Cover V12, I04



Questions and Answers

Amy Rich

Q We've finally upgraded our Web browser software on our user machines (FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE, if it matters) from Netscape 4.x to Mozilla 1.1. My users are unhappy with two key things, though. They are used to using the backspace key as page up, and opening new Web locations with ALT-o. Neither of these things works anymore, and I've been unable to find a way to change the default behavior from ALT-o doing an Open File, and backspace doing nothing at all. Do you have any pointers on how to customize these things? I've already dug through tons of documentation on Mozilla's Web pages and am more dazed than helped.

A Since you said that ALT-o does an Open File, I'm guessing that you've already figured out that to change the default accel modifier key from Control to ALT, you must add the following to the users' prefs.js files:

user_pref("ui.key.accelKey", 18);
user_pref("ui.key.menuAccessKey", 0);
The first line changes the accel key to ALT (as far as I know, the name for the key, VK_ALT, doesn't work yet), and the second line turns off the ALT menu access.

To change the Open Location key sequence back to ALT-o, you need to change /usr/X11R6/lib/mozilla/chrome/comm.jar. First, unzip comm.jar:

unzip comm.jar
This should leave you with a directory called content. Edit the file /usr/X11R6/lib/mozilla/chrome/content/navigator/navigatorOverlay.xul. Since ALT-o is already claimed by Open File, we'll change Open File to be Shift-ALT-o. Change the following lines:

<key id="openLocationKb"   key="&openCmd.commandkey;" \
  command="Browser:Open" modifiers="accel,shift"/>
<key id="openFileKb"         key="&openFileCmd.commandkey;" \
  command="Browser:OpenFile"  modifiers="accel"/>

<key id="openLocationKb"   key="o" command="Browser:Open" \
<key id="openFileKb"         key="&openFileCmd.commandkey;" \
  command="Browser:OpenFile"  modifiers="accel,shift"/>
Instead of specifying the actual ASCII character o in the openLocationKb tag, you can use key="&openFileCmd.commandkey;" (which is currently defined as "o"), but I'd be more concerned about that changing in the future and just stick with hard-coding key="o".

Now move the old jar file aside, and create the new one from your recently edited files:

cd /usr/X11R6/lib/mozilla/chrome/
mv comm.jar comm.jar.orig
zip -r comm.jar content
rm -rf content
To address the issue of using backspace as PageUp, create the file /usr/X11R6/lib/mozilla/res/builtin/userHTMLBindings.xml with the following contents:

<bindings id="htmlBindings"
         <binding id="browserUser">
             <handler event="keypress" keycode="VK_BACK" command="cmd_scrollPageUp" />
For more information on the specific customizations you can make to the key bindings, take a look at:
When you next start Mozilla, you should have the functionality your users are after.

Q I've installed a homegrown syslog daemon that will handle correlating syslog entries from many hosts into various files. I'm looking for a way to generate a bunch of syslog messages on each of my machines to test the new syslog daemon, but I don't want to actually cause hardware or software failures, per se. Do you know of some sort of program or script I can use create my own syslog entries to test things out?

A Most UNIX distributions come with a program called logger, an interactive interface to the syslog daemon. Assuming you're still using the same sorts of constructs in your homegrown syslogd, then this should also work for you.

Q We're on a very tight budget at work, and as part of this, management has decreed that the machine room will no longer have 24x7 air conditioning during the winter months. Their reasoning is that it's cold enough outside that we shouldn't have to cool the machine room. Obviously, I think this reasoning is ludicrous, but I'm stuck with it. I want to make sure that if the machine room does get too warm, someone is notified and can manually take care of things. I hope this will have the added benefit of showing management how wrong they are when we can graph out some stats for them and show them how often the room overheats. Can you suggest what software and hardware I might need to accomplish this sort of monitoring? We have a variety of Sun machines that we could add something onto, if need be.

A Depending on what type of Sun hardware you have, you can get temperature information about the CPU and various boards inside the machine (which is what you're really interested in, not the ambient temperature of the room) from the output of /usr/platform/'/bin/uname -i'/sbin/prtdiag -v. You can only get environmental output from the larger Ultra SPARC hardware, though.

Another option for which you may already have the hardware is monitoring the environmental conditions from your UPS. Many larger UPSes can be polled via SNMP and will contain information about room temperature. The same goes for a variety of networking equipment.

If you can use existing hardware to obtain your temperature information, you can write a script that will tie into your monitoring system or, if you don't have one, just page or email you directly. If you need to roll your own monitoring scripts, something like Expect comes in very handy.

If you don't have anything that can already read the temperature for you, then you can purchase an RS-232 monitor and hook it up to one of your Suns. You can also get Ethernet-based monitors that will just plug into your network. Generally, you need a modem to go along with them if you want them to directly page you. Some commercially available products are:
A company called Spiderplant used to put out a product called the Hot Little Therm. Sadly, Spiderplant has suspended operations and is no longer selling these, but you might be able to find one used. Or, their site includes directions for making your own, if you're so inclined:
Q I've just been hired at a company that has an Extreme Alpine 3808 switch to which they have no admin password. Is there a way to recover it?

A You need physical access to the machine to recover the password. Connect to the console port on the switch and use some sort of terminal emulation software. The RS-232 settings you want are 8n1, no flow control. Once you've established a serial connection to the switch, you need to do a hard reboot (power cycle) while holding down the space bar. This should bring up the bootrom menu. If you type "h" at the Bootrom-> prompt, you should see the following menu:

1: Select primary code image
2: Select secondary code image
3: Select primary configuration
4: Select secondary configuration
b: Change baud rate
d: Force default configuration
f: Boot on board flash
h: Help
k: Erase selected configuration
p: Boot PCMCIA cards:
s: Load code image from serial port using XMODEM

Choose option "1," the primary code image. After the image has been selected, choose "k" to erase it. If you're trying to reset the switch to factory defaults, choose the secondary code image and then choose "k" to erase that as well. When you're done erasing the code images, choose "d" to force the default configuration and then "f" to boot the onboard flash. After the switch resets, enter "admin" at the login prompt. Hit enter twice to enter a blank password at the password prompt. You should then be logged in with admin access.

Q I'm running FreeBSD 4.6-STABLE, and I'm removing a number of files that I don't want or need, like rcp. I'm unable to delete /bin/rpc, though. I get:

rm /bin/rcp
rm: remove write-protected file '/bin/rcp'? y
rm: cannot unlink '/bin/rcp': Operation not permitted
Why am I unable to remove this file? Is there something wrong with my install or hardware?

A The system immutable flag is set on /bin/rcp. If you have kern_securelevel_enable=YES and kern_securelevel set to something other than -1 or 0 in /etc/rc.conf, then you must boot to single-user mode to remove the file. If you don't have kern_securelevel_enable=YES or kern_securelevel is set to -1 or 0, then you can do the following to remove the file:

chflags noschg /bin/rcp
rm /bin/rcp
In FreeBSD 4.7 and later, you can use ls to view the flags set on the files:

ls -lo /bin/rcp
There's also a clearer message when you try to remove a file that has schg set on it:

rm /bin/rcp
override r-sr-xr-x  root/wheel schg for /bin/rcp?
Q We have a large number of Sun E250s that we just purchased from a failed dotcom. Unlike our Netras, these don't have LOM for remote administration. Is there some sort of setting or program I can change or install to get similar functionality?

A Take a look at Sun's Remote System Control (RSC):
The RSC software works with the System Service Processor (SSP) on the Sun E250 main logic board. You can access RSC using an Ethernet connection, and you can also install a dedicated modem connected to the RSC serial port for dial-up access. For increased security, you can specify the sys admin's dial-back number if the modem supports this feature.

Q I have an AIX 4.3 box and a Red Hat 7 box sitting on different networks, connected by an IPSec tunnel. Things like NFS over TCP seem to work fine but interactive sessions like ssh on the AIX side frequently die with an EMSGSIZE error. It appears that something is misconfigured, but I'm not sure what. Any pointers?

A It sounds like you're having Path MTU Discovery issues. For two hosts communicating across a network, a transmitted packet becomes fragmented if its size is greater than the smallest MTU of any network in the path. Because packet fragmentation can result in reduced network performance, it is desirable to avoid fragmentation by transmitting packets with a size is no greater than the smallest MTU in the network path. This size is called the path MTU. Since routes can change dynamically, the path MTU value for a path might also change over time. Decreases in the path MTU value will result in packet fragmentation and a possible loss of connection.

To fix this, turn off the active PMTUD on both the Linux box and the AIX box, and see if that helps. I think you can do this on the Linux box by creating the file /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_no_pmtu_disc with the contents of 1. For AIX, the path MTU discovery can be disabled for TCP and UDP applications by modifying the tcp_pmtu_discover and udp_pmtu_discover options of the no command. These commands can be put at the end of /etc/rc.tcpip, for example:

/usr/sbin/no   -o tcp_pmtu_discover=0
/usr/sbin/no   -o udp_pmtu_discover=0
When enabled for TCP, path MTU discovery will automatically force the size of all packets transmitted by TCP applications to not exceed the path MTU.

Since UDP applications themselves determine the size of their transmitted packets, UDP applications must be specifically written to utilize path MTU information by using the IP_FINDPMTU socket option, even if the udp_pmtu_discover no option is enabled. By default, the tcp_pmtu_discover and udp_pmtu_discover options are disabled on AIX 4.2.1 through AIX 4.3.1, and enabled on AIX 4.3.2 and later. Most likely, you are running AIX 4.3.2 or later and have not changed the default settings.

Q I'm running Bind 8.2.4 on a Sun Netra T1 running Solaris 8. I've put a new NS record for an Active Directory subdomain into the zone file for my.domain. The zone loads fine, queries to the master work fine, but slave machines don't have the NS record in the zone file. I've verified that the slaves are actually getting the latest version of the zone file by watching the AXFR take place and looking at the serial number before and after the transfer. There are no errors in the log files that I can see. I'm wondering if Bind is having a problem with the Active Directory names (since they do have underscores in them) and is just not putting out any error messages. Any way I can further debug and fix this?

A You're correct in your assessment of the problem. Bind, in later versions, is strict about ignoring hosts with underscores in them (compliance with RFC 2181). If you can, change the underscores to hyphens. If you can't change them because of the installed Active Directory user base, you can get around this issue by doing the following in /etc/named.conf:

options { check-names ignore; };
You can limit this statement to the scope of a zone {} block if you want to skip checking names for ONLY your Active Directory zones. You can at least check your other zones for compliance if you have things separated. If you don't have your Active Directory zones separated from the rest of your zones, I would highly suggest doing so.

Q What's the best way to load new configs/policies into NetScreen?

A You can pull your config changes over from another machine via TFTP. This machine you TFTP from must be listed in the manager-ip list first:

set admin manager-ip <ip> <netmask>
save config from tftp <ip> <file> to flash
After pulling over the new config information, I highly recommend a reboot if you can afford the small bit of downtime. If you want to merge the new config with your running one, there is also an option to do:

save config from tftp <ip> <file> merge
Amy Rich, president of the Boston-based Oceanwave Consulting, Inc. (, has been a UNIX systems administrator for more than 10 years. She received a BSCS at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and can be reached at: [email protected].