Cover V11, I08

Figure 1
Figure 2



Ron McCarty

SNIPS, or System and Network Integrated Polling Software, is Netplex Technologies' revamp of Network Operations Center On-line (nocol), which I wrote about in the August 2000 Net Admin column. SNIPS is a network-monitoring tool that provides both a command-line and Web interface to monitoring alarms. SNIPS provides alarm levels that provide an escalation of conditions based on the number of failures. This allows flexibility in reporting and prevents one-time anomalies (such as a network engineer resetting an Ethernet port) from creating alarms for network services that were temporarily unreachable while the Ethernet port was resetting.

SNIPS architecture logically can be divided into the monitoring function and alarming function. The monitoring function is responsible for determining whether services are running and reporting the status, which can be viewed in real-time by the systems administrator through a terminal or Web interface. The alarming function (actually an API from SNIPS that logs the change of status) can then be alarmed or simply stored for historical purposes. (The logging portion can actually run on another system.)

SNIPS comes with more than 25 monitors for monitoring both network elements (etherload, ciscomon, bgpmon) and system service elements (WWW, email, name services). The monitoring levels supported by SNIPS are: info, warning, error, and critical. These alarms are based on escalations of the previous level (i.e., warning is considered worse than info, and critical is the highest level).

SNIPS Installation

SNIPS runs on most versions of UNIX. For this particular installation, Red Hat 7.3 was used. SNIPS can be downloaded from Documentation for installation is included, but here is a short overview.

As root, place the gzipped tar ball in /usr/local/src and unzip it:

gunzip snips-1.1.tar.gz
Untar it and cd into the directory structure created from the tar command:

tar xvf snips-1.1.tar
cd snips-1.1
Run configure and the make commands that will install SNIPS into the /usr/local/snips directory, unless you tell the configure script otherwise:

make install
make root
Add the following entries to your /etc/services directory:

nipslog         5354/tcp        # snipslogd with TCP
snipslog        5354/udp        # snipslogd with UDP
hostmon         5355/tcp        # hostmon uses TCP
Edit the SNIPS config file /usr/local/snips/etc/snips.conf and enter the following (or remove the comments from the existing lines from the standard snips.conf file):

LOGHOST         localhost
DATADIR         /usr/local/snips/data
CONFIGDIR       /usr/local/snips/etc
PIDDIR          /usr/local/snips/run
(If you keep your log files in /var, then you can point the DATADIR to the appropriate location or link the /usr/local/snips/data directory to the appropriate location.)

Create the snips user. The snips user can be used for a standard login for operators to monitor the system through a terminal window. The following command will create the user and add the snipstv as the shell, which will start the snips text viewer (tv) when the operator logs in. Use the following command to create the user:

useradd -d /tmp -s /usr/local/snips/bin/snipstv snips
Change the password of user snips as appropriate. (Some administrators choose not to give it any password, which allows operators to log in and immediately be given the SNIPS terminal interface (snipstv) since it has been set as snips default shell.)

Now a simple connectivity monitor using ippingmon can be created. SNIP config files are stored in the etc subdirectory of the application directory (/usr/local/snips/etc/). Create a file called ippingmon-confg with the following entries. (Change router1's IP address into an IP address on your network that answers, and use a non-existing IP address for router2 to see SNIPS in action when router2 does not respond:

PKT_THRESHOLDS  3       2       1
RTT_THRESHOLDS  100     500     1500
These entries tell ippingmon how often to run and how to determine the monitoring level alert if changes occur. The POLLINTERVAL tells ippingmon to run its test every 5 minutes (300 seconds) and to use an ICMP package size of 100 bytes. NPACKETS determines the number of packets to send with the ICMP echo request (ping). The PKT_THRESHOLDS and RTT_THRESHOLDS determines when the ippingmon should change levels. The PKT_THRESHOLDS tells ippingmon the number of packets (echo replies) that will cause a change of level. In this case, if three packets were received, the level would change from info to warning; but if only two packets were received, the level would change to error.

The RTT_THRESHOLDS stands for round-trip time and is defined in milliseconds (in this case, 100, 500 (1/2 second), and 1500 (1.5 seconds)). If a packet took more than 1.5 seconds to be received, then the level would change to critical.

ippingmon allows each host to have specific settings of PKT_THRESHOLDS and RTT_THRESHOLDS by placing values on the particular line:

router2     3 2 1 100 500 1500
The 3 2 1 is the PKT_THRESHOLDS entry for router2, and the 100 500 1500 is the RTT_THRESHOLDS.

Once the /usr/local/snips/etc/ippingmon-confg is created, the ippingmon can be started:

/usr/local/snips/bin/ippingmon &
The results of the ippingmon can be seen by telneting to the system and logging in as snips (or su'ing to snips). The various levels can be seen by typing "L", and then the level. For example, pressing "L" and "4" will give a screen similar to that shown in the Figure 1.

In addition to the basic connectivity shown with ICMP above, SNIPS can be used to monitor many services. In this article, I'll cover the ones that are commonly within the realm of UNIX sys admins.

DNS Monitoring

Domain name services are often implemented on UNIX systems, but regardless of the OS providing the name services, the SNIPS DNS monitor (nsmon) can monitor DNS servers.

The nsmon-confg file is straightforward, with a minimum of four entries: a POLLINTERVAL, a DOMAINNAME, and a host entry that is made up of a host name and IP address. For example, the following entry will monitor the BIND daemon running on

POLLINTERVAL         600
The DNS monitor can then be started much like the ippingmon:

/usr/local/snips/bin/nsmon &
The results can also be seen the same as with ippingmon -- telnet to the system as snips or use the Web, which will be covered later.

TCP Services

Services that use the TCP protocol can be monitored using the portmon monitor. Its configuration is similar to both the ippingmon and the nsmon, but the connect and disconnect strings must be provided in the portmon-confg. For example, to monitor client email (POP3), the following portmon-config can be used:

TIMEOUT         30

HOST   SMTPport  25   Critical  HELO portmon.test
info    250
QUIT    quit
Web Viewing

For the above examples, the snips user account was used for viewing SNIPS reporting activity. This section covers the configuration of SNIPS to use a Web server to display the results. SNIPS should function with any Web server that supports CGI. If CGI is not preferred, the script can be run as part of a cron job, and content created. With the steps below, either method can be used.

There are two subdirectories in the /usr/local/snips/web directory: cgi and html. The contents of the cgi directory need to go to the webs cgi-bin directory, and the files in the html directory need to be copied into the snips subdirectory within the html document tree of the Web server. The following steps will perform this task with Apache running under Red Hat 7.3:

cd /usr/local/snips/web
cp -R cgi/* /var/www/cgi-bin/
mkdir /var/www/html/snips/
cp -R html/* /var/www/html/snips/
To see immediate results, the genweb.cgi can be run, which will create html documents for each of the four levels (info, warning, error, and critical):

The results can be seen by pointing a browser to the particular html file in the Web server's snips subdirectory:
Figure 2 shows and example Critical.html output. These pages are linked to each other for easier navigation, but an index.html could also be created as a table of contents for the four pages.

As mentioned, the genweb.cgi can be run as part of cron. To add it, run the following as root:

crontab -e
and then enter the following into the crontab:

0-59 * * * * /var/www/cgi-bin/genweb.cgi
The script will then run every minute.

Loose Ends

This article did not cover the automatic startup of the monitors. The monitors can be started as part of the System V startup scripts. Additionally, the script in the /usr/local/snips/bin/ directory can also be run as part of snips crontab to ensure all monitors are running. External alerts were not covered, but are also supported by SNIPS.

SNIPS uses two aliases -- snips-ops and snips-admin -- that require aliases to be set up with your mail transport agent (typically /etc/aliases or /etc/mail/aliases).


SNIPS is an ideal monitoring tool in small and some mid-sized operations, and it can probably be maintained by a sys admin or net admin without creating too much additional work. SNIPS can also be used in large organizations to monitor specific areas (such as all Web servers); however, the standard monitoring tools do not encompass enough services for it to be deployed as the standalone network monitoring solution, "out-of-the-box". Larger organizations require tools that are application- and system-centric monitoring (e.g., email queues, database performance, and other monitoring), which require more than knowing simply whether the service is running.

Ronald McCarty received his bachelor's degree in Computer and Information Systems at the University of Maryland's international campus at Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany. He works for Sonus Networks as a senior systems engineer on a customer team responsible for a major telecommunications carrier. Ron is the co-author of New Rider's Linux Routing ( He spends his free time with his two best friends in the world: his daughter, Janice, and his wife, Claudia. Ron can be reached at: [email protected].