Cover V11, I10

Figure 1
Figure 2



Christian Wenz

When talking about creating server-side scripts using PHP, the MySQL database often comes into play. The reason for that is historical, as the first database system PHP ever supported was MySQL. However, there are some known limitations on MySQL. Sub-SELECT queries are missing, for example, and MySQL also lacks transaction support, at least as of version 3.x. With the forthcoming version 4 (alpha version already available), some of these limitations are supposed to be fixed. A lot of other excellent database systems exist out there, many of which are supported by PHP -- PostgreSQL, for example, is currently popular.

However, the Windows world also has some fine applications to offer (if you are willing to put ideology aside, that is). Recent versions of Microsoft SQL Server offer a lot of functionality and performance, if you are willing to pay the price.

The combination of a Microsoft client with a Linux SQL server is quite well known, but the use of a Linux client with a Microsoft SQL server has received less attention. Many heterogeneous networks contain both Linux/UNIX servers and Windows servers, so accessing a Microsoft SQL server (MSSQL) from UNIX or Linux is a logical step. A recent survey in a well-respected German magazine (iX, "The Winner Is" by Christoph Gitschel, Henning Behme, Cristoph Klaja, and Andreas Pelzner) showed that the combination of PHP on Linux and Microsoft SQL beat PHP and MySQL in performance. The survey measured response time of PHP and ASP scripts that retrieved various data from a database and generated an HTML output. Even if you prefer to serve SQL from UNIX/Linux, you may still have occasion to connect to a Microsoft SQL server. For instance, if you wish to migrate the MSSQL server to, say, PostgreSQL, the migrations can be simplified by connecting directly to the MSSQL machine from the UNIX/Linux box. In this article, I will show how to connect to an existing MSSQL installation from a UNIX/Linux client. I'll also describe how to access this data source from within PHP.


Microsoft didn't develop MSSQL from scratch. Formerly, this was a Sybase product; however, Microsoft now does the sole further development for the software. To access a MSSQL database, you need special libraries. The most common ones are called FreeTDS and are available from The acronym TDS stands for Tabular DataStream, which is a protocol that MSSQL (and Sybase products) uses to talk to its own clients. By implementing this protocol for UNIX/Linux, these machines can connect to MSSQL, too.

FreeTDS is a set of C libraries distributed under the LGPL license, so no license fees are involved. The software is available free of charge from the FreeTDS Web site. At the time of writing, the must current version was 0.53. The first step is to download the current FreeTDS version. As this currently is 0.53, the filename is freetds-0.53.tgz; if you should be lucky enough to get a more recent version, change the filename in the following instructions accordingly.

The next step is to unpack the contents of the archive:

$ tar -xzvf freetds-0.53.tgz && cd freetds-0.53
Then, configure FreeTDS. There are several versions of the TDS protocol supported by FreeTDS 0.53:

TDS version 4.2 -- Works with all versions, however does not support new MSSQL functionality after version 6.5.

TDS version 5.0 -- When used with Sybase systems.

TDS version 7.0 -- Introduced with MSSQL 7.0, includes support for Unicode and for text fields longer than 255 characters.

TDS version 8.0 -- Introduced with MSSQL 2000; as of time of writing, only partially supported by TDS.

A general recommendation is to use the old version 4.2, as this is the lowest common denominator. If you need some of the TDS 7.0 extensions (e.g., long text fields or Unicode support), try version 7.0. Whatever version you choose, it must be provided as a parameter to configure:

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ftds --with-tdsver=4.2 --enable-dbmfix
$ make
$ make install
Also, configure FreeTDS by editing the file /usr/local/freetds/etc/freetds.conf. Add a new entry in the following manner:

host =   # IP of the MSSQL installation
port = 1433   # default port, modify if you chose another one
tds version = 4.2   # used TDS version
client charset = UTF-8   # only useful when using TDS version >= 7.0
Next, you can tweak PHP a little so that calls to MSSQL are sent to the FreeTDS libraries. To do so, download the most current PHP version (as of time of writing, this is PHP 4.2.2; you may find a more recent version) and unzip it:

$ tar -xzvf php-4.2.2.tar.gz && cd php-4.2.2
With some PHP versions, all occurrences of "dbopen" in files ext/sybase/config.m4 and /ext/Sybase/php_sybase_db.c must be replaced with "tdsdbopen", so that the TDS protocol is really used.

PHP can now be configured. Here you see the required configure switches for MSSQL support via FreeTDS, you may add any other switches you find appropriate (e.g., include the GD library for generating graphics on-the-fly):

$ ./configure --with-mssql=/usr/local/freetds --with-sybase=/usr/local/freetds --with-apache=../apache_1.3.26
$ make
$ make install
The support for Apache 2 is not yet stable for PHP, so Apache version 1.3.x is used.

The PHP archive also contains a file php.ini-dist that contains the standard settings for PHP. Copy this file to /usr/local/etc/php.ini (up to version 4.0.4pl1, this file had to be put to /usr/local/lib/php.ini; in PHP 4.0.5, the default folder changed). In this file php.ini, look for "sybase.interface_file" and set this as follows:

sybase.interface_file = /usr/local/freetds/interfaces
In the final step, Apache must gain knowledge of the PHP installation. So, again, it's time to run configure:

$ cd ../apache_1.3.26
$ ./configure --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a
$ make
$ make install
In the central Apache configuration file, httpd.conf, the following directive associates the PHP module to files with the extensions .php and .php4:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php4
Restart Apache, and you are done. PHP should now offer you direct access to your MSSQL installation.

Testing and Working with MSSQL

To create a connection to a MSSQL database, the PHP function mssql_connect() must be used. This function expects the following parameters:

1. The MSSQL server (name, IP address)

2. The user that wants to connect to the database

3. The password for the user

All parameters are optional. The mssql_connect() function returns a numeric identifier for the connection to the MSSQL server; this value is used for other MSSQL methods later in a PHP script. One of these functions is mssql_select_db(), which selects one of the databases residing within the MSSQL server.

The connection to MSSQL is closed automatically when the script terminates (no need for manual garbage collection). However, if you want to do this by yourself, close mssql_close() and provide the connection identifier as parameter:

  $conn = mssql_connect("", "sa", "topsecret");
  mssql_select_db("name_of_database", $conn);
  // do some stuff with the DB
A common problem arises when you provide a server name rather than an IP address; sometimes, PHP then does not find the server. It helps to create an entry for the server in freetds.conf, and also to map the server name to the appropriate IP address in the file /etc/hosts.

To execute an SQL statement against the database, mssql_query() can be used. First parameter is the SQL statement, and the second parameter is the connection ID:

  $conn = mssql_connect("", "sa", "topsecret");
  mssql_select_db("name_of_database", $conn);
  mssql_query("CREATE TABLE users ( id INT IDENTITY (1,1) NOT NULL, \
    name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL)", $conn);
To illustrate this concept, here is a small application that lets the user enter a name and email address into a database. See Figure 1. For this, the table users from the previous application must already have been created. See Figure 2. Also, replace "name_of_database" with the real name of the used database:

<title>PHP &amp; MSSQL</title>
  if (!empty($_POST["submit"])) {
    $conn = mssql_connect("", "sa", "topsecret");
    mssql_select_db("name_of_database", $conn);
    $sql = "INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES (";
    $sql .= "'" . $_POST["name"] . "', ";
    $sql .= "'" . $_POST["email"] . "')";
    mssql_query($sql, $conn);
    echo("<p>Entry added to database!</p>");
<form method="post">
Name: <input type="text" name="name" /><br />
Email: <input type="text" name="email" /><br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add to database" />
Finally, we want to read out all information in the database. To do so, the return value of mssql_query must be saved. If this value is used as a parameter for function mssql_fetch_array(), the first line in the result list of the query is returned as an associative array. Subsequent calls to mssql_fetch_array() move from row to row, therefore enabling to traverse all result rows. The following script prints all entries in the database:

<title>PHP &amp; MSSQL</title>
<table cellpadding="5">
  $conn = mssql_connect("", "sa", "topsecret");
  mssql_select_db("name_of_database", $conn);
  $result = mssql_query("SELECT * FROM users", $conn);
  while ($row = mssql_fetch_array($result)) {
    echo("<tr><td>" . $row["id"] . "</td>");
    echo("<td>" . $row["name"] . "</td>");
    echo("<td>" . $row["email"] . "</td></tr>\n");

I have shown only a small excerpt of the MSSQL functions of PHP; however, the focus of this article was to show how to enable the connection to the MSSQL database, not how to exploit the software for maximum effect.

I concentrated on the TDS protocol because this currently is the most widely used one to cross the browser from UNIX/Linux and PHP to access Windows-based data sources. An alternative would be to use Microsoft's ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) standard. iODBC (available at: is an open source implementation of the ODBC specification. PHP also supports access to ODBC data sources. For more information, see:

For installation issues and further information on FreeTDS, PHP, and MSSQL, have a look at the following Web resources: -- FreeTDS homepage -- Online manual for PHP, including user annotations -- MSSQL functions of PHP

Christian Wenz is a Germany-based author of more than 25 books on various topics of Web development and programming. He regularly speaks at international conferences where he tries to express his loathing of stubborn ideology (beware those who do not agree with him on this topic). He can be reached at: [email protected].