to OS. The file /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2
would be
a good place for it under Linux. Of course, before using
Listing 1, be
sure to change the following line to reflect the directory
in which you
placed your server:
Notes on an Absolutely Minimal Installation
I have ignored the support/ directory that provides
extra tools for
dealing with a variety of other HTTP issues. If you
are just using the
server for basic operation, you won't have to build
these tools. If
you're really pressed for disk space, you can remove
the support/,
cgi-src/, and cgi-bin/ directories. The two CGI directories
are just
examples of some CGI tools that can be used with the
Web server and are
not necessary for basic operation. If you never intend
to build the Web
server again, you could even remove src/.
The files in logs/ can fill up quickly, so you may want
to either keep
an eye on how fast they grow, or disable them completely.
To disable
them, find all the references to "TransferLog,"
"ErrorLog," "AgentLog,"
and "RefererLog" in httpd.conf and set them
to /dev/null:
AgentLog /dev/null
You are now ready to start serving HTML documents. More
about other configuration options can be found on the
Web. The NCSA
server's information pages are available at, and the Apache Group's
site is at:
About the Author
Cornelius Cook has been programming computers since
he was 6 years old
when he first learned BASIC on a Sinclair ZX-80. As
a Junior in the
Computer Science department at the University of Illinois
Urbana/Champaign, he is working as a System Administrator
for the Urbana
Design Center of the Motorola Computer Group. He can
be reached at
[email protected] or [email protected].