OpenACS E-Commerce Solution
Rafael A. Calvo and Mark Aufflick
The Open Directory Project ( lists
more than 200 shopping cart/e-commerce software packages, and more
than 20 of these are open source, including Red Hat's Interchange
(formerly Minivend), and others familiar to the IT community. So
why highlight the Open Architecture Community System (OpenACS) and
its e-commerce package?
Simply put, it has a unique angle -- OpenACS was designed to create
and maintain online communities (as its name indicates). The community
features of OpenACS set it apart from other e-commerce packages.
OpenACS community functionalities include calendars, discussion
forums, content management, an advertising server, and more.
The OpenACS e-Commerce package provides a huge number of features
"out of the box", including managing products, managing users and
personalization, managing orders, providing customer service, and
auditing and security. These features will be described later, but
first we'll provide some background information.
The Open Architecture Community System
The OpenACS framework is based on the former ArsDigita Community
System (ACS), which was developed to solve the problem of creating
scalable Web community systems. ACS was first released under the
GPL license in 1997 by Philip Greenspun (and others), in an attempt
to achieve software reuse across a number of community Web-site
developments with similar business requirements and use cases. ArsDigita
Corporation developed and maintained ACS-based Web sites for commercial
customers and kept ACS open source. These customers included Oracle,
Siemens, Levi's, MIT's Sloan School of Management, and the World
Bank. In 2002, ArsDigita was purchased by Red Hat.
The initial ACS platform was implemented on the AOLserver Web
server using the Tcl programming language and the Oracle RDBMS.
At this same time, the OpenACS project was commenced by a number
of developers seeking to implement a version of ACS that would run
on an open source RDBMS.
By 2000, ArsDigita was in a stage of rapid growth and during 2001
changed its strategy to focus on a new application framework fully
developed in Java. With this change, OpenACS became the official
code base for the Tcl-based ACS system. Today, OpenACS is a mature
project in its own right, with more than 5000 members and at least
10 companies that provide commercial support and development. The
most recent version, OpenACS 4.6, will have been released by the
time of printing.
The framework is being used for large and small sites by a number
of organizations including Greenpeace and MIT's Sloan School of
Management. As already mentioned, OpenACS is not dependent on any
particular RDBMS, and today it runs on either Oracle or PostgreSQL,
with the ability to support other ACID-compliant databases if necessary.
The architecture stores the queries in XML files that are read at
start-up, so different RDBMS have different sets of XML files.
Figure 1 shows the OpenACS architecture. The core packages are
those required for OACS to function, which includes a kernel, package
management, administration utilities (users, sitemap, and other
common business objects), a template system that cleanly separates
business logic from presentation, and a backend mail and messaging
system. Services such as the events package are implementations
of reusable logic that is not application dependent and does not
require a user interface. Application packages have a user interface
and their code is clearly divided into application and presentation
logic. This presentation logic can be neatly implemented in adp
(Tcl scripts embedded in HTML) using the template system, which
also provides simple control structures that designers can customize.
Each service and application requires a data model that will be
integrated into the framework. The integration of these data models
enables reusability and a number of functionalities. To increase
reusability, the framework has an object-oriented architecture but,
because the RDBMS does not implement OO functionalities, they must
be added ad hoc by the framework. The OpenACS objects have their
attributes stored in tables and a set of methods defined as PL/SQL
packages. These packages hold the procedures that make the programming
interface for the data model.
The idea behind the OO architecture of OpenACS is that each piece
of information that might be reusable should be an object. Since
RDBMS are inherently not OO, data structures are integrated into
the framework by being added to an acs_objects table that keeps
track of every OpenACS object. Another table, called acs_object,
defines the standard attributes stored on every object, including
a system-wide unique ID, an object type, and auditing columns. The
concept of OpenACS object types is equivalent to classes in OO programming
languages; because we are using a RDBMS, additional work must be
performed. However, if you are just going to use one of the OpenACS
applications, such as the e-commerce module, you do not need to
go into these internal details.
OpenACS E-Commerce Module
The OpenACS e-commerce package was originally developed by Eve
Andersson at ArsDigita, and then ported from ACS to OpenACS by Jerry
Asher, Walter McGinnis, and, and more recently extended
by Bart Teeuwisse. Much of this article is based on their extensive
We will first look at installing OpenACS and its e-commerce package.
Then we will explore using its features.
Installing OpenACS
OpenACS requires either PostgreSQL (7.1 for OpenACS v4.5, 7.2
for v4.6) or Oracle 8i. This article assumes that you are using
PostgreSQL, and that it is already installed (available from
AOLServer requires libxml2 and associated headers (look for packages
like libxml2 and libxml2-devel in your package manager, or compile
the sources from
Special requirements of the e-commerce package are ImageMagick
(if you want to have thumbnail images automatically made of your
product photos), and qmail (if you want to use the customer service
module). Both of these are available in the package manager of most
major *nix distributions, or are easily compiled from source.
It is recommended that you create a user and group for the AOL
server. You can accomplish this on most systems with the commands:
$ su (enter your root password when prompted)
$ groupadd nsadmin
$ useradd -m -g nsadmin nsadmin
$ exit
If you have compiled PostgreSQL yourself, it pays to be sure that
the psql programs and libraries are in your execution and linking
path. Before we go any further, we want to su nsadmin
so all our AOLServer compilation is done by the unprivileged user
we just created.
The AOL server software must be compiled, which is easy on most
platforms. On other platforms, such as Mac OS X, it will take some
work. Download the source for "AOLserver 3.3ad13" from,
where the ad13 suffix indicates the version of ArsDigita patches
and database drivers included with AOLServer 3.3. The packaged AOLServer
3.4.2 for ACS sources is available at:
The standard OpenACS configuration assumes that you have your
Web sites installed under /web, so we will create it in the following
command listing. We also need to create database permissions for
our nsadmin user (the postgresSQL user on your system may have a
different name):
$ su
Password: (enter your root password)
$ mkdir /web
$ chown nsadmin.nsadmin /web
$ su -c postgres createuser nsadmin
Shall the new user be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
Shall the new user be allowed to create more new users? (y/n)
$ exit
Next, download the latest release of OpenACS (version 4.6). It is
available as a tarball from,
but we will download the latest version including bugfixes from the
cvs server:
$ su nsadmin
Password: (enter your nsadmin password)
$ cd /web
$ cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot login
(Logging in to [email protected])
CVS password: (hit enter here for a blank password)
$ cvs -z3 -d :pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot \
checkout -r oacs-4-6 -d openacs-4-6 openacs-4
Now for the AOLserver config file -- most of the work has been done
for us, so download the template from:
and save it to /tmp from your browser. Then relocate, rename,
and edit it:
mv /tmp/openacs4.tcl.txt ~nsadmin/mystore.tcl
vi ~nsadmin/mystore.tcl
Listing 1 explains the core configuration options that should be all
you ever need to modify. Much of the rest of the configuration file
is self-explanatory, and is well documented on
We also need to name the site directory and create the database
to match the name we gave it in the configuration file:
$ cd /web
$ mv openacs-4-6 mystore
$ createdb mystore
$ createlang pgplsql mystore
Now we are ready to start our server for the bootstrap process. To
begin, start the server in a terminal window:
$ cd ~nsadmin
$ su -c ./bin/nsd -u nsadmin -g nsadmin -ft ./mystore.tcl
Password: (enter your root password)
Notice: nsd.tcl: starting to read config file...
Warning: nsd.tcl: nsssl not loaded because key/cert files do
not exist.
Notice: nsd.tcl: finished reading config file.
Notice: nssock: listening on
Notice: nssock: starting
Notice: nssock: accepting connections
You will see a lot more notices and warnings on the screen. The nssl
warnings are normal if you don't have valid ssl certificates. AOLserver
needs to start as root only to take control of port 80. As soon as
this is done, the process switches over to running as the unprivileged
user nsadmin, per standard security procedures.
The -t option specifies the configuration file. The -f
option specifies to run in the foreground for debugging purposes.
Normally these messages are saved to the log files in /home/nsadmin/log.
Open a Web browser and enter your site address. You will see the
screens shown below as well as some others, and it is simply a matter
of following the prompts. When the bootstrap loader says it may
take some time -- it means it! There are about 300 sql files to
be loaded into the database, among other things.
At the end of the process, the server will exit ready to be restarted.
Now is a good time to configure your server to start up automatically
at boot time. Everyone seems to have their own favorite way, but
if you want some assistance, check out your *nix distribution documentation.
There are also some good pointers at
However you start it, run the following command as root:
/home/nsadmin/bin/nsd -u nsadmin -g nsadmin \
-t /home/nsadmin/mystore.tcl
The server will automatically switch into the background. After giving
your server a minute or so to start up. Look for the line saying "accepting
connections" in the log file; in our case, that is /home/nsadmin/log/mystore-error.log.
The standard front page shown in Figure 2 will greet you. We are ready
to install and mount the e-commerce package, so log in using the details
you provided at install time, and click the "Package Manager" Link.
Installing and mounting a package in OpenACS is as easy as clicking
a few buttons in your browser. Click on the "Install Packages" link
and wait for the available package list to load. Unless you really
want to load all of the packages, click the "uncheck all" link,
and select the following packages: ACS Reference Data, Reference
Data - Country, Reference Data - Language, Reference Data - US States,
E-Commerce. Click "Next", and then click "Next" on the following
screen to load the packages.
After installing packages, you must restart the AOLserver process.
How you do this will depend on the way you set up your server to
start, so consult your documentation. Return to the home page, and
this time click on the "Site Map" link. The site map is where you
lay out your OpenACS site. You can create directories and then mount
any of your installed applications on those directories. Most packages
can be mounted multiple times and will operate as independent applications.
Next to the root URL (/), click "new sub folder". Name the subfolder
"ecomm" and click the button. You will now see an empty ecomm folder
in your site map; click the "New Application" link next to it, and
then select "E-Commerce" from the list. The name you allocate here
isn't important, except it helps you identify your applications
if you have many of them. We are now ready to configure our e-Commerce
Installing OpenACS E-Commerce
The process for applying for a merchant account is specific to
the processing gateway chosen, and is documented in the package
documentation, which is now available on your site (e.g.,
While still in the site map, you will notice some links next to
your newly mounted application. "Set permissions" allows you to
customize the default security setup, but for now, click on "set
parameters" to configure the core elements of our e-commerce site.
The parameters page is broken into a number of self-explanatory
sections, accessed by clicking the links near the top of the page.
This setup covers basic issues such as currency, which features
you want to enable, whether to allow pre-ordering, etc. As soon
as these pages are submitted, your changes will be active. The only
parameter that you need to take care of immediately is the EcommerceDataDirectory
and the ProductDataDirectory, where files for each product can be
uploaded. You will also need to create the directories in the file
Similarly, there are simple Web pages for the following configuration
Products -- /ecomm/admin/products
Shipping cost rules -- /ecomm/admin/shipping-costs
Sales tax rules -- /ecomm/admin/sales-tax
User classes -- /ecomm/admin/user-classes
Email templates -- /ecomm/admin/email-templates
Figure 3 shows the main administration page. Be sure to read the
help for both shipping cost rules and sales tax rules, because they
are quite flexible.
Customizing OpenACS E-Commerce
If you are happy with the (rather bland) default templates, you
will now have a fully functioning e-commerce Web site! You can see
how it would look in Figure 4.
Thankfully, the templates are easy to customize. The e-commerce
package allows you to define different templates for different things
(e.g., different product types). There is a basic ui for submitting
these templates in the /ecomm/admin/products admin Web page. These,
and all other templates, are AOLserver templates with the extension
".adp" and they are a simple extension of the HTML tagset. Web designers
will have no trouble learning the simple variable substitution and
additional tags such as <if @variable@ true></if>.
Full documentation of these additional tags is on your server at
the URL
Assuming you have followed the standard install, you will find
all of the non-product template .adp files on your computer's file
system at /web/mystore/packages/ecommerce/www/. You must edit the
email templates that are used to automatically send messages, such
as order confirmations, to customers. You can do this at the URL
listed above.
Using OpenACS E-Commerce
Managing products
Producing and maintaining a large-scale product catalogue is a
difficult task, and this is, perhaps, where most e-commerce packages
fail. Once OpenACS is installed, it is easy to create categories
and start adding products. Click the "Add" link on the products
admin page and fill in the details.
If you get an error page mentioning a problem creating a directory
called /web/yourservername/data/ecommerce/product/, then you missed
setting or creating the data directory when you were following the
instructions in the site map "set parameters" section. Go to /admin/site-map
and click on the "set parameters" link next to the e-commerce package.
Click on the "ALL" link up the top, and find the parameter for the
data directory. Be sure this directory is set to where you want
your products to be stored, and be sure it exists (if not, create
By "managing products", we mean the information that relates to
them and is shown to your customers in the catalog. You can, for
example, batch upload a .csv file of products. The format required
for this file can be found in the package documentation already
The package has flexible "storage" capabilities that allow you
to upload files (e.g., chapters of books) that complement product
descriptions. Also, each product can have a "reviews" section and
ratings tool, so users can share information.
Since OpenACS was developed for building communities, and an important
key to online communities is personalization, it's no surprise that
OpenACS offers many great features in this area. For example, you
can define rules regarding how to display products (or whether to
display them at all) depending on who the user is. In addition,
different pricing schemes can be set for individual products. This
is useful when you want to have a limited-time sales price, which
is given only to those who have the special offer code in their
URL, or to users that fall into some particular profile.
Cross-advertising is when you link between products. In OpenACS,
the site administrator can specify that one product always links
to another product. Product categorization can be set up at /commerce/admin/cat/.
For some shops, complex categorization is unnecessary, so product
categories, subcategories, and sub-subcategories are optional. However,
we believe that for some shops, three levels is limited, and that
the catalog data model should be able to handle longer trees (unlimited
category levels). There is already work being done on a new catalog
engine that should be included in the next version.
Managing Users, Templates, and Personalization
As mentioned, the power of OpenACS is in managing communities
of users and personalizing their experiences, which is done by having
a common data model, and a standard way of storing information in
the RDBMS. This is perfect when you are using or integrating OpenACS
applications, but it can get a bit tricky when you write something
from scratch. In these cases, the developer documentation and the
online community behind the project are indispensable.
After users log in, they can be tracked around the site, and thus
grouped into different "market segments" (user groups). The user
profile can be built on different sources (e.g., browsing or buying
history). With a bit of programming, you could even build profiles
on a user's activity in another OpenACS application, like discussion
forums or calendars. To set up user classes, you simply go to /commerce/admin/user-classes
and the package will guide you. Here you can create groups such
as "student", "military", etc., that get special prices, different
views of the site, or different product recommendations.
Some countries have more strict laws about the type of information
you can keep about your customers, so you may need to make information
visible to your users. This can be done by changing your settings
in the server's start-up file, so that users can see the user classes
to which they belong.
The system has some default rules to handle classes. For example,
if a user is a member of more than one class and there are special
prices on the same product for both classes, the user will receive
the lowest price. Other features include mailing lists and "top
10" lists.
Managing Orders
Checking out in OpenACS is similar to other checkouts. Users can
suspend orders, receive email alerts, buy and collect gift certificates,
get refunds, and check order history and status.
Providing Customer Service
One of the outstanding features of the E-Commerce package is the
customer service module. All customer issues and interactions can
be logged and categorized to allow reporting and management by different
areas of your company. All email correspondence with the customer
is automatically logged in the interaction history. Email correspondence
is also made easier and more consistent with a "canned" email system
that provides templates for your customer service staff to modify
and send.
Bulk emails can also be sent to customers based on many interesting
criteria such as products they have purchased, products they have
looked at, etc. Your emails are even sent through a spell checker.
If you want to see a great site that uses OpenACS, visit Berklee
College of Music ( They are
using openACS for their content management, for e-learning, and
of course for commerce. The shopping cart is used here to sell physical
products (CDS and books), as well as virtual ones (courses).
OpenACS official site:
Web Engineering Group: consulting:
Berklee College of Music:
Rafael Calvo is a lecturer and course developer in E-commerce
at the University of Sydney. He has taught at several universities,
high schools, and professional training institutions. He has worked
at Carnegie Mellon University (USA) and Universidad Nacional de
Rosario (Argentina). Rafael has managed projects and worked as an
Internet consultant for projects in Australia, Brazil, USA, and
Argentina. He has a PhD in Artificial Intelligence applied to automatic
document classification (e.g., Web site classification). He can
be contacted at: [email protected].
Mark Aufflick is a freelance developer and consultant, specializing
in Web-based workflow and document systems. He has worked with Australian
universities, publishing companies, and financial organizations.
Mark was previously employed as an infrastructure technology specialist
for a leading global management consulting firm working in Australia,
Asia, Europe, and the USA. He has a bachelor's degree in Computer
Science from The University of Melbourne. He can be contacted at:
[email protected].