Cover V07, I08
Listing 1


Listing 1: actgroups

# Active groups -- detecting actively accessed news groups and adjusting
#         -- expire.ctl so that active groups stay longer
# Program Name:     actgroups
#         for INN 1.4, 1.5, 1.7, 1.8, 2.0
# Author: Yufan Hu ( [email protected] )
# Version:     1.0
# Release:     Jan 28 1998
#         This is a total rewrite of actgroups version 0.3 and its
#         modified version floating around the net since 1994
# Copyright:   by Yufan Hu. Freely redistribution, use and modification
#         by anybody as long as the author is acknowledged and this
#         copywrite notice preserved.
# Disclaim:    Use at your own risk. No Warrantee.
# Fee:         No. But appreciate an email acknowledge so I know
#         who is using it.
#========================= Installation ========================
# 1. Copy this file to a directory of your choice. I put it in
#    /usr/local/news/local
# 2. Change the values of $LastRead, $expire, $newslog according to
#    your own news configuration
# 3. pass the path to actgroups to news.daily in your cron job entry,
#    such as:
#    30 3 * * * /usr/local/news/bin/news.daily delayrm
#    /usr/local/news/local/actgroups
# 4. Setting rules in expire.ctl file
#========================= expire.ctl configuration =================
# The expire.ctl file remains almost the same except that the original rules
# definition act as the default expiration rules for inactive groups.
# A new set of rules, beginning with "#% " define the adjustment
# for groups that are actively read.
# i.e.
#    *:A:0:1:7
#    #% *:A:10:30:45
# means that if a group is not actively read, its expire rule will be
#    *:A:0:1:7
# and if a group is being read within 45 days, its expire time will be adjusted
# to:
#    *:A:10:30:45
# The above two lines can be used as the simplest configuration. If you want
# finer control you can add more, such as:
#    *:A:0:1:7
#    #% *:A:10:30:45
#    comp.*:A:7:7:10
#    #% comp.*:A:30:60:90
#    #% alt.binaries*:A:2:2:2
# You should include at least line "#% *:A:...". If no "#% " rule
# matches an actively read group it is treat the same as an inactive group.
# The "active period" of a group is defined by the <purge> field
# of the last matching "#% " rule. If no read happens with this period
# of time, the group is removed from the LastRead database
# actgroups will modify expire.ctl file for adding the adjustment. It must
# has read/write access to the directory expire.ctl resides. Original
# expire.ctl will be backuped to, where day is the day of
# the week the actgroups runs.
# WARNING: It may take a few days to collect the readership information.
#       it is adviced that you keep the original "*:A:..." line with
#       larger expire time for a period of time until the readership
#       information is accumulated in LastRead.log database, if you
#       use it at the first time.
# For actgroups version 0.3 and 0.4 users:
#    The LastRead.log database should be compatible with this version.
# Configuration part
#    $LastRead the DBM database to record the time a group was last
#              seen read
#    $expire        the full path to expire.ctl file on your system
#    $newslog  the full path to news.notice file on your system
#              this is the file where syslogd log all news.notice
#              level message

$LastRead      = "/usr/local/news/etc/LastRead.log";
$expire   = "/usr/local/news/etc/expire.ctl";
$newslog  = "/usr/local/news/log/news.notice";

# delimiters in expire.ctl
$start = "### Actively Accessed Groups Start ###";
$end = "### Actively Accessed Groups End ###";

# End of Configuration part
##################### No change needed ###########################

require '';

# default options
$debug = 0;

# Get the command line options

$newslog = $opt_l if ($opt_l);
$debug = 1 if ($opt_d);
$warn .= "Logfile: $newslog\n" if $debug;
$expire_new = "$";

# open the database recording the time the group was last read
# access this database as an associated array
dbmopen(%LASTREAD, $LastRead, 0600);

# open the tempory file
open(EXP_NEW, ">$") || die "Cannot create $ $!\n";

# Seconds in a day
$day = 3600 * 24;
$now = time;

$total = $thrown = 0;
$date = qx{date};
chop $date;


# now we have detected active group in %LASTREAD database
# we check the group agains the %rules to find any match.
# if a match is found, then the corresponding rule part is used
# for that group. If no match is found, the group is not adjusted


# close the database and the new expire.ctl file

$debug && ( $warn .= "##  Total: $total, thrown: $thrown\n");

($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($now);

if( $debug )
$warn .= "Collecting group information only, $expire intacted.\n" .
"Expire list is in $\n";
system "mv $expire $expire.$wday; mv $expire_new $expire";

$debug && $warn &&  print "\nMessage from actgroups:\n$warn";

# scan the news.notice file and record any detected read group
# in LastRead DBMS
sub scan_log {

# open the news log file -- usually the news.notice
open(LOG, $newslog);

# scan through the log file, detecting any accessed groups within current
# day and store the current time in the database

while(<LOG>) {
if(/^(.*\d\d:\d\d:\d\d).*nnrpd.*:\s+(.*) \
\s+group\s+([^\s]+)\s(\d+)/){ $group = $3; $arts = $4; ($warn .= "Adding: $group\n") if( $debug && (! $LASTREAD{$group}) ); # if $arts == 0 then we will add \
$group in only # if it is already there \
($LASTREAD{$group} = $now) if( $arts \
|| $LASTREAD{$group}); } } close(LOG); } # scan the expire.ctl, looking for adjustment ctl # line in the format of # "#% pat:?:(\d+)|never:(\d+)|never:(\d+)|never" sub scan_expire_ctl { open(EXP, $expire); %rules = (); @patterns = (); while(<EXP>) { /$start/ && last; print EXP_NEW; chop; # try to find the #% rules /^#%\s*([^:]+)\s*:\s*([^:]+)\s*:\s*([^:]+) \
\s*:\s*([^:]+)\s*:\s*([^:]+)\s*/ || next; $rule = ":$2:$3:$4:$5"; $pat = $1; $pat =~ s/\./\\./g; $pat =~ s/([\*\+\?])/.$1/g; $rules{$pat} = $rule; push(@patterns, $pat); } close EXP; } sub adjust_expire_ctl { print EXP_NEW "$start ############################################### # Automatically generated by actgroups version
# 1.0 # Author: Yufan Hu ( yufan\ ) # Date: $date #
# Do not change anything below this line. Any
# changes will be overwritten # the next time actgroups runs ################################################ \n"; for $group ( sort (keys %LASTREAD) ) { $total++; # does the group match anything in $rules $rule = ""; # find the last matching rule for $pat ( @patterns ) { ($group =~ /$pat/) && ($rule = $rules{$pat}); } if( $rule ) { # we found a match, do the adjustment ($purge) = $rule =~ /:([^:]+)$/; if( int($purge) != 0 && ($now - $LASTREAD{$group}) > ($purge * $day) ) { $debug && ($warn .= "$group inactive for $purge days\n"); delete $LASTREAD{$group}; $thrown++; } else { print EXP_NEW "$group" . $rule . "\n"; } } else { $debug && ( $warn .= "No adjustment rule for $group\n" ); delete $LASTREAD{ $group }; $thrown++; } } print EXP_NEW "## Total: $total, thrown: $thrown\n"; print EXP_NEW "\n$end\n## Do not put anything after this line ###\n"; } # End of File