Ethernet To Your Home
Lisa Lees
System administrators often creatively adapt lessons
learned in one area
and apply them to other areas, and this trick can be
done with the
creation and management of Web servers as easily as
elsewhere. In this
article, I will use the configuration of my home systems
as an example
of how to create an economical Web server infrastructure.
I have an Ethernet connection in the bedroom of my house
in East
Lansing, Michigan, which is for my Linux computer. Another
connection in
the basement goes to my spouse's Windows PC. These two
systems are
connected to a five-port 10BaseT hub (with room to add
the children's
systems at some point). The hub connects to the cable
modem . . . and so
to the world. The cost is quite reasonable, and installation
was a snap.
TCI Telephony Services, Inc., of Michigan provides an
connection to homes in my area in one of two forms,
a 10 Mb/s LANcity
LCP Personal Cable TV Modem (
or a 4 Mb/s
Zenith HomeWorks cable modem (
The cable modem attaches to the TCI cable just as does
a television set
or VCR.
The LANcity LCP implements one static IP address. This
modem has a DB15
AUI connector, so you need to supply the appropriate
hardware to connect to your in-home network. The Zenith
modem implements
up to four static IP addresses. It has an RJ-45 twisted-pair
that can be directly connected to one computer if you
are using only one
IP address. For more than one IP address, you need a
hub of some kind.
The monthly charge for these services at the time of
writing (summer
1996) was $45/month for the 4 Mb/s "residential"
service with one IP
address ($10/month for additional IP addresses up to
a total of four)
and $70/month for the 10 Mb/s "commuter" service.
Commercial service is
$500/month for 8 IP addresses. There are installation
charges for all
classes of service. Commuter and commercial subscribers
must sign a
contract for at least 12 months of service. Please check for TCI's current
TCI requires its customers to pay for the basic cable
television service
if it is not already installed. Our monthly bill for
basic cable and two
4 Mb/s connections is about $65, twice what our basic
monthly bill is
for two telephone lines. That's not bad!
I have tried both 10 Mb/s and 4 Mb/s services. I initially
had the 10
Mb/s service installed, but converted to the 4 Mb/s
service when it was
offered. I noticed little, if any, difference in effective
and I have heard this comment from other customers.
Both services are
clearly superior in convenience and throughput to any
form of telephone
modem-switched connection. (Note that my comparisons
were done when TCI
had few total subscribers for Ethernet service. As neighborhood
become more heavily loaded, the throughput comparison
could change.)
TCI provides each customer with accounts and email addresses
on their
server, (which runs FreeBSD). I do not need
this service and
simply set the mail to forward to my home machine. TCI
runs a POP-3
server, which is useful to people who are connected
with a non-Unix
system. They have also created a Usenet newsgroup, tci.misc,
for use in
discussing TCI issues, but it has received little use
so far.
Configuring a Unix system for Ethernet to the home is
quite easy. You
are given the IP addresses for your computer, the TCI
gateway, and the
TCI DNS host. TCI creates a DNS address record for your
system, in my case.
Configuring Linux for use on the Ethernet is also quite
easy. First,
make certain you have a kernel that supports networking
and the
particular network card you have chosen. Check the hardware
FAQs before
buying your network card, then either install or build
the correct
kernel. If you add a network card to an already configured
system, pay
attention to the IRQs used by your various cards! Some
network cards
default to using IRQ 3, which will almost certainly
already be in use
for a serial port.
If you are installing Linux from scratch, you will be
asked for all the
necessary configuration information. Otherwise you must
edit a few files
yourself. You need to know: the IP address assigned
to your computer,
the IP address of your service provider's gateway, and
the IP address of
your service provider's DNS system. Add an entry in
the etc/hosts file
for your assigned domain IP address and that of your
ISP's gateway. You
will also need to edit /etc/rc.d/rc.init1 and /etc/resolv.conf,
accordingly. Figure 1 shows an example of these files.
Because you have a static IP address, unlike with most
PPP setups, you
can permit logins, telnet, anonymous ftp, and run your
own web server.
Just be certain you know the security implications of
making your home
system visible to users around the world.
Home System Security
When your home system is attached to the Internet, it
is potentially
visible to hundreds of thousands of other systems, So,
you need to be
certain that your home system is set up as securely
as possible.
There are a number of books available on computer security
- look for
one that specifically addresses the operating system
you are running.
(See the January 1996 issue of Sys Admin on the topic
of Linux,
particularly the article "Linux as an Internet
Server" by Arthur
Examine every way another system can connect to your
system and be
certain it is as secure as possible. Follow all configuration
instructions, apply any available patches, and watch
for any CERT
announcements that apply to your OS and software (
Disable all entry points that you do not need: unnecessary
services, and daemons. On my home system I allow only
incoming login,
ftp, and telnet connections. Everything else is commented
out in the
etc/inetd.conf file.
Another area of concern is the physical network. Access
to the physical
network via personal computer is what Ethernet to the
home is all about,
and service providers are often not knowledgeable about
security. I have noticed here that with the Zenith HomeWorks
modems all
network traffic on the segment is visible and snoopable.
This means that
if I log in to a remote system (and as a system administrator
sometimes log in as root) my password is briefly visible
on the network.
One solution is to use a commercial secure password
system with a
constantly changing password, but this is expensive
and inconvenient.
Another solution is to use kerberos (from the MIT Athena
project) or
secure shell ( to establish
an encrypted login
session over the network. I have used both the latter
methods with
success. The software for both compiles and works under
Linux and most
common versions of Unix. In my opinion ssh is simpler
and easier to use.
One of the best security precautions you can take is
to make decent
backups of your home system, and keep notes on any configuration
you make. Then, if someone does hack your system, you
can at least
rebuild it easily. If you deal with any kind of sensitive
such as medical or financial records, be extra careful.
Such a system
should perhaps not be connected to the Internet. For
small amounts of
data it may work to keep them on removable media and
mount them only
when they are actually being used, but this complicates
Local Significance
The ready availability of Internet access in the East
Lansing community
is slowly changing the way people interact and look
for information.
City government is online, as are an increasing number
of businesses.
The community contains many students, staff, and faculty
of Michigan
State University who make use of the service.
Although there have been many false starts in the past
with home
computing and interactive services, I think the future
is finally here,
courtesy of the Web. The web is the raison d'etre that
has been missing
in all previous attempts to get people to use computers
from home. No
longer does anyone wonder why they need a home computer
and network
access. Surf's up!
The Trailing Edge
My home system is built from mail order bits and pieces,
much of it four
or five years old. A flip-top case with 200-watt power
supply and 40-MHz
386/387DX motherboard ($300 current price), 20 Mb of
60 ns SIMMs, a
240-Mb IDE drive ($160), serial/parallel IDE combo board
($30), Trident
1-Mb graphics card ($69), serial trackball ($18), and
Mitsumi 4X CD-ROM
($140). For the network hookup, I use a Bocalancard
2000+ combo ($63)
and about $20 worth of twisted pair cable. My eyesight
is poor, so I did
spring for an NEC XV15 monitor ($475). I reused floppy
drives from
previous systems (I've had a home computer since 1980;
that was a
Heathkit H-11), but with a new floppy drive and current
memory prices,
that adds up to at most $1750 in hardware and software
for a very
respectable multiuser Unix system.
Using XFree86 under Linux (Slackware 2.3, kernel 1.2.13,
$40 with book),
I am able to run Netscape 2.02 with what I consider
to be good response
(I wait on the network, not on my system). Netscape
is no slower at home
than on a Sun Microsystems SPARCstation 2 workstation
(32 Mb) at work,
though it is slower than my SGI Indigo 2 at work (on
a good network
day). Given the difference of a factor of more than
ten in cost, that's
pretty decent. In some cases, the trailing edge is the
place to be.
About the Author
Lisa Lees has an M.S. in computer science and has worked
during the past
20 years as a teacher, technical writer, programmer,
and system
administrator. Her love/hate relationship with Unix
dates to 1985. Ms.
Lees is senior system administrator with the Department
of Computer
Science at Michigan State University. She is a member
of the USENIX
System Administrators Guild (SAGE) and can be reached
[email protected] or