Books: A User's Report
Elizabeth Zinkann
For this month's column, I read and reviewed the following
books: The
Internet Yellow Pages, Third Edition by Harley Hahn
McGraw-Hill); The UNIX Desk Reference: The Pages
by Peter Dyson
(Sybex); The Computer Phonebook 1996 by Robert Baker
(no starch press);
Internet Firewalls and Network Security, Second Edition
by Chris Hare
and Karanjit Siyan (New Riders Publishing); Multimedia:
Making It Work,
Third Edition by Tay Vaughan (Osborne McGraw-Hill);
and HTML 3:
Electronic Publishing On the World Wide Web by Dave
Raggett, Jenny Lam,
and Ian Alexander (Addison-Wesley). I hope that you
find the reviews and
the information in them useful, valuable, and enjoyable.
The Internet Yellow Pages
Third Edition
by Harley Hahn
Osborne McGraw-Hill
ISBN 0-07-882182-7
Finding items that have been misplaced (a recipe, phone
number, or your
car keys, for example) can occasionally present a challenge,
but the key
to a successful search (actually discovering the missing
item) combines
a logical direction and method. The same principle also
applies to
Internet information inquiries. The Internet Yellow
Pages not only
provides the user with the necessary navigational data,
but also
contains many humorous sidebars throughout the book.
The entries are
arranged alphabetically by topic, including Art, Computers,
Flight Simulators, Games, Gardening, Intrigue, Radio,
Real Estate, Star
Trek, and Zoology. Hahn has expanded and revised the
existing sections
and included several new topics: Dieting, Exercise,
Herbs, Men,
Motorcycles, and Recipes. The text is interspersed with
promoting other sites, quotations from the Net, and
humorous bits of
trivia and advice. Two of my favorites are:
"Go outside. The Net will be here when you get
back." (p. 224)
"Little known fact: Charles and Diana met in alt.romance."
(p. 579)
The Internet Yellow Pages, Third Edition, is an excellent
reference and
resource for Internet travel. It allows users to determine
where they
want to visit without online charges or frustration.
Any Internet user
will not only appreciate this book, but also use it
The UNIX Desk Reference: The Pages
by Peter Dyson
ISBN 0-7821-1658-2
The UNIX community possesses its own language containing
acronyms, variables, options, and syntax. Although this
is neither
surprising nor unusual, it can sometimes be confusing
to the experienced
UNIX professional and bewildering to the UNIX novice.
When the
specialized dialects of the various UNIX systems (Linux,
HP-UX, AIX, Solaris, SunOS, and Free-BSD, for example)
are added,
communication becomes even more complex.
The user can always refer to the man pages provided
he or she is within
close proximity to a terminal, has the time to read
the entry, and isn't
interrupted. The UNIX Desk Reference, however, alleviates
these problems
and supplies a remarkably complete resource for UNIX
terminology. Dyson
includes the vocabulary for most UNIX variants and presents
the entries
completely in alphabetical order. (For example, 4.4BSD
is located where
the entry FOUR should be listed.) Special characters,
and cross
references to their complete definitions, appear before
the letter A.
Dyson illustrates concepts including: text processing
and formatting, X
Windows, TCP/IP, UNIX shells, mail and networking, the
security and administration, and communication. Where
applicable, he
provides tables to accompany a definition, displaying
the option or
argument, and a brief description of the action. Two
appendices furnish
a UNIX and DOS Command Comparison and ASCII tables in
hexadecimal, and octal systems.
The UNIX Desk Reference: The Pages is an outstanding
book. Each
entry features a clearly written and knowledgeable definition,
additional information when appropriate. The acronyms
are effectively
cross-referenced and easy to locate. Dyson has written
a superior
resource for the system administrator, network administrator,
and UNIX
user, whether beginning or advanced. I highly recommend
The Computer Phonebook 1996
by Robert Baker
no starch press
Distributed by Publishers Group West
ISBN 1-886411-03-4
This compact directory provides mailing addresses, online
(both email and Web site URLs), and phone, fax, faxback,
and BBS numbers
for over 14,000 companies. Baker divided the information
into two
segments: (1) a Directory of Companies, and (2) a Directory
of Products
and Services. The second section contains information
about Accessories
and Supplies, Hardware, Organizations, Publications
and Information
Sources, Services, and Software. The author describes
how to use this
book and presents an additional section, Maintaining
and Troubleshooting
Your PC. In that section, Baker describes a logbook,
discusses what to
do before you have a computer or computer-related problem,
and suggests
some possible troubleshooting measures to employ when
a problem occurs.
The Directory of Products and Services permits the reader
to also use
The Computer Phonebook 1996 as a marketing and research
tool because it
links companies with specific products. Its primary
purpose for most
users, however, will be to furnish technical support
information, both
for upgrades (via downloading) and performance problems.
The Computer Phonebook 1996 supplies addresses and contact
numbers for
computer companies in a single source. It eliminates
searches through installation and user manuals for the
correct phone
number or address. Baker places all pertinent information
in one easy to
use reference. This source can and will be utilized
for upgrades,
technical support, market research, and job seekers.
It is an excellent
addition to any computer user's library.
Internet Firewalls and Network Security Second Edition
by Chris Hare and Karanjit Siyan
New Riders Publishing
ISBN 1-56205-632-8
CD-ROM Included
The previous edition of Internet Firewalls and Network
explained the mechanics of TCP/IP and its inherent security
risks. Hare
and Siyan further developed the concept of a firewall
and the different
security methods that both the user and the system administrator
employ to protect the integrity and information of the
system. They also
identified which hardware implementations were available
and the
benefits and disadvantages of each configuration. The
second edition
revises and expands the previous material to reflect
changes in network
security procedures. The authors retained most of the
previous text,
including the book's organization. There are three sections:
Security Background, Screening Routers and Firewalls,
and the
Appendices. The first section contains Understanding
TCP/IP, Security,
Designing A Network Policy, and The One-Time Password
(OTP) System. The chapter on OTP presents a new development.
OTP was mentioned in the first edition, it was not addressed
to this
extent. The design and operation of the OTP authentication
produces an effective barrier to hacker password intrusion.
ordinary password files, the combination of the theft
of the password
file plus network connection eavesdropping can unlock
users' passwords.
OTP generates a different password for each login. Hare
and Siyan
examine some different implementations and aspects of
the OTP system.
The second section discusses An Introduction to Screening
Packet Filters, PC Packet Filtering, Firewall Architecture
and Theory,
Firewall Implementations, The TIS Firewall Toolkit,
and Black Hole. This
section analyzes the implementation of security measures
and, in
particular, firewall implementation for system administrators.
concluding chapters feature the Firewall Toolkit by
TIS (Trusted
Information Systems, Inc.) and Black Hole, the firewall
by Milkyway Networks Corporation in Ottawa, Canada.
Part III, The
Appendices, presents (A) List of Worksheets, (B) Sources
of Information,
(C) Vendor List, and (D) The OPIE and Log Daemon Manual
Pages. The
accompanying CD-ROM contains firewall software from
Corporation, Trusted Information Systems, Inc., HTML
links to Internet
sites, and SATAN (Security Administrator's Tool for
Analyzing Networks.)
Internet Firewalls and Network Security, Second Edition,
features a
logical, cohesive, and clear writing style and format.
Hare and Siyan
explain the concepts well, utilizing figures, diagrams,
tables, screen
simulations, and flowcharts to assist the reader. This
is a superior
book on a crucial topic for system and network administrators.
administrator should read this book at least once.
Multimedia: Making It Work Third Edition
by Tay Vaughan
Osborne McGraw-Hill
ISBN 0-07-882225-4
Two CD-ROMS Included
For most of the computer community, the results of multimedia
have been experienced, and (hopefully) enjoyed. Graphic
designers have
usually envisioned and implemented these projects. However,
as the
popularity of the Internet and the World Wide Web in
particular has
increased, more programmers have become designers, and
some designers
have become programmers, at least for Web pages. The
previous edition of
Vaughan's Multimedia: Making It Work addressed the creation
and the
components of a successful multimedia project. The second
CD-ROM contained limited working versions of Macromedia
products for
both Macintosh and Windows platforms. The third editon
updates the
technology information (i.e., the software and hardware
sections), adds
a section specifically related to Internet design, and
includes both a
CD-ROM from Macromedia and a second CD-ROM from Allegiant.
Vaughan divides the book into six sections: an Introduction,
Hardware, Multimedia Software, Multimedia Building Blocks,
and Delivering A Project, and Multimedia and the Internet.
Introduction addresses What Is Multimedia?, Introduction
to Making
Multimedia, and Multimedia Skills and Training. In the
Building Blocks section, the author examines text, sound,
animation, and video. The Assembling and Delivering
A Project section
analyzes the pragmatic issues: Planning and Costing,
Designing and
Producing, Context and Talent, Delivering, and CD-ROM
Technology. The
most recent addition, Multimedia and the Internet, details
How the
Internet Works, Tools for the World Wide Web, and Designing
for the
World Wide Web. The Appendices review (A) Macromedia,
Inc., and (B)
Allegiant Technologies, Inc. products included on the
Vaughan introduces the concept of a multimedia project,
discusses the
hardware (Macintosh versus Windows platforms), presents
the different
types of software available, and separately reviews
the elements of a
multimedia project. He analyzes the business aspects
of a project from
the planning through the delivery stages and demonstrates
how to apply
multimedia concepts to the Internet and Web page design.
This is an unique text and a superb one. Vaughan clearly
aesthetically explains each concept. He provides figures,
images, screen simulations, tables, and photographs.
The author also
includes tips, warnings, cross-platform information,
quotations, and
anecdotes. Multimedia: Making It Work is appropriate
for both the
multimedia novice and the professional. Anyone interested
in multimedia,
whether as a creator or a spectator, will appreciate
this book.
HTML 3: Electronic Publishing on the World Wide Web
by Dave Raggett, Jenny Lam, and Ian Alexander
ISBN 0-201-87693-0
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) currently defines the
appearance of
World Wide Web pages. (The user's browser ultimately
interprets a site's
final appearance, but it depends on both the HTML code
and the browser's
interpretation.) HTML 2.0 has been accepted; however,
HTML 3.0 remains
in the definition process, and Dave Raggett is working
with the World
Wide Web Consortium to finalize a standard HTML 3.0.
Until that happens,
the part of HTML 3 that is likely to be accepted as
part of the standard
(HTML extensions) is eagerly being used. This book describes
both new
HTML features (HTML 3.2) as well as the standard tags.
The authors examine some of the World Wide Web's background
in the first
chapters: What Is the Web? and From CERN to Cyberspace.
Raggett, Lam,
and Alexander then present an Overview of HTML followed
by HTML 3
Generic Attributes. The creation of a Web page is procedurally
The design, simple HTML attributes, and the more advanced
processes are
illustrated in a logical order. The authors develop
a page through the
following chapters: Designing Your Web Project, Marking
Up Paragraphs
and Headings, Character Emphasis, Lists, Hypertext Links,
Graphics and Other Media for your Document, Fill-out
Forms, The Document
Head, Style Sheets for HTML Documents, Equations and
Mathematics, and
Creating Your Own Artwork for the Web. The Appendices
include: Examples
of Tags, Alphabetical List of HTML elements, Special
Characters, Special
Symbols, URL (Uniform Resource Locators) Organization
Types, Country
Codes, Language Codes, Dingbat Icons, The Cyberia Café,
and the
Glossary. The HTML extensions, as well as whether an
attibute is from
HTML 2 or 3, are designated by icons. The authors discuss
different ways
to accomplish desired effects, and provide tips and
explanations in
shaded sidebars.
HTML 3: Electronic Publishing on the World Wide Web
is an impressive
book. It contains a touch of the past, present, and
the future. The
writing style is clear and easy to follow, whether it
is a tip, an
explanation (this did not work because...), directions
for a tag
implementation, or a general discussion of a concept.
The graphics in
the book are humorous, and the color inserts merit attention.
The inside
front cover, the inside back cover, and both sides of
a fold-out
reference keep the most frequently used tags at your
fingertips. Each
chapter begins with a bullet list of which topics are
discussed within
the chapter and an introduction. Depending on the topic,
there may be
more than just an introduction to explain the topic.
The authors employ
many examples to demonstrate concepts and present a
tutorial on
designing a Web page. This book provides examples, syntax,
of current practices, and a glimpse of the future. It
is a valuable
addition to the HTML library.
About the Author
Elizabeth Zinkann has been involved in the UNIX and
C environment for
the past 12 years. She is currently a UNIX and C consultant,
and one of
her specialties is UNIX education. In addition to her
computer science
background, she also has a degree in English. Elizabeth
can be reached
via America Online ([email protected]).