Cover V07, I12
Listing 1

Listing 1

#!/bin/csh -f
# James W. Meritt
# program to check for changed files
# programs used by this script
setenv AWK /bin/awk
setenv ECHO /usr/ucb/echo
setenv FGREP /bin/fgrep
setenv CAT /bin/cat
setenv SORT /bin/sort
setenv RM /bin/rm
setenv TOUCH /usr/ucb/touch
setenv FIND /bin/find
setenv LS /bin/ls
setenv DIFF /bin/diff

# the source directory of the NIS watch program
setenv HOMEDIR /home/tamper

# location of configuration/control files/tables that contain the information
set CRONTAB=/usr/spool/cron/crontabs/root
set INETD=/etc/inetd.conf

# temporary files
set TMPFILE1="/tmp/tmp1`date +%M%S`"
set TMPFILE2="/tmp/tmp2`date +%M%S`"
set NODEFILE="/tmp/node`date +%M%S`"
set NISFILE="$HOMEDIR/nisdata/nis.`date +%m%d%S`"

# setup to mail the results
set MAILFILE="/tmp/mail`date +%M%S`"
setenv MAILER /usr/ucb/mail
setenv MAILTO [email protected]

# start mail file with the header
$ECHO "~s Network tamper check" > $MAILFILE
$ECHO  Comparing the most recent long listing of the vital files with the
one.  >>
$ECHO "The lines marked by < are in the earliest but not in the most recent." 
$ECHO "The lines marked by > are in the most recent but not the earliest. "  >>

rup | /bin/awk '{ print $1 }' | sort -u | grep -v Sending  > $NODEFILE
set NODES="`cat $NODEFILE`"
foreach NODE (`cat $NODEFILE`)
  $ECHO "............................................................."    >>
  # the database of files for a particular system
  set SNAPSHOT="$HOMEDIR/snapshots/$NODE/snapshot.`date +%m%d%S`"
  set LAST = `ls $HOMEDIR/snapshots/$NODE/snapshot.* | tail -1`
  set PREVIOUS = `ls $HOMEDIR/snapshots/$NODE/snapshot.* | tail -2 | head
  set NODETMP="$HOMEDIR/configuration/$NODE.files.tmp"
  $ECHO performing file watch across network to $NODE  >> $MAILFILE
  if (-f $HOMEDIR/configuration/$NODE.files) then
    # This takes a snapshot of the files identified in the file system.files
    # and places it into the snapshots directory
    foreach FILE (`$CAT $HOMEDIR/configuration/$NODE.files`)
        rsh $NODE $LS -l $FILE >> $SNAPSHOT
    $ECHO "Comparing $LAST to $PREVIOUS"   >> $MAILFILE
    if ( "$PREVIOUS" != "$LAST" ) then
        # only one file.  keep it
        echo "removing $PREVIOUS" >> $MAILFILE
        /bin/rm $PREVIOUS
    $ECHO "$NODE not previously set up"  >> $MAILFILE
    # the following is to perform the configuration/setup of a particular system
    # for monitoring

    #get the default list
    cp $HOMEDIR/defaults/default.files $NODETMP
    #look through the system for configuration, dot,... files
    #find on .???*
    rsh $NODE $FIND / -xdev -name  "\.\?\?\?\*" -print >> $NODETMP
    #find on conf
    rsh $NODE $FIND / -xdev -name  "\*\.conf" -print >> $NODETMP
    #find on rc
    rsh $NODE $FIND / -xdev -name  "\*rc" -print >> $NODETMP
    #find on tab
    rsh $NODE $FIND / -xdev -name  "\*tab" -print >> $NODETMP
    #find on profile
    rsh $NODE $FIND / -xdev -name  "\*profile\*" -print >> $NODETMP
    #find on cshrc
    rsh $NODE $FIND / -xdev -name  "\*cshrc\*" -print >> $NODETMP
    #find on host
    rsh $NODE $FIND / -xdev -name  "\*hosts\*" -print >> $NODETMP
    #the rc files
    rsh $NODE $LS /etc/rc2\*/\* >> $NODETMP

    #go through identified setups...
    # get the candidates fron the crontab
    $CAT $CRONTAB | $AWK '{for (i=6;i<NF;i++) printf("%s \n", $i)}' >>

    # get the candidate from the inetd configuration file
    $CAT $INETD | $AWK '{for (i=6;i<NF;i++) printf("%s \n", $i)}' >>

    # uniquely sort the list and remove the lines with special characters
    $FGREP -v -f $HOMEDIR/defaults/special.characters $TMPFILE2 >

    # examine the list for files
    foreach CANDIDATE (`$CAT $TMPFILE1`)
      if (-f $CANDIDATE) then
    $HOMEDIR/used.files >> $NODETMP

    $ECHO "clean up the list..."
    $SORT -u  $NODETMP | $FGREP -v -f $HOMEDIR/defaults/notneed.files >>

    $ECHO "The files to check are in >> $HOMEDIR/configuration/$NODE.files" 

    #Creating directory for snapshot
    mkdir $HOMEDIR/snapshots/$NODE

    $ECHO "taking first snapshot of system" >> $MAILFILE
    # This takes a snapshot of the files identified in the file system.files
    # and places it into the snapshots directory
    foreach FILE (`$CAT $HOMEDIR/configuration/$NODE.files`)
        $LS -l $FILE >> $SNAPSHOT
echo "_____________________________________________" >> $MAILFILE
foreach HOST ( $NODES )
        echo "checking for new executable items selected directories on $HOST "
        rsh $HOST find /bin -mtime 1 -ls | grep x >> $MAILFILE
        rsh $HOST find /etc -mtime 1 -ls | grep x >> $MAILFILE
        rsh $HOST find /usr/ucb -mtime 1 -ls | grep x >> $MAILFILE
        rsh $HOST find /usr/local -mtime 1 -ls | grep x >> $MAILFILE
        rsh $HOST find /usr/bin -mtime 1 -ls | grep x >> $MAILFILE
        rsh $HOST find /usr/sbin -mtime 1 -ls | grep x >> $MAILFILE
        rsh $HOST find /usr/ucb -mtime 1 -ls | grep x >> $MAILFILE
echo "_____________________________________________" >> $MAILFILE
$ECHO "Check the NIS plus database" >> $MAILFILE
# put the nis queries here
niscat passwd.org_dir > $NISFILE
niscat hosts.org_dir >> $NISFILE
set NISPREVIOUS = `ls $HOMEDIR/nisdata/nis.* | tail -2 | head -1`
    if ( "$NISPREVIOUS" != "$NISFILE" ) then
        # only one file.  keep it
        echo "removing $NISPREVIOUS" >> $MAILFILE
        /bin/rm $NISPREVIOUS
echo "_____________________________________________" >> $MAILFILE

