Cover v07 i13
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4
Listing 5
Listing 6
Listing 7

Listing 4

# FILENAME: newhtuser
# DESCRIPTION: Creates new entries for httpd users and appends to filename
# supplied as input
# USAGE: newhtuser [file]
# LABEN S.p.A. - 29-jan-1998
# 0.0 Luca Salvadori <[email protected]> 29-jan-1998
# 	- Functions and behaviour
########################## S U B R O U T I N E S ###########################

sub rndpass()
# Generates a random string long as requested and composed by
# consonant-vowel or vowel-consonant pairs.
   if (! $_[0] ) {$pwdlen=8} else {$pwdlen=$_[0]};
   if ((int($pwdlen / 2) * 2) != $pwdlen) {$even="false"};
   $a=int($pwdlen /2);
   srand(abs(time * getppid));
   $ii=int(rand 2);
   if ($ii == 1)
   	while ($i <= $a)
   		$nc=int(rand 19);
   		$nv=int(rand 7);
   	if ($even eq "false") {$pwd.=$cons[$nc]};
   	while ($i <= $a)
   		$nc=int(rand 19);
   		$nv=int(rand 7);
   	if ($even eq "false") {$pwd.=$voc[$nv]};
   return $pwd;


sub cleanup()
# Closes output file and exits

##################### E N D  O F  S U B R O U T I N E S ####################

########################## M A I N  P R O G R A M ##########################

# Default output file
# If no argument is supplied, then assign defaults
if (! $ARGV[0] ) {$outfile=$def_outfile} else {$outfile=$ARGV[0]};
# Change protection to 600 to output file, just in case
chmod 600, $outfile;
open(OUTFILE,">> $outfile");
# Loop until keyboard input is over
while ()
	print "Enter username: " ;
	if ($user eq "") {&cleanup};
	print "Enter e-mail address: " ;
	if ($email eq "") {&cleanup};
	# Generate random password
	# Sleep 1 sec to allow proper srand() re-initialization
	sleep 1;
	# Generate random salt
	# Crypt password
	$cpwd=crypt $pwd,$salt;
	# Write record to output file
	print OUTFILE "$user:$pwd:$cpwd:$email\n";
exit(0) ;

#################### E N D  O F  M A I N  P R O G R A M ####################