Understanding syslog.conf
Michael Hill
System information is a vital resource for a number
of reasons. As the
information base grows, however, the work of managing
it seems to
increase exponentially. This article will show you how
to use syslog, a
standard UNIX resource, to simplify system information
What Is syslog?
Feedback from a running program is a vital part of interacting
with the
computer. Whether you are debugging a new program, finding
errors, or trying to track down an intruder, getting
diagnostic output
is always helpful when you're trying to find out what's
going on.
Interactive programs can use the standard error to let
you know what's
going on. But what of background processes? Those processes
started from
a command line (i.e., during an interactive session)
can write to the
terminal if the shell they were started from is still
running. But then
there are daemons, background processes with no controlling
which are typically started at boot time. Daemon processes
are not
supposed to have terminals associated with them, yet
often their output
can be critical in determining the cause of system problems.
How can
their messages be captured for study?
Writing to the console is not a good solution for three
reasons: most
consoles cannot scroll back to see older messages; the
console screen is
often used for windowing systems, and it is not desirable
to disrupt the
graphical screen; and someone must be present to see
any messages, which
doesn't help if you're logged in remotely. A better
solution is to write
messages to a file. However, there are two problems
with this approach.
Either each program will have its own logfile, which
makes monitoring
all potential trouble sources prohibitively difficult,
or, if a single
file is chosen as the standard logging point for multiple
messages from different processes may interleave or
overwrite each
other, and all valid processes must have write access
to the file
without opening that file up to everybody.
The syslog facility was developed to make centralized
message logging
easy. It is centralized because client programs can
use a simple system
call to convey messages to a server process, which will
then direct the
messages to the appropriate destination(s). Since a
single process has
control over the log files, it can serialize writes.
The server, called
syslogd, is quite flexible because of its configuration
syslog.conf. A major benefit of the syslog facility
is that it enables
network event logging to a central loghost. This has
some security
implications; for example, it can make hiding evidence
of intrusion much
more difficult, as long as the loghost (or the network)
is not
How Does syslog Work?
There are many introductions to the syslog facility,
and the man page
goes into more detail on the theory than you may want.
This brief
explanation is intended to present an overview of syslog,
but you should
still peruse the man page for a fuller understanding.
The syslogd process is started up automatically when
the system is
booted. It reads its configuration file, /etc/syslog.conf,
to determine
how to route log messages.
Messages (also referred to as events) are given a priority,
of a facility and a severity level. The facility can
be thought of as
the source or class of the sending process. The facilities
are: user,
kern, mail, daemon, auth, lpr, news, uucp, cron, local0,
local1, local2,
local3, local4, local5, local6, local7, and mark. (The
mark facility is
only used for inserting timestamps in logfiles, and
will not be
considered further in this article.) The levels, in
decreasing order of
severity, are: emerg, alert, crit, err, warning, notice,
info, and
Programs send messages via the syslog function. If syslog
is used
without calling openlog (see below), it will default
to the user
facility. For example, calling syslog(LOG_ERR, "testing
syslog") will
result in a line similar to the following in the appropriate
log file:
Jan 31 21:54:01 bogon syslog: testing syslog
The facility can also be specified by the syslog call.
However, a single
program is most likely going to use the same facility
every time it
calls syslog. If the facility is to be something other
than user, it
makes sense to call openlog. This function, among other
things, will
specify the facility to be used whenever the program
calls syslog. (The
level is still specified by each call to syslog.) The
openlog function
can also set various options, one of which is printing
the PID of the
calling process with every message. For example, calling
openlog("test_program", LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL1)
before the syslog call
above will result in a line like the following in the
log file:
Jan 31 22:06:31 bogon test_program[76]: testing syslog
Here, I specified the program name to be used in logging
messages from
the program and also specified that the PID was to be
Unfortunately, neither the facility nor the level is
recorded in the log
file; thus, it can be quite difficult to track down
the process
generating messages like the first example if they don't
identify themselves.
Learning How to Write a syslog.conf
The above explanation, both in the man pages and in
other references
I've come across, is fairly straightforward. Understanding
syslog.conf file, however, is not. The very flexibility
that makes it so
valuable also makes it difficult to grasp comprehensively.
Each record of the syslog.conf file consists of two
fields: a selector
and an action, separated by one or more tab characters.
The selector is
one or more semicolon-separated priorities, such as
user.crit or
mail.warning;news.err. Specifying * for the facility
refers to all
facilities. Also, a level of none means that the action
is not to be
taken for that facility and overrides previous entries
in the selector.
So *.emerg;mail.none means that emerg-level messages
for all facilities
except mail are to be directed to the corresponding
action. Multiple
facilities with the same level also can be specified
by the following
form: uucp,news,cron,auth.crit. But, the real kicker
is that the level
actually selects all messages of equal or higher severity;
that is,
news.err really means news.err, news.crit, news.alert,
and news.emerg.
mail,uucp.alert means mail.alert, mail.emerg, uucp.alert,
uucp.emerg. When you take all these factors into account,
you can see
why it is next to impossible to understand exactly what
the syslog.conf
is doing for all possible event priorities.
Note that some versions of syslog allow an = character
before the level
specifier (as in news.=err) to act only on messages
of that level. I am
not altogether sure of the practical value of this,
since in most cases
you would want to include all of the more severe message
levels as well.
The action field can take one of four forms: a *, one
or more usernames
separated by commas, a filename, or @hostname. Specifying
* will write
the message to the terminals of all users who are currently
logged in.
Specifying usernames will write to all terminals where
those users are
logged in. Filenames must be fully qualified and must
exist; syslogd
will not create them. Specifying a remote host will
forward the message
to syslogd on that host. The central logging host on
the network should
have an alias of loghost, and any actions you want forwarded
specify @loghost (as opposed to the actual hostname).
To add a final twist to the complexity, syslogd processes
syslog.conf file through m4, a macro language preprocessor.
This allows
for conditional statements, based on whether syslogd
is running on the
loghost or not. Unfortunately, it places some restrictions
on the file
as well. For instance, symbols that are to be interpreted
by m4 must be
surrounded by ' and ' quote pairs, which can be confusing
when you're
used to shell programming. Also, m4 conditionals take
the general form
"if (condition, then_clause, else_clause)."
Because commas are the
delimiters between clauses, they cannot be used in the
traditional sense
in the selector or action fields within the conditional.
How syslogconf Can Help You
I wasn't really able to get a handle on syslog.conf
until, out of
desperation, I wrote a Perl program (syslogconf, Listing
1) to parse and
expand it. Essentially, the program builds a table of
every possible
combination of facilities and severity levels, then
parses the
syslog.conf file to fill in the table and prints out
the results for all
of the event types. This is useful because it will show
you exactly how
every event type will be logged, ensuring that the events
that are
important to you are being logged, but not more than
once per log file.
The program starts with two regular arrays (see the
sidebar, "Arrays in
Perl"), one each for facilities and levels. Then,
using two nested loops
over the values of those arrays, it creates an associative
array with
keys named for each possible priority (i.e., kern.emerg
mark.debug). At this point, the keys are important;
the values are all
set to "no action". If they are not changed
by any lines from
syslog.conf, that value will be printed.
syslogconf defines -DLOGHOST for m4 if it is running
on the loghost,
then reads /etc/syslog.conf (preprocessed by m4) line
by line. It
expands the priorities given into the corresponding
facilities and
levels and adds the specified action to the value for
the corresponding
element of the associative array. To see how syslogconf
expands each
line, use the -v (verbose) flag (I suggest you redirect
output to a file
or pipe it to a pager!). You may also use the -d (debug)
flag to enter
lines from your terminal instead of /etc/syslog.conf.
This flag is most
useful in conjunction with the -v flag, because it will
respond in
real-time to your input to show how each line you type
is processed. The
full output of all the event types will not occur until
after you
terminate input with the EOF character.
Note the first two (non-comment) lines of the syslog.conf
file shown in
Listing 2. The first line, coincidentally enough, makes
a great
introduction. It is very simple:
*.emerg;user.none *
syslogconf correctly picks it apart, as shown in Listing
3: the event is
*.emerg;user.none and the action is *. The program then
dissects the
event down to its smallest basic components, first identifying
the two
event specifiers, then expanding the * in the first.
Notice that user is
identified in the first event, but canceled by the none
in the second.
Thus, as you would expect, it is left out of the action
Because this is the first input line of the syslog.conf
file, all of the
events (in the associative array %event_type) are reset
to the action *
from the initial value of "no action".
The second line in the syslog.conf file is quite a bit
more complex,
because it specifies lower event levels than emerg.
As shown in Listing 4,
it is:
*.err;kern.notice;auth,local2,user.none /dev/console
syslogconf discerns the three event specifiers, and
expands the * in the
first. When syslogconf performs the action assignments
("Setting event
..."), it also expands the levels to include all
higher levels for each
facility. Also note that in all the emerg lines, the
action was appended
to the * that existed from processing of the first line.
Partial output from a regular run is shown in Listing
5. I have omitted
many of the facilities that are identical to each other
for the sake of
brevity. Note that for the auth facility, every level
is logged, and
there is no redundancy (i.e., logging the same event
to the same place
more than once).
I was surprised that the default syslog.conf installed
on our Solaris
systems wasn't logging very much information that I
important. However, in reading about the file and trying
to alter it to
include more events, I inadvertently caused redundant
log messages,
sometimes as many as four lines per event. With the
use of syslogconf, I
was able to check immediately the effects of changes
that I made,
instead of indirectly testing the changes by causing
events and
examining the log files. I finally got the syslog.conf
(Listing 2)
trimmed down to a reasonable balance between not reporting
enough and
reporting too much, as well as making it suitable for
use on the loghost
and all of the clients in our domain. You may even find
my syslog.conf
suitable for use on your systems with little or no modification.
I hope
that syslogconf will help you get the most out of syslog.
About the author
Michael Hill is a software engineer and system administrator
Lockheed Martin Astronautics on the Titan IV program.
He works on Sun
servers in a Solaris environment, with the odd legacy
SunOS system.
Michael has been working with UNIX since his college
days. His
interests include programming, reading, and playing
with computers in
general. He can be reached at: [email protected].