Listing 2: Various configuration scripts
#this allows you to set alarms based on a certain string appearing in a
# certain log over a given # minutes. For example, suppose that, if you
# got the string
# "Oracle highwater limit exceeded", more than 10 times per hour,
# (on machine XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, file oracleXXX-finance)
# you would want to page the dba. Then, the entry would be of the form
#XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:oracleXXX-finance:Oracle highwater limit
# exceeded:10:3600:/usr/contrib/bin/page /tmp/dba
# Notes:
# 1.note that the files for win32 should still be of the form C!/windows,
# with the drive letter in caps and a shebang (!) being subbed for the
# colon
# 2.once this hits the alarm, the count will reset. So, if you have a 10m
# window, at MOST an alarm will occur once every 10m.
# 3.helpful units
# -1 hr=60minutes= 3600seconds
# -6 hr=360minutes= 21600seconds
# -12 hr= 43200seconds
# -1day (24 hours)= 86400seconds
# -1 week = 6048000seconds
# -1 quarter (3mos)= 7884000seconds
#ip:local_file_name:string:number_of_occurences:time period(seconds):command hi "thisisanothertest" "theeverpopularcheeseandmayotest" and oracle:4:600:echo \
| |