fchange: The Sys Admin Watchdog
Steven G. Isaacson
Monitoring a system and being aware of changes, often
called "events,"
is a critical aspect of system administration. Unfortunately,
the time
slices needed to perform these monitoring tasks are
often preempted by
other priorities. Although several commercial packages
are available
that perform event management functions, fchange is
a free program to
help you keep an eye on your system. You decide what
is important to
watch - files, passwords, disk space - and fchange watches
it for you.
The original version of fchange (Sys Admin, 2(3): 5-12,
"fchange: A File
System Watchdog") only watched for changed files.
I wanted to be told
automatically when important system files changed -
files such as
/etc/profile, /etc/hosts, /.rhosts, and so on. I couldn't
rely upon the
diligence or memory of the person making the change.
Sometimes people
make changes and forget to send mail about the changes,
and sometimes
people make changes that break things, which means downtime
frustrated users. Fortunately fchange has a backup feature.
In addition
to notifying you about important file changes, the program
can also make
copies of the changed files so that a previous working
copy is always
close at hand.
The new and improved version of fchange, described in
this article, not
only watches your important files, but is also extensible,
in that it
can watch for new things (e.g., new files) and for things
that are not
on the local system (e.g., it can check the output from
a program that
retrieves information from another system on the network).
The new
fchange is faster and uses fewer system resources. It
also does some
work for you that the old fchange did not do, such as
including the diff output in the mail. If you're still
using the
original version, you should upgrade.
How fchange works
fchange starts with a list of files to watch (more on
pseudo files
below). It then checks each file in the list to see
whether that file
has changed (byte size, permissions, owner, group) since
the last time
it was checked. If the file has changed, mail is sent.
Each entry in the "files" file (Listing 1)
is composed of two fields
with an optional third field. The third field
is reserved for
the keywords "track" and "showdiff."
Blank lines and comments are
ignored. Here is the format:
filename mailto [track|showdiff]
/.rhosts you@system isdept@another track
The filename is used to create a uniquely named log
file, one for each
file being watched. To determine whether a file has
changed, fchange
compares the current file statistics with the last entry
in the log
The previous version of fchange employed a slightly
different file
format. It required an additional field, field 0, to
create the unique
log filename. I got tired of making sure field 0 was
unique every time I
added a new filename, and figured the program ought
to do the work.
Suppose you want to watch the following three files.
My first thought for generating unique log names was
to use the base
name of each file. This works fine for /.rhosts and
/.profile, but fails
when other user subdirectories are encountered. Both
/.profile and
/usr/stevei/.profile would become .profile.
Another approach is to substitute slashes with underscores.
generates legal filenames and ensures they are unique:
Unfortunately, some of the files I watch are seven directory
deep, and the resulting filenames are 60 characters
long. I didn't
relish the idea of doing an ls in the log file directory
or trying to vi
a log file with such a long name. Instead, I chose a
different method of
generating unique log names. I used sum and awk, like
echo $filename | sum -r | awk '{printf("%s_%s\n", $1, $2)}'
Sum produces a checksum of the characters in the original
qualified filename, thus making the log file "name"
both short and
echo /.profile | sum -r is: 26097 1
echo /usr/stevei/.profile | sum -r is: 60069 1
And, awk turns the two numbers into a name without white
/usr/stevei/.profile becomes 60069_1, and /.profile is 26097_1.
A separate script, show.code (Listing 2), is available
to identify the
log name used by fchange. This command, for example,
will identify the
unique log filename created for /etc/profile.
show.code | grep /etc/profile
The second field is the user or users who will be sent
mail if the file
changes. Any number of names or aliases may be used.
If the last name in
the second field is track or showdiff (what I have called
the optional
third field), then fchange behaves differently.
The track Keyword
fchange creates a log file for each file being watched.
Each time the
file changes, a new line is appended to the log file.
If the track
keyword is used, fchange creates an additional log file:
the track
file. fchange keeps backup copies of the file being
watched in the track
file. Each time a tracked file changes, three things
happen: (1) a new
line is written to the log file (the file statistics,
byte size, date,
etc.); (2) a copy of the file is appended to the track
file; and (3)
mail is sent.
Using the track option requires the least work when
you need to retrieve
a previous version of a file. For example, if /etc/profile
corrupted and you've been tracking the changes, it's
simple to retrieve
the previous version from the track file. All entries
in the track file,
each a different version of the entire file, are separated
by date and
time stamps.
The showdiff Keyword
The use of showdiff is similar to track, but the current
version of the
file is not appended to the track file. Instead, when
you use the
showdiff keyword, a copy of your file is made. Then,
when your file
changes, it is diffed with the copy so that you can
see what exactly has
changed (Listing 3). Once you have been informed of
the changes, a new
copy is made so that when the file changes again you
can see, again,
exactly what was changed.
You should consider the size and nature of the files
you want to watch
and how much effort you want to expend restoring files.
For example,
tracking your file changes with showdiff uses less disk
space than
track, but requires that you process the diffs to restore
the file. Note
also that the log files are line oriented. Do not use
track or showdiff
with binary files.
Pseudo Files
The new fchange is extensible. By that, I mean it can
watch for things
to appear that have never appeared before, and it can
watch for things
to change that are not filesystem based.
Suppose, for example, that you want to track changes
to the NIS
database. To check the contents of the database, you
must query it with
ypcat. But fchange doesn't know anything about ypcat.
In short: (1) the
information is available; (2) the information is available
programmatically (i.e., a shell script can get at it);
but (3) the
information is not stored in the filesystem. If there
is no file to
watch, how can you track the changes with fchange? The
solution is
simple. Create a file to watch, a pseudo file, and update
it as needed.
Here's how it works.
When fchange runs, it first runs the pseudo script.
The pseudo.sh script
(Listing 4) is simply a shell script that does something
such as run
ypcat. If anything worth watching happens, then the
pseudo.sh script
updates a file such as the ypcat.out pseudo file. If
the ypcat.out
pseudo file changes, mail is sent as usual.
First, I added ypcat.out to my files file, and then
had the pseudo.sh
script update ypcat.out each time it ran. But this failed
Every time fchange ran, the file was updated, the time
stamp changed,
and I got mail. But, of course, it was useless mail.
All I learned was
that the pseudo script had just updated the ypcat.out
file - again. What
I wanted to know was whether or not the contents of
the file had
changed, not the file attributes, (owner, permissions,
last change
I solved the problem by updating the watched file (ypcat.out)
only when
necessary. The pseudo script runs ypcat and saves the
output in a
temporary file. The temporary file is then compared
with ypcat.out. If
the files are identical, ypcat.out is not touched, and
fchange correctly
reports (by not reporting) that ypcat.out is the same.
If the files are
different, ypcat.out is replaced by the temporary file,
and fchange
sends mail just as it normally would whenever a file
Many Applications
The pseudo file trick has many applications (Listing
5). One of the
pseudo files I watch is the output from an ls listing
of our library
source code. It's important that last minute library
fixes, for example,
don't get slipped into the product. And even when the
changes are
approved by management, I want to know about it. So,
I track the output
from a listing of the directory. ls tells me when the
files are changed,
if a new file is added, and if a file has been removed.
There may be
many files in the directory, but I don't need a separate
entry for each
in my files file, I just need one pseudo file entry,
a pseudo
library.ls.out file entry.
I do a similar ls trick with our "meetings"
subdirectories. Each
department has its own subdirectory under "meetings"
in which to keep
agendas and meeting notes. The files are named by date.
So, if a new
meeting agenda is added or an existing agenda changes,
I'm the second
person to know about it (the first would be the person
making the
change) because fchange checks for me every 15 minutes.
Disk Space, Passwords, and Joes
Sudden changes in the amount of disk space on the system
are often a
good indication of a problem. Errant programs, such
as database reports
with poorly formed SQL statements, often result in huge
temporary files.
I have a simple disk space checking script (See Listing
6.) that reports
on disk space changes. If, for example, a filesystem
suddenly increases
by more than 10%, then I get mail, and it's time to
I also have a password checking program that checks
for joes. A "joe" is
a user whose password is the same as his or her userid.
For example, if
user sneed's password is "sneed," then sneed
is a joe. The output from
this password checking program is fed into a pseudo
file. Whenever we
get a new joe, I get mail, and then so does the joe.
The pseudo file trick can be used to check the output
from any program.
Sometimes I use it to check the output from programs
on remote systems.
I run the program on the remote system using a remote
shell (rsh), not
to be confused with a restricted shell.
But my favorite file to watch does not require a pseudo
file. It's our
central mail alias file. Every employee has an entry
in the alias file
that causes email sent to that person to be forwarded
to the machine
from which they read mail. If someone leaves our company,
one of the
steps in our "exit process" is to map the
person's email address to
someone else's, usually their boss, so that no important
email is lost.
So if you send email to a person who was recently fired,
the email
doesn't bounce back, instead it's redirected to someone
who can respond
Additional Features
The new fchange also makes sure the system is in a reasonable
before it checks any files or sends any mail. The filesystem
must be
less than 100% full (Listing 7), and a reasonable number
of processes
must be at our disposal (Listing 8). The occasional
"Out of disk space"
was the impetus for adding these additional features.
If somehow the filesystem were full when fchange ran,
fchange would be
unable to create any temporary files. Often the log
files would get
corrupted or truncated to 0 bytes, which in turn would
generate reams of
junk mail every 15 minutes or so - until the filesystem
was cleaned up.
Installing and Running fchange
fchange (Listing 9) is simple to install. Pick a directory
for the
program to reside, create a subdirectory for the log
files, edit a list
of files to watch, then add another entry to your crontab
(Listing 10).
When you run fchange the first time, it initializes
the log files.
Thereafter, the only time you know it's there is when
someone changes a
file you want to watch.
fchange was designed to be run from a cron job, but
you can also run it
from the command line - which I occasionally do just
before I leave for
the day, after which I quickly check my mail. On our
system, fchange
runs four times an hour during the day, and twice at
night. fchange is a
boon to system administrators. You train the system
to watch itself, and
it does.
About the Author
Steven G. Isaacson is a regular contributor to SysAdmin.
He is currently
working with the Quality Assurance group at FourGen
(http://www.fourgen.com). He may be reached via email
[email protected].