Cover V11, I02

Listing 1
Listing 2


SolarisTM Patch Levels

Thomas Knox

Keeping the latest Solaris patches installed is a big step towards securing your machine, and to that end, I have written a couple of scripts to help automate the patching process. These scripts have been tested on Solaris 2.6, 2.7, and 2.8. Furthermore, ( and CERT ( are useful in keeping on top of any new security holes that are discovered.

The Automation Setup

The first thing to do is to install the Sun patchdiag tool onto your servers. I like to install it into /usr/local/patchdiag so I always know where it is, no matter what system I might be on. The patchdiag tool can be found at:

and the most recent version (as of this writing) is 1.0.4.

Please substitute the URL for your local SunSolve mirror in place of See:

for the list of mirrors.

After you have downloaded the patchdiag tool, install it into a uniform place. All of my scripts assume /usr/local/patchdiag; change yours accordingly:

cd /usr/local
zcat patchdiag-1.0.4.tar.Z | tar -xvf -
ln -s patchdiag-1.0.4 patchdiag
cd patchdiag
I also make a user (called "patches") who owns the patchdiag directory on each machine. This account is used to automate pushing the patchdiag.xref file to all of the servers:

cd /usr/local
chown -R patches patchdiag-1.0.4
chmod 700 patchdiag-1.0.4
The Automation Process

The first script (Listing 1) will go out to the SunSolve FTP site and download the current patchdiag.xref file for system analysis. After downloading it, it will push it to all of your other servers.

Replace host1 login_id password ... hostX login_id password with your server names and the login information (i.e., sunbox1 patches patchpw /usr/local/patchdiag). Since this script will have live account information, it is a good idea to keep it owned by root with permissions 700, and in a private directory.

I initially used ncftpget to FTP the patchdiag.xref file, but Sun changed how the file was stored (it is now listed as a 0 byte file), and ncftpget will no longer retrieve this file, even with command-line arguments to "force" a RETR.

This script was designed to run as a cron entry. How frequently you check your patch levels should help you determine how often to run this script. Running it at off-peak hours will endear you to the Sun administrators.

The next phase of automation involves determining which patches need to be downloaded, retrieving them, and prepping them for installation. This script (Listing 2) uses wget, available from:
or precompiled from:
Follow the instructions provided by your download of wget and install it.

Replace my_login_id with your SunSolve login ID, and my_passwd with your SunSolve password. Again, because Listing 2 contains live passwords, keep it in a private directory with permissions 700.

patch.ignore is a list of patch IDs that you do not want to get. For example, if you're running a headless Solaris 8 server, you probably do not want patch 108576 to support Expert3D IFB Graphics. List the patches without revision numbers. A patch.ignore file that contained the following:

would not download patches 108569, 108576, or 108864.

If your server is behind a proxy, add the flags:

to the wget statement above, thus supplying your correct proxy user id and password. Be sure to add the line:

http_proxy =
to your ~/.wgetrc file, or define the environment variable http_proxy in the script (e.g., http_proxy= \ 8080/; export http_proxy)

This script will get all current patches for your system that were not explicitly excluded by the patch.ignore file, and their associated readme files. It will also expand the patches for easy installation. This script can also be run from cron, preferably after the first one runs.


Now that the patches have been placed on your systems, it is up to you to determine system applicability and install them by hand. It would be easy to also automate the patch installation. A simple i='ls -d 1*-*'; for j in $i;do;patchadd $j;done would work well. However, it is highly recommended not to do so. Rather review each patch's .readme and PATCH-ID/README files to determine applicability, special requirements, and whether a specific order is needed for installation.

Using these scripts on a regular basis on my servers has enabled me to be much more proactive in keeping my systems up to date and preventing problems before they become major issues. It has also reduced the usual hassle in finding new patches and retrieving them, thus saving my time for other tasks.

Thomas Knox has been programming for 19 years and working as a UNIX adminfor 6. He can be reached at : [email protected].