Cover V10, I01
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3


An Apache Load Balancing Cluster

Don Gourley

A cluster is a group of computers that have been interconnected to share processing. Clustering technology, which coordinates the computers as they work in parallel on computing tasks, comes in a variety of flavors. Clusters can be built from custom hardware and software that implement a fast interconnect and some kind of shared memory or cache. Clustering technology can also be completely implemented in software, making use of the power and low prices of today's PCs, inexpensive high-speed networking like Fast Ethernet, and a robust open operating system like Linux. An example of this kind of cluster is the Linux Beowulf system, which consists of a server node connected to multiple client nodes via some type of private high-speed network.

In this article, I describe the Java Application Server Pseudo-cluster (JASPer), a simple cluster built with commodity hardware and free software from the Apache Foundation. The master server runs the Apache HTTP daemon and the cluster nodes are running the Apache JServ Java application server. Using this combination of open software and inexpensive equipment, my team has been able to reap the benefits of clustering while avoiding some of the disadvantages.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Clusters

There are three primary benefits of clustering, depending on the computing tasks to be shared by a cluster. First is the ability to scale capacity. Additional computers can be easily added to a properly constructed cluster to gain additional capacity for processing. This works only until any shared resources in the cluster (the master node and cluster interconnect) begin to become saturated. Second is fault tolerance. Assuming that the cluster is smart enough to stop trying to use any nodes that are no longer available, it will continue to run as long as the master node and at least one client node can communicate. Finally, higher performance is often achieved with a cluster by distributing work across multiple servers, although the shared resources in a cluster will again place an upper limit on how far this benefit can extend.

There are, however, some problems with clusters, which have limited their use. The difficulty of setting up and administering a cluster has prevented some from taking advantage of them. IT shops without the appropriate expertise find the administration of a cluster very complex and, depending on the type of clustering technology used, support services can be expensive or unavailable.

Another limitation is the kind of applications that can benefit from a clustered platform. To take advantage of the performance of a cluster, computing tasks must be partitioned in some way to distribute parts of the tasks across multiple processors. In parallel computing, this partitioning and distribution is usually performed in the application program, inserted by intelligent optimizing compilers or based on directives included by the programmer. For example, on a Beowulf system, the programmer decides which parts of the program can be run concurrently on different client nodes and uses a messaging software API or remote shell commands to run those procedures on client nodes.

Load Balancing Clusters

However, certain computing tasks are inherently concurrent and can be partitioned on a cluster without special programming. A high-volume transaction processing system, in which multiple transaction requests are submitted concurrently, can be naturally partitioned on the transactions. A common example of such a system is a Web server, and a simple and popular cluster technology is Web redirection, where a central switch (the master node) redirects HTTP requests to one of a set of Web servers based on server load or geographic proximity to the client (or both).

Load balancing software can be used in a similar way to create effective clusters for Web applications. My team has done this with Apache JServ, which provides load-balancing across a set of Java servlet engines. Methods similar to those described here can be used to cluster any Web application server that supports load balancing. This technique can minimize the primary disadvantages seen with other kinds of clusters. By using your existing application server software, administration of the cluster is only incrementally more complex than administering a single Web server. And, the transaction-oriented nature of Web applications means that no special programming is required to partition the computing tasks.

On the other hand, a significant limitation of this kind of cluster is that it only runs applications written for the application server. It is not a general purpose cluster and that is one reason we named our implementation a "pseudo-cluster" (although the main reason was that it sounded better than "Cluster" in the acronym JASPer).

In "Building a Web-Based Java Application Server with Apache JServ" (Sys Admin, February 2000) my coauthor and I described how to install, configure, and administer JServ as part of a distributed application architecture. As described in that article, load balancing is performed by the Apache HTTP server module mod_jserv. When an initial request is received by mod_jserv on the master node, it randomly selects a JServ cluster node from the defined set of servers. The request is passed to that cluster node using the Apache JServ Protocol (AJP), a network protocol for communicating between the master and cluster nodes. mod_jserv adds a server id to the JServ session id so that subsequent requests for that session are recognized and routed to the same cluster node.

A weight can be added to each defined JServ server to have more powerful cluster nodes process more of the requests. If a JServ server goes down (i.e., fails to respond to mod_jserv), then its requests will be routed to another server. In that case, a new session needs to be started unless your application has implemented some kind of persistent session (e.g., by saving session information to a database accessible by all JServ servers). The previous Sys Admin article describes the routing of requests in more detail. There is also more information about JServ configuration and its load balancing features on the Java Apache Project Web site (

In practice, we have found the JServ load balancing mechanism to be quite effective. The load has been very closely balanced as measured by the number of sessions on each server. During moderately busy times, each JServ node in our cluster handles between 65 and 75 sessions. Actual load may not always correspond to the number of sessions being handled, but in our portal application, it is close because there is not a wide discrepancy in the processing required to handle different kinds of requests.

JASPer Configuration

The three parts of a load balancing cluster comprise the master node, which performs the load balancing; the cluster nodes, which process the transactions; and the cluster interconnect, which allows the master and cluster nodes to communicate. The components used for JASPer are illustrated in Figure 1.

The master node can be the weak link in a cluster since all transactions must go through it. A master node failure will bring down the whole cluster, so the platform must be very robust. To enhance availability and performance, a Web redirecting switch could be used to route HTTP requests to redundant master nodes, which are configured to use the same set of cluster nodes in a many-to-many cluster configuration. However, there is still a potential single point of failure. It has just been moved from the master node to the (presumably more robust) Web redirecting switch.

For our cluster, we used a Sun Enterprise 4000 with six 250-Mhz processors and 3.5-GB RAM as the master node. This is more processing power than needed to receive HTTP requests and route them to the cluster nodes, but this server hosts several Web sites and an online library catalog application besides being the JASPer master node. This platform was selected for its reliability more than its performance.

Cluster nodes can be any combination of servers that run Apache JServ, including Linux, Solaris, and Windows NT platforms. If a combination of different hardware or software platforms is used, you should make some guesses about their relative performance so you can weight them in the load balancing set defined for mod_jserv. Benchmarking of the individual nodes, as described below, can be used to make better estimates of their relative capacity. For example, if you have one new high-speed node that can handle three times as many requests per second as an old slower node, you might ask mod_jserv to route three quarters of the requests to the faster node with these directives:

ApJServBalance setname FASTNODE 3             
ApJServBalance setname SLOWNODE 1

Since JASPer is supporting our primary enterprise Web portal, we were able to get funding to buy four new Pentium III 600 Mhz Linux servers to serve as the JServ cluster nodes. Memory requirements for the cluster nodes depend on the Java applications that run on them. In our case, we use lightweight sessions, saving the minimum information about each session that we need, but load a lot of configuration information in each servlet at startup to avoid having to read the configuration database and files for each request. 256 MB RAM appears to be sufficient to avoid swapping. Memory requirements of the Java Virtual Machine can be determined at runtime by a Java monitoring agent class that is presented below.

We also purchased a dedicated 100-Mbs network switch with a Gigabit Ethernet upload module to connect to the master node. We initially purchased more bandwidth than necessary to make sure we could scale the cluster as usage increased. Like the master node, the cluster interconnect is a shared resource and potential single point of failure. For performance and fault tolerance, redundant interconnect networks could be implemented. But in our experience, network switches are more reliable than servers, so this redundancy is usually not necessary. Although virtually all the interconnect traffic is between the master node and a cluster node, this switch is also connected to external networks via a router to support occasional connections required for services such as DNS lookup and remote administration with telnet. Alternatively, we could have had our master node act as a router for the cluster's external network traffic.

The total cost for the four cluster nodes, network switch, and Gigabit Ethernet adapters for JASPer was about $10,000. We can scale up to 10 cluster nodes for just the cost of additional nodes before reaching the capacity of our cluster interconnect. The cost of the cluster could have been reduced significantly if we had used our existing LAN for the interconnect and recycled old PCs as the cluster nodes. However, we think the cost is justified when you factor in the increased reliability of the new equipment along with the performance.

JASPer Administration Web Page

Maintaining a cluster complicates systems administration. Besides having more servers to take care of, the administrator must combine information from multiple sources to get an overall picture of the status of a cluster. Fortunately, the Apache servers provide some status information through dynamic Web pages. Additional information about the state of a servlet engine can be obtained from a monitor servlet. We have collected this information in a multi-frame Web page to provide a quick picture of our cluster performance and status (see Figure 2).

The top frame contains the Apache HTTP server status page. This page lists some vital statistics for the HTTP server, such as uptime, total traffic and throughput, and current requests. It also lists each child server process and its most recent request processed. To enable this page, turn on ExtendedStatus and define the server-status handler in the httpd.conf file:

 ExtendedStatus On 
<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from

The server status page is then available at: http://localhost/server-status. The example directives only grant server status access to the server host itself. As with all the status pages described here, you should restrict access to the status page to prevent untrusted users from accessing information that should remain secret. In our environment, we allow access to a small LAN protected by a firewall that we can dial into for remote administration and troubleshooting.

JServ provides a set of status pages displayed on the right side of our frameset status page. The top-level page is created by mod_jserv and includes links to the master node and each cluster node. Clicking on the master node under "Configured Hosts" displays the mod_jserv parameters and each servlet zone that has been mounted. If a servlet zone is defined as part of a load balancing set, then each cluster node in the set is listed. A "test" button is provided to run the servlet engine on that node (JServ is actually a servlet and can execute itself). This provides access to the configuration parameters for each individual JServ server.

You enable the JServ status pages in the httpd configuration, just as we did for the HTTP server status handler above (in this example, we again grant access only to the HTTP server host):

<Location /jserv/>
SetHandler jserv-status
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from </Location>

To let each JServ execute itself to display its configuration parameters, you must also specify "security.selfservlet=true" in the files.

On the left side of the frameset, we display a graph of the Web server traffic over the past 30 hours. This graph is generated every 15 minutes by MRTG ( \
). MRTG was designed as a tool for graphing traffic on network equipment, but can easily be extended to graph one or two values representing any kind of resource usage by providing an external program in the Target directive. When run, the external program should return four lines containing, in order, the first value to graph, the second value, a string specifying the uptime of the server, and a string telling the name of the server.

Our external program for JASPer status is a simple script that counts occurrences of GET and POST requests in the HTTP server access log. One graph line plots total requests, and the other plots portal requests for access to remote resources. MRTG expects, by default, continuously incrementing counters, so our script can count all the requests without worrying about how many it counted last time. Still, it is not a very efficient process, so we increased the interval from the default 5 minutes to 15 minutes. We also roll the access log every night, so no more than a day's worth of requests are counted each time the script is run.

The bottom frames of our combined status page contain brief information that is extracted by a special servlet, MonitorAgent, running on each cluster node. If a cluster node is down, then the corresponding frame will not be displayed -- providing a quick way to see whether a server has died. Java source for the MonitorAgent class is shown in Listing 1.

The MonitorAgent information includes the version number of JServ and the servlets to help ensure that each cluster node's configuration is identical to the others. The version of each servlet is available because our local coding standards specify that every servlet return its version number from the getServletInfo() method. The names of each servlet must be specified in the servlet zone properties file, with each name separated by a special character:


The MonitorAgent class also displays the total number of connections and the total and free memory available to the Java Virtual Machine. The class can be extended to display application-specific session information. For our portal application we count sessions for each client institution and further break it down by whether the user is accessing the portal from on or off campus.

Benchmarking JASPer

After we built our cluster, we wanted to find out how well it performed. In particular, we were interested in seeing how much additional capacity we gained from the clustering. We also wanted to develop a benchmark for determining when we might need to add cluster nodes as usage increased, and to be able to recognize when JASPer began to reach the point where additional nodes did not increase capacity. There are several tools available that throw a bunch of requests at a Web server and come back with a measure of how many requests the server can handle. We chose ab, the Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool, because it was easy to use and came free with the Apache source distribution.

It's important to realize, however, that the resulting number of requests per second (or similar measure) is artificial, and almost certainly doesn't correspond to any real-life limit or load. Most of these tools do not allow you to create a realistic sample of URLs to simulate real user sessions, particularly when custom authentication is used to create and maintain the sessions. Also, different tools will give you different results for the same URL samples because they have different ways of simulating multiple users, none of which will correspond exactly to real loads. However, the numbers are still useful for relative comparisons of different configurations. For example, by running repeated tests after tweaking the httpd configuration parameters, you can get a good idea of what parameter values work best for certain kinds of loads.

Loads are defined in ab by specifying a concurrency level (corresponding to a number of users who might be making requests at the same time), a total number of requests, and a single URL to be used for the requests. The URL can be requested using either the GET or POST method, and a file can be specified for the data to be POSTed with the request. ab also supports HTTP basic authentication and the passing of cookies. However, there is no way to receive a cookie from the first set of concurrent requests to be used by subsequent requests to simulate a set of user sessions that log in for the first request but not for subsequent requests.

Thus, the URL you use with ab must be carefully chosen to provide the most useful benchmarking data. For JASPer we wanted to use a URL that would fully exercise the cluster, so we selected one that did more work than average requests. We chose a request that authenticated the benchmark program's IP address and created a new user session each time, before building and returning a custom menu page. Also, to minimize other factors that affect response time, but are not directly related to cluster performance, we ran ab on the master node while the system was not doing any other work.

We ran that benchmark test with two load configurations. To simulate light loads, we specified 10 requests with a concurrency level of two as if two concurrent users were making 5 requests each. To simulate a higher load, we specified 500 requests and concurrency level 50, or 50 users making 10 requests each. These tests were run with JASPer configured with one, two, three, and four cluster nodes.

The results are illustrated in Figure 3. Under the light load, performance increased relatively little as the number of cluster nodes increased. Two nodes could process about 30% more requests per second than one, and the addition of the third (25% more requests/second) and fourth (8%) nodes provided even less additional capacity. However, under the higher load, JASPer capacity scaled very well as nodes were added to the cluster.

In fact, the addition of each node in the higher load tests increased capacity by about 110% of the requests per second that a single node could handle. This "better than linear" scaling is due to an unexpected benefit of clustering that was revealed by these tests: When ab simulated 50 users making concurrent requests, one- and two-node configurations could not handle all the requests without errors. 62 out of 500 requests failed when JASPer had one node, creating an abnormally low requests-per-second rate compared to the other configurations. With two nodes, two out of 500 requests failed and there were no failures with the three- and four-node configurations. When the one-node baseline was normalized to ignore errors, (6.4 requests per second instead of 5.61), scaling with additional nodes was about 90%.

These benchmark tests demonstrate that adding additional cluster nodes to JASPer results in higher capacity and throughput, particularly under higher Web server loads. Additionally, they indicate that the current configuration of four nodes has plenty of capacity for the normal loads our portal application sees. And, as that usage grows, we should be able to increase capacity by adding additional nodes. This scalability and performance, along with the fault tolerance that the JServ load balancing mechanism provides, are the key benefits of clustering. With JASPer, we have been able to realize these benefits without investing a lot of money and effort into setting up and administering the cluster.

Don Gourley works at the Washington Research Library Consortium where he develops and administers Web-based information systems for academic libraries. Don can be reached at: [email protected].