Cover V09, I13



According to the preliminary results of our most recent reader survey, 65% of our readers administer Solaris (followed by Linux, AIX, and HP-UX, in that order). Solaris has been in the top spot since I've been involved with this magazine, although the number two spot has changed several times. (It was HP in 1998, and Linux in 1999.) In the magazine, we've always tried to address problems and provide solutions that are pertinent to whatever version of UNIX you happen to run. However, with this special supplemental issue, put together with the cooperation of Sun Microsystems, we're focusing solely on Solaris administration.

The articles included here are a mix of contributed articles from freelance writers and from Sun Microsystems, along with two whitepapers provided by Sun. The technical features address such topics as hardening a Solaris host, C2 security auditing in the Solaris environment, and administration of the E10000 server. The BigAdmin team at Sun Microsystems also provided an article introducing the BigAdmin portal -- a “one-stop” systems administration related Web site. The whitepapers provided by Sun cover skill-based training and the Web Start Wizards SDK.

You may have noticed that Sys Admin itself has gotten larger lately in terms of number of articles and pages per issue. We've also been including more special items, such as the series of reference posters and this Solaris-based issue. The staff of Sys Admin has worked exceptionally hard this year not only to bring you these additional items, but also to breathe life back into the Web site. The magazine is very healthy right now, and we fully intend to include even more new features and supplements in the year 2001. For example (also according to the survey), Sys Admin readers value the product reviews that we occasionally do, so we plan to bring you more. Most likely, reviews will be done under the auspices of the Web site, so I hope you'll take time to visit the site for the latest items there. Coming up, you can expect a review of Tadpole's UltraBooklli, then a review of SGI's 230 Linux graphics workstation. Please let me know if there's something special you'd like to see in the future. You can email me at: [email protected]. I'm always interested in your comments.

Sincerely yours,
Amber Ankerholz