Cover V10, I13
Listing 1
Listing 2
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4


Listing 2 errreporter.conf file

# errreporter.conf
# configuration file for errreporter program
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# this file is "sourced" by the perl script errreporter, so it must
# use proper perl syntax.

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# $email - set the variable e-mail to the address that errpt entries
#          are to be mailed to.  NOTE that the at-sign ("@") MUST be
#          protected by a backslah. I.e., ...
#              $email = "foo\";
# --------------------------------------------------------------------

$email =        "root";

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# @ignore - the array ignore contains a list of the errlog entry
#           identifiers that should NOT be mailed to the above e-mail
#           address.  A full listing of all of the identifiers can be
#           generated by running the errreporter command with the
#           "-l" flag, or by running "errpt -t".
# --------------------------------------------------------------------

@ignore =      (  "C6ACA566",   # MESSAGE REDIRECTED 
                                # FROM SYSLOG

                  "D1E21BA3",   # LOG FILE EXPANDED 
                                # TO REQUESTED SIZE

                  "C60BB505",   # SOFTWARE PROGRAM 
                                # ABNORMALLY TERMINATED 
                                # (core dump)

                  "9DBCFDEE",   # ERROR LOGGING TURNED ON

                  "192AC071",   # ERROR LOGGING TURNED OFF

