This article describes the benefits and management of
Enhanced Security
(or C2 Security) on Digital UNIX. Other UNIX vendors,
notably SCO and
HP, implement Enhanced Security similarly to Digital,
and most of these
concepts and strategies apply to their operating systems.
However, I
will use Digital UNIX v3.0 and above (including v4.0)
to demonstrate how
Enhanced Security can enhance your ability to manage
Digital UNIX (DU)
One of the first things I discovered after being introduced
to DU
(formerly OSF/1) was the lack of shadow passwords in
the default
security configuration. Having shadow passwords means
moving the
encrypted password from the world-readable /etc/passwd
file to a
root-only readable file. I consider shadow passwords
a necessity given
the general availability of cracking tools that compare
the encrypted
password string with a dictionary of encrypted words
looking for a
After consulting the system and security administration
manuals about
this, I found that there are actually two levels of
security under DU:
Base Security and Enhanced (or C2) Security.
Base Security is the default security level with traditional
passwords. Enhanced Security provides a rich set of
Password and Login
controls and extensive Auditing features. The Password
controls include
the shadow passwords feature, configurable password
length (both minimum
and maximum), and password usage history. The Login
controls provide per
terminal settings for delays between consecutive successful
or failed
login attempts, the ability to retire or lock accounts,
and logging of
the last successful login and unsuccessful login attempt.
The Audit
features include per user audit profiles, extensive
site-definable event
auditing, and the ability to send audit logs to a remote
Some DU systems have Base Security enabled because of
the perceived
complexity and limited understanding of the features
of Enhanced
Security; however, corporate security requirements for
shadow passwords
and password aging necessitated enabling Enhanced Security
on my
systems. Unfortunately, Enhanced Security is not well
documented, and
was met with some apprehension by the system administration
staff and
user communities. Because of these concerns, I decided
to enable
Enhanced Security on a test system, work through the
implementation and
management issues, and document the process.
Assume that you are setting up Enhanced Security on
a running system
with existing user accounts. This procedure would be
similar if you were
enabling Enhanced Security on a newly installed system
with no user
You must first choose the global defaults for the password
and login
control pieces of Enhanced Security. These system-wide
global defaults
reside in /etc/auth/system/default and provide values
for users and
devices. Determine and record the settings that make
the most sense for
your environment. (See sidebar "System Default
Database File Format" for
field definitions and suggested values.)
Once you have selected values for the system defaults,
you can begin
enabling Enhanced Security. The steps are:
1. Log in as root
2. Install the Enhanced Security subsets if not already
3. Run the secsetup utility and select the ENHANCED
security level
4. Reboot the system
5. Adjust System Default Database file to reflect desired
6. Remove hashed passwords from /etc/passwd file
7. Test your application(s)
Obviously, to enable Enhanced Security, you must have
the ability and
opportunity to reboot your system(s). Coordinate a time
that is
convenient with your users to avoid disrupting their
The following sections provide detailed instructions
for enabling
Enhanced Security.
This process can be done either while logged in directly
as root from
the system console or while logged in from a terminal
or across the
network as a regular, non-privileged user su'ed to root.
Check that
Enhanced Security is not already enabled with the following
If the string "BASE" is returned, you are
running Base Security. If,
however, the string "ENHANCED" is returned,
Enhanced Security is already
enabled on this system, and you should jump to step
5 to adjust the
global defaults.
Before you can enable Enhanced Security, two Enhanced
Security Software
Subsets must be loaded. These subsets are named OSFC2SECxxx
OSFXC2SECxxx. (The "xxx" specifies the version
of the subset.) To
determine whether these subsets are loaded, you can
check as follows:
In this example, both subsets are installed. If you
do not receive any
output or if the "installed" keyword is absent,
you must install both
subsets from the master operating system install media
using the setld
command. For assistance, see the "Installation
Guide" for your revision
of the operating system.
The secsetup utility is an interactive program with
toggles between Base
and Enhanced Security on DU systems. You must be prepared
to answer the
following questions in addition to selecting which System
Security Level
you desire:
Do you wish to run the audit setup utility at this
Typically, the answer to both of these questions is
NO unless you have
special requirements. See the "DEC OSF/1 Security"
manual for more
information on these options.
The following shows an example secsetup session showing
the security
level being changed from Base to Enhanced:
# /usr/sbin/secsetup
Enter system security level(BASE ENHANCED ?)[ENHANCED]: <RETURN>
ENHANCED security level will take effect on the next system reboot.
Do you wish to disable segment sharing(yes no ?)[no]: <RETURN>
Do you wish to run the audit setup utility at this time(yes no ?)[no]: <RETURN>
Press return to continue: <RETURN>
Note that default answers to each prompt are in square
brackets and can
be selected by simply pressing the Return key.
4. Reboot the System to Enable Enhanced Security
Before the new security level change takes effect, the
system must be
rebooted. A simple way to accomplish this is:
# /sbin/shutdown -r +2 "System being
rebooted to enable Enhanced Security."
This shuts down and reboots the system with 2 minutes
grace time and
displays an informative message to any logged-in users.
5. Adjust System Default Database File
Once the system has successfully rebooted, log in as
root and make the
previously recorded adjustments to the System Default
Database File:
# cd /etc/auth/system
# cp default default.orig
# vi default (and apply desired changes)
6. Remove Encrypted Password Strings from the /etc/passwd File
The secsetup utility has copied the encrypted passwords
from the
password field of /etc/passwd into the individual user
databases under the /tcb/files/auth hierarchy. However,
secsetup does
not remove the encrypted passwords from /etc/passwd.
When Enhanced
Security is installed on your system, the password field
should contain
an asterisk (*), as the encrypted password is no longer
stored in
/etc/passwd. A small Korn shell script that safely removes
the encrypted
password string from the password field of /etc/passwd
and replaces it
with an asterisk is shown in Listing 1.
7. Test your application(s)
At this point, your system is running Enhanced Security
and you should
test your applications as appropriate before declaring
success. Before
your users attempt to log in and perhaps run afoul of
the system, note
that if any user's password under Base security was
longer than eight
characters, only the first eight characters will now
be accepted as
valid. For example, if a password was "toogood2be,"
the user must enter
only "toogood2" to successfully log in. When
the user changes his or her
password under Enhanced Security, the global or user
defaults, if
different, will dictate the password length. Make sure
your users are
aware of this password issue before they log into the
newly Enhanced
Security-enabled system.
Disabling Enhanced Security
If you find it necessary to disable Enhanced Security
and return to Base
Security, the steps are:
1. Log in as root
2. Run the secsetup utility and select the BASE security
3. Reboot the system
This will quickly revert the system back to Base Security
and copy the
encrypted passwords from the /tcb/files/auth hierarchy
into the
/etc/passwd file. Rebooting the system completes the
process. This will
leave all the Enhanced Security files (/etc/auth/* and
/tcb/files/*) in
place if you decide to re-enable Enhanced Security.
Account Management
A primary responsibility of a UNIX system administrator
is user account
management. This includes account creation, account
modification, and
account removal. Once Enhanced Security is enabled on
a DU system, new
utilities are provided and should be used whenever possible
to manage
user accounts. The two primary tools are XSysAdmin and
Xisso, and both
are X Window applications. Unfortunately, Digital has
not provided a
character cell interface to accomplish the same functionality.
account management can also be performed without running
these GUIs,
which may occasionally be necessary. Additionally, both
XSysAdmin and
XIsso will be replaced after the v4.0 release of DU
with the single
program dxaccounts, the new Common Desktop Environment
(CDE) account
management tool. Since both XSysAdmin and XIsso still
work in the 4.0
and all earlier releases of DU, I will use them for
my examples.
XSysAdmin - This program's role is to create new user
accounts, create
new groups, modify the new user account template, and
retire user
New accounts are created by filling out a dialog box
with necessary
information such as the account name, home directory,
desired shell,
etc. New accounts are created without passwords. Use
the passwd command
to set a password for the account after creating the
account. New
accounts are also created in a locked state. Use the
XIsso command to
unlock the accounts.
Account creation can also still be accomplished with
the Base Security
command adduser. This command is mostly Enhanced Security-aware,
one exception: the string "Nologin" is inserted
in the password field of
the /etc/passwd file rather than an asterisk. This does
not prevent the
user account from being used, since the password field
of the
/etc/passwd file is completely ignored when the security
level is
Enhanced. However, I find this inconsistency confusing
and manually edit
the /etc/passwd file (via the vipw command) to correct
it. You could
also run the remove_passwd script (Listing 1) again
after adding
accounts with adduser to clean up this minor wrinkle.
I strongly recommend that you create accounts on DU
systems with either
the XSysAdmin program or the adduser command unless
you have a thorough
understanding of all the details of the security database
Creation of new groups is accomplished by specifying
the group name and
group ID in the XSysAdmin New Group dialog box. Optionally,
the Base
Security command addgroup can be used to create new
groups or the
/etc/group file can be manually edited by the superuser
to add a new
group. XSysAdmin is also used to edit the new user account
which specifies the default account parameters used
when a new account
is created. These parameters include password length,
account expiration
date, time of day restrictions, etc. These parameters
are only the
defaults and can be overridden on a per account basis.
The parameters
are actually stored in the System Default Database File,
/etc/auth/system/default, and can be manually edited
by the superuser.
Finally, the XSysAdmin program is used to retire user
accounts. Retiring
a user account, rather than simply deleting it, is a
requirement of C2
Security to which DU with Enhanced Security conforms.
Retiring an
account permanently locks the account and prevents reuse
of that
account's user ID. Once an account is retired, that
account can not be
The Base Security command, removeuser, will completely
remove all traces
of an account. If the stringent account retirement requirements
of C2
Security are not necessary, the removeuser command can
continue to be
used to remove user accounts.
XIsso - This program is used to modify existing user
accounts and to
edit system security defaults.
Existing account characteristics can be changed via
the Modify User
Accounts dialog box of the XIsso program. You can specify
the groups the
account belongs to, the login parameters, and the password
These parameters are stored in the protected password
database files
that reside under /tcb/files/auth. This hierarchy has,
underneath it,
subdirectories with single letter names, each of which
is an initial
letter for account names. Each file in these subdirectories
contains a
protected password entry for a single user account,
and the filenames
are the same as the user account names. For example,
the protected
password file for root is /tcb/files/auth/r/root. These
files can be
manually edited by the superuser. See sidebar "Protected
Authentication Database File Format" for format
and field definitions.
XIsso also allows the system administrator to set the
global system
parameters of Inactivity Timeout and Account Expiration
Warning. The
Inactivity Timeout is the number of minutes that a logged
in account can
remain idle before the session is closed. If a value
of zero minutes is
specified, no inactivity timeout is enabled and account
sessions will
not be terminated. The Account Expiration Warning parameter
the number of days prior to an account's expiration
that warning
messages will be shown to the user upon login. These
parameters are
universal and cannot be set on a per-user basis. Both
of these
parameters (d_inactivity_timeout and d_pw_expire_warning)
are stored in
the System Default Database File, /etc/auth/system/default,
and can be
manually added or edited by the superuser.
Another aspect of account management under Enhanced
Security is the
Network Information Service (NIS). NIS is a distributed
system used to
centralize the management of a common set of system
and network files
such as the password, group, and host files. NIS allows
the system
administrator to manage these shared files from a single
server. NIS
supports both Enhanced and Base Security on Digital
machines in addition
to non-Digital machines. I do not manage any NIS systems,
so I leave it
as an exercise for the reader to determine the issues
of implementing
Enhanced Security in an NIS environment.
Enhanced Security Logging
One unique feature of DU is a consolidated security
mechanism called the Security Integration Architecture
(SIA). This SIA
layer isolates the security-related commands such as
login, su, and
passwd from the specific security mechanisms that include,
in addition
to Base and Enhanced Security, optional products such
as the Distributed
Computing Environment (DCE). You do not need to be concerned
with this
SIA layer except to take advantage of the centralized
logging the SIA
provides via the sialog file. This log will record all
security events,
including the success and failure results of login,
password changes,
and su. With this single logfile, I do not have to monitor
logs. To enable the sialog, simply create the logfile:
# touch /var/adm/sialog
and the log can be written to by the SIA. The recommended
for the sialog are 600. Typically, you would want to
non-privileged users from viewing the contents of security
logs such as
sialog, because there is the possibility of passwords
appearing in the
log. An excerpt from the sialog shows the types of events
SIA:EVENT Wed Jun 5 05:22:08 1996
Successful session authentication for mcheek on :0
SIA:EVENT Wed Jun 5 05:22:08 1996
Successful establishment of session
SIA:ERROR Wed Jun 5 05:24:11 1996
Failure on authentication for su from mcheek to root
SIA:EVENT Wed Jun 5 05:24:40 1996
Successful authentication for su from root to mcheek
SIA:EVENT Wed Jun 5 05:25:46 1996
Successful password change for mcheek
This log will continue to grow without bounds, so it
must be manually
truncated periodically. To stop logging of SIA events,
remove the
logfile. Since the SIA is part of the DU operating system,
the sialog
can be used with either Base or Enhanced Security.
Application Issues
System administrators are typically responsible for
installation and
configuration of commercial (off the shelf) software.
Before enabling
Enhanced Security, you must ensure that any applications
installed are Enhanced Security-aware. Relational Database
Systems, such as Oracle or Informix, that can be configured
to rely on
the operating system for user authentication may be
affected by Enhanced
Security. If such an application were not aware of Enhanced
user authentication into the application would most
likely fail. If the
application vendor does not know whether Enhanced Security
will affect
its product, implement Enhanced Security slowly and
test the application
as much as possible before going to production.
You may also have to support software development efforts
for both
in-house and commercial applications. Coordinate the
implementation of
Enhanced Security with any software developers you support
on your
system(s), and refer to the "DEC OSF/1 Security"
manual's section called
"Programmer's Guide to Security" for details.
A final software issue is the freely available software
obtained from the Internet. There are many security-related
tools and
utilities available that may or may not support Enhanced
Security. I
have successfully installed sudo (maintained at the
University of
Colorado), and wuarchive-ftpd (Washington University
FTP Server) on DU
Enhanced Security systems.
sudo is a useful utility that allows the superuser to
give certain users
or groups of users the ability to run some or all commands
as root while
logging all commands and arguments. Sudo, version 1.4
and later,
supports DU Enhanced Security without modification.
wuarchive-ftpd is a
replacement ftp server that provides more extensive
logging of commands
and file transfers than the stock ftp servers provided
by UNIX vendors.
wuarchive-ftpd version 2.4 supports DU Enhanced Security,
but only after
applying a patch to the wuarchive-ftpd source before
compiling the
program. This patch is approximately 150 lines and is
available from in /pub/sysadmin.
Successfully implementing Enhanced Security requires
a thorough
knowledge of your environment and requirements, careful
planning, and
ongoing administrative responsibility, both in account
management and
general system maintenance. However, I have found the
benefits of
Enhanced Security, comprehensive auditing of security
events, and more
robust identification and authentication features far
outweigh the
disadvantages of the Enhanced Security system. What
began as a way to
comply with corporate security standards significantly
enhanced my
ability to manage my systems.
DEC OSF/1 Security, Maynard, MA: Digital Equipment Corp.
DEC OSF/1 System Administration, Maynard, MA: Digital
Equipment Corp.
About the Author
Matt Cheek has been a UNIX sys admin since 1988 and
currently works for
MCI Telecommunications in Colorado Springs, CO, where
he supports a
variety of mission-critical systems both in development
and production.
He can be reached at [email protected].