Figure 1: SM functions
sm [run] <script> [-- script args] - run the script (NOTE the -- for args)
sm create <script> <file> - create a new script
sm list_shells - list all currently defined shells
sm list_repos - list all currently defined repositories
sm cat <script> - display the script
sm info <script> - display info about the script object
sm show_family <script> - show parents and children of script
sm report lastrun - show last run time for all scripts
sm replace <script> <file> - replace the script file with a new one
sm init_repos - initialize a new repository
sm list|ls|dir [level] - list entries in current or specified level
sm recurse - list all objects in repository
sm cwd|pwd - show current level
sm cd ..|<level> - change to level
sm submit_doc <script> <file> - submit doc for script
sm remove_doc <script> - remove doc for script
sm doc|man <script> - show doc for script
sm apropos <word> - search all script descs for word
sm mkdir|create_level <level> - create a new level
sm modify_repos - modify the repository settings
sm modify_level <level> - modify the level settings
sm modify_script <script> - modify the script settings
sm delete <script|level> - remove a script or level
sm move <script|level> <level> - move a script or level
sm rename <script|level> <script|level> - rename a script or level