Cover V10, I12



Little Known Cisco IOS Security Features

Tim Sammut

There are many security features of Cisco's IOS that may be uncommon, yet are useful in the quest for heightened network security. These features provide the ability to scrutinize network traffic more critically in the case of Reflexive Access Control Lists, or even alter the path the network sensitive data takes using Policy Based Routing. TCP Intercept and Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding help eliminate damaging and security threatening traffic at the edge of the network by validating inbound connection attempts and their sources. The following sections describe some of these useful and under utilized Cisco security features.

Reflexive ACLs

Typically, Access Control Lists (ACLs) are statically configured to drop or permit network packets. This can make securing the network difficult as return traffic for connections initiated from inside the network must explicitly be allowed. With reflexive ACLs, the router will automatically create entries in a dynamic ACL, which can then be evaluated to authorize return traffic. As these dynamic ACL entries are automatically created for a specific connection and specify the IP protocol, source and destination addresses, and ports of the connection, they improve network security by only allowing inbound traffic that is directly associated with a connection initiated from the inside of the network. Without this functionality, security is difficult to achieve using the only alternative of allowing the return traffic for all possible outbound connections.

Reflexive ACLs increase the power of IP extended named access control lists by including two additional keywords: "reflect" and "evaluate". The reflect keyword is used to updated a dynamic ACL with the mirror image of the packet matching the ACL entry. Return traffic is later checked against this dynamic ACL using the evaluate keyword. Below is an example of the outbound and inbound IP named extended ACLs required to allow a DNS client to talk to a DNS server without using Reflexive ACLs:

ip access-list extended OUTBOUND
 permit udp any any eq domain
ip access-list extended INBOUND
 permit udp any eq domain any
While this may look benign enough, it will allow any outside computer sending UDP traffic sourced on port 53 to communicate with any computer inside your network via UDP. If we extend our example to include the "reflect" and "evaluate" commands, we end up with a more secure configuration:

ip access-list extended OUTBOUND
 permit udp any any eq domain reflect REFLEXIVE
ip access-list extended INBOUND
 evaluate REFLEXIVE
In this example, the reflexive ACL is dynamically changed to allow the return DNS traffic. For example, if we are speaking with a DNS server at IP address from a client at, the reflexive ACL is modified, essentially adding the line "permit udp host eq domain host eq 1024" to the inbound ACL.

There are two circumstances that result in the removal of an entry from a reflexive ACL. These are the end of a TCP session via the FIN or RST bits, or the lack of traffic in a TCP or UDP session. The inactivity timeout can be set globally through the ip reflexive-list timeout global configuration command, or for an individual reflexive ACL via the "timeout" option during creation. Here is a portion of the previous example extended to include the timeout option:

ip access-list extended OUTBOUND
 permit udp any any eq domain reflect REFLEXIVE timeout 120
After a reflexive ACL has been configured, you can view the dynamic contents of the ACL with the show access-list privileged EXEC command. This command will show the number of packets that have matched each entry, as well as the time in seconds until the entry will be removed if it remains inactive.

Policy Based Routing

Although it has many uses, Policy Based Routing (PBR) can be used to direct sensitive network data over paths with higher security. Possibilities include sending telnet traffic over an IPSec encrypted tunnel or transmitting critical application data over dedicated interfaces. Within a security context and when altering the next hop of an IP packet, PBR configurations are router-centric. This requires that each router along the traffic path from source to destination be manually configured if a policy-based action is required.

There are several components to a PBR implementation. First, access lists are defined to determine to which traffic a policy is applied. IP standard and IP extended access lists can be created with the access-list global configuration command. IP standard access lists only test the IP source address field and should not be used in favor of the more flexible IP extended and named IP extended access list types. Named IP extended access lists provide improved editing capabilities and the ability to add inline comments. The global configuration command ip access-list extended is used to create named IP extended access lists.

Route maps are then created to pair packet conditions with setting changes. The route map essentially takes a packet matching an access list and applies one or more alterations to the packet. For example, packets between two hosts can have their next hop altered so that they are sent over a slower but more secure link regardless of what has been learned via a routing protocol or configured via static routes. As it is only possible to apply a single route map to an interface, it is possible to create multiple instances of a route map. Each instance of a route map can apply different settings to different traffic. Instances are applied to traffic in order using sequence numbers, from low to high. A route map instance is created with the route-map global configuration command, which has the following syntax:

For use in PBR, the action field, shown above as ACTION, should always be permit. This tells PBR to apply the settings of the route map to the packets matching the conditions of the route map. The access list is linked to the route map instance with the match address route map configuration command as shown below:

match address ACL
It is possible to effect several changes on a packet or traffic flow using policy-based routing. Most often used within a security context, the ip next-hop alters the path of a traffic flow. Below is the complete syntax to create a route map instance that changes the next hop of a packet:

match address ACL
set ip next-hop NEXTHOP
Once the access list and route maps have been created, they are then applied to an interface with the ip policy route-map interface configuration command. Policy routing will look at all traffic arriving as input on an interface and does not look at traffic to be transmitted out of an interface. The following sample configuration will send all telnet traffic to host over a slower point-to-point serial line instead of the faster frame relay link:

interface Ethernet1
 ip address
 ip policy route-map ROUTE-MAP
interface Serial2
 description T1 to Frame Relay
 ip address
       encapsulation frame-relay
      interface Serial3
 description 56k to Site B, remote router
 ip address
ip access-list extended ROUTE-MAP-ACL
 permit tcp any host eq 23
route-map ROUTE-MAP permit 10
 match address ROUTE-MAP-ACL
 set ip next-hop
Although we did not need it for this example, it is possible to expand the ACL to include many types of traffic and settings using multiple instances of the same route map. In addition to the security-related next hop change in our last example, this example also directs Web traffic to a Web cache device:

ip access-list extended ROUTE-MAP-ACL
 permit tcp any host eq 23
ip access-list extended WEB-CACHE-ACL
 deny tcp any eq 80
 permit tcp any host any eq 80
route-map ROUTE-MAP permit 10
 match address ROUTE-MAP-ACL
 set ip next-hop
route-map ROUTE-MAP permit 20
 match address WEB-CACHE-ACL
 set ip next-hop
While it is possible to have multiple entries in access lists and multiple route map instances, only a single route map may be applied to an interface.

To improve the performance of policy routed packets, the ip route-cache policy interface configuration command should be used to enable fast switching on interfaces with policy routing enabled. Fast switching utilizes a route cache to greatly improve router performance and permits packets by the router without the interruption of the main CPU. To verify that policy-routed packets are fast switched, use the show ip interface EXEC command and look for the line that lists the IP route-cache flags. If this line contains the keyword "Policy", fast switching of policy-routed packets is enabled on that interface.

TCP Intercept

With TCP Intercept, a router can reduce the effect of SYN flood attacks on an organization's servers. Specifically, TCP Intercept monitors TCP connections matching an access list and will timeout half-open sessions in a much more aggressive fashion than most server operating systems.

It is possible to configure TCP Intercept in one of two modes. When configured for the first and default mode, the router will establish connections on the server's behalf with outside clients. Once the connection has been successfully established between the router and client, the router will open a session to the server and connect the two sessions. This operation is transparent to both the client and server, but does require more router resources. This mode is known as "intercept mode".

In the other mode, called "watch mode", the router passively monitors TCP connections to the servers. Under normal circumstances, the router has no part in successful connections. If, however, a connection fails to reach ESTABLISHED state before a timer expires, the router sends a TCP reset to the server to close the connection. This timer can be changed with the ip tcp intercept watch-timeout global configuration command and defaults to 30 seconds. The TCP Intercept mode is set with the global configuration command ip tcp intercept mode.

If the server has 1100 incomplete connections at any point, or if there have been 1100 connection attempts in the last minute, TCP Intercept with default settings will behave much more aggressively. While in this state, each new connection attempt causes an existing half-open connection to be dropped. By default, the router will drop the oldest incomplete connection, or alternatively can be configured to drop a random connection using the ip tcp intercept drop-mode global configuration command. If TCP Intercept is configured for watch mode operation, the timeout for half-open connections is cut in half (to 15 seconds by default) when entering aggressive mode.

The point at which TCP Intercept begins acting more aggressively, and the duration of aggressive mode, can be tuned with the following four global configuration commands:

ip tcp intercept max-incomplete high VALUE
When the number of incomplete connections reaches this value, TCP Intercept enters aggressive mode. The default setting for VALUE is 1100.

ip tcp intercept max-incomplete low VALUE
This global configuration command tells the router at what point it should return to normal operation from aggressive mode. The default setting for VALUE is 900.

ip tcp intercept one-minute high VALUE
When VALUE number of connection attempts have been received in the last minute, TCP Intercept will begin aggressive mode processing. The default setting for VALUE is 1100.

ip tcp intercept one-minute low VALUE
The router will continue to operate in aggressive mode until the number of active connections drops below this value. The default setting for VALUE is 900.

If both of the low values are exceeded, the router will enter aggressive mode and start dropping half-open connections. It remains in aggressive mode until both numbers drop below the low value thresholds.

Here is a complete sample configuration utilizing default values and showing the minimum configuration required:

ip tcp intercept list 100
access-list 100 permit any
Below is a more extensive example that changes the intercept mode, drop mode, and some timeout values:

ip tcp intercept list 100
ip tcp intercept mode watch
ip tcp intercept drop-mode random
ip tcp intercept one-minute high 2000
ip tcp intercept one-minute low 1600
access-list 100 permit any eq www
access-list 100 permit any eq smtp
There are only two show commands that can provide insight into the operation of a TCP Intercept configuration. The first, show tcp intercept connections, will show the active complete and incomplete TCP sessions. It lists the state of these connections as well as counters since the connection was created, and until it will time out. The second command, show tcp intercept statistics, lists the number of complete and incomplete sessions, as well as the one-minute connection rate. This information will give you an important head start when beginning to tune your TCP Intercept configuration.

Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding

With Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (Unicast RPF), you can eliminate spoofed IP packets at the network edge. Unicast RPF inspects each input packet on enabled interfaces and verifies that the router received the packet over the correct interface using the local routing table. While in some situations this could be accomplished more simply with access lists, Unicast RPF will guarantee that packets arriving on the border router's outside interface do not claim to be sourced by internal clients. Furthermore, ACLs require manual editing and could become tedious and error prone in dynamic environments or where dynamic routing protocols are used between business partners or large remote sites.

A typical and appropriate scenario for Unicast RPF would be for organizations with connections to external business partners or possibly remote locations with untrusted users. Applying Unicast RPF to router interfaces connecting these types of locations can make sure that they are not the source of spoofed network packets and certain types of denial of service attacks. Internet service providers can also improve the security of their own network and the Internet in general by implementing Unicast RPF on the connections to their customers.

Since there is a certain level of traffic asymmetry with multi-homed Internet connections, it is not possible to ensure that all traffic will take the same path into and out of the network. For this reason, Unicast RPF is not suitable for the border router or routers of organizations with multiple Internet connections. Implementing Unicast RPF in this setting could result in the blocking of valid traffic.

Available in Cisco 12.0 and later, Unicast RPF is only available on platforms that support Cisco Express Forwarding. Configuring Unicast RPF is straightforward and is enabled by simply entering the command ip verify unicast reverse-path in interface configuration mode. When configured on interfaces with ACLs defined, input ACLs are checked before Unicast RPF processes the packet.

Restricting Telnet Access to Routers

Only a relatively small number of workstations require the ability to telnet to routers within the network in most environments. The access-class line configuration command gives us the ability to control exactly which workstations can access the routers, or alternatively, which workstations cannot. Even if this does not seem appropriate for an organization's internal routers, it should be configured on routers available from the Internet. The access-class command takes an argument specifying the ACL to use when permitting or denying inbound telnet connections:

access-list 90 permit
line vty 0 4
 access-class 90 in
The above example will only allow devices with source IP addresses of to to telnet to this router.

Disallowing Directed Broadcasts

Used in many of the prevalent denial of service attacks, directed broadcasts allow a remote computer to send a broadcast to all of the computers on a subnet. Until version 12.0, Cisco routers would by default forward and convert these broadcasts to MAC-level broadcasts once they reached the destination subnet. In all versions of IOS, the interface configuration command ip directed-broadcast enables this functionality.

Providing further functionality and control, the ip forward-protocol global configuration command customizes which broadcasts are allowed and converted. This command has a wide list of supported protocols, which includes tftp, bootp, and netbios-ns.

The ip directed-broadcast command takes an optional argument specifying an access list used to filter the broadcasts. This provides additional granularity when specifying which broadcasts are forwarded. In the following example, we permit only broadcasts sourced within our network, which uses the private address space:

interface Ethernet0
 ip directed-broadcast 100
access-list 100 permit ip any

Network security is an elusive target and is considered by many to be unattainable. Although these are not all of the options, they are tools that when used correctly can improve network security.

Tim Sammut, CCIE #6642, is a Sr. Network Engineer for Logicon FDC and provides network design and implementation services to the federal government in the Maryland and Washington DC areas. He can be contacted at: [email protected].