PalmTM Apps on Linux
Alex Lange
One of the latest waves in systems administration is to use handheld
devices to administer systems remotely. As sys admins need to be
everywhere at once, the convenience and ease of administering systems
via a PalmTM Pilot (as one example) is becoming more and more
apparent. Small programs called Palm Query Applications (PQAs),
can be the front-end to systems administration tools, making them
accessible to sys admins on the go. However, building a PQA is problematic
for the Linux or UNIX systems administrator because Palm's
development tools for PQAs run exclusively on Microsoft Windows.
This article describes how to compile a simple PQA on Linux using
the public domain LinPQA compiler. I'll run through a few definitions,
discuss where to get LinPQA and how to use it, and then present
an example of a PQA-accessed systems administration application
-- a Web-based logfile viewer.
What is a PQA?
A PQA (Palm Query Application) is a small program downloaded to
a Palm Pilot. PQAs usually act as the front-end to access a Web
server-based program that does most of the real work. For example,
an HTML form that accepts input and passes it to a server's
CGI program would be implemented on the Palm as a PQA.
PQAs use "Web Clippings", which is Palm's implementation
of a subset of HTML 3.2. For this reason, you may sometimes hear
a PQA referred to as a WCA or "Web Clippings Application."
(In fact, Palm's own freely available PQA compiler for Windows
is called WCABUILD.) Compiling a PQA or WCA translates your HTML
3.2-compliant Web page into the presentation format needed for a
Palm Pilot.
Getting the LinPQA Compiler
LinPQA is freeware written by Steven James ([email protected])
and blessed by the GNU public license, version 2. LinPQA is available
on the Web at:
According to comments in the source code, LinPQA should compile on
any system with the gcc compiler. I have, in fact, compiled it on
both Red Hat Linux and on Sun SolarisTM (SPARC).
LinPQA comes with two programs:
- PQAcompile for building PQAs
- PQAdecompile for reverse engineering HTML
I will examine only PQAcompile in this article.
Accommodating Lowercase Tags
Most HTML is a mixture of upper- and lowercase tags. Out of the
box, however, LinPQA understands only uppercase tags. You have two
1. Edit your HTML to make sure all tags and attribute names are
2. Edit the source program PQAcompile.c to have it accommodate
lowercase tags.
If you decide to edit PQAcompile.c, here's a snippet of code
you will need to alter:
if(!strcasecmp(tag,"H1")) { /* heading 1 */
*(pos++) = 0x01;
*(pos++) = 0x0a;
Notice the string comparison for the H1 tag in uppercase. You must
add an OR clause here to also do a string comparison against
the lowercase h1, and make this same modification for every tag examined
by PQAcompile.c.
Compiling the Compiler
LinPQA comes with an executable ready for the i386 architecture.
If you haven't modified the source code as described above,
then you're good to go. If you have modified the source, however,
then you'll need socket libraries and header files for Pilot-Link
to compile LinPQA. Pilot-Link, which is a collection of public domain
PalmOS link-loader utilities, is freely available from many sites,
several of which are listed in the "Resources" section.
Once you have obtained Pilot-Link, you can build LinPQA by running
"make" in the directory in which you unzipped LinPQA.
The result is the executable PQAcompile.
Creating a PQA
A PQA is a quick and efficient way to create a Palm-based application
that requests and receives data from a Web server. For example,
imagine the situation where a roving systems administrator wishes
to be able to view recent logfile entries from a palmtop computer.
The administrator configures the Apache server running on a Linux
machine to write its logs to the commonly configured directory /var/log/httpd
with a filename specifying the date. For simplicity, the administrator
also configures Apache to write its errors to this same file. The
filename format is as follows:
The administrator then writes a logView PQA that requests a date from
the palmtop user and displays the last 25 lines of the log file for
the specified date.
The first step is to create a CGI program on the Web server that
receives the date as input and returns the last 25 lines of the
logfile associated with that date. Listing 1 shows the CGI program
displayLog.cgi. The program reads a date from the QUERY_STRING variable
and then tails the last 25 lines of a logfile whose name matches
that string.
The administrator then creates a simple input form that requests
a date from the user and passes it to the program shown in Listing
1. Listing 2 shows the HTML file logView.html that passes input
to displayLog.cgi.
Note the HEAD's META tag (on line 4) that defines the attribute
palmcomputingplatform as true. On line 7, I have embedded
an absolute URL in the FORM's ACTION tag, complete with server
name and fully qualified domain name. This is done to allow our
Palm Pilot's network gateway to find our server. Line 14's
MAXLENGTH attribute is necessary to force the Palm Pilot to allow
us to type characters into the Date field. Without MAXLENGTH, you
won't be able to enter a date even though the input field is
Line 14 in Listing 2 prompts the user to enter a value for the
Date field. If the form field Date is null, the date defaults to
a formatted string from the date command that represents the current
date stamp of the log file.
After you create the HTML form that passes input to the CGI program,
you must compile the form into a PQA that will run on the Palm Pilot.
The syntax of the PQAcompile command is:
PQAcompile appname version title inputfile
Appname will be displayed on your Palm Pilot under the icon for this
PQA. The version refers to the version of the PQA programming standard;
use the value 1.0. The title is displayed like a Web page title once
you start your PQA. Lastly, the inputfile is your source HTML.
To compile the logView.html file shown in Listing 2 into a PQA,
use the command:
PQAcompile logView 1.0 "Logfile Viewer" logView.html
This command produces a compiled PQA, named logView, in the current
Testing with a Palm Emulator
To use the logView PQA, you must hot sync it to the Palm Pilot,
which is a familiar operation for anyone who owns a Palm Pilot.
Hot sync'ing is the process of copying programs or data to
the handheld device.
Hot sync'ing while you're developing your program, however,
can be tedious, especially if you're making many changes that
need to be checked and rechecked. You might consider downloading
Palm's emulators to help yourself out. The emulator itself
is free, but it requires "skins" or ROMs to download for
which you must register as a Palm developer, which is also free.
The example PQA described in this article is a simple application
designed to show you the basic steps for creating, compiling, and
implementing a palm query application. If you were implementing
an application of this sort on a real network, you would need to
provide an appropriate level of security, such as protecting the
displayLog.cgi program through basic authentication (username and
password challenge). (If you're concerned about security, you
should also be aware of the limitations on security for wireless
devices. See the article titled "Wireless (In)Security"
by Ido Dubrawsky in May 2002 Sys Admin.)
You may also see other ways of customizing and enhancing the functionality
of the logView application described in this article. logView is
intended as an example. With the LinPQA compiler, you can create
your own Palm query applications to address similar needs on your
own network.
Palm Emulators for UNIX and other OSs --
LinPQA Compiler --
Pilot-Link Libraries --
Pilot-Link Development Kit (for header files)--
Alex Lange has been a technical writer for 20 years, a system
administrator for 15, and a Web developer for 10. You can reach
him at: [email protected].